timotimo i have a workload that spends about 90% of run time in collapse_strands 00:03
samcv wow it prints way too much with llvm 5.0 if i do by function. everywhere everything is inlined which may not be the best for the overall summary 00:04
hmm timotimo
timotimo, is that workload just normal use of JSON::Fast? 00:55
timotimo hm
well, it takes a ~420mb file of strings separated with null bytes 00:56
then it splits that into an array
that array gets serialized with to-json, then immediately deserialized with from-json
and then i join it with \0 to spurt it back into a different file
to see if it successfully roundtrips
anyway, it's bedtime for me now, i'd say 00:58
samcv night night timotimo :) 01:01
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samcv .seen brrt 03:24
yoleaux2 I saw brrt 4 Apr 2017 09:16Z in #moarvm: <brrt> the jit logging needs to be cleaned up anyway
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Geth MoarVM: 33af46191a | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/normalize.c
Remove two funct. in normalize.c that have been superseded

is_spacing_mark and is_regional_indicator have been superceeded by the switches for the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property in should_break() which is also in normalize.c
Was re-reminded about their non-use while examining our new coverage reports
samcv hello brrt
brrt hi samcv
samcv have you seen the new even fancier coverage
brrt not yet, i think 06:13
samcv cry.nu/coverage/ for nqp and cry.nu/coverage/roast for roast
and you can link to line numbers in the files as well
and has a link at the top to 'jump to the first uncovered line' in a file 06:14
link line numbers like github
06:16 domidumont joined
Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: fd0de679cc | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | docs/jit/plan.org
Document plan for 'let' to 'do' conversion

This way, we can remove the 'internal rooting' mechanism and avoid a number of potential errors, as well as ensure that the template code as written is compiled as the developer should expect it, i.e. in linear, greedy order.
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samcv brrt, let me know if you want me to profile roast and/or nqp test suite with the even-moar-jit branch 07:44
brrt hmmm 07:47
that is actually a pretty good idea 07:48
samcv yeah?
brrt i think so, yes
samcv ok roast or nqp test suite. which one should i do
brrt nqp test suite will do fine
samcv ok cool
brrt it's pretty limited for now, after all
samcv oo can you merge master back in on it first tho 07:49
cause it doesn't have the new ./Configure.pl option
hmm got a merge problem. i'll just cherry pick it temporarly. will be faster 07:56
brrt merge problem? 07:58
i can merge it again, yes
the problem is that some of the Configure.pl options are WRONG 07:59
especially the ones regarding dynasm and lua
can't risk that, we need our own lua
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samcv ok started generating it, will be done in 5 mins or so 08:02
brrt cool 08:03
samcv uh oh. nah. you should merge 08:04
heh. it's missing indexic_s op too
and nqp is unhappy
well. it can't compile :P
brrt alright, had no idea you were going so fast :-P 08:06
re: rust evangelism, the one thing that made me chuckle was 'in the future when overflow checking is going to be cheap' 09:29
samcv when will that be lol 09:31
or is that the joke
brrt okay, trivia question 09:34
do you know why you do get a 'divide by zero' error and not an integer overflow error?
(well, you would, on some languages, but in C for example) 09:35
samcv you mean compilier error? 09:36
brrt no, rutnime
(anyway, lunch &, will be back in a bit and leave you in suspsense)
samcv kk
but i mean it doesn't make much sense to divide by zero anyway and i doubt it'd be compatible with the division algorithms they have 09:38
brrt i have forgotten how the binary division algorithm typically works 10:07
anyway, the reason is that a divide-by-zero raises a (hardware) interrupt, whereas integer overflow sets a bit in the flags register 10:08
so the one automatically draws you away from normal execution; the second you have to check-and-branch 10:22
and you can do this, but it doubles the size of your numeric code
rather than add %rax, %rdi; you have add %rax, %rsi; jo label;' everywhere 10:23
and if you want resumeability, you have to translate that into a call
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Geth MoarVM/even-moar-jit: 364e0d2ba1 | (Bart Wiegmans)++ | 7 files
Extract expr op reading into module

To make reading expr ops simpler and consistent, extract the expr ops into their own file, and create a module for reading it.
