Geth perl6-pod-to-bigpage: c99f51cd96 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Add `perl` key to meta file

Closes #3
perl6-pod-to-bigpage: 2c8ec5f9cf | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 3 files
Don't run network tests by default

Fixes #4
perl6-pod-to-bigpage: e721ef3556 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/Pod/To/BigPage.pm6
Remove trailing whitespace
perl6-pod-to-bigpage: b4dd4433e6 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/Pod/To/BigPage.pm6
Reword chain of .substs with .trans
Zoffix ZofBot: good grief
ZofBot Zoffix, html>
Zoffix ZofBot: exactly!
ZofBot Zoffix, One other difference between the "s///" and "
Zoffix sets Pod::To::BigPage on fire 00:26
The same bullshit as the $COLON stuff in htmlify.p6 00:27
One of the billion places it .substr()-escapes markup—as opposed to doing something sane—it escapes `>`, but seems to double-escape `<` 00:28
samcv oh no 00:41
Zoffix found it
samcv what's it doing? this is diff from the URL problem right? we're talking about Pod::To::BigPage
Zoffix Yeah, different. I'm fixing perl -pi -e 's/(\s*(?:multi\s+)?(method|sub|submethod)\s*([^\s({]+)[^{]+\{)/$1 nqp::say("$2 $3");/g' 00:42
I mean fixing
samcv eek 00:43
timotimo the horizontal scrolling in that document is the worst thing i've ever seen in a html site 00:46
Zoffix oh. never noticed it before
Geth perl6-pod-to-bigpage: 181945faa5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/Pod/To/BigPage.pm6
Consolidate markup escape code
perl6-pod-to-bigpage: c24177f6ee | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Fix double-escape of `<` in code

P.S.: There are likely more double-escape bugs in this codebase. Needs a saner review/rewrite
Zoffix gah, doesn't fix it entirely. There's still markup chunks all over the place in code blocks 00:54
Zoffix gives up with it 00:55
Geth perl6-pod-to-bigpage: 2628454c34 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | .travis.yml
Fix travis choking with panda

By using zef
MasterDuke_ Zoffix: hope you don't mind, made a couple editing suggestions on your recent doc commits (i think the reifying and Proc.kill ones) 02:47
Zoffix MasterDuke_++ thanks 02:54
Geth nqp: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #358:
Align JVM x operator with MoarVM x operator
nqp: bccace7fe8 | MasterDuke17++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/
Align JVM x operator with MoarVM x operator

Do the same error checks (except with different max values depending on the limitations of the specific VM).
nqp: 90995169a4 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/runtime/
Merge pull request #358 from MasterDuke17/repeat_operator_enhancement_for_jvm

Align JVM x operator with MoarVM x operator
rakudo/bugfix/osx-unstuck-precomp: a9f252c0f9 | (Nick Logan)++ | src/core/CompUnit/
Fix stuck precomp on osx
rakudo/bugfix/osx-unstuck-precomp: 182b17061c | (Nick Logan)++ | src/core/CompUnit/
Fix stuck precomp on osx
rakudo: ugexe++ created pull request #1076:
Fix stuck precomp on osx
roast: ad567d7577 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S02-types/pair.t
Zoffix Well, I'm tossing fixed-Seq-is-deeply and I guess we'll live with brokenish is-deeply for the foreseeable future 05:35
And tossing better-test-pm6; the pain of wasting time on it is dull and forgotten by now :) 05:36
.ask TimToady can `uncurse` branch be deleted from Rakudo's repo now? 05:37
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to TimToady.
Geth rakudo/nom: 096bc17cd5 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/Test.pm6
Add note explaining why is-deeply is buggish
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.04.3-173-g5e6b38789 built on MoarVM version 2017.04-57-g8d8a09b9 05:54
csv-ip5xs 3.227
test 12.861
test-t 4.319 - 4.361
csv-parser 13.275
Geth roast: 15d52ffb46 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-list/combinations.t
Remove trailing whitespace
roast: 1424793070 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-list/combinations.t
Add more .combinations tests; skids++

