TimToady MasterDuke: the next step in that process is passing back fates via the current match object rather than via a cached thread context array 01:20
we also need to redo the thing I did once that made fate numbers unique across the entire process 01:21
(or otherwise find a way to qualify fate numbers by context) 01:22
then we can return the extra information and pass it down to the next level in a way that it can look at and bypass the rescan
MasterDuke TimToady: so it's not a completely trivial undertaking? 01:23
TimToady um, no...
or I'd'a done it by now :)
MasterDuke heh. timotimo's description did seem a little too easy 01:24
TimToady I think he was channeling something I said in one of my talks, where I kinda glossed over the hard bits :) 01:25
TimToady was gonna tackle it in September, but has been fighting a cephalic shingles flareup, which makes him temporarily stupider 01:26
well, I hope it's temporary :)
MasterDuke ha. pretty sure i'm not up for the hard bits in anything named *nfa*
TimToady there are other things we can do there as well 01:27
caching the first decision based on initial character would cut down the number of initial states we have to examine, for instance
MasterDuke has never heard of cephalic shingles before, but it doesn't sound pleasant
TimToady well, it's why I was blind in one eye for 14 years till I got a cornea transplant 01:28
this time we prevented it from getting back into my eye, yay
it's just a bit distracting to feel like one side of one's head is on fire if you so much as touch it 01:29
MasterDuke understandably 01:30
hopefully not the side you sleep on if you normally sleep on your side 01:32
TimToady well...I would prefer to think that sleep disruption explains the stupidity more than that my trigeminal nerve is drilling holes in my brane... :) 01:34
TimToady should go eat some dinner if he doesn't want to become even stupiderer... 01:40
Geth rakudo: skids++ created pull request #1178:
Implement metamethod shorthand syntax (RT#131478)
synopsebot RT#131478 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131478 Warning about $. when using metamethod
Geth rakudo: skids++ created pull request #1179:
Fix for RT#128054 and RT#126569 ... needs experienced review ...
synopsebot RT#128054 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128054 [PARSER] In a string enclosed in parens, a {}-interpolation can't access the topic $_ of a statement modifier
RT#126569 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126569 [BUG] xx-repeated expression enclosed in parens can't access the topic $_ of a statement modifier
lizmat good *, #perl6-dev 07:44
yoleaux 3 Oct 2017 22:29Z <tyil> lizmat: was this your doing? :p ghostbin.com/paste/t9opu
01:30Z <Zoffix> lizmat: In case the "your doing" line needs context; there appeared to be new error, but it's our standard behaviour: irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-10-03#i_15252868
lizmat Files=1226, Tests=75554, 387 wallclock secs (17.10 usr 6.09 sys + 2624.29 cusr 263.26 csys = 2910.74 CPU) 08:06
.tell tyil the ghostbin seems to be out of order, so I have no idea what you mean :-( 08:07
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to tyil.
AelxDnaiel squashable6: next 08:22
squashable6 AelxDnaiel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 2 days and ≈1 hour (2017-10-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix lizmat: it just said "ssh : nqp not found; cloning" 10:20
geekosaur because shell error messages are not error messages, and because you know it happens to be something that is expected in some cases and therefore everyone does, yes 10:42
Zoffix and because you didn't read the chat log where the guy said he'll try to improve it on the weekend, yes 10:55
pmurias jnthn: a declaration_static code ref and it's clones share the lexical scope? 11:48
timotimo "outer" is part of the static frame in moarvm i believe 11:51
so yeah, should
pmurias hates the autoclosing scope hack 12:03
timotimo i don't know what you mean? 12:04
pmurias when you use a lexical scope that doesn't exist yet MoarVM makes up a "fake" one 12:08
timotimo i didn't know that
pmurias m: class Foo {...};Foo.foo; class Foo {my $foo = 123; method foo() {say($foo)}}; Foo.foo 12:09
camelia (Any)
jnthn pmurias: Most typically that means that we're going to take care of closure cloning ourselves
As Rakudo does with Block.clone
timotimo ah 12:11
jnthn pmurias: If you hate it enough you'll implement something you do like that solves the same problems but somehow better ;-) 12:13
pmurias jnthn: I think it's the problems it solves that I hate :) 12:14
the bugs that are worked around with autoclosing I think I'll have to fix at some point to emit decent code 12:18
user code using scopes that don't exit yet is unfortunate 12:20
jnthn: from testing things it seems when you clone a declaration_static that has an already set outer scope you get a closure that doesn't get affected by outer scope updates but when you clone one that doesn't have it set yet, it shares it? 12:24
Zoffix squashable6: status 15:18
squashable6 Zoffix, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈18 hours (2017-10-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
Zoffix m: «"mark ticket LHF and explain how to fix it" "fix it yourself and make a bug sandwich"».pick.say 15:19
camelia fix it yourself and make a bug sandwich
Zoffix Well, you can't argue with a bot.
