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psch here, too: gist.github.com/peschwa/f399cf10914f1d287a74 07:14
where am i going wrong? the moar attempt there complains with "At Frame 1, Instruction 5, op 'wval', operand 0, MAST::Local of wrong type (4) specified; expected 8" 07:15
i'm not sure how else i would get the lexical lookup for Failure there
i recognize that maybe having a lexical lookup for Failure in every p6typecheckrv is probably somewhat slow, but i don't have an idea for either backend to hang some kind of less-expensive reference or something 07:16
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JimmyZ psch: $*REGALLOC.release_register($isfailure, $MVM_reg_obj); 07:56
psch: should be $MVM_reg_int64, hope this will fix the problem. 07:57
psch JimmyZ: thanks, that lets me compile again at least, even if the patch doesn't have the desired effect 09:35
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TEttinger hello! one of my friends is currently designing a smalltalk-esque minimal language, and I'm wondering if he would benefit from targeting MoarVM instead of rolling his own to-C translator or generating X86, etc. 09:54
JimmyZ TEttinger: I think only if he uses nqp 09:56
TEttinger I had a bit of a hard time figuring out what MoarVM... is... to be honest. the features page lists many language features that I'd think would be part of a high-level language like Perl, but above that it says MoarVM provides only representations
JimmyZ TEttinger: Moarvm provides only represetiations 09:57
the higher one is NQP
which is good for writting a compilier 09:58
TEttinger so when it says under Language Feature Support, Continuations (single shot; partial multi-shot support)
that's a representation that it knows how to support, if you write it in NQP?
JimmyZ yeah 09:59
TEttinger ok, makes sense 10:00
JimmyZ NQP is a compiler tool
TEttinger: github.com/edumentab/rakudo-and-nq...als-course 10:01
which is good for better understanding
TEttinger: github.com/edumentab/rakudo-and-nq...e/gh-pages for pdf 10:02
TEttinger I'm currently writing my own language in Lua, which has been sorta odd. most things have been surprisingly easy, as I suspect it would be if I was using NQP instead of Lua, but Lua doesn't actually have true regexes, which is weird.
the parser uses a parser expression grammar lib, and it is just nasty
JimmyZ TEttinger: there is a course about writting a php compiler or ruby compiler by nqp 10:03
TEttinger the only real reasons I have for not using MoarVM right now are simple: I didn't know about it until recently, I don't know how well it performs relative to LuaJIT (this matters the least right now), and I don't know if MoarVM provides any way to interop with C or another host language like LuaJIT's FFI does 10:04
other than that, it looks like a great way to write a language 10:05
JimmyZ TEttinger: Moarvm providers nativecall by dyncall
TEttinger that sounds good
I don't know a thing about it though :)
JimmyZ TEttinger: moarvm.org/features.html says Native calling, passing pointers, arrays, structs, and callbacks 10:07
TEttinger is NQP a much smaller language, in regards to how much you need to learn to get up and running, than Perl 6?
I know Perl 6 has uh, "pretty much every feature the other guys have, and then some"
JimmyZ TEttinger: yeah.
NQP means Not Quite Perl 6 10:08
psch the edumentab slides are very good, imo
TEttinger cool
psch and nqp/examples has the rubyish implementation, iirc
although i'm not sure that's still up-to-date
JimmyZ and there is a python implementation too ,which is up-to-date 10:09
psch oh, right!
github.com/arnsholt/snake arnsholt++
TEttinger wow, this looks excellent 10:25
the language I'm making is "basically Clojure, minus some of the immutable data", so having Perl (and NQP) be conscious of the differences between compile and runtime is very important and useful 10:26
since true lisp-style macros have been the most challenging part of the dev so far 10:27
JimmyZ yeah, I saw the Clojure marco implementation is very tricky :P 10:31
psch TEttinger: github.com/masak/007/ has musings about Perl 6 macros, maybe that's of use to you too 10:32
TEttinger JimmyZ, part of it turned out much simpler by virtue of lua's extremely simple module system 10:33
lua doesn't have namespaces for symbols, when you require another module you typically assign it to a table, and a module is really just a table of name keys and values that correspond to what you defined for those names 10:34
like math is just {sin=<native code implementation of sin>,pi=3.141592653...} 10:35
so syntax quote in clojure typically has to namespace each symbol as a result of being on the JVM with its packages 10:36
I don't!
