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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
00:25 frost-lab joined 00:44 frost-lab left 00:56 frost-lab joined 02:04 Kaeipi joined 04:11 MasterDuke left 07:09 harrow joined, moon-child left, earenndil joined 07:11 earenndil is now known as moon-child
nwc10 good *, #moarvm 07:25
.tell brrt even better, raku is a gateway drug to Perl. :-) 07:26
tellable6 nwc10, I'll pass your message to brrt
07:29 squashable6 left 07:30 squashable6 joined 07:54 domidumont joined 08:02 Altai-man joined
nine Good Friday! 08:25
timotimo: when the profiler encounters multiple top level nodes (like enter, exit, enter, exit) it only dumps the data of the first subgraph. Is that intentional? 08:42
timotimo you're not Supposed To Do That :) :) :) 08:47
do you have a use case?
nine Well for one, that's exactly what happens here: 08:48
But even a completely simple rakudo --profile=profile.html -e '' will do it
timotimo oh? huh! 08:50
aah 08:51
that's the calibration step
before that it's trying to discard the data tho, does that not work?
below that*
nine It discards the generated data, not the actually collected call nodes. But that's not too bad. I've already implemented cleanup of those. But having multiple non-connected graphs when the code clearly expects just a single one hurts 08:53
Add this fprintf(stderr, "make_new_pcn(%p) call_graph %p current_call %p -> %p\n", ptd, ptd->call_graph, current_call, pcn); to src/profiler/log.c:32 to see how it happens 08:54
The additional graphs seem to come from END blocks. Since we set ptd->call_graph only once and the new nodes are not connected to that (empty current_call) there's no way to find them and free() them at the end 08:55
08:56 zakharyas joined
nine It makes total sense actually. run_profiled will start the profiler and then run the compiled code: 09:03
Ending the profiler is pushed as an END phasers. But those are not executed as part of $what(). They are run when Rakudo's main.nqp runs $THE_END: 09:04 09:05
So we do leave the first top level node before entering the sub graphs for processing END nodes 09:06
Along the way we may even enter a couple more frames.
I find it actually a bit surprising that this doesn't cause a "Profiler lost sequence" exception. But we may just be lucky there 09:07
Ah, of course. It's not luck. It's just that the compiler itself is not compiled with active profiling, so its code doesn't contain the profenter/profexit ops. 09:09
The END blocks will though
timotimo mhh 09:35
not a great situation
the profiler is unhappy when exit is used
09:42 sena_kun joined
nine Not surprising. But also not hard to fix. 09:44
09:44 Altai-man left
nine timotimo: what do you think about doing a manual MVM_profile_log_enter in MVM_profile_start and a corresponding MVM_profile_log_exit in MVM_profile_end? This would create an artificial root node for the graph and not only fix the memory issue but also get the END blocks included in the profile 09:58
timotimo hm, that could be a good idea, it'll change what our profiles look like, but the nqp code could just toss it again 09:59
nine The profile doesn't look bad at all. It just gets one additional call frame on top which besides the <anon> that contains <unit-outer> also contains the call to the code running the END phasers. Frankly, I'd just leave it like that. 10:02
Geth MoarVM/asan_fixes: 85de9851bb | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 3 files
Fixup: "Properly clean up profiling data with --full-cleanup"
10:08 squashable6 left
timotimo oh, perhaps, yeah 10:08
10:09 squashable6 joined
jnthn Question if any external tools make assumptions about the top call frame of the profile output (I don't know off hand) 10:30
*is if
sena_kun jnthn, what assumptions? Like ID or? 10:31
Comma starts to introspect graph starting from a frame with ID 0.
That's what I know. 10:32
nine Huh...silencing a compiler warning by introducing a buffer overflow: 10:33
The buffer overflow happens when name is actually shorter than 8 bytes 10:34
jnthn sena_kun: Guess you've looked at it recently; it doesn't do any assumptions about the top frame being unit-outer and discarding it or some such?
nine jnthn: the top frame was not <unit-outer> before anyway 10:35
it was some <anon>
Geth MoarVM/asan_fixes: 3171bdbb08 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/profiler/heapsnapshot.c
Revert "Use memcpy instead of strncpy"

This reverts commit 9294cbfcf55eec4250b0daeae29a3e21431aae33.
memcpy can lead to a buffer overflow if name is shorter than 8 bytes. The compiler warning aside, strncpy seems like exactly the right tool for the job as we want at most 8 bytes and don't care for any trailing \0, but are OK with zero padding at the end.
