brokenchicken My grant proposal to TPF is now online for community feedback: 01:45
samcv ok no it sent 02:08
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. lizmat 'Merge pull request #996 from usev6/jvm_build_blib 02:24
Rakudo build errored. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Give IterationBuffer a simple .perl for debugging 03:33
MasterDuke .ask lizmat how serious were you about wanting an nqp swap op? i wanted to learn about implementing nqp ops, so i just created nqp::swappos(@a, int $a, int $b) (and the associated _i, _n, and _s variants), but wasn't sure if i should actually create a PR 04:45
yoleaux2 MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Revert "Fix f67df8ad9d4f920bb63ea40501f3b1db9d8e661d." 04:47
MasterDuke .tell lizmat and fyi, compared to doing it manually, the ops are a little bit faster in NQP and quite a bit faster in Rakudo 04:56
yoleaux2 MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Introducing R:It.Rotor, the new .rotor workhorse' 05:37
Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make List.rotor between 15x and 20x faster 06:14
nine brokenchicken: your proposal reads like quite a bargain for us :) 07:39
timotimo what is this, a grant for ants? 07:41
it needs to be at least ... three times as big!
[Tux] Could not download module metadata: can't download projects file: . 08:06
Falling back to the curl command.
so I cannot time. Something wrong in the ecosystem? 08:07
This is Rakudo version 2016.12-364-g703799ec2 built on MoarVM version 2016.12-115-ged2df9ac 08:12
csv-ip5xs 2.928
test 13.035
test-t 4.943
csv-parser 14.401
as after above error, I don't know how "valid" those timeings are
samcv i've been getting lots of ecosystem modules failing tests 08:14
timotimo as long as curl was able to get the projects file, that's probably fine 08:15
lizmat Files=1163, Tests=56144, 184 wallclock secs (10.99 usr 4.54 sys + 1099.21 cusr 112.85 csys = 1227.59 CPU) 08:22
yoleaux2 04:45Z <MasterDuke> lizmat: how serious were you about wanting an nqp swap op? i wanted to learn about implementing nqp ops, so i just created nqp::swappos(@a, int $a, int $b) (and the associated _i, _n, and _s variants), but wasn't sure if i should actually create a PR
04:56Z <MasterDuke> lizmat: and fyi, compared to doing it manually, the ops are a little bit faster in NQP and quite a bit faster in Rakudo
lizmat .tell MasterDuke actually, pretty serious, so please PR
yoleaux2 lizmat: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
Geth kudo/nom: fd8df7f2ad | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
Move .rotor to Any

  .rotor is less abour List these days, and more about iterables.
Since Any has an iterator method that does .list.iterator, we don't actually need .rotor to live in List anymore. This may also speed up things, because no intermediate list is necessary anymore, e.g when calling .rotor on a .Seq, as in *-42 ).rotor(4)
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Move .rotor to Any 09:41
timotimo someone help me with 10:16
the user owns a perlbrew where it has 5.22 which it uses, but it asplodes during startup (begin phase, that is) because it can't find the Toadform module and its @INC contains only paths for perl 5.20 ... whhhyyyyyyyy~ 10:17
... i just started it manually from the user's shell 10:20
and it didn't give that error
by starting it as ./bin/morbo from the directory of the app, i got it to serve me one request, now i get service unavailable all the time 10:26
but no noticable output
nine Does it write a log file? 10:28
timotimo does work for anybody else now?
it seems good right now
nine looks good
timotimo i hope i didn't do too much harm here
ctrl-z, bg, disown, logout
brokenchicken morbo is a dev server 11:00
it's hypnotoad bin/ 11:05
or rather, it should start automagically, but IIRC I never fixed the init script
"service unavailable all the time" and that happens when you try to visit the site while it's down..... and Apache seems to cache that for some time and keeps showing it even if you get the service up :( 11:06
Geth kudo: usev6++ created pull request #997:
Bandaid for r-j: don't bind nqp::null to attribute
kudo/nom: 96185b23ea | usev6++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Bandaid for r-j: don't bind nqp::null to attribute

