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dalek arVM: 43edc3f | jnthn++ | src/ (2 files):
Don't allocate second GC semi-space until needed.

This knocks 4MB off threads that finish before they ever GC (including the main thread in programs that are single-threaded.)
MoarVM: 824748d | jnthn++ | src/ (5 files):
MoarVM: Don't keep an MVMStaticFrame array in MVMCompUnit.
MoarVM: We hardly ever did lookups in it, and could replace those few places
MoarVM: that did with lookups via the coderefs array, just with an extra level
MoarVM: of indirection. Saves 134KB off Rakudo base memory, plus a bit extra
arnsholt Oh, that first one is neat! Does it change startup time appreciably as well? 14:49
jnthn arnsholt: No; calloc is really quite cheap :) 14:52
And the second one doesn't also 14:53
arnsholt Yeah, I assumed that'd be the case. But allocations are one of those things that suddenly slow things down in some cases, so figured it'd be worth asking =) 14:55
jnthn massif says we go from a heap of 57,571,688 to a heap of 53,383,024 with those two patches, anyways. 14:56
For perl6 -e "say(1)" 14:57
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frwtv what is the advantage of having a smaller heap? 16:18
I'm almost sure that lazy allocation is already performed by the operating system 16:22
timotimo frwtv: why wouldn't it be good to not ask for as much space up front if it's not necessary? 16:29
the closer to "reality" the memory usage is, the more sensible decisions tools and admins can make about things
frwtv it depends, keeping a fixed value for the memory "cost" of a thread can also be a good in term of provisioning 16:40
a branch can cost a pipeline
timotimo if you have a thread that does most of its work with native values, for example, and you join() it before it does its first GC run, it won't ever cost the second semi-space
and as we gain escape analysis and start allocating our Scalars on the stack instead of the heap, and kick out unnecessary *LexRef/*AttrRef objects as well as temporary Int, Num or Str boxes at some point, we'll be getting much further without doing GC 16:41
in the future, it might happen that we make the semi space size tunable or even self-tuning 16:42
frwtv if in the future the people will start to use lot's of this kind of micro-thread (with auto-parallelization and such) then it makes sense 16:45
timotimo hm, i thought we'd probably be using a thread pool for that kind of thing, so threads would end up long-living after all
frwtv you might not need to run the GC for those threads 16:49
timotimo yes
after a time :)
but if i remember correctly we force a gc run when we join threads, too 16:50
in any case, we'll see about that when we get there
the patch itself is easy enough to revert
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