buggable: tag lhf
buggable Zoffix, There are 4 tickets tagged with LHF; See fail.rakudo.party/t/LHF for details
Zoffix hm OTOH we could use more LHFs 15:20
ZofBot: man, 2015 Zoffix was such a n00b 15:23
ZofBot Zoffix, I am supposed to write a document xD damn :) it's dinner time here first www
Zoffix Anyone with OSX who can try running this: perl6 -e 'say (await start { qx/echo foo/ }).perl' 15:26
Does it output "foo\n" or something else? rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...et-history
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.09-203-g98fae3d84 built on MoarVM version 2017.09.1-553-ga4fef0bd
csv-ip5xs 1.216 - 1.238
test 9.773 - 9.786
test-t 3.224 - 3.269
csv-parser 0.906 - 0.919
Zoffix .ask AlexDaniel so what makes a ticket LHF? I figured out a fix for a couple of tickets (e.g. #125818 )and marked them LHF and commented the fix... but now I think that's kinda lame and people wouldn't wanna do these already-solved tickets. 15:40
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
synopsebot RT#125818 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125818 [LHF] error message: Inf.base(16) 15:41
buggable New CPAN upload: Foo-Bar-Perl6-0.10.tar.gz by TBROWDER www.cpan.org/authors/id/T/TB/TBROW....10.tar.gz 15:45
New CPAN upload: Foo-Bar-Perl6-0.10.zip by TBROWDER www.cpan.org/authors/id/T/TB/TBROW...6-0.10.zip
New CPAN upload: Foo-Bar-Perl6-1.2.3.tar.gz by TBROWDER www.cpan.org/authors/id/T/TB/TBROW...2.3.tar.gz
New CPAN upload: Foo-Bar-Perl6-1.2.3.zip by TBROWDER www.cpan.org/authors/id/T/TB/TBROW...-1.2.3.zip
Zoffix wonders why those URLs are 404s.... 15:48
Does Perl6 assume the source code files are UTF-8? Or does it try to guess? 15:49
Like, on the language level. There's a ticket to implement EVAL Buf where Buf is converted using the same methods as if it were bytes from source file.... wonder what that process is for source files 15:50
timotimo i think it assumes 15:51
we do have a commandline flag i believe 15:52
--encoding=mode specify string encoding mode
it doesn't say that it's for the input, though
but it just passes that to the open function when reading from the filename 15:53
ilmari Zoffix: whatever mirror www.cpan.org is resolving to for you (and me) hasn't caught up yet
timotimo i got that from nqp's HLL/Compiler, btw
ilmari cpan.metacpan.org has them 15:54
they're both fastly, but presumably different origins, and different expiry policies
pmurias jnthn: re question, I figured it out from reading the MoarVM source how it works 15:55
Zoffix Thanks. 15:56
.tell AlexDaniel never mind. I changed my mind. The hunter does not give up their prey. Raaaaawwwrr \o/ 16:09
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
AlexDaniel Zoffix: for me personally, the fact that someone came up with a solution in their head does not discourage me from working on a ticket 16:11
yoleaux 15:40Z <Zoffix> AlexDaniel: so what makes a ticket LHF? I figured out a fix for a couple of tickets (e.g. #125818 )and marked them LHF and commented the fix... but now I think that's kinda lame and people wouldn't wanna do these already-solved tickets.
