00:23 pyrimidine joined 01:03 zakharyas joined
timotimo you won't believe who wrote this week's weekly! p6weekly.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/...fter-math/ - click here to find out! 01:55
01:58 pyrimidine joined 02:16 ggoebel joined
[Coke] timotimo++ 02:21
02:26 pyrimidine joined
samcv timotimo, are we going to start advertising using Taboola? 02:28
like sponsored news articles lol
timotimo i don't know what that is? 02:32
03:29 pyrimidine joined 04:30 MasterDuke_ joined
samcv it's sponsored news articles that are clickbaity 04:36
it's an advertising platform like google adwords except it's like for sponsored ads
eurr sponsored news i mean
JimmyZ samcv: re github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/fc...c3a88a392, looks like github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/b8c5...1532-L1704 also would be a good place to use that. 05:53
samcv: which reduces moarvm startup time too. :) 05:54
samcv JimmyZ, why does putting it in ops make startup time faster? 06:31
enlighten me
why not put everything in ops.c :P 06:32
JimmyZ samcv: MVM_string_cclass_init can be removed. so faster startup time 06:50
samcv ah 06:51
well. it can be removed for just that one class right?
JimmyZ samcv: I am not sure ,but looks like static UPV_* are constants 06:55
samcv yep they store property value codes i think
JimmyZ yeah
samcv i mean i doubt it takes very long at all to call that
JimmyZ every moarvm startup time save helps rakudo startup time too, I would say :) 06:57
samcv yeah but like less than a ms lol
i thought about cutting some of that out, but the gains would be insignificant so put it on the back burner 06:58
not sure about moving the files though
07:22 pyrimidi_ joined
samcv JimmyZ, how can i get mvm to use all my ram on purpose? 07:24
i want to test out a script to kill moar if it gobbles up all my ram 07:25
nine samcv: why don't you just set a ulimit? 07:56
JimmyZ m: sub a() { a() }; a 07:57
camelia rakudo-moar 9f7e61: OUTPUTĀ«MoarVM panic: Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 131072 bytesā¤Ā»
samcv good question nine
how much should i set it for 16GB of ram? 07:59
like 8GB?
ok i'm setting it to 5GB i guess 08:01
nine 5 GiB sounds like plenty for MoarVM and any program really
samcv JimmyZ, i need something that doesn't kill itself 08:02
oh nvm that one does. my ulimit worked :) 08:04
now i can not get sad
nine samcv: btw. if you've got a typical consumer SSD, it will suck tremendously at write work loads. It will start fast and slow to a crawl very soon and may even be slower than a plain old HDD. 08:06
samcv i have SSD
nine We have learned the very hard way that this is the biggest difference between consumer and data center SDDs. 08:08
I got myself one of these www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/sol...eries.html because running our work project's test suite which does a lot of setup gave me too much opportunity to do housework. Not even the mouse cursor would move much of the time. 08:09
jnthn timotimo++ # p6weekly 10:02
moarning all o/
10:03 zakharyas joined
nwc10 Correct! :-) 10:03
jnthn: running the spectest with harness6 (in a loop) under valgrind, I can't get it to trigger anything 10:04
(the harness is under valgrind, not the tests that it is running)
jnthn Hmmm.
nwc10 yes, this is what I think, as doing the same thing with ASAN occasionally fails
jnthn As in, it works reliably every time for you, or just doesn't abort/SEGV
? 10:05
It's odd indeed.
nwc10 the harness runs reliably (er, I think almost always. Maybe I got one of those Perl 6 exceptions at one point)
as the spectest does a git pull, it can end up with newer spectests than the perl6-m that is running them, so sometimes they can fail 10:06
jnthn OK
jnthn wonders if mtrace is on Linux what malloc_history is on OSX...
nwc10 I wasn't aware of either. They look similar. The OS X man page suggests that it can give you a backtrace 10:09
jnthn Well, the main interesting thing about malloc_history is that it keeps a full history of every malloc/free/realloc 10:15
Then you can query by address
After the fact 10:16
And since it's a full history, it can help explain things where the point of problem and point of crash are far apart
10:16 agentzh joined
nwc10 this is useful 10:16
JimmyZ m: my \SCALE = 3; my \FANOUT = 2; sub divide-and-conquer($n, $depth) { say "$depth: $n" if 0; $depth <= 0 ?? $n !! [+] await do for ^FANOUT { start { divide-and-conquer($n / FANOUT, $depth - 1) } } }; say divide-and-conquer(1.0, SCALE); 11:11
camelia rakudo-moar 699013: OUTPUTĀ«1ā¤Ā»
12:30 zakharyas joined 12:36 lucasb joined
lucasb A question about style: there's +350 occurrences of the 'for (i = 0; i < foo; i++)' idiom. I once saw a macro that wraps this 'for' idiom and works like this: DO(5, printf("%d", i)). 12:42
Do you think this kind of macro clutters the source code?
here it is: #define DO(n,stm) {int i=0,_n=(n); for(;i<_n;i++){stm}} 12:43
copied from the J source code :)
grep -r -h -o 'for (i = 0; i < .*; i++)' src | wc -l
12:59 ggoebel joined
samcv lucasb, i think most people know what it means, and it's less mysterious 13:04
or more. i'm not sure. in different ways 13:05
if you need to use the value of i, i think it's a downgrade. but if you are using it just to do somethnig X number of times it might be ok-ish 13:06
jnthn I think anyone whose written much see will pattern-match the typical for (...) idiom pretty quick 13:07
s/see/C/ # gah, not enough sleep 13:08
lucasb i c what u did
:) 13:09
samcv, jnthn: right, agreed
jnthn Macros also obscure things when debugging sometimes
Happens a bit with MVMROOT now and then
samcv i hope they will C it
too much see!
