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diakopter skipped the laggard May 2016 android update and jumped straight to N beta 01:32
re-precompiling apps is the longest step 01:39
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brrt good * 11:22
jnthn o/ brrt 11:26
brrt \o jnthn
did you know.. that the webkit git repo is over 5gb? 11:27
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jnthn No, but...wow :) 11:29
nwc10 what makes it so big? Source code? Or binaries? 11:30
brrt not sure...
code it seems 11:32
JimmyZ so they wrote 5gb code by hande? 11:33
brrt JavascriptCore is 64MB checked-out source 11:34
WebCore is 163mb
it seems that way
moritz several developers working full-time in a verbose-ish language 11:35
yes, seems legit.
brrt 850mb on layouttests
307 mb on websites, too 11:36
anyway, it's interesting the b3 backend, but i think the expr jit is and will be much, much smaller 11:38
JimmyZ Is it luajit 2.0 using another jit api instead of dynasm? 11:39
brrt yes 11:40
not sure if i understand the question 100%, but luajit2 does its own machine code generation, it only uses dynasm to compile an interpreter 11:41
JimmyZ I try to find the code , but most is dynasm
brrt i.e. at boot, dynasm is used to compile the interpreter, and the real JIT then compiles the subroutines without dynasm 11:42
JimmyZ I didn't see where jit api code is
brrt lemessee... 11:43
JimmyZ repo.or.cz/luajit-2.0.git/blob/HEAD...c/lj_asm.c ? 11:44
brrt yeah, that's part of it 11:45
JimmyZ so it is lj_asm prefix
brrt but that's just the assembly 11:46
JimmyZ i see repo.or.cz/luajit-2.0.git/blob/HEAD..._asm_x86.h for X86 11:48
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brrt fwiw, i wouldn't dare to lift that code out of luajit 13:20
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timotimo heh. 13:26
brrt and i have no particular impetus to remove our dependency on dynasm 13:27
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brrt timotimo: the bytecode in the MVMJitCode structure is indeed a static bit 13:38
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dalek Heuristic branch merge: pushed 218 commits to MoarVM/even-moar-jit by bdw 13:50
brrt that merged even-moar-jit, but i've noticed there are some problems with rakudo still...
eh, reframe, into even-moar-jit 13:51
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brrt ah, a segv in building CORE.setting 13:52
i'm jumping out somewhere to the void.. 13:56
dalek arVM/even-moar-jit: 5b96b18 | brrt++ | src/jit/x64/emit.dasc:
Don't jump to nonexisting labels

The difference between ->out and ->exit don't exist anymore because we don't use a return value from MVM_jit_enter_code.
brrt and with that, even-moar-jit is up to date with reframe 14:02
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brrt recently realized that pre-coloring would have to happen prior to the other register allocator steps 14:12
what's in a name
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