16:09Z <Zoffix> AlexDaniel: never mind. I changed my mind. The hunter does not give up their prey. Raaaaawwwrr \o/
synopsebot RT#125818 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125818 [LHF] error message: Inf.base(16)
AlexDaniel and you never know if this solution actually works
Zoffix Well, I tested it :) 16:12
jnthn pmurias: Ah, glad you got it figured. Was busy with $other-job. :)
AlexDaniel then you might have as well committed it instead of leaving a comment :D
Zoffix: maybe RT #126669 is a good example of that. Somebody investigated a little bit and proposed a solution. There's no code but it's very clear what has to be done. Great LHF ticket IMO 16:14
japhb Zoffix: To me LHF means two things: 1. Fixes that require little effort given their value, 2. Fixes that are small enough to help someone onramp to contributing to a code base without getting frustrated. Basically just enough to learn how to PR, write a test, mark a bug fixed, etc., and get a quick rush of happy brain chemistry.
synopsebot RT#126669 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126669 [LHF][LTA] error with "need 6"/"use 6" (no "v")
AlexDaniel “of that” – a good example of a LHF ticket
Zoffix wouldn't get happy brain chemistry by being the delivery boy for a fix someone else created :) 16:15
ZofBot: I guess we're different that way!
ZofBot Zoffix, 5x faster than the top one, testing it only for numbers under 1000 gist
japhb Zoffix: That's why it's valuable to have *both* "solution-described, just do the footwork" and "solution unknown but expected easy" LHF bugs. 16:16
That way beginners can pick which to do.
AlexDaniel yeah
Zoffix m: say Blob ~~ Cool 16:17
camelia True
Zoffix m: say utf8 ~~ Cool
camelia False
Zoffix Isn't utf8 a more precise Blob that surely can be a Cool?
.oO( utf8 may think it's cool, but Cool disagrees. )
Zoffix m: say [.^mro, .roles] with "x".encode
camelia No such method 'roles' for invocant of type 'utf8'. Did you mean any of these?

in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Zoffix m: say [.^mro, .^roles] with "x".encode
camelia [((utf8) (Any) (Mu)) ((Blob[uint8]) (Positional[T]) (Stringy))]
jnthn m: (supply loop { emit Bool.pick }).tap: *.say 16:18
camelia ( no output )
jnthn m: react whenever (supply loop { emit Bool.pick }) { .say } 16:19
camelia ( no output )
Zoffix Blob ~~ Cool being True seems off; Blob is a role, Cool is a class. Why does it give True? :S
jnthn Zoffix: Not sure, seems odd to me also
timotimo yeah with a { } around the inner loop it works 16:20
Zoffix m: say role Meows is repr("VMArray") is array_type(int) {} ~~ Cool
camelia True
Zoffix hm, ok
jnthn m: react whenever (supply { loop { emit Bool.pick } }) { .say } 16:21
m: (supply { loop { emit Bool.pick } }).tap: *.say
timotimo: heh, nice catch
timotimo (wait for it)
jnthn I guess it's not sinking
timotimo it relies on sinking to work? 16:22
camelia (timeout)True
jnthn Well, more like sink context I guess
lazy loop { ... } is a thing
timotimo m: react whenever (supply emit "hi") { .say }
camelia hi
timotimo mhm
m: react whenever (supply { lazy loop { emit Bool.pick } }) { .say } 16:23
m: react whenever (supply eager loop { emit Bool.pick }) { .say }
m: react whenever (supply sink loop { emit Bool.pick }) { .say }
Zoffix man, someone should make camelia multi-threaded. You guys are blocking the bot for me :) 16:24
camelia (timeout)False
timotimo m: react whenever (supply lazy loop { emit Bool.pick }) { .say } 16:25
hm, all of these work, eh?
