[Coke] timotimo: so knowing where this memory thing is happening, how can I printf the MVMstr in code? I'l recompile and see if that shows me the string. 00:00
timotimo oh
printf'ing the MVMString's contents is a bit roundabout
[Coke] nothing about this bug is straightforward. :)
timotimo it could very well be that the pointer has become garbage
if not, you should look if the storage type is "32bit graphemes" or "rope" (which is quite unlikely, but possible) 00:01
jnthn [Coke]: Thanks for getting it down to being about MVMString. That helps a lot (in terms of reducing surface area). 00:15
timotimo jnthn: i just rewrote prefix:<!> and prefix:<not> for Bool \a to not have a jump and not load 0 and 1 as wval and decont + istrue them ... 00:17
but can we figure something like that out in spesh? gist.github.com/timo/de0ef5d3f5e159117d2b
jnthn timotimo: That sounds...like an improvement :)
timotimo the only thing i could think of is duplicating the last block, pasting it onto the two conditional blocks and then being able to constant-fold istrue on the wval'd objects
jnthn Guy helps land probe on comet. In response, gets reduced to tears because of his choice of *t-shirt*. WTF is wrong with our world... :/ 00:19
timotimo: Yeah, it's not clear to me how to do it...
timotimo it'll be re-writing then :) 00:20
jnthn timotimo: It's some kinda backwards propagation issue
timotimo yeah
jnthn Like, we need to know what something gets used for...
timotimo i'd kind of like to have a pseudo-register in BBs that get called from if or unless that is set to 0 or 1 in the branch and eliminate constants and other things that way
new kernel, bbiab :) 00:21
jnthn :)
timotimo the thing i was hoping to get fixed by a newer kernel stayed broken :\ 00:23
jnthn aww 00:24
japhb jnthn: link re: t-shirt issue? 00:25
timotimo japhb: one of the people was wearing a hawaii shirt with ladies wearing bikinis 00:26
jnthn japhb: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-30055278 00:27
timotimo okay, that's a bit more ... risquĆØ than just "bikini-clad ladies" 00:29
japhb Sigh.
japhb has feelpinions on this subject, but isn't in the mood to rant 00:31
jnthn I've always found blame culture (X went wrong, QUICK LAWSUIT NOW!) ugly, and on this one I'm just sad at the pounce-on-maybe-mistakes culture that leads to a day when somebody should have been celebrating a huge scientific success instead being one they'll remember as "the day I shoulda picked another shirt" :( 00:35
00:38 lizmat joined
JimmyZ Good morning, #moarvm 00:40
jnthn Oh my, it's morning already... :)
JimmyZ 02:00 pm there ?
jnthn am :)
Home later than expected sicne they cancelled all the trains...
JimmyZ Oh 00:41
timotimo it's definitely not like he's set back women in science by a decade by wearing that shirt; it was possibly not anything he even thought about
i disagree with placing blame on him
it's more or less an expression of the general "mood"/"culture" 00:42
a symptom, if you like
japhb I am personally in the camp that feels "No matter how cool your job is, work is not home -- you don't get to be your full self at work, there's a higher standard expected." I also think it's pretty clear this was a mistake, not intentional -- but if he wears that often to work, what standard is he setting for office environment? 00:50
timotimo right
nobody dared criticise him for his ladies-shirt
jnthn It's sure as heck not a shirt I'd buy, let alone feel comfortable wearning anywhere, let alone work, fwiw. :) But yeah, I think it was almost certainly unintentional, and the internets have dealt their usual nuanceless harsh response. 00:59
timotimo oh, there's nuance in there. you just can't see it between all the rage 01:00
jnthn *nod*
timotimo oh hey
can we somehow spesh "$*OUT is almost never going to change"? 01:01
it seems like looking that up takes a big chunk of time when we do i/o-heavy benchmarks
we already cache dynamic variables in frames somewhere, but it doesn't seem to be enough? or something?
jnthn Yeah, we do cache those kinds of lookup 01:03
And if it's the same string literal used int he lookup that should be cheap...
timotimo you mean '$*OUT'? 01:04
jnthn Yes
timotimo that should come from the serialization blob
jnthn Well, the string lit comes from the string heap 01:05
timotimo that one
i hope we cache it after unboxing :)
japhb I thought TimToady++ had experimentally shown that the current caching scheme for dynamics was insufficient (average frame distance too high)
jnthn I don't think the code-gen boxes it?
timotimo oh?
jnthn: i shall have a look at some spesh log output
segfault :)
jnthn timotimo: oh, though... 01:06
Perl 6 lookups of those end up being calls to DYNAMIC
TimToady well, it's not yet optimal, I think
jnthn And we fail over to PROCESS for $*OUT...
So that misses all the caching entirely :(
TimToady but we got the average frame search from 20+ down to under 5
jnthn It's almost as if we'd like to be able to cache "I sure as heck didn't find this symbol beneath this point" too
timotimo ooooh
jnthn If we can't already
timotimo that could explain it i suppose? 01:07
jnthn I found that with the method cache fwiw
We used to waste a load of time doing MOP fallback stuff in nqp::can on the actions class for things like ws, which had no action method
Once I made the method cache authoritative so we knew a miss in it meant "there really ain't one", we got a decent win.
timotimo "OUT" doesn't even show up in the spesh log
perhaps it's *that* bad
that it doesn't even get spesh'd 01:08
TimToady we could do better caching if we allocated space for it in the pad
especially for known read-only values 01:09
otoh, single use caching isn't very useful, so you really want to cache up a level or two from the singletons
jnthn *nod* 01:10
TimToady iirc the current scheme only gets desperate and starts replacing cache entries if it finds a really long lookup
and it's also a bit ad hoc; since we have to look in each lexpad anyway, it kinda makes sense to cache values there instead of using a special frame slot 01:11
and in that case we could be smarter about usage patterns, since we could cache multiple things at any level 01:12
but that also potentially makes our lexpads not quite readonly at runtime, which is the downside
so it's not all win
you probably shouldn't trust much of what I say right now, since I'm coming down with Yet Another Cold, courtesy of family get-together-ness 01:13
jnthn Urgh
Meanwhile, I'm just about over jetlag, and am flying longhaul again in a couple of days... 01:14
TimToady has been working on the longest-literal stuff, which turned out not to need a rebootstrap
but has other issues
currently fails a bunch of tests which may be an inordinate reliance on ordered rules in the grammar, or maybe just bugs 01:15
getting lit len to propagate up and down the nfa derivations is...fraught...
japhb jnthn: Where to this time? 01:16
jnthn japhb: South China
Just for several days. 01:17
(Work-related, not vacation this time. :))
japhb More from the same place you and masak spent a month? 01:18
jnthn Aye
masak comes to, so at least I've got somebody to tell the terrible puns I come up with during the plane trip to... :) 01:19
japhb wonders how a Swedish training company gets serious business in South China
jnthn I dunno. :) Sales is a black box that we feed the sort of stuff we like to do into, and offers of work for us to accept or run screaming from come out of. :) 01:23
japhb Heh 01:25
jnthn gets some rest 01:41
[Coke] good sales people are a wonder. I'm kind of happy I ended up in an industry where I don't have to rely on sales. :) 01:42
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nebuchadnezzar hello 17:27
maybe the travis build matrix could be updated? travis-ci.org/MoarVM/MoarVM/jobs/41102955#L155
timotimo ah 17:29
yeah, could
fortunately it's entirely safe
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