Closes #110
roast: 9fad95d9ec | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-list/combinations.t
Use `is-deeply` instead of `is` and `.perl`
Zoffix :/ wonder why zef's install fails like this. IIRC it's the second time I see travis do that: 06:25
buggable: speed 10 06:26
buggable Zoffix, ▆▅▂▃▂▁▃▂▂▂ data for 2017-05-02–2017-05-06; range: 4.276s–4.571s; 5% faster
Zoffix sweet
samcv Zoffix, ok pages with % work now too 08:30
and so do pages that end with URI percent encoding, cause that was messed up too if it percent encoded and that was the very last thing in url 08:31
not sure what the server setup is to access .html files without .html
dogbert17 m: my $a =; say $a + 0 # another oldie 12:07
camelia MoarVM panic: Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 131072 bytes
timotimo that infini-recurses? 12:09
dogbert17 yup 12:10
will fix a gist 12:11
can't see why it should recurse though 12:12
heh, my 'p MVM_dump_backtrace' recurses as well with a gazillion 'from SETTING::src/core/ (./CORE.setting.moarvm:infix:<+>)' 12:15
the original report points out that instantiating an abstract class is a bad idea. RT #126112 12:16
synopsebot6 Link:
dogbert17 wonders what the proper way to fix this might be 12:30
timotimo: are you still around? 13:21
where can I find the src for 'nqp::unbox_n'? Using grep hasn't been particulary successful. 13:23
to be more specific, I'm looking for the code which makes this rounding 13:27
m: pi.say
camelia 3.14159265358979
dogbert17 i.e. RT #127184 13:28
synopsebot6 Link:
MasterDuke_ dogbert17: try MoarVM/src/6model/reprs/P6num.c:56: 13:37
lizmat . 13:42
yoleaux 5 May 2017 13:50Z <Zoffix> lizmat: would you check this commit ? It fixes the bug, but I fixed it more by attrition that knowing what I'm doing.
dogbert17 hi MasterDuke_ & lizmat 13:45
lizmat dig o/
dogbert17 :-)
dogbert17 do you think that RT #127184 should be fixed?
synopsebot6 Link:
lizmat dogbert17: I would say yes 13:47
m: 3.14159265358979 == pi
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of "==" in expression "3.14159265358979 == pi" in sink context (line 1)
lizmat m: say 3.14159265358979 == pi
camelia False
lizmat dogbert17: ^^^ feels troublesome, so yes, :-) 13:48
dogbert17 hoping it's some kind of LHF but I'm often horribly wrong about things like that :) 13:49
lizmat perhaps it's as easy as changing a printf somewhere :-)
dogbert17 that's what I was hoping :)
lizmat .tell Zoffix it feels to me that you fixed the problem by making things unnecessarily eager 13:53
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
Zoffix . 14:06
yoleaux 13:53Z <lizmat> Zoffix: it feels to me that you fixed the problem by making things unnecessarily eager
Zoffix m: sub (*@){}(gather { say "hi here" }); @ = gather { say "hi there" } 14:07
camelia hi here
hi there
Zoffix lizmat: yeah, it's basically the slurpy is like the @-sigiled var now. So, the fix should be reverted? 14:08
lizmat not sure yet, pretty distracted at the moment :-)
Zoffix samcv: thanks, though I see `..^` op is still unreacheable from the search box; it leads to 14:09
lizmat: OK, I'll leave it in your hands then :) If it's bad, please revert it (and refudge the test for it)
lizmat Zoffix: okidoki :-) 14:10
dogbert17 lizmat: any idea where to look for this 'printf'? 14:11
lizmat dogbert17: sadly, no
samcv Zoffix, that should be fixed. by the latest commit. 14:12
dogbert17 finds it difficult to navigate the sources
samcv so not sure why it's not working
MasterDuke_ dogbert17: you might have better luck following the p6box_s
dogbert17 MasterDuke_: thx, I'll give it a shot 14:13
MasterDuke_ i think the unbox_n is just giving you the num, and the p6box_s is stringifying it
dogbert17 cool, let's see if that makes finding things easier 14:14
Zoffix samcv: does it need the same `.html` fix like the plain `..`? The page gives me stuff if I append .html to it 14:15
samcv yes it has code to do that right now. i'm going to try altering it slightly
dogbert17 hmm, no trace of it in nqp/src nor in MoarVM/src 14:16
MasterDuke_ dogbert17: the p6* ops are in rakudo
Zoffix dogbert17: you looking for sprintf impl? 14:17
dogbert17: basically this: 14:18
dogbert17 Zoffix: looking at RT #127184
synopsebot6 Link:
Zoffix "Dan the Bit-Picking Rakudo Monger" :/ 14:19
Zoffix would've hoped the "Monger" thing would've stayed with Perl 5 :P
dogbert17 MasterDuke_: perhaps src/vm/moar/ops/perl6_ops.c might be the place then 14:21
MasterDuke_ yep, turns out it just calls MVM_repr_box_str though 14:22
Zoffix m: (pi*10000000000000000).say 14:24
camelia 3.14159265358979e+16
Zoffix m: (1.234567890123456789012345e0).say
camelia 1.23456789012346
dogbert17 might that be found in src/6model/reprconv.c
Zoffix dogbert17: well yeah and eventually in but that takes MVM_String looks like 14:25
So it's already in Str format by then?
dogbert17 the plot thickens 14:26
Zoffix And there it takes `cur_op` but it's not used anywhere in the body? huh?
I guess GET_REG(tc, 2).s) is what does the thing, eh? So the .s is what converts it? 14:27
MasterDuke_ `#define GET_REG(tc, idx) (*tc->interp_reg_base)[*((MVMuint16 *)(cur_op + idx))]`, so it's using the cur_op 14:28
