dogbert17 hmm 00:00
could it be that the codepath in question isn't hit that often? 00:01
timotimo not sure, we can put a debug printf in and see 00:05
of course that'd also hit it in the to-be-tested programs if we don't have something clever
dogbert17 a quick gdb check show that the code path is hit often 00:10
timotimo ah, gdb is a better idea 00:11
you can even put a print in with "commands" and make it immediately resume with "c" before the "end" 00:12
and there's even incantations to prevent it from giving you a pager you have to push return a million times
we could output messages for each action of adding bytes and discarding bytes and maybe even allocating and freeing a decode stream 00:23
with pointers and such 00:24
they have some pointers that don't move. the object pointer itself is gc-managed probably
but we could then analyze the log to see if the decodestream that asplodes gets used for long
maybe output a moar-level backtrace on each action and make it managable by putting it behind a simple UI that allows us to toggle visibility
AFK, though
hm. 00:49
i seem to have a hanging test right now 00:50
in one of my runs
the bar at the bottom is gone, it doesn't consume any cpu 00:51
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nine Is there an easy way to print an MVMString to stderr? 11:02
Ah, fprintf(stderr, "handle: %s\n", MVM_string_utf8_encode(tc, handle, &size, 0)); seems to do the trick 11:06
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jnthn nine: There's also a MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string which gives you NULL-terminated 11:33
And doesn't ake a size arg
dogbert17 jnthn: any opinions on ? 11:46
nine Ok, I can now confirm that when the source code is equal, the SC handle is equal and therefore we use the same scb for both modules. 11:48
jnthn nine: Yeah, the SC handle is made by sha1 of the source in Rakudo 11:53
Happens when Perl6::World is constructed, iirc
nine jnthn: ok, thanks. That just saved me the time for finding out exactly this :) 11:54
Of course the open question is, what to actually do about it.
jnthn Has it become a problem? 11:55
nine Yes:
jnthn Well, duh, or you'd not be looking at it
But why? :)
nine Use case is someone forking a dist under a different auth and a program using both the fork and the original.
For a large dist the chance is high that some modules will be identical in both dists. 11:56
jnthn At what point does that happen, but we can't just treat it as the same module?
Or rather, the same compiled output 11:57
Oh, 'cus module precomp storage is not just keyed on source code.
I guess one possible solution, if we're precompiling a module, is to factor the dist into the sha-1 hash 11:58
Since dist identifies should be unique 11:59
nine Ah, yes, I've found the code in Perl6::Grammar 12:00
I'll have a look at getting the dist-id into there
jnthn NQP factors a timestamp in instead iirc, for the sake of bootstrapping 12:01
(Where the layers of bootstrap have the same source)
But that's a bit fragile for general use 12:02
So yeah, dist-id is probably wiser
nine Ah, that's where handles like F2C4AFFFA43D84AE3246F1C7874339333BEBBCAA-1487419665.25749 are coming from
jnthn You noted on #perl6-dev it's MoarVM to blame, but seems it's more Rakudo not making unique enough there something MoarVM coulda done different to catch this problem sooner, though?
jnthn ain't sure if we get upset if you try to create the same handle twice... 12:03
Well, create SCs with the same handle...
dogbert17: That one is...intersting, and a bit different. Hmm :) 12:08
nine Well I did not intend to assign blame :) For that my understanding is much too limited. I do wonder though if there's a valid case where we'd access an already loaded scb when deserializing just loaded bytecode. 12:09
jnthn nine: Yes, I wasn't worrying so much about blame as if we could tweak something in MoarVM so that your bug hunt mighta been shorter. :) 12:10
dogbert17 timotimo and I had a feeling that we might be zeroing in on the right spot ...
jnthn nine: ohh...hmm 12:12
nine: The MVM_sc_create code is a bit interesting :)
I wonder what the explicit "lost the race to create it" thing is about 12:13
(No, I can't remember. :))
nine Well it's diakopter++'s code ;) 12:14
jnthn Oh
So *that's* why I don't remember writing it :D
nine "make compunit loading from disk (by filename) threadsafe and atomic; add a loaded filename registry" 12:15
jnthn That sounds like something that went in very early :) 12:16
nine jnthn: actually including $?FILES in the computed hash seems to fix it. And it may even a valid fix since the hash for the installed source file already contains the $dist-id 12:18
jnthn Aha 12:20
And I guess -Ilib is immune to these issues
lunch; bbiab 12:27
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dogbert17 jnthn: does that mean that you have a theory as to what's going wrong? 17:44
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