brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: status 00:18
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, [✘] Next release is today. Since last release, there are 95 new still-open tickets (6 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 23 unreviewed commits. See for details
brokenchicken hmmm... 00:28
timotimo there's some good commits in there 00:29
brokenchicken IMO is a bad turn, as far as solution to
We basically added a @a = @a[^3]; / @a[^3];, but as an outlier .splice() candidate. 00:31
And the Cool is still left unhandled, which is what the original behaviour with Range was 00:32
m: [].splice: 0e0 00:33
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller splice(Array: Num); none of these signatures match:␤ (Array:D \SELF: *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Whatever, *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Callable:D $offset, *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Int:D $offset, *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Range:D $range, *%_)␤…»
brokenchicken m: [].splice: ^3, 0, <a b c>
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller splice(Array: Range, Int, List); none of these signatures match:␤ (Array:D \SELF: *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Whatever, *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Callable:D $offset, *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Int:D $offset, *%_)␤ (Array:D $: Range:D $r…»
brokenchicken Because splice basically follows the $start, $end?, [replacement]? pattern; where $start/$end can be Int/Whatever/Callable; and now the the list is the same, with an additional (Range) candidate where Range's endpoints get taken as $start/$end, and there's no option for the [replacement] 00:35
And IMO instead of what we should make $start/$end allow Cool
(where "22 more candidates" comes from on the ticket; if we assume Cool and Int are handled separately) 00:36
.ask lizmat any thoughts on ? I think we should throw out the current Range candidate as it doesn't really fit the current pattern of what sort of args .splice()_accepts and doesn't let us handle Cool for $start/$end points 00:37
yoleaux2 brokenchicken: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
lizmat brokenchicken: by all means, revert the commit, I was just trying to fix the ticket and have no specific opinions about what .splice(^3) should mean / should be allowed 01:29
yoleaux2 20 Jan 2017 22:02Z <brokenchicken> lizmat: do you know of any nqp magicks to access attributes provided by mixed in roles? My attempt failed for subclasses:
00:37Z <brokenchicken> lizmat: any thoughts on ? I think we should throw out the current Range candidate as it doesn't really fit the current pattern of what sort of args .splice()_accepts and doesn't let us handle Cool for $start/$end points
lizmat brokenchicken: you need to use the type of the class / role that defined the attribute 01:30
so, e.g. to access the reified of an Array: getattr(@a,List,'$!reified')
even though in this case we're accessing an Array
brokenchicken lizmat: what if I don't know what it is? For example Rational can be mixed into any class 01:31
lizmat brokenchicken: this allows roles and classes to have the same attribute name, and still be separate attributes
brokenchicken m: class Foo does Rational[Int,Int] {}; class Bar is Foo {}.new: 42, 42
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!numerator' in type Bar when trying to bind a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat then Rational is the role defining the attribute, so Rational should be the second parameter
brokenchicken ^ like that `new` comes from Rational
m: use nqp; nqp::getattr(.5, Rational, '$!denominator') 01:32
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!denominator' in type Rational when trying to get a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
brokenchicken m: use nqp; nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(.5), Rational, '$!denominator')
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!denominator' in type Rational when trying to get a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat checks
ah, but that's maybe because the role is typed 01:33
brokenchicken ah
lizmat m: use nqp; nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(.5), Rational[Int,Int], '$!denominator') 01:34
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!denominator' in type (null) when trying to get a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat hmmm
m: use nqp; nqp::getattr(.5, Rational[Int,Int], '$!denominator') 01:35
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!denominator' in type (null) when trying to get a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat this starts to feel like a bug to me
m: use nqp; nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(.5), .5.WHAT, '$!denominator') 01:36
camelia ( no output )
lizmat hmmm
m: say .5.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«(Rat)␤»
lizmat intriguing
m: use nqp; nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(.5), Rat, '$!denominator') 01:37
camelia ( no output )
brokenchicken m: use nqp; nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(<.5>), <.5>.WHAT, '$!denominator')
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!denominator' in type RatStr when trying to get a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat *that* I understand :-) 01:38
RatStr is derived from Rat
brokenchicken yeah
lizmat m: say RatStr.^mro
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«((RatStr) (Rat) (Str) (Cool) (Any) (Mu))␤»
lizmat m: my @a = ^10; use nqp; say nqp::getattr(@a,Array,q/$!reified/) 01:39
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«P6opaque: no such attribute '$!reified' in type Array when trying to get a value␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat m: my @a = ^10; use nqp; say nqp::getattr(@a,List,q/$!reified/)
camelia rakudo-moar 8ec54b: OUTPUT«(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)␤»
lizmat :q
I guess it *is* then the type should be the class that consumes the role 01:40
Geth kudo/nom: d41ad44363 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ChangeLog
Document all commits to date