JimmyZ MoarVM knows nothing about namespace. 10:52
TEttinger interesting stuff, psch, read a bit of that 10:57
so is there a difference between a QAST and a MAST? 11:36
the MoarVM site mentioned an MAST as the starting point, the internals course calls it a QAST 11:37
psch QAST gets compiled to MAST, as i understand it 11:43
as in, NQP compiles to QAST and the moar backend compiles it to MAST, which moar compiles to bytecode
TEttinger ah, ok 11:44
thanks for the help, it's nice having a friendly channel! 11:45
hm, producing an AST is ideal for my language since currently that's the only representation of the code that Lua sees at runtime, a big ugly tree as a nested series of tables. there isn't always a distinction between tables produced by functions and tables that mean nodes in the AST, and Moar seems like a great target if only because the code would be more clear 11:49
psch well, in the end you'd probably rather target NQP 11:52
which means you could write a lua backend and we get that for free for Perl 6 :) 11:53
that's not a recommendation to implement a lua backend for NQP, i have no idea what kind of efforts would be behind that
more tongue-in-cheek
TEttinger err, yeah I would be producing a QAST huh 11:54
hm, then it could run on the JVM too
psch yup
TEttinger Mr. Burns hands
excellent. 11:55
psch there's also a javascript backend in the works somewhere...
12:19 Ven joined
arnsholt Has anyone tried checking MoarVM with the clang static analyzer? 12:24
TEttinger heh, wow, someone beat me to the punch! now I just need to learn perl AND japanese! github.com/tokuhirom/Perl6-Renshu/...r/nqp-lisp 12:57
tadzik haha 13:13
oh, that's plenv author :) 13:14
#122: (print "hoge")
I now imagine that Japanese have a meme with a hog that does "wow, much this, many that" 13:15
I don't know what hoge actually means, I could've just said something very insensitive
nebuchadnezzar TEttinger: even the comments in the code are in japanese ;-) 13:45
TEttinger yep!
nebuchadnezzar That was maybe a bad think to support unicode in source ;-)
s/think/thing/ 13:46
TimToady my japanese dictionary has no "hoge" in it 13:49
hogei means "whaling", if you stretch the /e/ into /ei/
14:03 Ven joined
masak tadzik: I implore you to create a hoge image. 14:33
TEttinger hoge base? www.factzoo.com/sites/all/img/mamma...g-face.jpg 14:38
tadzik beautiful :)
imgur.com/kTiVZES hoge 14:40
nebuchadnezzar 豚 恭 14:44
TEttinger fantastic.
15:09 JimmyZ_ joined
nebuchadnezzar MoarVM is monthly released around 20th or 21th, right? 15:45
hoelzro nebuchadnezzar: I'll be cutting a release later tonight 15:47
unless someone wants to do it for me ;)
nebuchadnezzar ok thanks, I think we'll skip upload of Debian package for 2015.05 and work on 2015.06 15:49
japhb nebuchadnezzar: For historical reasons, Rakudo is usually released the Thursday after the third Tuesday of the month, and MoarVM is released somewhat before that.
TEttinger wow, this is kinda overwhelming all of a sudden. it looks like writing this Lisp in NQP is the best option I have now, except for one small detail... I don't know any Perl yet. How should I get started with hacking on NQP stuff? download Perl 6, swap stuff out over time? 15:54
japhb TEttinger: Have you gone through the courseware for that edumentab course? 15:58
psch TEttinger: the edumentab slides are probably your best from-the-ground-up intro
TEttinger the two things I didn't get from that were a) what software am I actually using here, there are multiple backends but I don't know what I should actually be compiling here, and b) absolute perl basics, but I think I have inferred most of that as I went through 16:00
like, @* is the sigil for a dynamically bound list, right? 16:01
is it different from *@ ?
PerlJam TEttinger: yes.
psch $ perl Configure --backends=moar --gen-moar --prefix=$PREFIX --make-install # builds and installs you nqp-m
PerlJam TEttinger: maybe the synopses can help with some of that? 16:02
psch from the nqp root
TEttinger aaaaalso I'm on windows
PerlJam TEttinger: design.perl6.org (for the synopses)
TEttinger thanks
psch doc.perl6.org (the "Language" tab, mostly) is probably a good idea to keep handy as well 16:03
the .msi for windows is 2015.03 iirc? so the nqp in there is like 3 months
oh, but jnthn++ runs windows too i think, so maybe he can give pointers how to build NQP there 16:04
TEttinger jnthn, the animal facts author in the course? :) 16:06
PerlJam That's the one 16:08
Also one of the primary developers for Rakudo
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nebuchadnezzar japhb: ok, so packaging next MoarVM release will permit to work on nqp and rakudo 16:16
TEttinger so... rakudo is a frontend that handles the full Perl 6 language and outputs a QAST that any MoarVM, the JVM backend, and ParrotVM can all use? 16:26
am I understanding this right?
