samcv u: { .uniprop('GCB') eq 'Prepend' } 00:02
ugexe so `run :merge` puts output into $proc.out, but Proc::Async.Supply creates a handle called `merge` which doesn't appear to be part of proc::async api
unicodable6 samcv, U+0600 ARABIC NUMBER SIGN [Cf] (؀ )
samcv, U+0601 ARABIC SIGN SANAH [Cf] (؁ )
samcv, 13 characters in total:
ugexe `my $proc = "echo", "test"; $proc.Supply.tap: {.say}; $proc.start; $proc.Supply.close` 00:03
'To avoid data races, you must tap merge before running the process'
samcv m: use nqp; nqp::ordbaseat("\c[ARABIC NUMBER SIGN]3").say 00:04
camelia ===SORRY!===
Arg count 1 doesn't equal required operand count 3 for op 'ordbaseat'
samcv m: use nqp; nqp::ordbaseat("\c[ARABIC NUMBER SIGN]3", 0).say 00:05
camelia 1536
samcv oh nice. it works
m: use nqp; nqp::ordbaseat("\c[ARABIC NUMBER SIGN]3", 1).say
camelia -1
samcv yay glad it works for prepend.
samcv &
AlexDaniel ugexe: wait, tap what merge? 00:12
ah, it says that in the error message 00:13
AlexDaniel shrugs
ugexe right, but there is no .merge tap
for instance, one way to work around your recent issue would be to use `whenever $proc.stdout.merge($proc.stderr) { }` instead of `whenever $proc.Supply { }` 00:17
AlexDaniel well, right now I just use .stdout and .stderr separately 00:18
and do the same kind of stuff with both of them
all that being in react block, so no issues whatsoever
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Various Setty stringification improvements 00:51
samcv would anybody want this for 6.d. being able to enter hex codes as 0x<0D00 235 8FE> 01:25
which is the format that NFD.gist shows
or NFC.gist etc
m: 'á'.NFD.gist.say 01:26
camelia NFD:0x<0061 0301>
samcv currently that's not a way you can write out numbers in perl 6
could be useful though
u: U+0301
unicodable6 samcv, U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT [Mn] ( ́)
samcv AlexDaniel, it might look better if for combining marks we added more than just nonbreaking space 01:29
since that renders the accent on the parens for me
m: "( ́)".subst( ')' , "\c[NBSP,NBSP])").say
camelia ( ́  )
samcv this for me looks like it is in the center. if i have "\c[NBSP]Mark\c[NBSP,NBSP]" 01:30
how do other people see that rendered?
or actually could render it as a normal space i guess 01:31
m: "( ́)".subst( ')' , "\c[NBSP,NBSP])").uninames.say
samcv though nonbreaking space would make it look much better if things wrapped
hexchat and konsole show it centered when you add two extra NBSP on the right side. but UXTerm shows it as the spaces would expect you to see it hm 01:37
camelia (  ́ )
BenGoldberg Sadly, shows the unicode in a way that's seriously messed up. 01:59
ugexe AlexDaniel: looks like .Supply causes a deadlock `futex(0x45551d4, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 1, NULL` <- what it locks up at every time 02:05
samcv ugexe, i'm getting a failure for json for zef 02:06
===> Updated cpan mirror:
Invalid JSON: iner",
hmm but json::fast doesn't say the json is invalid 02:07
ugrading zef though
ugexe for some reason it only tried to parse part of the json... probably only downloaded a partial file? 02:08
Geth nqp: fdead1d448 | (David Warring)++ | examples/rubyish/t/interpolation.t
[examples/rubyish] fix interpolation test
samcv hm 03:01
AlexDaniel samcv: so should I use a regular space then? 06:43
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.07-20-g5b6cd4062 built on MoarVM version 2017.07 07:10
csv-ip5xs 2.601
test 12.998
test-t 4.263 - 4.294
csv-parser 12.383
Error encoding UTF-8 string: could not encode codepoint 1861622 (0x1C67F6), codepoint out of bounds. Cannot encode higher than 1114111 (0x10FFFF)
in block <unit> at 88.t line 21
nine Zoffix: how can one reproduce the --ll-exception issue? 07:33
lizmat $ perl6 --ll-exception -e 'die' # nine 07:41
Geth roast: 800317bc93 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Exact output of .gist should not matter in coercion test
rakudo/nom: 21b9a720c7 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Various Baggy/Mixy stringification improvements

