00:20 MasterDuke joined
Geth MoarVM: b03c8fdf93 | (Samantha McVey)++ | tools/UCD-download.p6
Have UCD-Download also download Shift-JIS code index
MoarVM: 9ce054d099 | (Samantha McVey)++ | tools/generate_encoding_codetables.p6
Update generate_encoding_codetables.p6 to gen shiftjis switch

For now we only generate the one used for encoding, but will later add decoding support as well which will create an array structure, since for decoding the indexes are sequential.
samcv yay
MoarVM: a14ecc1245 | (Samantha McVey)++ | 7 files
Implement ShiftJIS encode support

This implements ShiftJIS as outlined here:
Encode replacements and a decoder is not implemented yet.
02:57 ilbot3 joined 04:01 Kaiepi joined
Geth MoarVM: 5a407295f8 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/shiftjis.c
Fix buffer overflow in shiftjis encode

If we write two bytes to the buffer at the same time, this can overflow the buffer. Make sure to reallocate before this happens.
MoarVM: 41711ff260 | (Samantha McVey)++ | build/Makefile.in
Make sure shiftjis_codeindex.h is added to Makefile.in

Otherwise if changes are made to the file, make won't recompile.
06:33 brrt joined 06:50 domidumont joined
Geth MoarVM: dd2072da14 | (Samantha McVey)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Fix missing `:` in ChangeLog, causing website not to generate right