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IOninja friendly-reminds about PR github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/522 :") 18:43
jnthn Will get to it tomorrow :) 18:47
Have Perl 6 tuits all day tomorrow
IOninja \o/
TimToady yays 19:03
TimToady is still detangling all the incestuous bits of %*LANG... 19:04
IOninja "I want to find out where UTF-8 encoded command line arguments are getting mangled" anyone know? github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/346#is...-278107030 19:11
jnthn IOninja: Hmm...looking at that one for a moment between cooking tasks...I'm not quite convinced it's a desirable change. :-( We try to prefix everything that we export MVMFoo (types) or MVM_foo (functions) 19:12
IOninja jnthn: OK, I copied the comment to the PR 19:13
I'm not the author, it's just it's the author's first ever contribution to OSS and they weren't sure of the process on Sunday :) 19:14
jnthn I feel kinda bad because it's his first contrib *and* somebody filed a ticket quite a while ago suggesting it, so it looked like a valid task :S
IOninja heh :} Well, rejected PRs are part of the processes. 19:15
19:27 pyrimidine joined
jnthn About the earlier question: raw command line args are stashed away at github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...ain.c#L186 which is just the raw bytes; decoding happens on first use, e.g. at github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...ps.c#L1202 19:33
There's already a different path for Windows
timotimo aye, i just posted that to the nqp issue
jnthn ah, OK, cool :)
timotimo hopefully nanis can figure out how to get this right for us 19:34
because i'm stumped :)
19:34 pyrimidine joined
timotimo we can probably actually use wmain rather than main for moarvm when we build on windows 19:34
and perhaps sidestep most of that trouble
jnthn Probably 19:35
Though we'd also have to then decode it as utf-16 I guess :) 19:36
Which is fine
timotimo right, ifdefs all the way down
and using strlenw or something
jnthn Also an ifdef on the undecoded clargs I guess to use the wide data type 19:38
Then it should all match up
timotimo right 19:39
i'd suggest i take this task, but i don't have a windows ready to try it out :\
i guess i can cross-compile to windows and just run it with wine, hah
(no.) 19:43
(not going to go through that experience)
dogbert17 o/ 20:15
'This file contains 4 heap snapshots. To select one to look' so now what?
have run a minimal spectest, i.e. approx 30 files and created a heap dump file with 4 snapshots. when the threshold was set to 10 I got 5 snapshots 20:17
20:36 pyrimidine joined
timotimo try "help" 20:37
it'll tell you how to select a snapshot
the first thing will be "summary", usually
how big's the file when you compress it? 20:38
dogbert17 the one I have now is 230MB uncompressed 20:45
compressed it's 22 meg 20:46
the heap sizes displayed if I type 'summary' are a magnitude lower than the RSS displayed by ps at roughly the same time 20:48
timotimo, jnthn: here's a gist: gist.github.com/dogbert17/d6015aa9...631b0bf2bc 20:58
timotimo dogbert17: that points roughly in the direction that our calculations for size are inaccurate 21:47
jnthn Note that some of that RSS will be for storing the profiles themselves, though 22:01
But yeah, I'm reckoning that ain't the whole story
dogbert17 jnthn, true (blames beer), I have updated the gist with how it looks without the --profile=heap option 22:02
timotimo oh, yeah, that's a whole lot of extra data
i wonder if we should employ some kind of compression scheme? 22:03
dogbert17 yeah, the heap profiler uses a lot of memory, tried it on one of my small scripts and it crashed :(
jnthn hasn't had trouble with it, but has 16GB of RAM in this box :) 22:05
It's probably be better if it flushed to disk after each snapshot 22:06
dogbert17 this is too much for my box: 'my $numPrimes = 0; for (2...*) -> $x { if $x.is-prime && ++$numPrimes == 10_001 { say $x; last; }}'
timotimo yeah, but we have to run some perl6(actually nqp) code to create the string representation 22:07
jnthn Yeah, that's why it's the way it is at present :) 22:08
And we don't want the writing of it to influence things.
timotimo we can of course register a callable that we call into when the time comes 22:09
jnthn That's still risk influencing it though
Heh, that primes one must make quite a bit of garbage
Oh, I guess for 10,000 primes you've gotta test a lot of values 22:10
But still it's quite a few...guess SEQUENCE may be to thank
dogbert17 it was probebly not the best example to use :-) 22:12
jnthn Yeah, just up to 1000 primes it's a 224MB file
dogbert17 if you suspect it's a Project Euler problem you'ld be correct :)
projecteuler.net/problem=7 22:15
jnthn :) 22:17
Rest time; back tomorrow :)
dogbert17 nite
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