Zoffix ZOFFLOP: t/spec/S11-modules/require.t 00:59
Is REPL (other than its sanity) something we define in roast? 01:05
That's the only piece in 6.c-errata. The rest of the tests were added to master. I'm thinking of moving them to rakudo's test suite.
Hm. It was me who added all those news tests to roast. 01:06
So what I'm gonna do is move them to rakudo/t repl tests and comment out them out, because they currently need Test::Utils from roast (the repl test file itself needs more love and was waiting for Proc bug fixes which were done already) 01:12
And then sometime this week will fix them, along with other repl tests and whatever other files we currently aren't running.
And the repl won't be tested by roast, but by `make test`. Only "sanity" test will exist. 01:14
.in 6d fix up `make test` along with other tests
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll remind you on 3 Sep 2017 01:14Z
Geth rakudo/nom: ffd87fe5f8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/02-rakudo/repl.t
Add REPL tests from roast

Currently commented out due to requiring Test::Util package from roast; will be rewritten to avoid that dependency and uncommented soon.
roast: 4170c5db16 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S19-command-line/repl.t
Remove non-sanity REPL tests

These are NOT part of 6.c-errata and were moved to Rakudo's test suite:
The reason is the output contains some auxiliary messages
  (e.g. "Install Readline.. etc") and we shouldn't spec those, yet
they're hard to tease out from the rest of the output.
Zoffix So bottom line is: we still test REPL, but we don't spec it for anything other than basic sanity test 01:26
Geth rakudo/nom: 2c0cd0a3a9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/REPL.pm
Implement "bare" REPL and use it on non-TTY uses

This is basically a fake REPL that just evals all the code given on STDIN and then exits. This lets us support piped usagesā€¦
   $ echo -e 'my $x = 42;\nsay $x' | ./perl6
... (5 more lines)
Zoffix This feels good. I think I healed my burn out :)
MasterDuke m: my $s = "b"; my @l = <a b c>; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say @m.elems 02:03
camelia 1?
MasterDuke odd, ^^^ calls INTERPOLATE 5 times
twice with $tgt = "a", once with $tgt = "b", and then twice with $tgt = "c" 02:04
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Zoffix Znet 'Add REPL tests from roast 02:05
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/269033769 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/8...d87fe5f8d0
Zoffix Maybe that's why samcv++ was seeing dramatic slowdowns with variables interpolated into regexes vs. plain text? It's interpolating too many times? 02:06
MasterDuke i think there are several factors to the slowdown (INTERPOLATE isn't JITted for one), but yeah, that can't help
in my larger test case where @l is 50k lines, INTERPOLATE is called 3,045,151 times 02:08
Zoffix Aha! 02:09
ooops wrong chan
MasterDuke too bad, i would have been happy about an INTERPOLATE related "Aha!" 02:11
Zoffix :D
MasterDuke m: my $s = "b"; my @l = "aaa".."zzz"; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say @m.elems; say now - INIT now 02:15
camelia 1951?0.7518875?
MasterDuke m: my str $s = "b"; my @l = "aaa".."zzz"; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say @m.elems; say now - INIT now
camelia 1951?0.34076564?
MasterDuke much faster when it knows that the interpolated variable is a Str 02:16
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Zoffix Znet 'Implement "bare" REPL and use it on non-TTY uses 02:41
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/269035669 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/f...0cd0a3a96d
MasterDuke .tell samcv irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2017-...i_15078474 has some info about INTERPOLATE you might find interesting 02:57
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to samcv.
samcv m: my str $s = "b"; my @l = "aaa".."zzz"; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say @m.elems; say now - INIT now 04:37
yoleaux 02:57Z <MasterDuke> samcv: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2017-...i_15078474 has some info about INTERPOLATE you might find interesting
camelia 1951?0.3396149?
samcv m: my Str $s = "b"; my @l = "aaa".."zzz"; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say @m.elems; say now - INIT now
camelia 1951?0.318695?
samcv m: my $s = "b"; my @l = "aaa".."zzz"; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say @m.elems; say now - INIT now
camelia 1951?0.74654021?
samcv .tell MasterDuke thanks for the INTERPOLATE info
yoleaux samcv: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
Geth rakudo/nom: 98f9fffea2 | (Andrew Ruder)++ | src/core/Supply.pm
Supply.batch: handle no args and $elems == 1

In most cases, the returned supply from the batch method emits arrays of batched elements. There's no reason why the following should happen:
  $s.batch(elems => 1, seconds => 1000)
   tap sees arrays
... (10 more lines)
rakudo/nom: 3cfc3285c0 | lizmat++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/Supply.pm
Merge pull request #1140 from aeruder/nom

Supply.batch: handle no args and $elems == 1
rakudo/nom: 7d1ece8058 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Supply.pm
Further fixes to Supply.batch

