00:12 woolfy joined
dalek arVM: 8fe2fdf | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/update_ops.p6:
p6 space may know about our flag constants
arVM: 61cf617 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
version 1 of a speshlog-to-graphviz converter
japhb timotimo: Do you have an example of the graphviz output? 02:13
Oh, I see it in #perl6, nevermind. :-) 02:15
02:27 xiaomiao joined
dalek arVM: 3510467 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
graph data flow (partially, ignores extops)
timotimo t.h8.lv/add_core_op_with_dataflow.svg
japhb: feel free to praise appropriately 02:38
japhb Heh 02:45
It's actually quite cool, very useful for microanalysis
(good visualizations)++
timotimo thanks :)
dalek arVM: eaa3d23 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
fix handling of extops in the most naive way
arVM: d435796 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
handle partial pasted speshlog snippets, too
arVM: 5831fc7 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
sanitize argument names (for angle brackets)
timotimo t.h8.lv/graph_of_gimme.svg - control flow jumps are dotted, set and decont have rounded corners now 03:48
dalek arVM: 84fa2b9 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
control flow jumps are dotted, set/decont rounded
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JimmyZ timotimo++ # it's really awesome! 14:52
15:13 brrt joined
timotimo thank you ā™„ 15:32
JimmyZ looked at the 'constant folding' commit and doesn't know what' wrong it is too, it's hard 15:37
[Coke] moar non jit failed a few more tests today: 32089 total.
(that's all of them)
brrt is jnthn still on holiday? 15:38
timotimo i think so 15:42
he'll be pleasantly surprised at how we drove everything against the wall while he was away %)
brrt :-)
15:44 FROGGS[mobile] joined
[Coke] from my standpoint, more like "into the wall" 15:45
JimmyZ Good night... 15:46
brrt will have to check that when he can access a mac again 15:47
[Coke] Happy to provide diagnostics. 15:48
timotimo i cannot reproduce the failures ;( 16:01
brrt you have a mac timotimo? 16:02
i'm afraid to say it, but i fear something may be wrong with your build system [Coke]
all tests fail at once? that's just odd 16:03
timotimo i don't
brrt hmm 16:06
i cannot explain it currently. i'll be able to run a test monday at earliest 16:07
brrt afk
16:10 brrt left
[Coke] brrt: all tests fail today; over the past few weeks, I've been getting sporadic failures. 16:15
timotimo S02-lexical-conventions/begin_end_pod.t............While looking for 'CORE.setting.moarvm': no such file or directory 16:17
obviously, the build itself failed
[Coke] sure. that has happened a few times in teh past week as well. smells like a GC bug. 16:18
trying a rebuild with latest-rakudo now.
timotimo very strange.
[Coke] the re-run is happier. 16:22
but still failed 521 tests. 16:48
timotimo hum 16:56
[Coke] S03-operators/subscript-adverbs.t S04-statement-modifiers/for.t S05-mass/named-chars.t S32-str/numeric.rakudo.moar 16:57
timotimo i see the for.t failure locally, too
TimToady that one is my "fault" :) 17:06
shoudl be labeled with an RT, but I was too lazy to look
.oO( laziness with a lowercase 'l' )
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[Coke] has a few minutes to try to debug some of these aborting tests. 18:24
rove -v -e t/fudgeandrun t/spec/S03-operators/subscript-adverbs.t # malloc, pointer being freed was not allocated 18:27
but: ./perl6 t/spec/S03-operators/subscript-adverbs.t # no errors.