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samcv good * everyone 19:35
lizmat samcv o/ 19:47
jnthn: what would you think of having a hash-like equivalent to IterationBuffer such as IterationHash (with the same REPR as nqp::hash, but without the auto-HLLizing everywhere) 19:48
s/IterationHash/IterationSer/ 19:49
grrrr ;)
timotimo HashBuffer? LLHash?
lizmat the thing is that it's very hard to make hotpath subs that take an nqp::hash as a parameter 19:50
case in point: Set.new-from-pairs and Iterable (|) Iterable 19:51
I would like to apply the logic of new-from-pairs in the same nqp::hash
but if I put this in a sub, I need to de-HLLize everything again and again 19:52
samcv nqp::hash's get HLLized? 19:53
lizmat, does that have any relation to what happens when i assign a nqp::hash to a %sigil 19:54
m: my %hash = nqp::hash; %hash<foo> = 'bar'; say %hash
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find nqp::hash, did you forget 'use nqp;' ?
at <tmp>:1
------> my %hash = nqp::hashā; %hash<foo> = 'bar'; say %hash
expecting any of:
argument list
samcv m: use nqp; my %hash = nqp::hash; %hash<foo> = 'bar'; say %hash
camelia {foo => bar}
samcv also what does HLL stand for ;) i have not dived into that section of the codebase yet 19:55
lizmat samcv: the (empty) nqp::hash gets HighLevelLanguaged, is empty, so doesn't assign anything to the %hash
samcv it does though 19:56
lizmat m: use nqp; my $h := nqp::hash("a",42); sub a(\h) { say h.WHAT }; a $h
camelia (Hash)
samcv it assigns something to the %hash
lizmat m: use nqp; my %h = nqp::hash; dd %h
camelia Hash %h = {}
lizmat samcv: don't think so 19:57
samcv m: use nqp; my %hash = nqp::hash; say nqp::existskey(%hash, 'blah')
camelia 0
samcv m: use nqp; my %hash; say nqp::existskey(%hash, 'blah')
camelia (signal SEGV)
samcv see
it does *something* at least
lizmat what does something?
samcv i can't do nqp::existskey on a %sigil that is unpopulated or else it segV's 19:58
but if i assign nqp::hash to the %sigil thing, then it doesn't segv and nqp::existskey works
lizmat m: my %h; dd nqp::getattr(%h,Map,'$!storage') 19:59
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find nqp::getattr, did you forget 'use nqp;' ?
at <tmp>:1
------> %h; dd nqp::getattr(%h,Map,'$!storage')ā<EOL>
lizmat m: use nqp; my %h; dd nqp::getattr(%h,Map,'$!storage')
camelia Mu $!storage = Mu
lizmat m: use nqp; my %h = (); dd nqp::getattr(%h,Map,'$!storage')
camelia {}
lizmat if you don't try to assign to a Hash, it will not allocate its internal nqp::hash
samcv m: use nqp; my %hash= (); say nqp::existskey(%hash, 'blah') 20:00
camelia 0
lizmat m: use nqp::existskey(My,'foo')
camelia ===SORRY!===
Could not find nqp::existskey at line 1 in:
lizmat m: use nqp; nqp::existskey(My,'foo')
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
My used at line 1
lizmat m: use nqp; nqp::existskey(Mu,'foo')
camelia This type (Mu) does not support associative operations
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
samcv kk. so it's not specific to assigning to nqp::hash. just that it has to have a hash allocated to it
lizmat m: use nqp; nqp::existskey(nqp::null,'foo')
camelia This representation (Null) does not support associative access (for type VMNull)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
samcv and the hash that gets allocated isn't the one i assign to it
lizmat m: use nqp; my %h = nqp::hash # nqp::hash becomes {}, which becomes (), which causes $!storage to be allocated, but still empty 20:01
camelia ( no output )
lizmat samcv: ^^ what happens if you say %h = nqp::hash() 20:02
samcv kk
yeah. so something happens but not directly 20:03
