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FROGGS japhb: fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/c_b...a_journey/ (though the talk yesterday mentioned C++ for NativeCall as in the works) 09:09
timotimo: I should also continue to work on 'is inlineable' (or what it will be called) for CStruct and CUnion class declarations 09:11
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brrt gotta love recruiters 13:31
'we're looking for a c embedded programmer who loves to work with the microsft .net environment' 13:32
FROGGS :D 13:36
brrt: and? are you an embedded programmer?
brrt ehm, not really i guess 13:37
not sure what that would take. but probably not a close affinity to microsoft .net 13:39
tadzik I guess recruiters are just targetting everyone with everything 13:43
"oh, an unemployed perl programmer? Look, we're looking for Ruby people doing devops!" 13:44
brrt well, i'd consider that, but i'm unusually promiscuous among languages 13:46
i'd probably consider programming in delphi if the problem was interesting enough
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timotimo well, moarvm now outputs a line number for every BB 19:53
someone want to build a tool that annotates the source with BBs next to it? :)
gist.github.com/timo/a884c9902304a1bb360d isn't this a thing of beauty? 19:54
jnthn timotimo: That's from inside a regex/rule/token, at a guess? 19:55
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timotimo Spesh of '' (cuid: cuid_70_1430853556.47142, file: src/gen/m-BOOTSTRAP.nqp:1946) 19:56
unless nqp::isconcrete(nqp::atpos(@candidates, $cur_idx)) {
$done := 1;
it's find_best_dispatchee 19:57
jnthn ah, ok :)
dalek arVM: 1475976 | timotimo++ | src/spesh/ (3 files):
give every BB in the spesh log a line number
timotimo i hope this is c89 compatible
jnthn I think so :) 20:01
and it looks as I imagined
timotimo i just don't really have anything good to do with it right now :\ 20:02
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timotimo brrt: have you been trying to rebase jit_devirtualize_reprops? 21:51
i could probably do it now
brrt i have not yet
i was leaving it for you
timotimo oh!
i hadn't realized
but right now i'm having some slight trouble occupying my mind :P 21:52
can you help me ~ occupy my brain?
.oO( Occupy Timo! )
timotimo %)
tadzik I understand that reference! 21:53
timotimo i was kind of sad that devirtualize_reprops seemed to not help anything at all whatsoever
tadzik tudududududududutudududu dy dummm dym! 21:54
brrt i did not
(understood the reference)
tadzik it's from www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQBttKoetqo
timotimo there's a song from the band Hellsongs that i really like; it's a lounge cover of paranoid
that song up there 21:55
tadzik hellsongs is awesome %)
timotimo they are so
brrt anyway, yeah i'll rebase 21:56
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brrt didn't make it worse, so far at least (speedwise) 22:17
for what it's worht, i like the branch because i want reprops separated in the JIT anyway 22:18
dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 32 commits to MoarVM/jit_devirt_reprops_4 by bdw 22:22
brrt that one you can merge, i'd think 22:23
timotimo me? :) 22:31
did you spectest it?
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