psch the QAST is for NQP 16:27
and gets translated into MAST, JAST (and PAST in the past) for the backends
at least that's how i understand it, as at least MAST nodes can be written manually as well
TEttinger so then what is rakudo? a standard for perl 6, an implementation of perl 6 that produces ???, a packaged/versioned set of tools from multiple Perl 6 projects? 16:29
PerlJam TEttinger: Rakudo is a Perl 6 implementation. 16:30
psch Rakudo is a Perl 6 implementation in Perl 6 and NQP
TEttinger does Rakudo have multiple backends, of which Moar is one of them? 16:32
or is that NQP that has backends
japhb I believe jnthn++ has another set of slides that explain the stack that is Rakudo
TEttinger: Have you seen his talks page? 16:33
TEttinger nope
japhb TEttinger: jnthn.net/articles.shtml
psch there's an svg... github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...ecture.svg
TEttinger I really just started looking at perl-related stuff in the last 12 hours
I know that perl 6 has had some cutting edge features for a while, I didn't realize how pretty-much-production-ready almost everything is 16:34
looking at the future plans for Moar, it all seems like optimizations, not filling in gaps
psch yeah, the gaps are mostly in rakudo at this point i think 16:35
JimmyZ_ it is easy to run nqp on windows, just download 'strawberry perl ' and git
japhb TEttinger: Here's a useful one of jnthn's talks from before he revealed MoarVM, when the backends were just Parrot and JVM: jnthn.net/papers/2013-yapceu-jvm.pdf
But it gives a decent idea of the layered architecture, IIRC 16:36
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TEttinger so... can you build NQP with rakudo star (binary distribution from rakudo.org/downloads/star/ ) ? does NQP need perl 5 specifically to build, or is 6 backwards compatible enough? 16:52
psch if you have R* you have NQP 16:53
to build you'd need perl 5 and git as JimmyZ_++ said, not enough dogfooding yet to have a Configure.pl6 ā€” if that's even desirable, i don't know 16:55
JimmyZ_ install the msi , and you will have NQP
TEttinger ok
so I can use the NQP in R* to build, say the Snake that was linked earlier? 16:56
japhb_ TEttinger: The assumption is that perl5 is available "everywhere", and less painful to write configure scripts in than, say, bash.
TEttinger github.com/arnsholt/snake this one
JimmyZ_ yeah
TEttinger muy excellente
jnthn evening, folks o/ 16:58
psch o/ jnthn 16:59
jnthn Summary of NQP: a self-hosting compiler for a subset of the Perl 6 language, along with various libraries for building compilers (including targeting different VMs). 17:00
psch jnthn: not quite getting the Failure thing from yesterday ported to moar... irclog.perlgeek.de/moarvm/2015-06-17#i_10760551
jnthn: JimmyZ_++'s suggestion fixed the error, but semantics still don't work out 17:01
i'm wondering if there's somewhere else that lets the error through or if i just don't grok moar :s
jnthn Where's your current patch?
psch (where "error" means "create the TypeCheck::Return and throws it"...)
hold on, let me update 17:02
updated the gist, that's the last thing i tried
jvm bit is obviously the same 17:03
calling "not_i" didn'T work out at all, but that was a "maybe i have the truthiness the wrong way around" guess
jnthn gosh that's a weird way to do it...
psch well i have no idea what i'm doing :P
on jvm it seems simple and logical
i can just call getlexcaller and everything works 17:04
but trying that on moar gave me a "QAST::Op in WVal but not in SC" iirc
not sure about the WVal there
jnthn Why get getlexcaller?
A straight getlex (by name) would do it
psch i have no idea how else to find Failure
jnthn For Moar I'd emit a const_s "Failure" and then a getlexstatic_o so spesh knows it can cache/optimize the lookup 17:06
(and then istype)
psch ah
yeah that sounds like something i hoped would be possible there
i was aware that a lexical lookup for Failure for every return type constrained sub could be somewhat costly 17:07
jnthn Yeah, I'm not too thrilled with it
But at least this way hot-path code has a good chance of it being optimized out
psch thanks, i'll try and get that in 17:11
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TEttinger so... MoarVM has been gaining pretty steadily in its performance, right? how does it compare to the JVM rakudo? 18:12
it already smokes past Parrot, right?
jnthn Tends to beat Parrot from "a bit" to "a load" depending on benchmark. 18:13
TEttinger the primary thing I care about is startup time when I am doing certain kinds of programming, and I typically use clojure for those things right now. despite clojure on JVM having atrocious startup time 18:14
I understand that scripty stuff is, how do you say... something Perl is really good at? :D 18:15
but the more I read about NQP the better and better it seems 18:17
you wonder why a high level language meant for compiler construction hasn't been made before...
jnthn We've been working hard on getting startup time down. 18:18
TEttinger I guess in part because there haven't been many language projects as ambitious as perl 6
jnthn (With decent success)
TEttinger jnthn, I saw the perl guts thing about taking ordering info out of hashes to save on memory 18:19
that's an interesting opt
jnthn Yeah, was worthwhile. Didn't win much on speed though.
