00:06 vendethiel joined
samcv nice 00:25
any improvement is an improvement
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brrt samcv; it's a good question 06:46
samcv brrt, which is a good question?
brrt why JITting helps, even if the advantage per function is pretty small 06:47
(well, per op)
samcv ah yeah
why can't we just JIT everything auto-magically
brrt hehe
samcv WHY
brrt well, there's a good answer to that
we have a couple hundred ops 06:48
and many of them are de facto C calls 06:51
to JIT them correctly, we need to know what those calls look like
however, if we have only one op doesn't work, we can't JIT the entire function
we can't just fall back into interpreting
perl5 could, as could python, because they can have 'nested interpreters' 06:53
in general, JITting makes running code cheaper mostly by removing the interpretation overhead, which is argubably not the primary source of overhead for a 'dynamic' language 06:54
so the trick, i think, is to be able to represent the code to be interpreted in a way to reduce the effective complexity of code 06:56
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samcv ok so you tell it special hints and info about the function and how it is 07:02
and that allows it to be effectively JIT'd. that makes sense
otherwise everything would break if you put the wrong things in huh
is whether it is static or can be affected by other variables part of the info you define? 07:03
brrt well, usually specific ops are just altogether added 07:16
as in, it's entirely possible to 'bail out' JITting in specific conditions
but it is rare that we do 07:17
(i broke spilling again :-() 07:20
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samcv what do we do with spilling. that's about register alocation and moving it from cache to memory right? 07:22
brrt yeah, the 'cache' is the register 07:23
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samcv how can I try and ensure things don't spill into the cache? Or is that only a problem for VM allocation and stuff 07:45
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brrt i found the issue, i guess 07:46
Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 8f0d36dcf8 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 4 files
MVM_jit_tile_make should take values

MVM_jit_tile is supposed to make it easy to make 'complete' tiles inline, so that includes values. Could've chosen to use refs (to the tree), but these are used by the register allocator (and only for live range determination), whereas values are used by the tile itself.
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dogbert17_ wonders if MasterDuke++ created a MoarVM issue describing the problems with t/spec/S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t that he discovered yesterday 12:40
MasterDuke MasterDuke-- did not
12:41 domidumont joined
MasterDuke dogbert17_: have you started to? if not i can do that now 12:42
dogbert17_, jnthn: written up as github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/554 13:00
dogbert17_ MasterDuke+++ :) 13:18
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timotimo samcv: you don't really have to worry about spilling in your own work; it's just something the register allocator will do for you, just like it would in a C or C++ compiler 15:48
samcv: also, our current JIT basically spills all registers that were used to memory after every single op 15:49
(and it can still give you a very strong improvement in performance) 15:59
16:12 brrt joined
timotimo brrt: how do you feel about allowing providers of extops to also provide a function that constructs a simple jit graph? like, C function calls only, for example 16:33
see conversation in #perl6-dev on the trade-off between p6bool making a frame un-jittable and the overhead of ?? !! being potentially bigger than p6bool could do 16:35
brrt let me read that for a bit
jnthn wonders why p6bool is unjittable
brrt that would be awesome
jnthn We can JIT ext-ops? 16:36
brrt wonders too
we can
we ought to be able at least
jnthn I mean, we JIT them into C calls to the op bodies, don't we?
timotimo wait, we can?
we already have the functionality for that?
big oops %)
lizmat jnthn: no idea, but it appears that nqp::p6bool is quite a lot slower than ?? True !! False :-(
brrt we can and we do 16:37
i'm not sure what the restrictions on p6bool are
but extops were the first use case for the new data segment
timotimo yup, it does jit it 16:38
i spoke way too soon
brrt hmmm
timotimo but now, how do we explain the performance discrepancy liz is measuring?
brrt good question
(the JIT sucks, haha) 16:39
timotimo is the jit code for that loop really so tight in comparison to a C function call?