Checking for nqp::null is fast, but does not work on JVM (cmp. RT #130532).
This commit should be reverted once the underlying issue in nqp-j is fixed.
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth kudo/nom: 82a614e1bb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Merge pull request #997 from usev6/jvm_attribute_null

Bandaid for r-j: don't bind nqp::null to attribute
timotimo brokenchicken: will you restart it with hypnotoad? or shall i do that? 11:29
brokenchicken I did 11:31
timotimo thank you
moritz: i'm watching a talk about prometheus, maybe it's a good monitoring/alerting system and perhaps i could set it up on p6c if you'd accept that 11:41
lizmat bartolin++ 11:55
DrForr I think we're using that here for Tau Station. 11:57
timotimo oh, cool
how do you like it?
moritz timotimo: sure, why not? it just won't work well if it's installed on the host that fails 11:59
timotimo right, i'd install it somewhere else
naturally :) 12:00
nine brokenchicken: why init script? Don't you mean systemd service file? 12:10
timotimo it'd be nice to have it migrated to a service file, yeah
nine service files are so easy to write that I even have one for my screen/irssi session 12:11
timotimo moritz: looks like i can run prometheus on my home network (for funsies on a raspberry pi for example so it can stay on all the time) and use collectd_exporter to have it consume all data we're already getting into our collectd anyway 12:36
and it can display stuff in grafana, which is very pretty 12:37
Geth kudo/nom: 40005a3a90 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
No need to handle .rotor for shaped arrays specially
moritz timotimo: nice 12:42
timotimo there's a project called "blackbox exporter" which you can probe services with by using declarative rules that can also have imperative parts (for example a sort-of kind-of expect script for tcp-based services) 12:43
also: pushover for notifications seems interesting 12:47
Geth kudo/nom: c1941b550b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Move Supplier stub to where it's needed
kudo/nom: 4325ebd8ff | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Move X::TypeCheck::Splice stub to where we need it
kudo/nom: 4a78be75f3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Move find-reducer-for-op to where we need it

This used to be visible to any running code, it is no longer.
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Merge pull request #997 from usev6/jvm_attribute_null 13:08
brokenchicken 13:11
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
brokenchicken one linux job: t/04-nativecall/06-struct.t .............. No subtests run
nine: no idea. Whatever starts it after system reboot 13:12
Geth kudo/nom: 6ad9e0b89a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Move combinations/permutations to a more logical place

