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robertle_ I was trying to recreate a coredump from yesterday, but got a different one instead: gist.github.com/robertlemmen/7d713...35de45dfa8 09:11
this seems reasonably reproducible, let me know if there is anything I can do to help. it also hangs sometimes rather than crash, investigating that at the moment
the program that crashes it basically just does HTTP::client queries to test a non-perl webserver 09:12
jnthn robertle_: What MoarVM version? 11:14
Though it doesn't matter much; either you have something that's not HEAD and upgrading will fix it, or you have HEAD and are doing stuff with Proc, in which case the rewrite of Proc in terms of Proc::Async that I'll do in the next days will fix it. :) 11:34
And the MVM_io_syncstream_write_bytes in that backtrace will cease to exist by the end of next week, all being well :)
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eveo Any book recommendations to learn C and other bits to be able to hack on moarvm? 13:04
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jnthn eveo: Well, the GC handbook (second edition) if you want to understand that side of things. I learned C many years ago from probably some earlier edition of shop.oreilly.com/product/9781565923065.do 14:02
Once you get to the point where you can look at something like `MVMCollectable ***foo;` and not be intimidated by the indirection, you're probably good. :) 14:03
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eveo Thanks 14:14
yoleaux 13:19Z <araraloren> eveo: thanks, I just make a type mistake. It's fit what I thought.
jnthn Any particular bits of MoarVM you're looking to learn about? 14:22
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eveo Everything. 14:40
nine ah, the famous three stars in the signature. I remember the blog post :) 14:53
jnthn If you're writing a moving GC you're gonna end up as a 3 star C programmer 15:04
Given in involves having lists (1) of locations (2) of object references (3). :) 15:05
eveo: You may also want to read some of the 6buts bug-hunting posts too and try to follow them in the MoarVM source :)
.oO( 6 butts )
eveo Thanks. I will. 15:06
jnthn Darn, it was hot enough in my apartment before I made cottage cheese...
lizmat 29.7 highest here today 15:07
getting some thunderstorms / rain now 15:08
jnthn 28ish here
lizmat inside we're still at 23 :-)
jnthn I normally just use halloumi instead of making paneer. The texture's kinda right and I quite like the added saltiness.
Alas, couldn't get hold of it. 15:09
It's got to 26.5 in here.
South facing apartment is lovely and bright...but not so great on a hot sunny day
At least I do $dayjob at an office now and that stays some degrees cooler than here :) 15:10
timotimo i don't have a thermometer in here, but a sign on the road said 34 degC an hour or two ago 15:12
jnthn ugh 15:13
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timotimo granted, that sign might have read the temperature above the road, which was asphalt, which famously becomes pretty hot when the sun shines on it 15:44
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robertle_ jnthn: my crashed moar was 2017.05-29-g68620c8e, but if this is in a codepath that is going away then great! I'll be running this type of code in test cases for a while, so I'll see how it goes... 17:32
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