jnthn lizmat: I don't see that
$ time perl6-m -e 'use nqp; for ^1000000 { $ = 1 ?? True !! False }'
$ time perl6-m -e 'use nqp; for ^1000000 { $ = nqp::p6bool(1) }'
Pretty much identical
And with 16:40
$ time perl6-m -e 'use nqp; my $x = 1; for ^1000000 { $ = $x ?? True !! False }'
$ time perl6-m -e 'use nqp; my $x = 1; for ^1000000 { $ = nqp::p6bool($x) }'
timotimo oh, i have an idea
jnthn It comes in faster
lizmat huh?
it comes in slower for me
timotimo hm, no, p6bool is defined on native ints, not on objects
jnthn OK, doing several runs they basically come out the same within noise
timotimo not on my machine 16:41
jnthn timotimo: yeah, but the code-gen first does istrue iirc
timotimo hm, OK
for 10_000_000 i get 5.7s vs 6.4s
the measurements are not very noisy 16:42
lizmat jnthn: I've used a native int for $x, does that make a difference to you ?
jnthn 6.766 vs 6.783 for me
lizmat: Lemme try
lizmat the reason I used a native int, is that p6bool is usually used in conjunction with native int values 16:43
jnthn Aha, now I see the difference
timotimo right, with a non-native variable they are only half a second apart 16:44
jnthn github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...s.nqp#L277
The code-gen there isn't aware of intlexref 16:45
Well, lexical refs in general
timotimo that's a good point
jnthn So that's probably where the discrepancy comes from
lizmat ah, so the use case for p6bool doesn't use it :-(
timotimo i didn't know we had a piece of compiler for p6bool
it does use it, because it's forced to
it just doesn't understand it could just decont_i or decont_n 16:46
jnthn Not even that
timotimo so it goes through the general istrue_o
jnthn I can just do a lexical access
lizmat so it's first boxing the value
timotimo right, it probably creates an *LexRef and will istrue_o that
whereas the ?? !! version probably doesn't allocate anything at all 16:47
jnthn Yes, the decont will box
lizmat has to be afk again
jnthn Anyway, good news is we can fix it in one place :)
timotimo that's something we'd have to implement in the Optimizer, no?
hm, no, actually
jnthn timotimo: No, we can just handle it in p6bool's compilation
timotimo we do get the qast that has the lexicalref into that function
jnthn Just case-analyze what we get
It'll be a QAST::Var with scope lexicalref 16:48
In that case we can actually just :want($MVM_reg_int64) when we compile_mast
timotimo right, so w'll do that before $exprres gets created and twiddle the Var node first
oh, ok, no need to twiddle, then
jnthn And then it'll compile it into a lexical lookup
Yeah, I'd rather not twiddle the AST
We've been burnt from doing that before
timotimo i would have twiddled it the same way the nfg tree gets twiddled 16:49
i.e. create a copy, modify that
let me try to whip something up
jnthn Yeah, but we can do even easier and just pass a :want in :) 16:50
And then leave the rest of the code the same :)
timotimo right
but we should only do it if we detect an IntLexRef, right?
i'm actually not sure how to get at the target lexical from here 16:51
jnthn I'm saying you don't need to
timotimo like, to figure out if we'll want an int or num or what
oh, not at all?
jnthn Hm, actually maybe you do to know what to :$want 16:52
I'd do somethin glike
my $want;
if it's a QAST::Var with .scope eq 'lexicalref'
get the objprimspec of the type, aand use that to assign $MVM_reg_int64, $MVM_reg_num64, or $MVM_reg_str to $want 16:53
Then pass that to compile_mat
timotimo i'm imagining someone calling nqp::p6bool on, say, 1e100 and we'd asplode with "this num is too big to be boxed into an int"
ah, objprimspec is the one i'd want
would i grab it from the .returns of QAST::Var? 16:54
jnthn Yeah
timotimo i feel like i haven't touched qast compiler stuff in ages :| 16:55
jnthn Heh, same for me :) 16:56
It's not an area where bugs crop up all that often
timotimo i can make bugs there! 16:57
jnthn :P
timotimo i got distracted waiting for the build to finish 17:05
now i'll spectest with my change
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timotimo okay, all spec tests clean except the one that always goes out of order and the subst one 17:15
i broke it \o/ 17:16
objprimspec isn't compatible with the enum we use for :want ? 17:17
that's it 17:20
okay, that closed the performance gap 17:21
good catch in any case, jnthn :) 17:24
jnthn Well, lizmat++ spotted the perf diff, I just figured out what was going on :) 17:25
timotimo right
jnthn timotimo++ for fixing it
timotimo lizmat++ jnthn++ :)
depending on the branch you take in p6bool, we'll look up $*REGALLOC between 4 and 6 times; is caching that in a lexical a useless micro-optimization? 17:26
5 lookups in p6sink, i expect we call that a bajillion times all in all? 17:28
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jnthn Probably worth it 17:29
timotimo i'll make a pass over Ops.nqp and do a full measurement of the core setting build 10x with and 10x without during my next AFK 17:31
"regal" in german means "cupboard" or "shelf" 17:33
jnthn Ain't languages fun :) 17:34
jnthn has tomorrow set aside for doing Perl 6 and Moar stuffs 17:35
[Coke] nine.