For some reason they were at the top of the file. I like them better where they are now :-)
[Coke] ok, some of these have been processed, but we now have CLAs for ugexe, samcv, and usev6. 13:34
welcome aboard.
(usev6 aka bartolin) 13:35
brokenchicken \o/ 13:37
[Coke] IWBNI someone could make sure they have rakudo access on github. 13:41
samcv you had my cla a while ago, but usev6 and ugexe just very recently have submitted them? 13:51
bartolin++ :) 13:52
bartolin \o/ 13:53
yoleaux2 13:35Z <[Coke]> bartolin: got it, pinged on 6-dev, someone will add you shortly.
bartolin [Coke]: thanks! 13:54
bartolin goes back to work
[Coke] Sorry, apparently I am now on the list of people who get emails when CLAs come in, -and- I have write access to the list of submitted CLAs document, so I guess I'm on the hook for any new CLAs coming in. :) 13:55
samcv ok i'm signing off for possibly up to 24 hours. setting my ZNC buffer higher, will catch you guys on the flip side 13:56
Geth kudo/nom: 4ae08e0b24 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Fix for RT #130509
synopsebot6 Link:
jnthn See you later, samcv o/ 13:58
[Coke]: Somebody needs Rakudo commit access?
Geth ast: f1640e9f53 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S32-str/sprintf.t
After fixing RT #130509, there is no more panic
synopsebot6 Link:
brokenchicken jnthn: yeah bartolin (usev6 on github) and ugexe 14:01
lizmat laters, samcv++ :-) 14:02
jnthn: opinions on ?
it would make e.g. permutations() about 20% faster
jnthn It's just doing the very same thing that nqp::atpos/nqp::bindpos and a temporary register would do... 14:05
So the main saving is interpeter overhead
Which owuld be JITted away
Except this new op ain't JITted
And it'll be a pain to JIT because it does a bunch of REPR operations, whihc means it needs special-case devirtualization 14:06
Which is clutter in the JIT
lizmat ok, so a bad idea overall, is what you're saying
jnthn So, -1
What I'd like to know is what MoarVM ops we spit out when *not* using this op
lizmat MasterDuke: sorry that I lead you there
jnthn I mean, adding an nqp:: op that desugars to precisely the sequence of atpos/bindpos VM ops we see here may be useful 14:07
When I saw this in the backlog I thought that's what was happening and I was fine with that if it's a measurable speedup :)
lizmat hmmm... can't reproduce it atm :-( 14:09
jnthn The speedup?
lizmat yeah, I have one profile here where the !swap method takes 20% of total CPU 14:10
grrr.. of course I don't know what the code was that generated it :-( 14:13
for ^10000 { my @a = permutations(5) } 14:14
ok, lemme see if I can drop the overhead of the private method call
brokenchicken lizmat: should this one be added to ChangeLog? If yes, how should it be worded: 14:21
lizmat perhaps we should remove that commit until we discussed it further ? 14:22
I won't get to hypers before the release anyway
brokenchicken Ok, I won't add it to changelog. Thanks. 14:23
Geth kudo/nom: c64aeb32dd | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Manually inline swapping logic

For 35% faster permutations()
kudo/nom: dca05c2603 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/
Remove destruction tests of doubtful value

They continue to live in roast though. But atm they're causing flappers and unwanted distraction while spectesting.
  See discussion at:
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Move Supplier stub to where it's needed' 15:00
Geth kudo/nom: 69a66b7fa7 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Make R:It.Batch handle Inf * large ints better

Inspired by RT #130436
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth kudo/nom: 7ddc5f7cea | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
Fix RT #130436

Also allow Whatever in rotor, like (^10).rotor( 3,4,* ) # 012 3456 789
synopsebot6 Link:
lizmat afk& 15:46
brokenchicken .ask samcv this test file is still present in 6.c-errata, except now it won't run any more. Can we just rename GraphemeBreakTest.t in master to grapheme-break.t so errata runs its copy and master the updated one? 15:59
yoleaux2 brokenchicken: I'll pass your message to samcv.
brokenchicken .tell Zoffix ensure this test runs on errata for release:
yoleaux2 brokenchicken: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
brokenchicken Guess as good a time as any to add roast branch markers to t/ to specifies files that should run only for roast XYZ 16:00
[Coke] ala 6.c ? 16:01
do we need also a * for master? 16:02
brokenchicken I guess the question is what sort of release tests are we running when 6.d is released? Will we still be testing 6.c-errata? 16:03
Will it be 6.c-errata + 6.d-errata + master?
[Coke] I think that our first 6.d-aware rakudo will also support 6.c, yes 16:04
and we don't know what the spec test files will look like in that scenario. 16:05
brokenchicken or maybe a better approach is to have a t/ that's used for 6.c-errata
Also why is that file in rakudo and not roast?
[Coke] I think it'll be: run against each branch: master, 6.d, and 6.c-errata
brokenchicken: because it's rakudo's list of what it supports.
brokenchicken Ah 16:06
I'll add a t/ then 16:08
This will also ensure we don't accidentally remove test files from 6.c-errata when all we want is a file change in master
AND this will let us get rid of spurious "missing file" warnings on 6.c-errata test run 16:09
or t/ I guess
[Coke] I would do 6.c and then do magic to say "I'm on 6.c-errata branch, that must mean -6.c test file". maybe. 16:19
to avoid accidentally running master test file list against 6.c-errata branch 16:20
brokenchicken yeah 16:21
.tell samcv never mind. I'll add a separate test list for 6.c 16:25
yoleaux2 brokenchicken: I'll pass your message to samcv.
[Coke] brokenchicken++ we've basicallyb een avoiding this since christmas. 16:27
and it's one of the things we need in place before 6.d
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Move X::TypeCheck::Splice stub to where we need it' 16:31
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 16:32
brokenchicken t/04-nativecall/06-struct.t .............. No subtests run 16:33
lizmat that feels like a flapper 16:39
afk again& 16:40
brokenchicken hmmm... the module I wrote around The Christmas is now failing on latest rakudo :( 16:48
Geth kudo/nom: fa36f8f753 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Log all commits to date

