Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
01:44 MasterDuke left 04:27 sugarbee1 is now known as sugarbeet 09:11 sena_kun joined 09:20 timo left 09:25 timo joined 09:43 timo left 09:47 timo joined
lizmat I've just stumbled on some dead code in NQP for base64 decoding, and traced this back to MoarVM github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/main...ion.c#L157 10:22
it has 2 TODOs there that might help in getting compilation faster 10:23
but they're a bit out of my comfort zone at, but maybe up MasterDuke's ally, or maybe Nicholas ? 10:24
and if the proposed opts don't help, remove the TODO :-)
in fact, I did one of the proposed opts in NQP before I realized I was looking at dead code 10:31
maybe that could be helpful for setting this up in MoarVM 10:32
MAST creation is still about 15% of total compilation time 10:34
11:04 rypervenche left
Voldenet re base64 arxiv.org/abs/1910.05109 github.com/WojciechMula/base64-avx512 13:36
I believe base64_encode/decode could be part of nqp ops 13:39
lizmat yeah, I was thinking the same just now: since it *is* apparently used internally 15:01
16:35 sena_kun left 16:57 sena_kun joined
japhb What is it used *for*? 17:20
From context, I'm guessing MAST creation? Anything else?
21:17 MasterDuke joined
MasterDuke . 21:18
lizmat: there are fast base64 libraries available, e.g., github.com/powturbo/Turbo-Base64 and github.com/aklomp/base64, but how much time of the MAST stage is the base64 ops? 21:19
huh. i just stuck a print in base64_(en|de)code and they didn't hit when building rakudo 22:14
i was kind of interested in experimenting with those base64 libraries, but i'm not sure what it would help 22:29
japhb Are you sure your version of MoarVM got used? 22:37
lizmat MasterDuke: if it is not getting called, maybe it's dead code :-) 22:51
23:45 sena_kun left