jnthn ten!
jnthn goes to rest a bit :) 17:36
timotimo timings will now commence (and i'm AFK) 17:39
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timotimo barely noticable, but statistically significant 18:19
0.02s or something 18:24
interesting. on the nqp side of things, there's already a whole lot of "my $regalloc := $*REGALLOC" in QASTOperationsMAST 18:35
in moarvm's irclog search i only found a timtoady gist from 2 years ago about dynamic var lookup stats 18:37
ah, perl6-dev has one from a month ago 18:38
there regalloc only accounts for like 0.25% of time
i could put up the changes for $REGALLOC in a branch in case the dynamic var cache gets made 100x slower or something :P 18:40
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samcv good * 19:39
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jnthn o/ samcv 21:15
Geth MoarVM/master: 6 commits pushed by (Samantha McVey)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++ 21:20
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timotimo yo samcv 22:03
samcv yo 22:47
should be fine building with local repos for everything but libtommath right? 22:50
using --has-libffi --has-libatomic_ops --has-libuv --has-dyncall atm 22:51
timotimo it should be erroneous to have both libffi and dyncall in the configure line 22:52
it doesn't make sense to have more than one of those two
samcv well those flags only tell it to use locally installed versions instead of the moarvm provided ones right 22:53
or maybe i'm wrong
timotimo hm, maybe
i didn't do much inside Configure.pl
samcv which one is the default? or best, do we have backends for both libs or something? 22:54
timotimo yeah, we have a little wrapper for each of those 22:55
these wrappers both have the same API that the rest of moarvm then uses
samcv github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/183 22:56
so i guess dyncall is the preferred one
jnthn So far as I remember, they don't support completely overlapping sets of platforms 22:57
samcv libs: -lffi -L/usr/lib/../lib -lffi -latomic_ops -L/usr/lib/../lib -lffi -luv -L/usr/lib/../lib -lffi -lm -lpthread -lrt -ldl
so i guess i've been using libffi 22:58
timotimo right, platform support is the reason why we even pulled libffi in
we used to have only dyncall, which is also what parrot had
grrr 23:01
i'm getting python errors but no apparent way to figure out where they originated 23:02
print("sizeclass " + sizeclass + " being analyzed") 23:06
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
has this always been like that?
geekosaur apparently yes 23:07
python isn't perl 23:08
(arguably you can depend on python doing what perl doesn't...)
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timotimo okay, getting the errors from trying to stringify a string that contains ropes 23:17
someone needs to rewrite this code 23:18
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samcv is this with python only or inline::python? 23:29
timotimo python only
we'd need inline.perl6 to make this bearable ;)
samcv so python is broken? lol 23:30
timotimo huh?
samcv <timotimo> okay, getting the errors from trying to stringify a string that contains ropes
that was refering to python or perl6?
timotimo let me show you
github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...#L180-L205 23:31
this is what's broken
samcv ah 23:53
makes sense now 23:54
timotimo i don't think it was ever correct, either
i think it gave off-by-ones all the time :P 23:55
for the time being i turned it off and put the address of the string into the histogram 23:57
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