Zoffix dogbert17: seems the bug is in unbox_n op. Maybe here somewhere? 14:30
Zoffix gives up the guessing
dogbert17 m: say sprintf("%.13f", pi) 14:31
camelia 3.1415926535898
dogbert17 m: say sprintf("%.14f", pi)
camelia 3.14159265358979
dogbert17 m: say sprintf("%.15f", pi) # ?
camelia 3.141592653589790
dogbert17 Zoffix: perhaps this is not a LHF as I was hoping 14:32
Zoffix Dunno. What's the attribute_offsets? Feels like adding another position in P6opaque.c for num is all that's needed 14:36
Zoffix chuckles at repr_data->ass_del_slot 14:37
dogbert17 :)
m: say sprintf("%.15f", 3.141592653589793) # fishy
camelia 3.141592653589790
Zoffix It ends up just a num at the end, right?
s: 1.1, 'Str', \() 14:38
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at
Zoffix Oh wait 14:39
dogbert17 ?
Zoffix s: 1.1, 'Num', \()
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at
Zoffix Yeah, just nqp::div_In
So the extra digit at the end just gets lost
Maybe. It's just a guess that nqp::sprintf doesn't know how to handle rats so it just numifies them 14:40
Zoffix &
dogbert17 fixes a pot of coffee 14:41
MasterDuke_ jnthn: i refactored made_feed to do the .ast in the loop and call .panic on the un-ast'ed part, but it's still putting the caret at the EOL. i don't think i've ever played around with this error mark positioning before, so not sure what i did wrong 15:36
when you've got a minute, here's a diff of my changes 15:38
ugexe nine: i dunno why works, but I'm pretty sure i've been working around that bug when launching procs in zef for 2 years now 15:49
my workaround has always been to reorder the logic for reading/closing :out/:err until it works 15:51
oh i can reproduce 15:59
perl6 -e 'my $proc = shell q|perl6 -e "die q!oo! xx 1000000;"|, :out, :err; my @out = $proc.out.lines.unique;'
s/:err// and it no longer freezes
note that the size of the error must matter as well 16:01
geekosaur um, yes? 16:02
that's a deadlock 16:03
if the unread output on the pipe connected to its stderr is larger than the OS pipe buffer then the child process will block waiting for the pipe to become writable; the parent is probably doing a waitpid() on all children, which will never finish because of the blocked child. only way around it is read the pipe or forcibly terminate the child with a signal 16:04
this is the open3 problem documented for perl 5 and python, among others 16:05
ugexe that sure sounds like the case to me
the original problem i only faced on osx, but the repro above (which exaggerates the error message size) also affects non-osx 16:06
geekosaur or maybe prevent perl 6 from waiting for all outstanding children; I don't know if that happens at perl 6 level or libuv though
ugexe it this specific to stderr, or can the reverse also be true (stdout)? 16:07
geekosaur both, tes
ugexe ouch 16:08
geekosaur (also I think you'll see it more easily on OS X because the pipe buffer is 64K, but on Linux it's something like 256K)
ugexe i 16:11
and i dont think there is a way to know which pipe to read first is there? 16:12
jnthn MasterDuke_: Hm, that patch looks to do the change I suggested, so a little curious it doesn't end up pointing at the correct stage. 16:16
MasterDuke_ yea 16:17
jnthn I don't see any obvious mistake in there
MasterDuke_ yeah, i thought it would
fwiw, updated the gist with the error output 16:18
jnthn Could also try $_.PRECURSOR.panic($error) 16:21
Though I don't know exactly what that does :)
ugexe: fwiw, Proc::Async avoids the problem by delivering the input as it's received on each handle 16:22
geekosaur correct 16:26
also it could well be both that need to be read. best is to read in threads and forward the important part to the main thread (or use a Supply to feed it)
which only defers the problem in some sense but you now control the buffering *and* you can reliably kill the main thread without it blocking on the others 16:27
MasterDuke_ jnthn++ that did it 16:28
ugexe jnthn: but introduces the problem of not existing for jvm yet :( 16:44
TimToady PRECURSOR puts the eject symbol at the .from rather than the .pos 17:45
yoleaux 05:37Z <Zoffix> TimToady: can `uncurse` branch be deleted from Rakudo's repo now? 17:46
TimToady Zoffix: yes 17:47
MasterDuke_ Zoffix: Geth seems to have died 18:10
i just created a couple minutes ago, but there hasn't been an announcement here 18:11
Geth rakudo: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1077:
Make feed compile errors better
Zoffix Geth: uptime 18:27
Geth Zoffix, 3 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes, and 45 seconds
Zoffix might've been hook delay. 18:28
Restarted it anyway
nine ugexe: what geekosaur said also matches my experience and understanding of this issue. I do wonder however if it's really necessary to capture STDERR. I've had to remove that capturing whenever I've worked on precomp stuff as it caused the hang issue and changed the order of debug output which is really confusing. 19:49
Geth rakudo/nom: 182b17061c | (Nick Logan)++ | src/core/CompUnit/
Fix stuck precomp on osx
rakudo/nom: 824cfa3517 | niner++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/CompUnit/
Merge pull request #1076 from rakudo/bugfix/osx-unstuck-precomp

