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sergot_ morning o/ 06:20
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timotimo hello sergot 10:58
brrt hello timotimo, sergot 11:08
awefully quiet here
nine The China office is holing their meetings mostly offline I've heard... 11:11
lizmat I understand jnthn only has one more day in cn, so when he is back and de-jetlagged, all will be busy again :-) 11:14
brrt :-)
how are the preparations of APW going along?
timotimo i'm doing a full-on writer's block thing for the thing i wanted to show there ... 11:20
nine quite nicely :) 11:21
brrt what do you want to show there? or is that still to be secrete 11:34
nine I don't want to talk too much about it beforehand. Keep it more interesting there :) 11:36
brrt fair enough 11:43
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jnthn evening, #moarvm 12:59
lizmat evening, jnthn
jnthn Yup, tomorrow is the last work day here in China. And Wed will be a very long journey.
.oO( it took Marco Polo a lot longer :-)
jnthn True ;) 13:00
timotimo probably not the kind of journey you'll be using for productivity, right?
jnthn timotimo: Well, laptop use on a plane is pretty uncomfy for me. I may get some thinking time in.
timotimo that's totally fair
lizmat timotimo: does your writers block also apply to the weekly ?
timotimo i'm working on the weekly as we speak
lizmat okidoki,... otherwise it could maybe a burden to be shared ? 13:01
timotimo i'll see how far i can get and then i'll ask you for assistance if needed :)
thanks for the offer
jnthn did manage to write a talk title/abstract for APW yesterday evening :) 13:02
timotimo \o/
brrt jnthn++ 13:03
will the apw talks be uploaded?
jnthn Well, I'll publish slides as usual. Dunno if there's a recording plan.
brrt fair enough :-) 13:05
timotimo on that note: 13:11
still waiting for more yapceu presentation recordings ... 13:12
lizmat and you are not alone :-( 13:15
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brrt libreoffice calc has to be the worst spreadsheet in the history of spreadsheets 20:01
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[Coke] brrt: funny someone just told me the spreadsheet was the best libre offering (comparing it to the msproject-alike) 20:02
brrt o.O
that says a lot i guess
hmm something is off i think in my calculations 20:03
the temperate regions do not reach 233K in winter usually 20:04
nine that's....a bit chilly indeed 20:07
brrt 269K seems more reasonable as an average 20:28
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