Adds commits: 017c6cf 22e589a 3f80e13 7c81bec 7ef3682 8ec54ba 93b0ffa 99b186b c9a9bc8 ed482ec f97d5c2
lizmat Files=1162, Tests=56147, 183 wallclock secs (11.09 usr 4.23 sys + 1104.86 cusr 102.33 csys = 1222.51 CPU) 01:42
good night, #perl6-dev! 01:43
brokenchicken night 01:47
Geth kudo/nom: 121e5e32e9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Revert 76f14a5c1f5: Array.splice(Range) candidate

Per discussion:
MasterDuke commit: 73797b759^,73797b759 say lines.elems; say lines[0] 02:04
committable6 MasterDuke, ¦«73797b759^»: 10␤Nil␤¦«73797b7»: 10␤No such method 'pull-one' for invocant of type 'Any'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/r0jDzqrUR0 line 1␤ «exit code = 1»
MasterDuke i have a one line patch that brings back the old behavior and passes a spectest 02:05
is the old behavior correct?
brokenchicken m: dd lines 02:06
camelia rakudo-moar d41ad4: OUTPUT«("»Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?«", " »Um die siebente Stund‘, am Brückendamm.«", " »Am Mittelpfeiler.«", " »Ich lösche die Flamm.«", " »Ich mit«", "", " »Ich komme vom Norden her.«", " »Und ich vom Süd…»
brokenchicken m: dd WHAT lines
camelia rakudo-moar d41ad4: OUTPUT«Seq␤»
brokenchicken c: 2016.12 say lines.elems; say lines[0] 02:07
committable6 brokenchicken, ¦«2016.12»: 10␤Nil
MasterDuke fyi, the problem is here:
brokenchicken m: my $s = (1...10); dd WHAT $s; say $s.elems; say $s[0] 02:08
camelia rakudo-moar d41ad4: OUTPUT«Seq␤10␤1␤»
MasterDuke the previous version had this line before: return IterationEnd if $!limit <= 0;
but $!limit was removed 02:09
so the patch it just adding: nqp::unless(nqp::defined($!iter), return IterationEnd)
*is just
brokenchicken MasterDuke: and that restores old behaviour? 02:10
MasterDuke yeah
brokenchicken c: 2016.12 my $l = lines; say $l.elems; say $l[0] 02:11
committable6 brokenchicken, ¦«2016.12»: 10␤♥🦋 ꒛㎲₊⼦🂴⧿⌟ⓜ≹℻ 😦⦀🌵 🖰㌲⎢➸ 🐍💔 🗭𐅹⮟⿁ ⡍㍷⽐
brokenchicken MasterDuke: how come does that work? It $!iter gets unset somewhere? 02:14
Ah ok, I get it now.
Or rather no, I don't 02:15
MasterDuke think it happens in !next-io() 02:16
brokenchicken MasterDuke: yeah, submit the fix. 02:17
MasterDuke $io gets set to Nil when there aren't any more files
brokenchicken I'm about to initiate the release
MasterDuke tomorrow, right?
brokenchicken MasterDuke: if you haven't spoken it would've been running now :} 02:18
│2103 ▬▬▶ │ NeuralAnomaly_ ( has joined #perl6-dev
Bot's already primed to run the release
MasterDuke ha. but i thought it was saturdays?
brokenchicken m: dd
camelia rakudo-moar 121e5e: OUTPUT«2017-01-21T02:18:59.041915Z␤Bool::True␤»
brokenchicken :) It's Saturday somewhere! 02:19
MasterDuke can't argue with that
brokenchicken Well, submit a fix. Imma go play some video games in the meantime :)
Geth kudo: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #999:
Fix calling lines() after exhausting input
MasterDuke brokenchicken: ^^^. and i'm off to go kill some orcs myself 02:28
brokenchicken MasterDuke++ thanks! 02:35
Geth kudo/nom: d0d7fad570 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/core/IO/
Fix calling lines() after exhausting input
kudo/nom: 096ceec2a8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/IO/
Merge pull request #999 from MasterDuke17/nom