But nice for memory
Lazily deserializing meta-objects has been one of our bigger "clever" startup speed wins. 18:20
TEttinger is there any way to get the ordering info anyway?
one of the things that is really irritating on occasion in clojure is that maps (hash equivalent) and sets are not sorted in any way 18:21
jnthn You'd need to keep it out of band at the moment
TEttinger that's fine, yeah
jnthn You couldn't rely on it before anyways.
TEttinger ah ok
jnthn Since on the JVM we didn't keep order
TEttinger right, JVM used a different hash
jnthn We could potentially provide some "ordered hash" representation. 18:22
TEttinger nah, I wouldn't worry about it, it makes sense as a userspace thing
it's kinda funny though how calling keys on a map in clojure doesn't return a set
because sets don't have order, if you tried to match up a key set to a val set you would always be mismatched 18:23
*val seq
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TEttinger the stuff I want to explore in the Lisp I'm working on was initially just "make clojure, without the immutable stuff because it's really hard, then try to implement domains", where domains are first-class keysets or indexing methods to access values in a collection 18:25
and I'm kinda in a flurry of ideas now, because perl 6 adds a lot of options to what that could mean 18:26
junctions as indices, for instance
jnthn I thought the value/identity separation in clojure was the main interesting thing about clojure. ;) 18:33
But I've only read about it's approach, not written it, so I'm probably misinformed :)
TEttinger jnthn, it's an interesting Lisp. definitely trying hard to be practical, lots of stuff meant for interop with Java initially, now for JS too. 18:42
the biggest strength of clojure in practice is probably the "seq abstraction", where any of the clojure collections, and most java collections (pretty much all, anything with an iterator) can be converted to a seq, and all functions that expect a general collection expect a seq instead of special-casing every single collection they can take
you can do line-seq on a large string, turning it into a seq of the lines in the string 18:43
clojure handles nested heterogeneous data extremely well, and is fairly terse, though not as much as perl 18:44
some common lispers joke that clojure is "lisp meant for one-liners"
it certainly compresses well. ideone.com/L0eHc6 is the expanded, slightly improved version of, well... 18:45
,(let[a #(apply str(flatten %))r repeatedly p partition N rand-nth n #(a(N(concat(repeat %"")(mapcat p[1 2 3]%&))))v #(n 0"aioeu""iaai")w(fn[](let[b(n 6"!.""""...")s[(n 0"STKNYPKLG""GlThShNyFt""ZvrCth")(r(N[1 2])#(do[(v)(n 9(map str"'-"(r 2 v)))(n 0(concat"lpstnkgx"[(N["h""gl""gr""nd"])(v)])"rlthggghtsltrkkhshng")]))]][b(if(seq b)[" "s][(n 3",")" "(.(a s)toLowerCase)])]))](re-find #"[A-Z].+"(a[(r 500 w)"."]))) 18:46
meant to fit in IRC message limits
FROGGS and they say Perl is line noise :D
TEttinger haha 18:47
yeah, the cleaned up version is a lot more than one line
TEttinger there's some cool features at play there
FROGGS I do not expend that this would be the common way to write it
TEttinger not at all common
like this snippet, (concat"lpstnkgx"[(N["h""gl""gr""nd"])(v)]) 18:48
first, strings can be next to each other, they don't need whitespace or commas, that explains part, but the cool thing is that concat takes a sequence, not a string 18:49
it converts "lpstnkgx" to a seq of chars, then concatenates onto the end of that seq a random string drawn from "h", "gl", "gr", "nd" with a random vowel after it (v is defined earlier, N is just random element from collection, aliased earlier) 18:50
this is, in the clearer version, more explicit. it actually names a list of valid consonants, etc 18:51
but that takes too many chars to be in one IRC message!
FROGGS hehe, nice 18:52
TEttinger I don't really have an aversion to symbols anymore, I think I did at first in clojure, but then I really started realizing how much shorter some code can be
anyway, I'm looking forward to doing a blitzkrieg learning of perl and NQP 18:54
FROGGS feel free to ask here or in #perl6 18:58
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