  - based on a ^100 .Bag
  - .Str about 30% faster
  - .gist about same speed *but* sorted: a long wish of TimToady
  - .perl about 2x faster
  - remove private method !LISTIFY, it is no longer needed
Zoffix nine: cause any exception while --ll-exception is used. I think one possible fix is instead of doing what the breaking commit did, shove a closure into the payload that calls self.message and then execute that closure in places the message is needed 10:04
Geth rakudo/nom: 02667bd890 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/build/
rm -f any already existing .moarvm files during install

since .moarvm files are mmapped and bytecode lazily deserialized, you can run into big trouble when rakudo gets updated while a script is already running.
by unlinking the files before overwriting them, this should never happen.
uses a custom perl6 script because who knows if cp --remove-destination is portable at all.
nine timotimo: this should also remove the need for a make clean after updating nqp I guess :)
timotimo i don't think so 10:07
nine Ah, because you run it after compilation 10:15
Zoffix timotimo: that broke my bot 10:20
s: 3.3, 'gist', \()
SourceBaby Zoffix, Something's wrong: ␤ERR: Unhandled exception: While looking for '/home/zoffix/services/sourceable/building-perl6/perl6.moarvm': no such file or directory␤
Zoffix m: &say.line.say 10:21
camelia 16
Zoffix m: &say.file.say
camelia SETTING::src/core/
timotimo Zoffix: how did it do that? 10:22
Zoffix No idea why the bot's looking for that file
timotimo oh, that's how?
Zoffix dunno. This is the script that upgates its rakudo: 10:23
SourceBaby: help
SourceBaby Zoffix, Use s: trigger with args to give to sourcery sub. e.g. s: Int, 'base'. See
Zoffix SourceBaby: source
SourceBaby Zoffix, See:
Zoffix And this is the code that finds the linenumber/file:
I'm unsure what makes it wanna look for perl6.moarvm or what is in that file 10:24
timotimo well, crap. 10:25
i'm getting some explosions here as well 10:27
okay, a perl6 repl open while rakudo installs will segfault no matter if my patch is applied or not 10:32
Zoffix: should i revert the commit? 11:43
actually, feel free to revert it yourself if you think it's no good, Zoffix 11:49
i'll be AFK for a bit
Zoffix timotimo: I've no idea what it does. I was just reporting that my bot stopped working :) 15:50
s: &say
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at
Zoffix timotimo: looks like it works now vOv 15:51
nine Zoffix: I failed to reproduce the issue with the "perl6 --ll-exception -e 'die'" lizmat suggested 16:22
Zoffix nine: what do you get when you run it? The first line reads "Unhandled exception: concatenate requires a concrete string, but got null" instead of the actual exception message 16:23
nine nine@sphinx:~> perl6 --ll-exception -e 'die'
at SETTING::src/core/ (/usr/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:throw)
Zoffix: oh wait...I've got rakudo rpm installed
Zoffix You're on the wrong perl then
nine sorry for the confusion :/ 16:24
Zoffix nine: this commit made it so the Exception's $!ex message is no longer set: then this commit attempted to fix the issue, but the $error never has .message method because it's not Perl 6 Exception, but BOOTException. and since BOOTException's payload 16:27
can be any object apparently, I think this can be fixed by maing Exception.throw stuff a closure that calls self.message as payload and in the place where nqp code trying to call .message instead execute that closure to get the message. This way we still get to retain the original benefits of not having to generate Exception.message when we don't care for it
Zoffix & 16:28
ugexe TimToady: can you comment on Version smart-match returning true for both `v6 ~~ v6c` and `v6c ~~ v6` instead of returning false/true? I expand on my confusion here: 16:43
[Coke] Zoffix: (why tickets for todo'd tests) the goal is to have a single place to report issues. 16:50