Fix calling lines() after exhausting input
ast: 7b680fe5e3 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S16-io/lines.t
Test call of IO::ArgFiles.lines after input exhaustion does not crash

Rakudo fix:
brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: status
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, [✘] Next release is today. Since last release, there are 95 new still-open tickets (0 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 3 unreviewed commits. See for details
brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: status
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, [✔] Next release is today. Since last release, there are 95 new still-open tickets (0 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 0 unreviewed commits. See for details
brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: cut the release
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, Will do! If you're feeling particularly naughty, you can watch me at or go look at some cats
brokenchicken oh, woops 02:56
Yes, cut the release on a VM that isn't running! :)
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ ABNORMAL EXIT! 02:58
brokenchicken huh
Spoken from the dead!
NeuralAnomaly: cut the release 03:03
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, Will do! If you're feeling particularly naughty, you can watch me at or go look at some cats
brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Prep done
Geth p: bf357b8f74 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
bump MoarVM version to 2017.01
p: version bump brought these changes:
ec9f11f01a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | VERSION
nqp: version bump brought these changes:
.oO( should we try to unbust JVM build before release.... ? )
travis-ci NQP build errored. Zoffix Znet 'bump VERSION to 2017.01' 03:11
brokenchicken gonna give it a try 03:12
oh and I forgot the test thing :( 03:14
Geth ast: af6507822c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S15-nfg/grapheme-break.t
Temporarily add a dummy test file

For test file that was removed in roast master but is still present in 6.c-errata.
This file will go away once we teach Rakudo's make spectest to use different lists of test files for each branch of of roast
kudo/nom: 8b94fae4c6 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/
Revert "Remove duplicate test"

This reverts commit 7f970357bd59c011e9f998ba885d317401851781.
Semi-temporarily. Will be moved again once we teach make spectest to use different lists of test files for each roast branch
brokenchicken hm, weird. 03:41
"No subtests run" during first make test on JVM... though perhaps that needs a make install first 03:42
brokenchicken forgets now if same is the case for MoaVM
Geth kudo/nom: be6dc61af7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Unbust JVM build with a workaround at the crashsite

brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: cut the release 03:45
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, Will do! If you're feeling particularly naughty, you can watch me at or go look at some cats
brokenchicken, ☠☠☠☠☠☠ R6 status is not clean. Cannot proceed
brokenchicken, ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠ ABNORMAL EXIT!
brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: cut the release 03:47
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, Will do! If you're feeling particularly naughty, you can watch me at or go look at some cats
brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Prep done
brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ NQP: MoarVM version appears to be already bumped
brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ NQP: NQP version appears to be already bumped
brokenchicken <3 03:48
Who's a smart robot? NeuralAnomaly is! Yes, you are!
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Zoffix Znet 'Revert 76f14a5c1f5: Array.splice(Range) candidate 03:50
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nqp tests OK 03:56
brokenchicken .tell samcv seems Travis's "new contrainer-based trusty beta" ain't got gcc6 package in it. Any idea on how to fix it? 04:04
yoleaux2 brokenchicken: I'll pass your message to samcv.
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nqp release tarball tests OK 04:06
brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nqp release DONE
Geth kudo/nom: b38b121587 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/announce/
Generate release announcement for 2017.01
kudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
4a295dc5fb | (Zoffix Znet)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
kudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
78980ed447 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | VERSION
kudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
0c89292d52 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/release_guide.pod
.oO( need to start checking ChangeLog renders fine as Markdown :( ... )
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Rakudo stresstest (master) OK 04:15
brokenchicken Oh
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Rakudo stresstest (6.c-errata) OK 04:16
brokenchicken oh, somehow I'm hostmasked 04:17
For a second I thought NeuralAnomaly just let anyone run a release release 04:18
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Rakudo release DONE 04:24
brokenchicken, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Post: upload tarballs to
brokenchicken, 🎺🎺🎺📯📯📯📯📯📯🌈🌈🌈📦📦📦
brokenchicken, The release of **Rakudo #107 2017.01** has now been completed
brokenchicken, 🎺🎺🎺📯📯📯📯📯📯🌈🌈🌈📦📦📦
NeuralAnomaly celebrates with an appropriate amount of fun
Zoffix NeuralAnomaly, thanks, baby
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, any time, buddy!
brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly: status 04:31
NeuralAnomaly brokenchicken, [✘] Next release will be in 4 weeks. Since last release, there are 0 new still-open tickets (0 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 5 unreviewed commits. See for details
brokenchicken sweet
AlexDaniel \o/ 04:42
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Zoffix Znet 'Merge pull request #999 from MasterDuke17/nom 04:46
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
[Coke] brokenchicken++ 05:09
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Zoffix Znet 'Revert "Remove duplicate test" 05:14
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
brokenchicken failures are all some travis glitches on their "trusty beta" 05:16
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Zoffix Znet 'Unbust JVM build with a workaround at the crashsite 05:39
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
bartolin brokenchicken++ NeuralAnomaly++ 06:04
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Zoffix Znet '[release] bump VERSION to 2017.01' 06:22
Rakudo build passed. Zoffix Znet '2017.01 is now in the past' 06:46
Geth kudo: faraco++ created pull request #1000:
lizmat brokenchicken NeuralAnomaly o/ 10:51
Geth kudo/nom: a80500edb4 | faraco++ | CREDITS
kudo/nom: 5cc9276a8f | faraco++ | CREDITS
kudo/nom: a5ffe4de24 | lizmat++ | CREDITS
Merge pull request #1000 from faraco/patch-1