Documents commits: 005166e 0c0dd82 0f25d83 1374fcf 19df358 1a54bba 1dc0c01 1e54371 1ee24cc 1ee9c82 226cb36 2496963 25615c7 268dc92 29f487e 3282813 340bc90 362f674 38ec79c 393afcf 39bf63f 3baffe7 3c52aa0 3d1d699 3d86286 3fe5893 4038c6c 4320fdc 434bf75 43d20eb 46cdf16 471f4ba 4724bd6 48e8ccc 4ab020f 4b2cea0 4b529c8 4ff2fb2 502fc77 516e527 528ec53 541d127 54cc06b 58c79e2 5ba982a 5c4db5e 5c685f2 6188771 62f7027 644cd34 6703b4c 696b1f4 ... (8 more lines)
brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: status
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, [✔] Next release will be in 2 days and 12 hours. Since last release, there are 91 new still-open tickets (0 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 0 unreviewed commits. See for details
brokenchicken 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑: next Rakudo compiler release is this Saturday (in 3 days). Please review the changelog to ensure the work you did is properly documented for our users. 16:54
m: sub x($x is rw) {say $x}; sub y ($rgb) { x $_ for @$rgb }(<a b c>) 17:00
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«Parameter '$x' expected a writable container, but got Str value␤ in sub x at <tmp> line 1␤ in sub y at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
brokenchicken star: sub x($x is rw) {say $x}; sub y ($rgb) { x $_ for @$rgb }(<a b c>)
camelia star-m 2016.10: OUTPUT«Parameter '$x' expected a writable container, but got Str value␤ in sub x at <tmp> line 1␤ in sub y at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
.oO( how did it ever work then... )
Ah, here 17:04
star: class { sub x($x is rw) {say $x}; method new ( Array() :$rgb where $_ ~~ [Real, Real, Real] ) { x $_ for @$rgb } }.new: :rgb<42 42 42>
camelia star-m 2016.10: OUTPUT«42␤42␤42␤»
brokenchicken m: class { sub x($x is rw) {say $x}; method new ( Array() :$rgb where $_ ~~ [Real, Real, Real] ) { x $_ for @$rgb } }.new: :rgb<42 42 42>
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«Parameter '$x' expected a writable container, but got IntStr value␤ in sub x at <tmp> line 1␤ in method new at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
brokenchicken Is the new behaviour correct? 17:05
jnthn Looks like 17:06
Oh, though...
jnthn wonders why it says $_ ~~ [Real, Real, Real] when `where` already implies a smartmatch
brokenchicken 'cause I wrote it when I didn't know Perl 6 17:07
jnthn ;)
m: sub foo(Array() $x) { .++ for @$x; say $x }; foo [1,2,3]
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«[2 3 4]␤»
jnthn m: sub foo(Array() $x) { .++ for @$x; say $x }; foo (1,2,3)
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller postfix:<++>(Int); the following candidates␤match the type but require mutable arguments:␤ (Mu:D $a is rw)␤ (Int:D $a is rw)␤␤The following do not match for other reasons:␤ (Bool:D $a is rw)␤ (Bool:U $a is rw…»
jnthn m: dd (1,2,3) 17:08
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«(1, 2, 3)␤»
jnthn m: dd (1,2,3).Array
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
jnthn m: dd [1,2,3]
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤»
jnthn m: (1,2,3).Array[0]++
camelia rakudo-moar 7ddc5f: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller postfix:<++>(Int); the following candidates␤match the type but require mutable arguments:␤ (Mu:D $a is rw)␤ (Int:D $a is rw)␤␤The following do not match for other reasons:␤ (Bool:D $a is rw)␤ (Bool:U $a is rw…»
jnthn star: (1,2,3).Array[0]++
camelia ( no output )
jnthn mc: (1,2,3).Array[0]++
committable6 jnthn, ¦«2015.12»:
jnthn That's the regression. 17:09
brokenchicken bisect: (1,2,3).Array[0]++
bisectable6 brokenchicken, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=fa36f8f). Old exit code: 0
brokenchicken, bisect log:
brokenchicken, (2017-01-12)
jnthn Apparently it made it 30% wronger too :P 17:10
brokenchicken .ask lizmat bisectable points to this commit for (1,2,3).Array[0]++ no longer working. Would you have an idea how to fix that?
yoleaux2 brokenchicken: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
jnthn ohh
It looks like it decided to skip the Reifier path
But that's the thing that makes Scalar containers for arrays 17:11
brokenchicken Ah
jnthn Though it uses List::Reifier which is a bit odd too
oh no
I misread
That's the important bit
Geth kudo/nom: 35a3c08fd1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Fix typo MasterDuke++
jnthn Damn, we have a lot of branches in the rakudo repo 17:27
Geth kudo/nonblocking-await: 9f7452be6f | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 6 files
Stub in the `Awaitable` role.