Zoffix [Coke]: but it ended up just a bunch of outdated information on todos in roast that at least once interfered with a user trying to find a specific ticket. Seems pointless effort considering you can always get an up-to-date information by running grep -ER '\#\?rakudo\s+(\d+\s+)?(todo|skip)' in a roast checkout 17:27
[Coke] Zoffix: if you have a better way to manage it, by all means. 17:59
but this is one of the things that is tricky about the tickets: there's a ton of todo's and skips in roast. are those part of the 6.c release? do we want to strip them for the 6.d release? 18:00
Zoffix There's 1231 of todo/skips. Yeah, stripping them would be useful, as the "TODO PASSED" messages make it really hard to spot failures where there are failures. I guess stripping can be done just via the fudger. Make it insert `skip "placeholder test"` instead of any todos/skips 18:49
Geth nqp: c0abee7953 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/HLL/Compiler.nqp
Fix --ll-exception trying to print a NULL

Need to use isnull_s for strings and look for the .message method on the exception payload instead of the BOOTException.
rakudo/nom: 559c925563 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP to get the --ll-exception fix, nine++
¦ rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
nqp: 69a150d21b | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo/nom: b81597bd86 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump to get latest MoarVM.

  * Fix to native callbacks called on threads other than the one that
   provided them in the first place (jnthn++)
  * String concatenation improvements (samcv++)
rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
1d94164389 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
¦ rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
[Coke] I wonder if it would be nice to try to have a "meeting" every week or month or so as we are thinking of getting 6.d out the door. 19:44
we used to try to do them way too often at the beginning, but we haven't really done that at all for 8+ years.
Zoffix Will we get free coffee and donuts? :) 19:45
[Coke] I will absolutely do that. 19:47
... as long as you have a dunkin donuts near you. :) 19:48
I am, btw, super busy with work, so am able to spend a lot less time thinking about perl 6.
(been the case for a few months now) 19:49
lizmat decommute& 20:00
Zoffix Same heh. Starting this week, I'll be able to spend a lot less time on Perl 6 20:09
well "a lot less" == about half the time as before 20:10
robertle I know the only real answer is "when it's ready", but is there any indication on roughly when 6.d might happen? 20:56
Zoffix robertle: October 19th. 21:06
perlpilot robertle: why do you want to know? 21:07
Zoffix robertle: note that not much would occur from user's perspective between last 6.c release and first 6.d release. There's a ton of features that are "technically" not part of the language that people are already using. 6.d release will just make those features "official" 21:09
robertle right, October sounds great. I am asking because I am using v6.d.PREVIEW more and more in semi-serious code, and having that a bit more official would be nice 21:11
Zoffix robertle: it's a rough date tho. Depending on availability of humans might be delayed. I think October 19th is the most optimistic mark and December 31 is the most pessimistic one, at least in my view. 21:13
robertle "Depending on availability of humans might be delayed", heh, I'll remember that for reuse at work :)
perlpilot robertle: what features of v6.d.PREVIEW are you taking advantage of? 21:20
Zoffix non-blocking await is the only one that's there, IIRC 21:21
robertle the waiting without exhausting the thread pool is the main thing for me. there is something about .child on directories as well, but looking at the description of the change I wonder whether that actually has anything to do with my previous problems, or whether I just worked out how to use it around the same time i started to use 6.d... 21:22
Zoffix robertle: the .child thing isn't yet implemented. 21:23