jnthn .tell brokenchicken The correct second arg for a getattr/bindattr is generic inside of a role body, so you can't hardcode it. You can use ::?CLASS which will resolve to it (and spesh knows enough about type vars to generate as good code as in the unspecialized case) 11:39
yoleaux2 jnthn: I'll pass your message to brokenchicken.
jnthn .tell brokenchicken uh, the non-generic case, I meant. Not enough coffee :)
yoleaux2 jnthn: I'll pass your message to brokenchicken.
Geth kudo/nom: 8a6bfc68a8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Introducing Any.skip(n?)

Exposes the functionality of Iterator.skip-one/skip-at-least. This allows you to do something like:
   for "file".IO.lines.skip(10).head(10) {
to get the second 10 lines of a file. I've waited to push this until after the 2017.01 release, so that we have about a month to revert it should it be considered an addition we could do without :-)
ar/zef: 16 commits pushed by stmuk++
timotimo cool 11:51
Geth ar/master: 16 commits pushed by stmuk++
ar: 1d80e71b86 | (Steve Mynott)++ | 3 files
bump version to 2017.01
ar: 61ccb3cfba | (Steve Mynott)++ | 4 files
bump copyright notice to 2017
gfldex lizmat: skip()++ 12:37
timotimo let's not skip skip 12:38
Geth kudo: stmuk++ created pull request #1001:
Comment since it warns with rakudo star roast runs which confuses people.
jnthn Did Supply get a .skip too? :) 13:17
lizmat jnthn: not yet 13:18
but it will if we say it's ok for Any
jnthn ??
No, a reactive dual, not a list coercing form :)
lizmat yeah, a reactive dual yes
jnthn method skip($n) { supply { my $i = 0; whenever self { .emit if $i++ >= $n } } } # it's probably just this :) 13:19
timotimo i wonder how hard it'd be for the skip piece to remove itself from the chain once it's no longer doing anything
lizmat timotimo: Seq.skip returns self :-)
timotimo yeah, but for supplies it's not that easy
lizmat ah, yes, true 13:20
anyways, going to be afk for the rest of the day
timotimo you'd have to go through all your tappers and have them tap the original supply instead, but i don't think we can install an already existing tap on a supply
also, on-demand vs live
and also², making sure to not lose values while you're switching things around
jnthn It's surely more hassle/risk than it's worth :)
timotimo probably 13:21
can we install a new whenever block once we reach $n?
jnthn ... 13:22
Yeah'd re-tap
timotimo ah, of course it would
well, that's too bad :)
jnthn And re-start an on-demand sequence
It sounded like a good idea until I thought about it. :)
timotimo a common problem i have
jnthn There is an easy opt to what I wrote though: set a flag if we are just straight emitting, to save the cost of ++ every time :) 13:23
RabidGravy "it seemed like a good idea at the time" could be the motto of my life 13:24
DrForr Hold my beer, I'm'a deploy to the cluster. 14:16
samcv . 15:03
yoleaux2 18 Jan 2017 15:59Z <brokenchicken> samcv: this test file is still present in 6.c-errata, except now it won't run any more. Can we just rename GraphemeBreakTest.t in master to grapheme-break.t so errata runs its copy and master the updated one?
18 Jan 2017 16:25Z <brokenchicken> samcv: never mind. I'll add a separate test list for 6.c
04:04Z <brokenchicken> samcv: seems Travis's "new contrainer-based trusty beta" ain't got gcc6 package in it. Any idea on how to fix it?
samcv brokenchicken, regarding GCC 6, look at the .travis.yml for the docs 15:06
ubuntu-toolchain-r-test << looks ilke you need to add this repo and then add gcc-6
if we don't already have that repo added that is
brokenchicken samcv: so what happened with your grant? 15:24
yoleaux2 11:39Z <jnthn> brokenchicken: The correct second arg for a getattr/bindattr is generic inside of a role body, so you can't hardcode it. You can use ::?CLASS which will resolve to it (and spesh knows enough about type vars to generate as good code as in the unspecialized case)
11:39Z <jnthn> brokenchicken: uh, the non-generic case, I meant. Not enough coffee :)
samcv brokenchicken, stil waiting to hear back 15:25
well i i got a second email saying i'v receive info in a few more days 15:26
Geth kudo/nom: 7f245f7e0f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Fix crash on instantiation of subclasses of classes that do Rational