For now, just a marker role for things that we can `await`. Later, it it will require a method for subscribing a resumption.
kudo/nonblocking-await: 2aaadd5bb9 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 10 files
First attempt at adding a CORE.d setting

Patch by nine++ cherry-picked and updated to build/work on HEAD.
nine Looks like we're getting closer to doing a 6.d :) 17:48
brokenchicken :o
gfldex .oO( class Christmas does Awaitable {} ) 18:03
jnthn nine: Yes, thanks for giving me a mostly-done 6.d setting thingy I could nab :) 18:14
(It seems to work well. I now have a totally busticated await when I wrote use v6.d.PREVIEW) 18:15
My rough goal is non-blocking await during Jan, hyper/race on Iterables in Feb, new scheduler in Mar, and hyper/race on reactives in Apr. 18:17
s/reactives/Supply/ # clearer ) 18:18
jnthn off to rest a bit 18:21
lizmat . 19:17
yoleaux2 17:10Z <brokenchicken> lizmat: bisectable points to this commit for (1,2,3).Array[0]++ no longer working. Would you have an idea how to fix that?
lizmat brokenchicken: will look at it :-)
brokenchicken: I have a fix, do you have an RT ?? 19:52
brokenchicken lizmat: 19:53
Geth kudo/nom: ae050f998a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Fix for RT #130583

Turns out we need to something extra for iteration buffers in arrays 1bassie
synopsebot6 Link:
lizmat 1 bassie ??
hmmm... copypasto 19:56
brokenchicken heh
lizmat so brokenchicken: should I now just mark this ticket as resolved / testsneeded / REGRESSION ?
brokenchicken I did it already :) 19:57
But yeah, normally you'd mark it as testneeded and comment a link to the fix
and if the tests are in, comment with the link to the tests and mark as resolved
lizmat ok, so not resolve until testsneeded is removed 19:58
brokenchicken Yeah
lizmat I've also marked it as REGRESSION now
m: class A { method a(--> self) { } } # shouldn't this just work? :-) 20:06
camelia rakudo-moar 35a3c0: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Type 'self' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3class A { method a(--> self7⏏5) { } } # shouldn't this just work? :␤»
timotimo that commit will confuse people years into the future 20:34
we should remove all mention of why it says "1 bassie" from the irclogs
brokenchicken :) 20:36
lizmat hehe and it wasn't even intentional 20:37
[Coke] until testsneeded is -satisfied- --- doesn't have to be removed. 20:42
(that's just too much ticket wonkery)
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Move combinations/permutations to a more logical place 20:51
Geth kudo/nom: 93b0ffae52 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Fix for RT #130285

