timotimo for some reason, my findmeth_s → findmeth optimization causes two getspeshslots in a row to be generated that write to the same register, but read from different spesh slots ... 00:25
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dalek arVM: dfa0007 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c:
code-gen builds a bunch of const_s + findmeth_s

we can turn this into just findmeth, which wan further become a sp_getspeshslot and turn invoke_o into fastinvoke further down the line
arVM: 583710e | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/graph_spesh.p6:
pull a tiny bit more info out of spesh logs:

callsite address and argument counts as well as named argument names, but also file name, line number and cuid
timotimo ^- this findmeth_s optimization could make a noticable difference because in the past it has been preventing invoke_o → sp_fastinvoke transformations as well 00:37
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dalek arVM/spesh_box_tracking: 17bc9e1 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | / (4 files):
WIP on tracking the data inside box containers
arVM/spesh_box_tracking: 5de844b | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c:
if_o/unless_o on a boxed int/num/str could be much cheaper.
arVM/spesh_box_tracking: c3ccfae | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c:
much safer, but segfaults a few spec tests still
timotimo ^- if anybody wants to have a look 13:46
i'm not finding suspicious things 14:03
perl6 t/spec/S03-operators/bag.rakudo.moar; perl6 t/spec/S03-sequence/nonnumeric.rakudo.moar; perl6 t/spec/S05-mass/charsets.t; perl6 t/spec/S05-transliteration/trans.rakudo.moar
these fail on my machine with that branch of moarvm
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dalek arVM/spesh_box_tracking: f5110fb | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c:
the right line in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world
timotimo ^- feel free to try this out :)
japhb timotimo: Did this fix the spec failures you had earlier? 16:30
timotimo yes 16:33
but i'm looking at a spesh output right now and it's still looking pretty stupid :(
lots of occurences of "box a constant in a p6bool, unbox an int from the p6bool and branch conditionally" 16:34
my code should *at least* change the code to skip the unbox and use the int register that's set from the constant directly
and then i could just recurse and try for a constant branch elimination
oh, huh 16:42
the flags don't have the "known box source" bit set
jnthn: what could cause an operation - in this case p6bool - to not have its facts discovered? 16:53
aaaah 16:54
i'm not setting the flag in the discover sub inside rakudo
silly me. to the max.
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timotimo brrt, would you like to give me hints on how to implement nan, inf and isnanorinf? 18:27
they only cause a single bail each in my test case here, but i'd like to have it jitted still
it seems like loading a nan into a floating point register is commonly accomplished by setting all bits to 1? 18:29
hum. it seems like i'd want to be careful WRT signaling vs quiet NaNs? 18:31
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timotimo on top of that ... can has invokewithcapture? :3 19:02
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jnthn timotimo: Note that p6bool gives back singletons 19:28
So it's not actually an alloocation you're avoiding
timotimo ah, damn :)
but we have no reason to unbox_i the p6bool, if we just "boxed" it :)
jnthn Correct, or if_o if when we could if_i 19:30
Esp under JIT
timotimo correct
that's what i'm thinking will give us the very most
i'm now spec testing a change where i recurse into optimize_iffy if i just turned an if_o into an unbox-skipping thingie so that perhaps it can benefit from known values 19:31
because i've seen enough instances of const + box + unbox + if_o
er, i mean:
const + box + if_o
my previous optimizations turned that if_o into an unbox + if_i
doesn't seem to break anything at all this time %) 19:33
hm, actually ... i could put a check at the very end of the spesh dispatch, check if the next is not a set, but the previous link goes through multiple sets 19:34
and that could trigger set squishing
that seems robust enough
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nwc10 ASAN happy. I disabled the fixed size allocator and ASAN still happy 19:51
timotimo \o/ 19:52
that's definitely good news
nwc10 not *totally*.
there was barfage a few days ago
but then it has gone
and I'm suspicious that it depends a lot on some sort of buffer size, or spesh threshold, or something
so I think that there's at least one bug still 19:53
but it's a rare heisenbug
timotimo blerh :\
nwc10 that pretty much sums it up 19:54
jnthn Yeah, I fear we have such a thing too :( 19:58
bbiab 20:01
japhb jnthn: What else can I do to help you figuring out the threading stability issues? perl6-bench stress testing support is in pretty good shape (delta html_plot output of the diagnoses, which I'm frankly procrastinating on a bit, since text and html output already work). There's only one test tagged 'stress', but that's because I don't have any other *small* code snippets that tickle failure easily. 20:04
If someone points me to snippets that are known to cause r-m or r-j to fail or crash as problem size or concurrency level increases, I'm happy to the monkey work of turning those into perl6-bench tests. 20:06
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timotimo i only managed to build a super conservative version of set squishing :\ 21:25
my head feels kind of blocked for some reason
it should just be a simple-ish unification, right?
jnthn japhb: Well, my main blocker at the moment is tuits 21:27
japhb jnthn: :-( 21:43
Sadly, that can be the hardest block to overcome. 21:44
.oO( Speed of light? Pffft, no problem. Full calendar? Insurmountable. )
japhb is frustrated that his tuits come in smaller blocks than the size needed to go deep on this problem. 21:45
jnthn Yeah, I'm needing some undisturbed time also
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