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travis-ci MoarVM build passed. Stefan Seifert 'Fix off-by-one error in uninline 01:08
travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/builds/328839703 github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/5...a08024edfe
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samcv have a ton more ucd2c.pl work i've been doing. removing more unneeded variables simplifying loops. making quoted strings not contain newlines inside them which make it hard to read 07:44
and many more things. no real functional changes but it's making the code better
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jnthn morning o/ 10:32
samcv++ # ucd2c cleanups
nine++ # inline fixes
brrt \o everybody 10:33
indeed nine++ samcv++
jnthn o/ brrt
brrt is positively impressed by nine's perseverance 10:34
jnthn That's pretty much half of debugging 10:40
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lizmat time for a bump ? 11:06
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nine Oh boy...the next issue occurs after speshing a function consisting of 1464 basic blocks and 147 registers 17:35
And no less than 20 inlines 17:36
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timotimo :D 17:56
Geth MoarVM: 4a0a912ef1 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | tools/spesh-bisect.pl
New spesh-bisect.pl tool

Finds the first MVM_SPESH_LIMIT value where test program breaks. Usage: tools/spesh-bisect.pl perl6 t/foo/bar.t Uses the process' return code for deciding whether the run was successful or not (like git bisect run)
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lizmat jnthn: I think I've asked this before, but may be not 18:38
if I look at the performance of "say (^Inf).hyper(:1000batch,:4degree).grep( *.is-prime )[5000]"
then there is hardly any gain increasing the :degree: values 5 - 8 only give marginal wallclock gains 18:39
whereas :8degree almost doubles in CPU usage
so it appears to be busy doing something, but not actual work :-)
is this something we can see improve in the future or not ? 18:40
jnthn How many real cores do you have?
lizmat 4 real / 8 virtual
jnthn OK, so by the time you're in 5 you're beyond the real cores
And the work is the same, so competing over the same function units
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timotimo right, hyper threading helps mostly if the individual pieces of work are different 18:41
like, one core is doing mostly floating point arithmetic, the other mostly shuffling data around or bitwise operations or whatnot
lizmat ok, so you're saying, don't increase :degrees above real cores for .hyper
perhaps we need to doc this? 18:42
jnthn We can but it's very workoad dependent
timotimo well, if you're already .hypering just one sequence, maybe that means the workload is mostly the same? 18:43
lizmat ok, so you're saying "say (^Inf).hyper(:1000batch,:4degree).grep( *.is-prime )[5000]" is like a worst case
jnthn The work is mostly in .is-prime, and
that's going to be a nice, tight, chunk of well-optimized C code 18:44
Presumably mostly doing integer, memory, and branch work
So yeah, it's the kind of case that's liable to wind up with more threads on the CPU, but not many more instructions being retired
lizmat yeah, gotcha 18:45
jnthn A modern CPU core is like a pin board with tasks to be done on it, and lots of workers grabbing tasks that have all their dependencies available. Hyperthreading is two threads sticking stuff on the board, but there's only so many workers. :) 18:46
The biggest wins are when the threads occupy different workers.
Then there's the times a disgruntled worker saw something on the pin board that was confidential and snitches about it down the pub. Thus Meltdown. :P 18:48
dinner &
nine Apparently all remaining test failures are due to mis-spesh of the 'compile_var' monster (the one with 1464 BBs and 20 inlines) 18:56
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lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/...blue-note/ 20:57
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leont Either spawn_async is leaking data, or uv_spawn takes ownership of the handles without documenting it, or I'm not understanding the code 23:01
samcv lizmat++ 23:25