01:14 btyler joined
_sri wonders if Supply should really be called Observable 01:57
timotimo well, there's a dualism between observables and iterators and the whole reactive programming thing 01:59
jnthn has pointed it out multiple times in the past
so the decision to name the thingies supplies was deliberate with that in mind, i believe 02:00
_sri i see
japhb .ask FROGGS re: 4a6dac6 and following, why did you write the function in tail-recursive form rather than simple iteration? 02:32
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jnthn Yeah, Rx calls it an observable, for sure. But just because things have a certain name elsewhere doens't mean they'll end up with that name in Perl 6. 07:51
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timotimo jnthn: should i expect there to ever be a way to introduce new registers to specialized bytecode segments? 14:40
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timotimo and would it make a difference if the code would have to promise that new registers would never "leak" into the rest of the bytecode? 14:40
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FROGGS m: say <body><blink>WAT</blink></body> 15:10
camelia rakudo-moar d2dfb6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/EJC_mX9xS0␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/EJC_mX9xS0:1␤------> say <body><blink>⏏WAT</blink></body>␤ expecting any of:␤ postfix␤ infix stopper␤ …»
synopsebot Link: perlcabal.org/syn/S0.html#line_1
tadzik confused synopsebot 15:11
timotimo %)
jnthn: also, do you think it'd be worth something to teach spesh, that the boxing instructions return an instance of the type object they get passed? 15:13
i wonder if link time optimization (which has been dramatically improved compilation-performance-wise in the newest gcc) will give us a lot of benefits for moarvm 16:08
sadly, fedora doesn't have gcc 4.9 yet 16:10
ah, it'll probably only go in rawhide, if even. 16:12
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[Coke] ... Hey, everybody. Forgot I wasn't here. 16:40
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FROGGS hi [Coke] 17:20
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timotimo o/ 19:49
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