It's not about .child on directories. in 6.d .child will be much slower and ensure that the path is indeed the child of the invocant. 21:24
robertle makes sense, the description says something about security, which wasn't really my problem
Zoffix And what current .child does has been replaced with .add (which is already implemented without 6.d.PREVIEW)
robertle I was trying to write a method that checks if a file is contained (perhaps deeply) within a given directory, basically to avoid unwanted traversals as the filename is based on input over the net 21:25
think .htaccess or so
and I had great rouble getting that to work, even in the absence of links and similar complicatiosn 21:26
Zoffix buggable: eco secure
buggable Zoffix, IO::Path::ChildSecure 'Secure version of IO::Path.child':
Zoffix You could use that ^
robertle i did look at that
Zoffix Which will be 6.d's IO::Path.child
.in 60d go through ecosystem and convert .child -> .add 21:27
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll remind you on 18 Sep 2017 21:27Z
Zoffix .in 30d go through ecosystem and convert .child -> .add
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll remind you on 19 Aug 2017 21:27Z
robertle not sure anymore why we diodn't end using it. but looking at it now, what we do is similar in principle, basically resolve + absolute and string compare. I need to look at it again, not sure it can really be trusted 21:28
I mean not sure *our* version can be trusted 21:29
Zoffix I wouldn't mind extra eyes on my version either :)
ugexe technically would trying to open each path with an exclusive lock work? 21:31
robertle why the nqp? is it for performance or for functionality?
does every filesystem do locks properly? 21:32
Zoffix performance
we have tests for .lock/.unlock so they work on Windows, Mac, and Linux. 21:42
geekosaur locking tends not to be a per-os issue so much as a per-filesystem issue. notably, remote filesystems are problematic in various ways 21:44
Zoffix ah
geekosaur or foreign filesystems, e.g. various fuse filesystems on linux to access ntfs, etc. 21:45
Zoffix damn. The naive fix for the subtest issue makes it report a passing TODO, because it thinks the subtest passed.. 21:47
Zoffix thinks harder
Gonna leave it for now.
jdv79 never liked subtest. 21:48
the additional complexity seemed unworthy
Geth rakudo/fix-RT131767-subtest-todo: ca1f0cdae6 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/Test.pm6
Stash todo'ed subtest improvement fix

Currently fixes the original issue in RT#131767, but makes the subtest itself be reported as a unexpectedly-passing TODO
Needs more thinking.
synopsebot6 Link:
synopsebot6 Link:
synopsebot6 Link:
synopsebot6 Link:
Zoffix I love subtest. Very easy to just bump plan by 1 and make a self-contained test for a feature, that uses many tests 21:50
In Testo (where it's named `group`) I plan to auto-thread it too :)
jnthn Chill out, synopsebot6 :-)
Zoffix heh
Poor branch name, I guess :P
jnthn I thought it needed to be rt #12345 21:51
Or similar
Geth roast/fix-subtest-todo: cd838452e3 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S24-testing/12-subtest-todo.t
Stash subtest todo fix tests

Zoffix booo :'( Linkin Park's lead killed himself 22:28
Zoffix was raised on that band :( 22:29
jnthn Yeah :( 22:31
Didn't listen to their songs for years, but did plenty in my teens. 22:33
Zoffix damn... went to look whether one of my other favourites was still alive. Died in March. Though at least at the ripe age of 101, so not entirely unexpected. 22:42
timotimo one of my favourite albums of last year was "Psybrid Theory" by "Gangnam Park"; a re-mix of the entirety of Hybrid Theory with all lyrics replaced by the lyrics from psy's songs "Gangnam Style" and "Gentleman" 23:21
also, lots of linkin park in my teens
jnthn Oh wow, I have to listen to that :P 23:22
timotimo it's quite amazing 23:23
i find it worked terrifyingly well
oh no 23:29
triple-q came out with an album of 453 gangnam-style mashups by 40 different people apparently
clearly very dedicated to the memes 23:31