In such cases the self.WHAT would be the subclass's type object, which does not have $!denominator/$!numerator attributes in it.
Fix by using ::?CLASS instead. jnthn++ for the tip.
ast: a4290dfd64 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-num/rat.t
Test subclass of class that does Rational can be instantiated

Rakudo fix:
brokenchicken ubuntu-toolchain-r-test stuff is in .travis.yml 15:51
maybe it was just a glitch with travis since it was glitching last night a lot
samcv hm 16:01
brokenchicken, do we export the right compiler we need?
even if we have it installed, it does not get set to default I don't think 16:02
brokenchicken no idea 16:04
I've not seen that error come up again tho
gfldex 16:11
i think that line can never work
it will always create a list of values and then tries to assign to that
what doesn't work because the values are inmutable 16:12
brokenchicken doesn't see any assignment on that line 16:13
ugexe gfldex: did you see the PR i sent you? it should solve your installation issue
brokenchicken m: my %h = foo => 42; postcircumfix:<{ }>(%h, [<foo>], 72); dd %h 16:14
camelia rakudo-moar 7f245f: OUTPUT«Hash %h = {:foo(72)}␤»
brokenchicken s: &postcircumfix:<{ }>, \(%, [<foo>], 72) 16:15
SourceBaby brokenchicken, Sauce is at
brokenchicken m: use nqp; dd nqp::iscont([<foo>])
camelia rakudo-moar 7f245f: OUTPUT«0␤»
gfldex silly me, forgot return-rw 16:18
not silly me 16:20
m: class C does Associative { method AT-KEY(\k){ dd 'at-key'; True }; method ASSIGN-KEY(\k, \v){ dd 'assign-key', k, v } };<a> = 1;<a b> = 1,2;
camelia rakudo-moar 7f245f: OUTPUT«"assign-key"␤"a"␤1␤"at-key"␤"at-key"␤Cannot modify an immutable Bool␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
gfldex Rakudo is calling the wrong method
and I linked the wrong line 16:21
it would need to call ASSIGN-KEY there to allow custom %h<a b c> = 1,2,3;
ugexe: to which repo did you send the PR? 16:24
brokenchicken doesn't follow what the issue is
ugexe gfldex:
gfldex ohh, I fixed all my modules today already. 16:25
ugexe still points to the wrong source-url and the file is named wrong still ( is not valid) 16:26
its why your repo fails 16:27
if its building for you now thats just a coincidence 16:28
(it passes its own travis test because its built from a path, but as a dependency or via `zef install Rakudo::Slippy::Semilists` it will fail with that pr) 16:30
fail without that pr^
btw the repo name is confusing because it has /lists$/ but the actual name is /list$/ 16:33
$ perl6 -Ilib bin/zef install Rakudo::Slippy::Semilists 16:35
===> Searching for: Rakudo::Slippy::Semilist
===> Fetching: Rakudo::Slippy::Semilist
===> Installing: Operator::defined-alternation:ver('0.0.1'):auth('Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer')
gfldex ugexe: i think I got it now. Not going to change the repo name. As soon as Rakudo learns semilists it's redundant anyways.
ugexe eventually zef should warn if the distribution found in the source-url doesn't match the distribution meta data returned from the initial search 16:36
but for now it doesn't because it makes it easier to munge in the cpan stuff (which changes the versions in the meta data, which we dont want) 16:37
gfldex: dont forget to update the meta file path here: 16:38
gfldex will do
Geth ast: 4da19d6e09 | usev6++ | S32-list/rotor.t
Unfudge tests for r-j
