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brrt good *, ring-ding-ding-ding-ding 09:13
jnthn banana phone! 09:14
oh wait, wrong song :P
brrt i'm not sure i'm that far along in the series :-) 09:20
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brrt hmm, i'm pondering agile-ness in relation to the JIT development 11:00
there are two observations here 11:01
.oO( 0. We should continue not doing scrum :P )
brrt a): i can't make progress unless i set small goals which are doable in at most, about 4 hours, because i don't have timeframes larger than that
b): i can't make progress unless these changes at each time yield something which works 11:02
c): i can't actually make such small changes and be sure to end up at the end, unless is analyze and design my trajectory upfront 11:03
or, rather
jnthn I like how your observations were agile enough to grow an extra one :)
brrt c): if i analyze my trajectory upfront, it becomes much more feasilbe to divide the work into pieces that satisfy a and b
jnthn fwiw, I often - before digging into things - write myself a short list of steps in my text editor, that I work through 11:04
If it's anything non-small
brrt my 2 secret weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency...
well, that's design and analysis, isn't it?
i'm using org-mode for all of that these days, and i've been very happy about that
jnthn Pretty much, yes :) 11:05
brrt soooo... A and B are just about the agile manifesto repeated, C is almost the antithesis?
jnthn I don't really think agile is "go wander off in some direction and hope it'll all be OK" 11:06
Though I've seen it treated a bit like that
But it's reacting to change *over* following a plan
That doesn't mean "don't plan"
It means don't follow a plan when the circumstances change 11:07
brrt hmmm
jnthn And render the plan possibly less valuable
brrt that almost sounds like its just engineering
jnthn Which does carry an implication of not making plans that are doomed to become invalid.
But yeah, I've seen "let's do agile" lead to "we don't need to plan" 11:08
brrt i have so many stories about that, that it wouldn't be at all a good idea to write about on a logged channel
interestingly, i think i have a plan for adding the requisite spill-load capacities, correctly even 11:12
it's just a long road :-o 11:13
12:00 brrt joined
nwc10 jnthn: I almost had a bootstrapping problem. I put the saucer onto the coffee machine, not the cup. Fortunately I realised before I pushed the button. 12:38
jnthn Coffee flood narrowly averted! 12:39
nwc10 aye, but also "clearly coffee needed here as a pre-req for correctly making coffee" 12:40
jnthn ...do you normally take a saucer to go with the cup? :) 12:41
nwc10 yes. some sort of obsession 12:43
jnthn Curious. :) 12:48
I mean, with tea it feels like a saucer is natural. But coffee... 12:49
nwc10 it's a (sort of) hemispherical cup shaped like a tea cup 13:03
so it feels like it needs the saucer
(as hemispherical as a tea cup is hemispherical)
jnthn ah 13:04
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.oO( Geometrically hemispherical and topologically toroidal )