  - it should return Lists, not arrays
  - create lists using nqp ops, prevents needing to copy batches
  - should be faster and less memory hungry as a result
  - fix some indentation issues
timotimo mornin' liz 06:40
Geth roast: aa21688be0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S17-supply/batch.t
Fix Supply.batch tests

We're not returning arrays anymore. Please note that Test::Tap *is* using a top-level array, but this is because of several flattening issues and should not be considered part of the Supply.batch API.
roast/6.c-errata: cdf39ad86b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S17-supply/batch.t
Fix Supply.batch tests

We're not returning arrays anymore. Please note that Test::Tap *is* using a top-level array, but this is because of several flattening issues and should not be considered part of the Supply.batch API.
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.08-25-g7d1ece805 built on MoarVM version 2017.08.1-32-gcd41322e 07:21
csv-ip5xs 1.346 - 1.380
test 11.040
test-t 3.809 - 3.999
csv-parser 12.741
lizmat part 1 of decommute& 08:21
nine So a natively typed parameter doesn't mean that one must pass a natively typed argument but only that one must pass something that can unbox to the native type. 10:20
dogbert17 oh, it's RabidGravy, welcome back :)
yoleaux 27 Aug 2017 08:42Z <samcv> dogbert17: check out how the address sanitizer for clang works: github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/...rAlgorithm very interesting how it works. even though this is how it works, it runs way faster than valgrind probably since doesn't have to run inside and have that overhead
nine And to make things worse, it's apparently the callee's responsibility to unbox. I rally don't like this at all :/ 10:21
RabidGravy dogbert17, I'd heard people were missing me, Don't know why, must be like stockholm syndrome or something ;-) 11:32
Skarsnik huhu 11:33
dogbert17 RabidGravy: perhaps we wan't the the latest Brexit news :-) 12:09
*want 12:10
Zoffix :)
dogbert17 but then again, I do live in the syndrome town :) 12:11
RabidGravy weellllllll I'm increasingly thinking it ain't going to happen, our politicians have lost their minds 12:15
dogbert17 can't they just drag out the negotiations forever 12:17
[Coke] (echo "hi"; echo "hi" ; echo "there" ; echo "hi" ) | uniq # unique already doesn't need sorting. 12:19
RabidGravy well theoretically 3/2019 is a drop dead date, but a number of things could happen 12:20
[Coke] I think the "original" uniq did require sorting but the gnu one doesn't - or something like that 12:21
aeruder ... they both do, that would be a massive change in functionality otherwise
assuming you want the output to be "hi" "there" 12:22
just verified on gnu uniq 8.26 and a bsd uniq...
RabidGravy actually yes 12:23
[Coke] aeruder: no, I want the output to be "hi", "there", "hi" -that was the ask in backscroll.
(or at least, that's how I read it.) 12:24
aeruder oh, sorry, didn't scroll back far enough :)
RabidGravy but yes
and I confused myself with the '-u' option to sort 12:25
timotimo nine, that is why the Param ops are so hard to jot 12:31
stmuk_ can anyone remember if Damian's SPW LISPish p6 was quicksort? 14:01
Skarsnik gist.github.com/Whateverable/20147...b93240c7ff I should maybe compare to other language 14:09
stmuk ah its at www.bit.do/Perl6SOG 14:16
jnthn . 15:03
Ven`` .: not enough arguments 15:04
jnthn .tell lizmat jnthn.net/papers/2017-spw-deopt.pdf jnthn.net/papers/2017-spw-sockets-services.pdf
yoleaux jnthn: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
Ven`` jnthn++
skids o/ devs :-) 15:08
Zoffix \o\
skids I freshened up my role work and if anyone has time to comment on getting it up to PR snuff I'd be greatful: gist.github.com/skids/18fa6fb1de77...6e82e9fcc2 15:10
Zoffix jnthn: slides look very interesting. I'm hoping there's a video to go along with them? 15:11
jnthn Zoffix: There was a video camera there and I said it was OK to record :) 15:13
Zoffix :D great
stmuk I'm hoping to finish a blog about SPW2017 tomorrow 15:29
smls Hi 16:32
Can someone tell me why the travis check failed for my nqp PR? github.com/perl6/nqp/pull/368 16:33
When I click "details" and then any of the red links, it doesn't seem to show anything. 16:34
timotimo i'm restarting the build now
it looks like ti didn't even try
timotimo bbl 16:37
Geth rakudo/nom: ab69dc3af0 | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | appveyor.yml
Don't skip testing nqp/moar master