TimToady was trying for far too long to figure out what the "rove" command does :) 18:29
TimToady goes to get more coffee... 18:30
[Coke] :)
also, my ./perl6 is: 18:32
#!/usr/bin/env perl 18:33
exec "ulimit -t 120; ulimit -v 10; ulimit -c 0; nice -20 valgrind ./perl6-m @ARGV"
TimToady that's OSX malloc? 18:35
FROGGS btw, this script that uses DBIish fails on ubuntu when run under cron: github.com/perl6/cpandatesters.per...c-stats.pl 18:37
something about invalid target thread id in work pass or so
TimToady cron tends to be impoverished in env vars 18:38
FROGGS that what I am going to debug today
TimToady not to mention terminals :)
FROGGS but it should fail at a higher level at least
TimToady so I'd guess it's one or the other of those triggering it
FROGGS yeah, we'll see
18:39 kjs_ joined
TimToady though maybe it's related to the thread problems that seem to be more prevalent in child processes 18:39
[Coke] TimToady: I'm on OSx. I don't know if it's osx or moar 18:56
TimToady I think we've only seen that error on OSx, but maybe that's just because it's checking... 18:57
timotimo [Coke]: can you build a moar with asan perhaps? 19:02
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[Coke] timotimo: if someone pointed me at how, sure. :) 19:27
timotimo perl Configure.pl --asan in moarvm 19:29
may need to install the asan development package, but it should come with clang itself
[Coke] looks like moar uses it by default if you build with clang, but not with gcc? (but on the mac, those are the same thing, I think) 19:30
timotimo what? asan by default? 19:31
that sounds crazy
[Coke] still no way to pass moarvm config flags down from rakudo through nqp, right?
timotimo not 100% sure, i think there's --moar-option in nqp at the very least 19:32
[Coke] timotimo: look at MoarVM/build/setup.pm for sanitize
moarvm doesn't create a "config.status" when you config it. :(
TimToady no, it doesn't :(
timotimo ... wtf? why would -fsanitize=address be on by default? 19:33
TimToady so don't forget to set prefix
timotimo that's a crazy performance penalty
[Coke] timotimo: clang: error: unsupported argument 'address' to option 'fsanitize=' 19:34
timotimo clang too old? asan has been built-in to clang for a *long* time now
[Coke] so this will take a while to enable.
Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.54) (based on LLVM 3.5svn)
timotimo AddressSanitizer is fully functional on supported platforms starting from LLVM 3.1. 19:35
FROGGS lizmat had that problem too
[Coke] note that my current issues are on a nojit build. perhaps since that's not the default, people aren't seeing that on their platforms. 19:36
seems like we could do a nojit asan build elsewhere and maybe get an explosion.
19:38 kjs_ joined
TimToady wonders about the line in alloc.h that says: if (!ptr && size > 0) 19:47
and whether we're doing a realloc to size 0 somewhere that is assuming the pointer will be valid afterwards
for sure it fails if you take out the "&& size > 0", so there are things reallocing to 0 19:56
so MVM_realloc can return unchecked null pointers
[Coke] looks like mac needs a slightly different clang invocation 19:58
dalek arVM: bc1c0b9 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
also show annotations in the control flow
[Coke] running one of those failing tests through an osx asanified build does nothing. 20:25
if I use the prove invocation, I get the same malloc error, but no new output 20:26
TimToady would be funny if it were in the prove program, not in moar... 20:27
timotimo o_O 20:32
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TimToady there appears to be an unchecked malloc at ./3rdparty/libuv/src/unix/darwin.c line 80 20:42
there are a lot of places in libuv that return -ENOMEM; gonna be a bear to eyeball all the uses of those to see if anyone ignores the error 20:51
./3rdparty/libuv/src/unix/proctitle.c line 58 is weird, if the malloc fails, returns argv, which is maybe not from malloc 20:58
otoh, can't just be an unchecked malloc, since that would return NULL, which would not complain when freed like that 21:03
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FROGGS timotimo: you probably broke it on windows: gist.github.com/FROGGS/bad02c1269672397b639 21:22
21:23 Ven joined
timotimo oh wow 22:30
i'm sorry about that
FROGGS that might be even easier to fix than the IO::Path problems :S 22:32
dalek arVM: eba41f9 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/args.c:
fix Microsoft Visual C compliance
timotimo FROGGS: that should fix it?
22:33 kjs_ joined
timotimo i don't know of any IO::Path related problems 22:33
FROGGS $*CWD and dir() return paths containing backslashes, but rakudo can't handle backslashes anymore 22:34
timotimo oh
FROGGS timotimo: aye, moarvm compiled fine again 22:44
timotimo thanks 23:00
still can't get used to that limitation
we may really want to set -Wpedantic or what it's called on gcc
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