01:14 dalek joined 01:40 PerlJam joined, dalek joined 01:45 [Coke] joined
timotimo aha, aha. two instructions directly in sequence grabbing the value from one spesh slot, then the next one and putting them into the very same register 02:23
without kicking one of the getspeshslot instructions out
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nwc10 paste.scsys.co.uk/438182 -- SAN barfs on t/spec/S17-lowlevel/thread.t 08:53
no, I don't know what changed, but the stack trace starts in get_lexotic_for_handler_idx
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timotimo oh, i didn't even see hoelzro's patch up there 11:01
dalek arVM: 811b90c | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/graph.c:
jitting write_fhs lets us jit many print methods/subs
FROGGS ohh nice! 11:25
timotimo doesn't seem to win us terribly much 11:26
we may want to have a specialization for dynamic variables like $*OUT
it seems like we're spending quite some time looking up $*OUT over and over
maybe 11:27
I dunno
12:49 JimmyZ joined
JimmyZ timotimo: ping 12:49
hmm, It would be nice to have docs/opitmize.md 13:01
timotimo hey JimmyZ 13:21
JimmyZ hello
timotimo what kind of stuff would you like to see in that document? 13:22
JimmyZ I think the basic structure, and a bit examples about the idea of optimization like optimize_coerce 13:24
timotimo so it should focus on spesh?
JimmyZ and how to debug ...
yeah 13:25
speaking of optimize_coerce, is it trying to change coerce_in to const_n and let the eliminate_dead_ins function remove the pre const_i instruction? 13:27
and before coerce_in, it always is const_i? 13:28
timotimo of course not 13:30
but there are many cases when a const_i is followed by a coerce_in
because our code-gen does that in a not so clever way
that's why it looks for "KNOWN_VALUE 13:31
JimmyZ what's about the first question? 13:36
timotimo ah, yes, the const_i instruction should be removed by remove_:ead_ins 13:40
JimmyZ nice 13:41
timotimo well, hopefully :)
[Coke] wonders if nwc10 is seeing any of the failures coke & lizmat are getting with moar, jit or nonjit. 14:14
(coke & lizmat are on os x)
dalek arVM: 26656ba | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/dump.c:
for logging purposes, a BB's address is a good unique ID
nwc10 [Coke]: no. only the one I reported. Everything else passes on "my" machine 14:32
x86_64 CentOS
[Coke] shame. :) 14:35
dalek arVM: 5dd519d | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/ (3 files):
dump a spesh graph's callsite (if any)
JimmyZ timotimo: I thinks it should use MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string instead of MVM_string_utf8_encode 15:08
timotimo oh? i stole that from a few lines below in that same file %) 15:09
JimmyZ that may be wrongish, since MVM_string_utf8_encode returns non-null-end strings, and call strlen ( in append function ) to the non-null-end strings may ... 15:12
timotimo imgur.com/N1sbOYa 15:18
FROGGS what are the colors for? 15:21
timotimo readability
making the same register pop out visually
FROGGS ahh, well, if you say so :o)
timotimo it's far from perfect 15:22
i'd really appreciate feedback
i'm not sold on the "greyscale for version number" idea either
JimmyZ that's nice! 15:23
timotimo imgur.com/hFNJ0VV - maybe a bit better 15:25
FROGGS that's better, aye 15:26
timotimo imgur.com/KQskiOx - wow. 15:27
JimmyZ wow, but why there is a background color in the right shape :) 15:29
timotimo hm? 15:30
you mean outside the triangle?
JimmyZ yeah
timotimo version of the register 15:31
follows a greyscale
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JimmyZ It a bit hurt my eye ... and others are awesome :P 15:33
the background part :P 15:34
dalek arVM: e2264ff | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/colorize_spesh.p6:
tool to colorize registers in spesh logs
timotimo feel free to play around with different "hashing algorithms" :P
JimmyZ ;) 15:38
timotimo now i want a tool that turns the SSA form into a graphviz graph 15:45
JimmyZ that will be much more awesome with dotted arrow 15:57
timotimo dotted ... arrow? 15:58
JimmyZ to guide the next version
timotimo ah, yes 16:00
these would go through operators
JimmyZ something like git lg 16:01
timotimo i wonder if i can tell graphviz to connect two nodes as "messily" as necessary 16:02
timotimo doesn't seem to exist 16:06
[Coke] moar/moar-jit still the failingest backends. 16:59
18:14 FROGGS joined
dalek arVM: c0053cf | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/ (2 files):
let update_ops.p6 also write a perl6 module with ops data
FROGGS timotimo: what are you going to do with MAST::Ops? 20:17
timotimo FROGGS: i need to know if the first argument of an op is a write or read register 21:27
or a write/read
(like in the inc op, iirc)
FROGGS ahh 21:37
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