Fix stuck precomp on osx
dogbert17 m: use nqp; nqp::say(nqp::unbox_n(3.141592653589793e0)) 21:34
camelia 3.14159265358979
dogbert17 still trying to find where the stringification of 'doubles' occurs 21:35
timotimo dogbert17: have you seen "smart_stringify"? 21:36
dogbert17 timotimo: no what's that?
pmurias dogbert17: a MoarVM op that does stringification of stuff in nqp 21:37
dogbert17 timotimo: as you can see above, one digit is unnecessarily lost and I'm trying to figure out where
pmurias: but where's the implementation, the code in src/vm/jvm/NQP/Ops.nqp isn't quite what I'm looking for 21:40
is it in MoarVM?
pmurias dogbert17: what backend do you want to fix it in? 21:41
src/vm/jvm is for the JVM backend
dogbert17 pmurias: MoarVM, see the example a few lines above 21:42
pmurias dogbert17: I would look into the coerce_ns op in the MoarVM
dogbert17 pmurias, thx will look
pmurias: btw it's RT #127184 21:43
synopsebot6 Link:
pmurias dogbert17: if you look into the MVM_coerce_n_s you will find a hardcoded 15 digits in the snprintf 21:45
dogbert17 pmurias++
otoh, 15 digits whould be enough if we're talking decimals only
still, the 'problem' must be there 21:46
now I now where to point gdb :), thx for all the help 21:47
timotimo dogbert17: of course you can just always stringify as much precision is there. but then you'll get 0.30000000000000001943 instead of 0.3 22:04
dogbert17 a double should be able to handle 3.141592653589793 22:10
I believe that I see a problem though 22:11
if I 'snprintf(buf, 64, "%.5g", n)' i get 3.1416\0 which is one decimal less that what I'm asking for 22:12
seems to me as if the terminating nul 'steals' one of my five decimals 22:13
timotimo shouldn't, though 22:15
dogbert17 how do you explain the result when using "%.5g"? Am I misunderstanding something? 22:17
timotimo i'm not good at printf, but could it be about leading minus? 22:18
samcv i usually experiment until it does the right thing :P
dogbert17 I can try
if I try with 'double pi = -3.141592653589793e0' and the format string "%.5g" I get -3.1416\0 22:21
only four decimals ... 22:22
printf("%.5", 3.141592653589) gives 3.1415 hmm 22:26
aha, when using 'g' or G in the format string the number after the decimal point means "the 22:29
maximum number of significant digits for g and G conversions
changing the 'g' to an 'f' should fix it I think 22:35
m: say 2.718_281_828_459_045_23e0 23:04
camelia 2.71828182845905
dogbert17 m: say 2.718_281_828_459_045_231e0
camelia 2.71828182845905