p/master: 7 commits pushed by pmurias++ 18:13
kudo/js: 7 commits pushed by pmurias++
travis-ci NQP build passed. Pawel Murias '[js] Fix attribute access in the regex compiler when we don't know the cursor type at compile time.' 18:16
jnthn gfldex: ASSIGN-KEY is an optimization for the case where we have a simple `%hash<foo> = bar` form. Any more complex forms (like a list assignment) will use AT-KEY, which is meant to return a l-value. Implementing ASSIGN-KEY is optional; there's a default for that which is implemented in terms of AT-KEY. 18:40
(Well, note, meant to return an l-value in the case it should be assignable; for immutable things of course not returning an l-value is fine) 18:41
gfldex jnthn: I C, the consequence looks like this: 18:52
japhb_ .ask pmurias What's left to do in rakudo/js before you can merge to nom?
yoleaux2 japhb_: I'll pass your message to pmurias.
gfldex i can doc it that way but would prefer something That Just Works
jnthn gfldex: Unfortunately, there's no .get or so that gets the attribute's container, only a .get_value. :( 18:57
If that existed then you'd not need the proxy at all here
I think that's the something that's missing, though
For now, the Proxy is the best way 18:58
pmurias japhb: make it pass all the tests? 19:00
yoleaux2 18:52Z <japhb_> pmurias: What's left to do in rakudo/js before you can merge to nom?
pmurias japhb: what does merging it before it's read for use give? 19:02
japhb: or do you mean what's needed before it passes all the roast tests? 19:08
japhb pmurias: IIRC you merged nqp-js once it got to the point that it was bootstrapped and building it was not terribly different from building on the other backends (my memory may be fuzzy of course) 19:12
You'd recently said rakudo-js could fully compile the setting.
At what point do you start treating it like rakudo-j, which is to say perhaps not as complete as rakudo-m, but it's merged to nom and we generally try to keep it buildable and runnable. 19:13
In other words, I don't thing precedent is that you need to pass all roast tests to merge to nom, merely that you need to be able to build and run, handle enough of the language that "beginner code" will work on it, etc. 19:15
*don't think
I suppose "And you don't have to fudge the majority of the test suite" would save effort, so having the fudged tests be in the minority makes sense I suppose.
What % of roast (that rakudo-m passes) can rakudo-js currently handle? 19:16
pmurias it doesn't yet pass any of roast, I'm working on getting it to pass the sanity tests 19:24
it passes 20/24 of those
Geth ar: 4f81618b95 | (Steve Mynott)++ | 14 files
first attempt bump submodules
ar: 6bc7187354 | (Steve Mynott)++ | 14 files
bump submodules
ast: smls++ created pull request #225:
Add tests for RT #130554
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth ar: 4a863302b9 | (Steve Mynott)++ | docs/announce/
draft announce
ar: ce52faadbf | (Steve Mynott)++ | docs/announce/
Windows is 64bit
samcv when did highlighting on the docs break? 21:10
stmuk_ 21:12
RabidGravy did someone fix of the bunch off gcc warnings with moar recentky? it appears to be down to just two now 21:27
MasterDuke .tell RabidGravy yep, 21:35
yoleaux2 MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to RabidGravy.
Geth ast: dba88c9d74 | (Sam S)++ | S03-operators/range.t
Add tests for RT #130554 (#225)
synopsebot6 Link: