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.oO(MoarVM is...resting...right?)
_sri psssst 16:04
diakopter :) 16:14
nwc10 MoarVM is blotto?
TimToady I shoulda said #moarvm
16:53 jnap joined
jnthn Well, the Next Problem is hunting something that looks like a closure serialization issue, and I ended up working on indy stuff 'cus I needed to brush up on it for my talk next week. :) 16:54
nwc10 is currently testing the NQP indy branch on Moar with moar-support
diakopter dares to ask what indy is
"I was named after the dog!?!"
nwc10 jnthn: gets to 17:02
./perl6-m --target=mbc --output=blib/Test.moarvm lib/Test.pm
Unhandled exception: Cannot invoke this object
nwc10 thinks that that is where we were before
jnthn Yeah. 17:03
Sounds like, anyway.
diakopter: invoke dynamic
TimToady maybe in-dy would produce a less FAQ 17:06
17:10 colomon joined
jnthn Wasn't my choice of shortening ;) 17:10
diakopter TimToady: it wouldn't be any less frequently asked by me, since I now realize I'd asked it (at least!) once before already 17:28
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dalek arVM: bd782aa | jnthn++ | src/core/exceptions.c:
Exception category should default to catch.
FROGGS jnthn: how do we want to get rid of that gc bug? 20:48
I am really out of ideas on that topi
jnthn I need to reproduce it, I guess...
More pressing on getting setting loading working at the moment, though... 20:49
FROGGS yeah 20:50
hmmm, I could even hack on windows if I had to 20:51
jnthn Or just build with a lower opt level, iirc? 20:53
FROGGS true, that should still work 20:54
jnthn: you want to show perl6-m somewhere? 20:55
jnthn FROGGS: No, just would really like to get to "hello world". :) 20:58
21:10 cognominal joined
dalek arVM: 6f955c8 | jnthn++ | src/core/frame.c:
Make sure scalar containers are fresh per frame.

Also stub the place we'll later need to provide some support for state variables.
jnthn We now make it to the $PROCESS::TZ = get-local-timezone-offset(); at 14731 21:17
FROGGS yay!!
jnthn We don't need that yet so will just comment it out... 21:19
jnthn Well, #?if !moar it 21:20
It hits some binding thing, but it will also hit the decodelocaltime not being done yet, I'd guess...
jnthn Did exactly that for JVM port too :) 21:23
TZ? Yah, later... :)
FROGGS hehe 21:25
the spec tests will force us to fix it then :o)
jnthn aye 21:26
Well, we gotta manage sanity test first... :)
I'm gonna probably worry about the GC bug, and the missing GC opt that makes setting comp take ages, before digging too far into that, though. 21:27
'cus otherwise it's a long build cycle.
16614... 21:29
FROGGS :o) 21:38
happy FROGGS is happy
jnthn 16640 21:41
FROGGS rebase -i is pain 21:50
timotimo it is? 21:51
i love rebase -i
FROGGS well, I wanna fixup 15 commits into one, and have conflicts here and there 21:53
jnthn likes it too, but it took a little learning the first time :)
FROGGS mostly in src/core/Array.pm with diffs that does not fit on my screen 21:54
timotimo oh, oops :)
22:06 tgt joined
jnthn *drumroll* 22:16
C:\consulting\rakudo>perl6-m -e "say 'hi moar'" 22:17
WARNING: State vars NYI
hi moar
diakopter wat. 22:18
time? :)
FROGGS \o/ 22:20
I can haz "hi moar"?
jnthn Yes. 22:21
diakopter what's the startup/run time like?
jnthn diakopter: 0.72s, probably muchly coming from the time we waste decoding the huge setting blob to NFG only to immediately ASCII it again... 22:22
diakopter well the nfg reader knows to make ascii strings when possible, I thought 22:23
oh, but yes.
jnthn Well, it does, but it doesn't know it's not UTF-8
We actually could consider indicating "assume ascii when decoding" in the bytecode file at the point we create it.
diakopter I thought I made it assume ascii by default to start, then demote to bigger thing when necessary 22:24
jnthn Ah...I dunno, I thought it only did that when decoding ascii. I may be wrong...
Either way it's doing the work to look for potential utf-8...and vice versa when it encodes again... 22:25
diakopter when decoding ascii it never makes anything but ascii
jnthn Right.
But the constant pool in the bytecode file is currently defined as "a bunch of things in utf-8"
Goes without saying we still get this thing started/run faster than JVM :) 22:26
jnthn Anyway, we can optimize later. For today, I'm just happy we can actually do "hello world" :)
FROGGS yeah 22:27
jnthn Guess I should have a nice beer to mark getting to this point... :) 22:54
FROGGS[mobile] I'll enjoy a nice water then :S 22:56
jnthn No beer? 23:08
23:39 woolfy joined