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dalek arVM: 604b2be | sergot++ | src/6model/reprs/CStruct.c:
fix allocating an empty (no members) CStruct bug

it segfaults when we try to allocate memory for an empty CStruct, this fix prevents from allocating memory of size -1
arVM: a2dc16d | FROGGS++ | src/6model/reprs/CStruct.c:
Merge pull request #177 from sergot/master

fix allocating an empty (no members) CStruct bug
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dalek arVM/cpp: 2cdfb8a | sergot++ | src/ (2 files):
fix allocating an empty (no attributes) CPPStruct bug

prevent alloc()ing memory of wrong size
arVM/cpp: d80bd59 | FROGGS++ | src/ (2 files):
Merge pull request #178 from sergot/cpp

fix allocating an empty (no attributes) CPPStruct bug
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timotimo isn't quite sure how to make spesh clever for native_ref yet 18:59
jnthn I'll get there soonish, I suspect :) 19:00
timotimo oh
i thought maybe i could take that piece of work off your plate if it's easy-ish 19:01
jnthn I'm not really sure it is...
timotimo k 19:03
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dalek arVM: 50ccfdc | jnthn++ | src/jit/graph.c:
Basic JIT for lexical native ref taking.
21:07 kjs_ joined
jnthn timotimo: About? 21:14
timotimo abuot:blank 21:16
that's an interesting way to typo "about"
jnthn :P
timotimo but the answer is yes
jnthn timotimo: If you're up for a bench run, it'd be interesting to know how native-ref compares to nom 21:17
(Just on Moar)
dalek arVM: 66f9a4e | jnthn++ | src/jit/graph.c:
Basic JIT compilation of native assign ops.

We can look at the types and do some devirtualization here, mind.
timotimo okidok 21:19
uh 21:20
i don't think my computer is actually awake right now :(
yeah, i didn't wake it up when i left the house today 21:22
jnthn Well, doesn't have to be Right Now :) 21:25
We'll probably need a couple of goes at it before we're happy native-ref can go into master
timotimo hmm, ok 21:26
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dalek arVM: 3195c2e | jnthn++ | src/ (5 files):
Implement register native references.