lizmat m: use nqp; my $h := nqp::hash; nqp::bindattr(my %hash,Map,'$!storage',$h); nqp::bindkey($h,"a",42); dd %hash
camelia Hash %hash = {:a(42)}
lizmat samcv: have a low level hash be part of a HLL Hash 20:04
samcv hmm MVM_STRING_GRAPHEME_ASCII appears to be unused in MoarVM 20:19
MVM_STRING_GRAPHEME_8 is used though
not sure why it exists
since it is never used, and its processing is the same as MVM_STRING_GRAPHEME_8 20:20
and nothing ever sets strings as MVM_STRING_GRAPHEME_ASCII
MasterDuke i think when you create small string literals from the command line they're *_ASCII 20:25
samcv oh i guess they are sorta different. Grapheme_8 can have synthetics down to -128 or something
nah they are MVM_STRING_GRAPHEME_8
MVMGraphemeASCII and MVMGrapheme8 are both MVMint8, one just doesn't have negative numbers 20:29
or any synthetics
MasterDuke m: use nqp; my @array; say nqp::existspos(@array, 2)
camelia This type (Array) does not support elems
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
samcv so it can still fit things into 8 bits in case there are synthetics + no characters above 127
MasterDuke that's a nicer error than a SEGV
samcv ya 20:30
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samcv timotimo, can you show me the workload that uses all the time in collapse_strands please 21:20
jnthn lizmat: If you want it for internal use, just declare it in Rakudo::Internals. :) If you want to expose it, then it'll need more discussion/thought. 21:23
lizmat: Should be as easy as class Rakudo::Internals::YourNameHere is repr('VMHash') { }
timotimo samcv: you have access to the whateverable server, right? 21:24
lizmat yeah, it's already in core atm
samcv yeah
lizmat jnthn: but I could still move it to Rakudo::Internals 21:25
samcv jnthn, how do you feel about MVM_string_graphs_nocheck because in many places we check twice
MVM_string_graphs does a check and MVM_string_check_arg does a check
timotimo /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/irc/cache.tar.gz
grab that file and extract it
that's the 420 megs file that i'm using
samcv ok what's the test job 21:26
lizmat jnthn: I called it IterationSet
samcv i will do that in a bit
timotimo then check out the latest JSON::Fast, and do like spurt("otherCache", from-json(to-json(slurp("cache").split("\0"))).join("\0"))
that's already run for 13 hours on my desktop 21:27
so you may want to cut the size of "cache" down by like 10x
or 100x
samcv ok. it's just a long text file? or something?
are there any cp's above 127?
timotimo it's every line of irc text from some log, but instead of newlines it has \0 21:28
samcv if not, i might know what's slowing it down
timotimo it most probably does
samcv if there's only ascii chars in it
when we colapse strands and it fits in 8 bits, after collapsing the strand, we then convert taht 32bit string into an 8bit string
Zoffix timotimo: so JSON::Fast now uses 1/10th of the memory; did it get faster too? By how much?
timotimo Zoffix: it only got much much faster for your problematic string 21:29
it got slower for other strings
Zoffix :(
lizmat jnthn: testing whether s/IterationSet/Rakudo::Internals::IterationSet/ creates an issue
jnthn lizmat: What are you actually using it for? But yeah, stick it in internals...I guess i's not in public API
timotimo i don't have a good set of long json strings to test this on
jnthn I mean, IterationBuffer plays a role in custom iterator implementations
Zoffix Well, speed was never an issue for me with it. 21:30
jnthn samcv: Hm, and the C compiler ain't smart enough to avoid 'em? I guess we can
(Add one
samcv idk if it is smart enough to avoid them. probably not because often we do other things afterward
call functions etc.