sena_kun jnthn, it discards the 0 frame to avoid a cycle, iirc. 10:43
jnthn, I think it has itself as its parent, which is a no-no, so yes, that happens. 10:44
nine sena_kun: that would be true for any top level frame, so adding another one doesn't change things
jnthn OK, so sounds like no likely impact 10:48
nine Huh.... comp unit strings created during finish_gc seem to leak their buffers. Now why would that happen? 10:55
I'd understand if it were the other way and those strings would get collected while still in use. After all they are created between the mark and sweep phases. 11:00
Which is why directly below the MVM_cu_string call, there's code for marking it MVM_CF_GEN2_LIVE... 11:02
Accompanied by a long comment explaining exactly that
Geth MoarVM/asan_fixes: 66b5bf85d0 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/profiler/heapsnapshot.c
Fix some memory leaks in heap profiler
nine The heap profiler was already much better behaved than the instrumented one :) Now there's only those string leaks left in it.
jnthn The heap profiler knew it was walking on memory management eggshells, I guess :) 11:34
nine++ for fixing so many things
12:43 zakharyas left
nine Oh, we leak those string buffers because we don't do a gen2 collection anymore before exit. 13:35
But even MVM_gc_global_destruction is supposed to run gc_free of the freed objects. So why is it not doing this for these strings? 13:38
13:41 Altai-man joined 13:44 sena_kun left
nine Of course! We must only set the MVM_CF_GEN2_LIVE if we're actually doing a full collection run. Otherwise, gen2 cleanup during global destruction will find that flag still set and not clear those objects. 13:57
Geth MoarVM/asan_fixes: c6f28112fb | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/profiler/heapsnapshot.c
Clean up CU strings created by heap snapshot profiler

Since heap snapshot are taken as part of GC runs between the mark and sweep phases, the profiler takes care to not have the string objects it creates get collected as they were not present during the mark phase. However since CU strings are allocated in gen2, the MVM_CF_GEN2_LIVE would only be cleared if a full gen2 collection follows. Strings created during a normal nursery collection could still carry that flag during the GC's global destruction, preventing their gc_free from being called. So only set that flag in full GC runs.
nine With this, t/09-moar/01-profilers.t is ASAN safe as well :) 14:03
Geth MoarVM/asan_fixes: 221339fb97 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/6model/6model.c
Fix leaking find_method's special return data on unwind
14:42 frost-lab left
nine jnthn: there are a lot more issues like ^^^. Do you think it'd be OK for remove_one_frame to MVM_free any special_return_data on unwind if e->special_unwind is NULL? 14:48
jnthn I'd prefer there's an explicit unwind function to free it, I think 14:54
nine ok
jnthn As there may be more to do that just free it
That said 14:55
14:55 domidumont left
jnthn I was pondering a revisit of special unwinds with in the new stack layout we have in new-disp 14:55
14:55 domidumont joined
jnthn So that they'd be a kind of call stack record of their own 14:55
And then the memory to go with them could be part of that record, and thus not need malloc/free at all 14:56
nine That'd be nice
Geth MoarVM/asan_fixes: 10d30a75cb | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/6model/6model.c
Fix leaking special return data if istype handler throws
MoarVM/asan_fixes: e10110d19a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/6model/parametric.c
Fix leaking special return data if parameterizer throws
MoarVM/asan_fixes: f20f96e52a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/core/coerce.c
Fix leaking special return data if boolification handler throws
nine Wasn't that bad after all 15:09
And the indiscriminate MVM_free would have been dead wrong. Sometimes the pointer of the return register is used as special return data
jnthn Ah, yes :) 15:12
nine Huh? Suddenly make test doesn't complain anymore about the non-zero exit status of leaking tests 15:14
jnthn Maybe you fixed them all? :) 15:15
nine If only.... well make test is actually clean except for the NativeCall issues caused by our lack of API. But make test is fine with even those while when run individually, ASAN complains loudly and $? is 1 15:16
15:21 patrickb joined 16:15 hungrydonkey joined 16:17 hungryd32 joined, hungrydonkey left 16:24 hungryd32 left, hungrydonkey joined 16:56 hungrydonkey left 17:42 sena_kun joined 17:43 Altai-man left 17:44 domidumont left 17:46 lucasb joined 19:35 MasterDuke joined 20:51 brrt joined
brrt \o 20:51
tellable6 2021-01-08T07:26:54Z #moarvm <nwc10> brrt even better, raku is a gateway drug to Perl. :-) 20:52
nwc10 o/
21:35 brrt left 21:41 Altai-man joined 21:43 sena_kun left 22:00 patrickb left 22:03 Altai-man left