  ...otherwise we cannot tell which rakudo build failures can be resolved with a version bump.
MasterDuke timotimo, lizmat, TimToady, jnthn: any idea why `my $s = "b"; my @l = <a b c>; my @m = @l.grep(/ $s /); say @m.elems` calls INTERPOLATE five times (twice with $tgt = "a", once with $tgt = "b", and then twice with $tgt = "c") instead of three? 17:26
TimToady no idea, offhand 17:32
smls timotimo: Thanks, travis checks passed now.
TimToady I have a branch that does run-time tracing of regex; maybe that will indicate why it might dup those calls 17:37
smls Is `use Test;` on Rakudo JVM broken for anyone else? 17:39
It just prints "Died." for me, on perl6-j build with: perl Configure.pl --gen-nqp --gen-moar --backends=moar,jvm --make-install && make install 17:40
This also means I can't run spectests there.
On perl6-m everything works fine.
ugexe why --make-install *and* && make install? 17:42
smls hm dunno :) 17:47
MasterDuke if anyone is curious, here ( gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/b6af4...aa7196de95 ) is a stacktrace after adding a die (and some debugging lines) here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...ch.pm#L328 17:51
Zoffix smls: I recall lizmat++ mentioning having issues with JVM backend. I think it's quite bit-rotten 17:52
smls I don't really have an interest in Rakudo JVM, I'm just asking because my PR modifies both backends (in the same way). 17:55
So I thought I should run `make spectest` on both, but so far I could only do that on Rakudo Moar. 17:56
I ran the individual test-cases from the RT description on JVM too, of course (without `Test` / `is`), and they worked fine... 17:57
MasterDuke smls: does --ll-exception show anything more useful?
smls MasterDuke: I already started a new build, will have to wait until it is done before I can test... :) 17:58
Btw, why *does* starting the Rakudo build process break the previously installed perl6 executable? 18:00
Even crashes running Perl 6 processes, I think. 18:01
japhb .ask jnthn Are you about, and do you have time to look at something with your Perl 6 concurrency hat on? github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print...dInput.pm6 (and RawInput.pm6 in the same directory) both start a new thread. Can one or both of those go away? If so, how? 18:03
yoleaux japhb: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
japhb smls: Possible clue: It does not do that for me, but I have a script that creates a new lean checkout for every new rakudo version, and when it builds successfully (moar, nqp, rakudo, zef, modules), moves the perl6 symlink in my path to point at the latest successfully built tree. 18:06
So ... maybe the rebuild you're doing is changing out moving parts in the currently-used directory?
smls_ MasterDuke: Output with --ll-exception: pastebin.com/raw/CQhjfc8L 18:19
Zoffix smls_: what about using some other module? 18:20
like a dummy one or NativeCall 18:21
smls_ `use NativeCall` dies the same way; so does using a non-existent module. 18:24
`use`ing a module I wrote myself and placed in a PERL6LIB path, works.
Zoffix interesting 18:25
Zoffix has no ideas for a fix
smls_ Ohh, I just realized that outside of the rakudo build dir, perl6-j does not work at all (java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: blib/Perl6/BOOTSTRAP.jar)
Whereas perl6-m works regardless of what the working dir is 18:26
MasterDuke weren't there some recent commits about library paths?
smls_ perl6-j -Ilib --ll-exception -e 'use Test;' # works inside the build dir... 18:44
(Note the -Ilib. So it's really a matter of it not finding its own files.) 18:45
Zoffix Yeah, there were some recent commits making changes in that area; perhaps they were made for MoarVM only 18:56
One of the commits (I think): github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a3...d992865649 18:57
lizmat . 19:24
yoleaux 15:04Z <jnthn> lizmat: jnthn.net/papers/2017-spw-deopt.pdf jnthn.net/papers/2017-spw-sockets-services.pdf
lizmat continues decommuting&
MasterDuke after some more testing, INTERPOLATE is called twice for non-matching elements in the array, once for matching 19:29
but the backtrace is identical for every call 19:32
why would the backtrace have an entry for here: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...ch.pm#L381 , which is just `else {`, and not the single-line body of the else? 21:24
perlpilot off by one error?
MasterDuke maybe. not sure i've seen other off-by-one errors in backtraces before though 21:25
has anyone else?
hm, i moved the else up to be cuddled with the end of the if block, it then reported that line: `} else {` 21:30
lizmat has decommuted and continues to work on the P6W 22:00
timotimo lizmat: glad to hear you got home :)
lizmat :-) we had a little detour near Mannheim for dinner, other than that it was rather uneventful :-) 22:01
timotimo sounds good
lizmat we actually passed through this gate: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/...ermany.jpg 22:05
MasterDuke timotimo: i haven't looked at MAST output much, nothing jumped out at me 22:09
timotimo yeah, it's not easy to spot; it's the backtracking logic that does ... something 22:10
AlexDaniel ? Community Bug SQUASHathon blogs.perl.org/users/zoffix_znet/20...athon.html 23:27
lizmat And another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: p6weekly.wordpress.com/2017/08/28/...rving-cro/ 23:37
Zoffix lizmat++ good weekly 23:41
jnthn++ cro :)
lizmat gets some sleep& 23:45