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MasterDuke_ . 01:58
MasterDuke . 01:59
yoleaux 17 May 2017 07:42Z <brrt> MasterDuke: in this case lt, gt, eq etc are the expr ops, cmp is the tile that can compile all of them (because its the same machine-code instruction 02:00
MasterDuke .ask brrt so if i just created some new templates in src/jit/core.expr they'll get picked up and used automatically? 02:01
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to brrt.
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brrt i've found the problem, at least for elems 06:00
yoleaux 02:01Z <MasterDuke> brrt: so if i just created some new templates in src/jit/core.expr they'll get picked up and used automatically?
brrt .tell MasterDuke yes; i think there's a parser bug somewhere in there which means you need to have an extra newline after the last template 06:01
yoleaux brrt: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
brrt not sure why that happens
the spare register used for the 'musical chairs' topological cycle breaking is the same as the one used to allocate the register used for CALL, rax, which makes sense because it is always guaranteed to be free 06:03
which has a nice and simple cause and resolution 06:14
it was: bitmap & ((~(1 << shift_out)) | (1 << shift_in)), now it is: (bitmap & (~(1<<shift_out))) | (1 << shift_in) 06:15
the difference is that the shift_in isn't OR-ed in correctly in the first, because it is overruled by the AND with the bitmap 06:16
plus, it's bit was already set by the NEG of (1<< shift_out), so it would never have any effect
brrt wonders if he can generalize the bitmap handling and whether it makes sense 06:19
Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 571ef607ab | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | src/jit/linear_scan.c
Fix order of shift-in for CALL arg bitmap

The OR of the shifted-in value would be applied to the negated bitmask of the shift-out value which would be AND-ed with the original bitmap. The effect is that the shift-out bit would be unset, but the shift-in bit would not be. This would cause that same register to be reused as the 'spare' register for the chain-breaking cycle, while it was really already in use.
MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 01399fb4fb | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 2 files
Add elems REPR op call

This is an unoptimized generic routine and is a prime candidate for a specialized JIT (e.g. for VMArray etc.).
07:08 domidumont joined 07:17 brrt joined 07:46 zakharyas joined
brrt new bug to fix! 07:47
jnthn "new bug to fix" seems to be one of those things as certain as death and taxes... 08:41
brrt true words 08:48
hmm, let's try valgrind though 08:49
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timotimo oh i love texas! 10:35
brrt obviously, my obj_body macro might be wrong... 12:01
timotimo "obviously", "might"? 12:36
brrt hehe 12:38
it might be a possibility, but doesn't really seem to be the case
timotimo brrt: i think it's somewhat common to have a CLEAR_BIT and SET_BIT macro, at least i've seen it a bunch in embedded development 12:41
surely easier to read than (~(1<<shift_out)) :)
well, with bitmap & in front
brrt matter of fact, i have a set of bitmap-editting routines, but they're supposed to work on pointers 12:55
i was just pondering about doing just that
timotimo you can make your functions always take pointers and then just take a reference where you're invoking, right? 12:56
brrt uhuh
i need to make all bitmaps at least 64 bits wide though
timotimo oh, hm 12:57
brrt that's hardly a real problem, but then, the breakage has some more priority 13:06
timotimo what are you experiencing this breakage with? elems works fine now, right?
brrt not anymore 13:07
i've changed a tile to be much shorter
that changes register usage and re-breaks elems 13:08
i'm not sure why
timotimo uh oh :) 13:12
brrt huh, i will figure out, worry not 13:59
timotimo so, if we want special implementations for reprs, we will be writing .expr files; how do we properly refer to them from the reprs? and where do the files in question go? 14:04
brrt haven't worked that out in full detail just yet 14:09
my intention is that such files would go alongside the repr files
C files
so you'd have MVMArray.c, MVMArray.h, and MVMArray.expr
and the script would compile that to MVMArray_expr.h, and you'd be called a special function similar to repr->spesh, and it would take the expr tree, and apply the template 14:10
timotimo right 14:12
gist.github.com/timo/2b25fca488f17...5863343d78 - which ops appear most often in expr jit pieces 14:13
brrt 21096 set :-o 14:17
long tails indeed 14:18
timotimo we have a crapton of set instructions, yeah
and most of these null instructions are likely from us clearing a frame with VMNull before the code runs; we have dead-code-elimination throw out unnecessary ones
brrt NULL instructions are fortunately well suited for common subexpression elimination 14:20
timotimo right
they grab the same VMNull pointer and stick them into a whole bunch of registers
at some point we might be able to set the values with a vectorized instruction :P
jnthn In theory most of those are thrown out because the value is unused 14:36
(and the SSA "proves" it) 14:37
15:06 brrt joined 15:21 AlexDani` joined, domidumont joined
brrt okay… all of the sudden i've got an object with negative elems (or very, very large, depending on your pov) 15:31
ugh, i can't see what is going wrong, at all :-( 15:44
timotimo maybe find a different op that'll explode in the same way and compare & contrast? 15:45
brrt hmmm 15:47
i'm wondering if i'm mssing a gc sync or something like that 15:54
timotimo have you tried setting all the debug variables up to 11?
brrt hmmm 15:57
jnthn Could also be one of the spesh lookup ops doing a wrong offset... 16:06
(The ones that dig straight into an object body)
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