jnthn Yeah, true 21:31
samcv okay cool
jnthn Anyway, no objections if there's some kind of measurable improvement from it :)
samcv what if there is non :P
jnthn callgrind is probably going to be able to tell you best :)
samcv *none
maybe it's some very small amount...
jnthn Sure; callgrind will tell you in CPU instructions, though :-) 21:32
lizmat jnthn: no objections against IterationSet, or do you want it to be R:I:IterationSet ?
jnthn lizmat: The latter, plesae
samcv timotimo, copying that file now
lizmat (the latter is more typing)
jnthn Yes, but exposing stuff we don't know we want to keep is less than good :)
lizmat ok 21:33
jnthn Or want to call different or whatever
lizmat fair enough, running spectest now
jnthn I mean, I'm a bit uneasy with the name IterationSet, but if it's internal we don't need to worry )
timotimo samcv: looking forward to your findings :)
samcv: i didn't touch the whole topic at all after starting that
lizmat jnthn: and it does make 5% difference on Set.new(42)
timotimo i thought i could first figure out how long exactly it runs for
jnthn lizmat: Nice :) 21:34
samcv never finishes?
how big is the file?
400MB or whatever? that's pretty big
timotimo anyway, yeah, 95% time spent in collapse_strands or functions called by collapse_strands
lizmat jnthn: with one frame less and one object created less
timotimo 420 blaze it megabytes
samcv k i will fix your problem timotimo (maybe)
lizmat jnthn: for each Set.new
timotimo whoa 21:35
jnthn Sounds good :) 21:36
timotimo fwiw, all i need this for is to check if json::fast roundtrips things properly
the memory usage pattern has changed, it's now peaking up to 5.5gb every few sconds, in between going down to 2.5gb 21:39
Zoffix Is that still 1/10th of previous usage? 21:48
Zoffix just told people to upgrade JSON::Fast to get awesomification
timotimo i hope it's not buggy 21:51
i didn't try this workload with the previous JSON::Fast
i can imagine it'd take a bit more memory
samcv ok timotimo callgrinding 22:05
timotimo how small did you make the file? 22:06
samcv probably not small enough idk 22:07
timotimo i really ought to have a corpus of json files that i can benchmark against all the revisions i've made 22:10
samcv gonna run it with shorter file
how long for from-json(to-json(slurp("scache").split("\0"))).join("\0")) btw 22:11
how long will i have to be waiting
for 120MB file
timotimo i don't know if the time usage will decrease linearly, quadratically, or exponentially 22:13
if it's linear, you'll have to wait a minimum of 3 hours
samcv that is too much 22:14
timotimo well, yeah 22:16
that's why i suggested going down to 1% rather than 10%
samcv but why are we splitting and joining by "\0"
just for fun?
or is that what we're testing not the json stuff
timotimo see if it roundtrips perfectly 22:17
basically, someone suggested i use this file as the ultimate test for my escaping and parsing of strings 22:21
so i said "yeah why not"
and it turned out that it takes rather a long time
samcv ok i made it 1/100 of the number of characters 22:22
*graphemes that is
uhm and it's 2.5MB 22:23
so hopefully it doesn't take like hours
timotimo right 22:25
let's hope so
MasterDuke 2mb took 32s, 186728maxresident 22:28
samcv not in cachegrind :S 22:30
timotimo oh, yeah
that makes another 2x to 10x difference?
samcv sometimes feels like it's 1000x XD
timotimo only when you're watching it :D 22:31
MasterDuke with just one data point for each way, making that change is posited in collapse_strands took 0.1s longer 22:35
samcv gotta be slower than 10x. it's still going after 15 mins 22:37
so at least 32x
what good are these 16 threads now T_T 22:41
err 8 threads 22:42
timotimo i'm bout to reboot my 'puter, so the time measurement is going to be capped here 22:44
at 14h10m
samcv i feel like a nap 22:46
and when i get back it will be done :P
timotimo i hope it will :) 22:47
samcv oh. no. i accidently didn't use the module 22:59
oh well. runnig again. good thing i haven't started my nap
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