The Perl script which generates the website's html does not detect it as a heading and causes a minor formatting error.
06:58 domidumont joined 06:59 AlexDaniel joined 07:40 robertle joined 08:19 domidumont joined
lizmat what does it mean if I get a "Unhandled exception: const_iX NYI" when I run code with --profile ? 08:59
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jnthn Corruption of some sort 10:18
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timotimo last time i looked into this it was rather confusing 14:47
but it is on my list for sure
15:14 domidumont joined
MasterDuke jnthn: i rebased github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/689 against master, rebuilt nqp and rakudo, and all tests passed 16:28
oddly enough there was even a passing todo in t/spec/S09-typed-arrays/native-int.t
heh, nevermind about the passing todo, that was just because of github.com/perl6/roast/commit/cabc5b3f33 16:38
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dogbert11 .seen timotimo 18:21
yoleaux I saw timotimo 14:47Z in #moarvm: <timotimo> but it is on my list for sure
timotimo ohai 18:22
dogbert11 hi timotimo
time for a profiler question?
this short script gist.github.com/dogbert17/f639322d...0d57c7cb15 generates an insanely large profile. Why? 18:23
timotimo # This is Rakudo version 2016.03-39-gf220a5e built on MoarVM version 2016.03-46-g50c7f6a 18:25
this could be your problem
oh, that's just old, sorry
dogbert11 I use this script, and others, for benchmarking :) the numbers are from an old version 18:26
it's much faster now :) 18:27
on my system the generated html file is 44 megs ! 18:28
timotimo 41 here
somehow there's >300k call graph nodes in there 18:29
dogbert11 sounds a bit much no 18:31
I'm not saying it's a bug, just that it's a bit strange :) 18:32
MasterDuke wow, i created a sql profile, but am getting an integer overflow exception when trying to run some queries
dogbert11 uh oh 18:34
timotimo shouldn't be this much, no
MasterDuke it's the exclusive_time column, i can't sum it
timotimo did i break something, i wonder?
dogbert11: can you use some older commits and see if that changes things?
dogbert11 how old?
timotimo maybe a week 18:36
dogbert11 I'll see what I can do, is building 2017.12 atm 18:37
timotimo thank you 18:39
because i just fixed something right after the last release 18:40
dogbert11 timotimo: you're off the hook, 2017.12 is as bad as HEAD 18:42
timotimo strange, still. 18:43
i'll have an svg soon 18:44
it'll be humongous, probably, but myabe i can see something 18:45
graphviz is still working, and i'll go afk for a significant bit 19:06
it'll surely finish until then. i'll also make a "minimal" version of the graph for good measure
dogbert11 timotimo: removing a bunch lines making up $num will make the profile smaller 19:07
timotimo: until later :)
timotimo how much smaller?
dogbert11 3 megs 19:12
MasterDuke dogbert11: does it change anything if you re-write it to use .rotor on a .comb of $num instead of a .comb on a .substr of $num?
dogbert11 timotimo: you can cut lines 8-25 in the gist 19:13
MasterDuke: will check
MasterDuke: that change didn't help much gist.github.com/dogbert17/1b45cc1d...6bcf630f96 19:34
20:03 domidumont joined
MasterDuke huh. does it run any faster? 20:23
dogbert11 roughly the same speed 20:26
timotimo haha, remember when i thought graphviz would be finished when i come back? 21:46
dogbert11 let me guess, it wasn't 21:50
timotimo: change to this instead: my $num = '731671765313306249192251196744'; 21:51
timotimo i suppose it's not faster because we don't call &infix:<~> as often? ;) 21:52
dogbert11 the profile will be 250k but I suspect the 'problem' will be visible anyway
perhaps that's easier for graphviz to handle :)
samcv hmm i have this utf8 file and it seems to be changing the line endings from \r\n to \n i know that's an option but i didn't think it was the default 21:53
dogbert11 I could see the profile in the browser but something was seriously wrong with the call graph
samcv or maybe i altered something 21:54
jnthn samcv: It's the default (and should be), and is controlled by an option passed to the decoder 21:56
samcv: Never quite got around to wiring up exposing it on IO::Handle yet
Or maybe did...I forget :)
samcv hah 21:57
jnthn (Also, should be the default for IO::Handle, but not for sockets.)
(So the latter configure the decoder differently)
samcv i don't see translate-nl anywhere in roast
jnthn: i don't see :$translate-nl in IO::Handle.encoding 21:59
well there is $!decoder := $encoding.decoder(:translate-nl, :$replacement, :$strict); inside the method, but there's no translate-nl argument to control the setting 22:00
well that is good news. that means my shiftjis decoder works :) only issue was getting different line endings and that is just the utf8 decoder altering the text 22:01
though maybe that means i need to implement line ending changing in shiftjis!
hmm though it should work since i use graph = MVM_unicode_normalizer_translated_crlf(tc, &(ds->norm)); 22:02
MasterDuke timotimo: not just the size of the profile is weird. it also puts all the info on the front/overview page (i.e., routines, allocations, call graph, etc.) 22:05
samcv ah it seems to work. great. made some changes to rakudo and i think that was causing it. forgot to pass that through
jnthn samcv++ # shiftjis \o/ 22:07
samcv wonder if a compiler will optimize a switch that goes from 0 to 11103 almost seqentially into an array 22:10
jnthn Hopefully...I mean, in theory it does it for our interp :) 22:11
jnthn afk a little
samcv there's 10 gaps between those two numbers in the shiftjis switch I have now. I was going to leave the codepoint -> shiftjis index switch. since the codepoints are not at all in order and many many gaps
though then i also have to make sure that it catches an error if it hits a point where it dosen't have an index. so i may leave it how it is for now. I don't want to introduce any bugs 22:12
by complicating it
dogbert11 timotimo, MasterDuke: a bizarre observation, if I run the profile under valgrind the output suddenly gets a lot smaller !?!? 22:24
perhaps something to do with threading 22:25
timotimo: setting MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 on the original gist makes the profile go from 44 Meg to 93k 22:28
MasterDuke dogbert11: what about disabling just parts of spesh? 22:34
dogbert11 MasterDuke: yeah, it seems to be something with inlining, setting MVM_SPESH_INLINE_DISABLE=1 also makes the profile <100k 22:35
MasterDuke timotimo: ^^^ seems relevant, didn't you fix a related bug recently? 22:36
dogbert11 2017.12 behaves the same way, i.e. normal profile is 40+ megs while a run with inlining disabled goes down to ~90k 22:38
Geth MoarVM: samcv++ created pull request #820:
Implement ShiftJIS decode and decodestream
22:46 AlexDaniel joined