Also allow things like * and Inf for .head(N) and .tail(N)
synopsebot6 Link:
lizmat just rejected RT #130433 21:08
masak +1 21:09
don't see why it ought to be a Seq
lizmat also just rejected RT #130438 21:13
Geth kudo/nom: 76f14a5c1f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Fix for RT #130439

I think we actually only need 1 candidate to handle .splice(Range). Which I have now added. It won't be the fastest route of doing this as it it just a front-end for .slice(offset,size).
synopsebot6 Link:
kudo/nom: 99b186ba73 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Make Range.excludes-(min|max|infinite|is-int 2.5x as fast

By using nqp::p6bool() instead of ?
timotimo nice 21:58
Geth kudo/nom: b1fd0d4108 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Add\from,\to) multi candidate

This allows us to bypass the current (expensive) way in which:
   my ($a,$b) = foo()
is implemented. Now use foo(my $a, my $b) for a 4.5x speed improvement.
kudo/nom: cd35704b0a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Use the new candidate where possible
timotimo lizmat: that won't complain about requiring read-write containers, though? should it perhaps be "is rw" instead of "is raw" aka \-sigil?
lizmat well, perhaps, but I consider this an internal method really 22:24
timotimo oh, ok
lizmat checks performance effects of "is rw" nonetheless 22:25
Geth kudo/nom: a5cac94505 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Make sure we get rw containers for

No performance effects otherwise, timotimo++
lizmat good night, #perl6-dev! 22:34
timotimo gnite lizmat 22:36
brokenchicken night 22:37
Geth kudo/nom: bd46cb7280 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Fix typo timotimo++
MasterDuke brokenchicken: how should we specify NQP commits in the changelog? the version bump commit? asking because i didn't see a mention of speeding up compiling multiple custom operators, but that was all implemented in NQP 23:14
yoleaux2 08:22Z <lizmat> MasterDuke: actually, pretty serious, so please PR
timotimo brokenchicken: there was one more comment :) 23:16
brokenchicken MasterDuke: I just list them as normal and list the version bump commit as the SHA.... Though I think I went by commit messages for those version bumps that included theml; so I think I missed it. 23:18
Geth: ver
Geth brokenchicken, version bump brought in these changes:
brokenchicken MasterDuke: is that the one?
The commits can be seen on (click Commits tab)
MasterDuke this was the NQP commit: 23:19
brokenchicken Geth: ver 23:21
Geth brokenchicken, version bump brought in these changes:
MasterDuke yep, it's in that list
brokenchicken Yeah, I missed it. I'll teach geth to give better version bump summaries for next release
MasterDuke no worries 23:22
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Fix for RT #130509'
synopsebot6 Link:
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
Geth kudo/nom: 1aeea1062f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Fix typo timotimo++ ; add missing commit MasterDuke++
brokenchicken (travis): t/04-nativecall/06-struct.t .............. No subtests run 23:25
jnthn fwiw, that test is clean under valgrind (and I can't get it to fail here either) 23:42
MasterDuke jnthn: not quite sure what you meant by "adding an nqp:: op that desugars to precisely the sequence of atpos/bindpos VM ops we see here may be useful"? 23:54
to me, that sounds like "It's just doing the very same thing that nqp::atpos/nqp::bindpos and a temporary register would do..." 23:55
jnthn MasterDuke: Yeah, it's pretty much that 23:59
MasterDuke: I think lizmat found that the private method call overhead was the main cost, though
(Which surprises me a tad too as I thought it might well get inlined...but would need to look more carefully)