camelia (timeout)False
Geth roast: 0e9d6ff7c2 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | S17-procasync/stress.t
Test for RT #122709
synopsebot RT#122709 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=122709 [CONC][BUG] `await`ing a Promise in a different thread sometimes hangs
Zoffix Well, I now see why EVAL(Buf) was never implemented... :) it's src/core/control.pm before stuff like Blob or Stringy (or Positional, I'm guessing) are defined.... 17:38
Wonder if it even needs to be this early 17:39
Block.pm uses it, but I think it'll be already if it's post-delcared or something 17:40
ZOFFLOP: t/spec/S17-supply/unique.t t/spec/S11-modules/nested.t 17:48
ZOFVM: Files=1276, Tests=152529, 156 wallclock secs (22.81 usr 3.45 sys + 3353.48 cusr 233.36 csys = 3613.10 CPU) 17:49
Geth rakudo/nom: 38186fcdf7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/Real.pm
Improve error on Inf.base

Fixes RT#125818: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125818
synopsebot RT#125818 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125818 [LHF] error message: Inf.base(16)
Zoffix not ok 3 - .message matches /'Cannot coerce NaN to an Int'/ 18:23
# Failed test '.message matches /'Cannot coerce NaN to an Int'/'
# at SETTING::src/core/Any-iterable-methods.pm line 672
# Expected: /'Cannot coerce NaN to an Int'/
# Got: Cannot convert NaN to Int:
We really should do something with tests like these :/ 18:24
Gah, it was 2016 Zoffix that added them. 18:26
6.c-errata fails for me t/spec/S04-phasers/end.t 18:41
But seems due to this: github.com/perl6/roast/commit/e29b...3c1a7d28cc 18:42
I mean. errata test tests for bitshifted code while master doesn't. :|
And for some reason t/packages/Test/Util.pm doesn't get recompiled or something 18:43
nope, not it. tossed all .precomp dirs and the issue still there :S
Oh, it's damn September Zoffix breaking stuff 18:46
ZofBot: that guy's starting to piss me off
ZofBot Zoffix, I'm a bit surprised it allows it, but I guess the actual constraint is loose enough that you get away with it if you never made an instance of the class
AlexDaniel .tell MasterDuke maybe RT #123926 is for you 18:47
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
synopsebot RT#123926 [new]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123926 [BUG] LTA error message without Levenshtein distance suggestion when mistyping enum value in signature in Rakudo
Zoffix With github.com/perl6/roast/commit/0940...d986c01f22
6.c-errata t/spec/S17-supply/basic.t fails. 18:48
Geth nqp: fb1e5ccd39 | usev6++ | 10 files
[jvm] Update stage0 for modified core op 'div_i'
nqp: 6dc507f35e | usev6++ | 2 files
[jvm] Die with 'Division by zero' in div_i, try 2

Without this change a division by zero led to a Java exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
For some reasons that didn't work well with 'dies-ok'. As a result t/nqp/059-nqpop.t was blowing up on the jvm backend. With this patch 'make test' is clean, again. Also, the error message is now identical to the other two backends.
bartolin hopes he got the stage0 thing right, this time
Zoffix AlexDaniel: Looks like this needs to be applied to 6.c-errata but cherry-pick fails and I'm too lazy to fix the conflicts: github.com/perl6/roast/commit/7ece...4d30343bca 18:50
Or rather, I'm too deep down the rabbit hole for it.
I went in with this to fix Inf.base(16) LTA error lol :) I guess I'm glad I didn't leave it as LHF
AlexDaniel I'll cherry-pick it now 18:51
Geth roast/6.c-errata: 559661b979 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Fix broken test function usage

No change in the behaviour being tested.
The `is_run` routine comes from Test::Util, which was recently updated. The updated version does not expect the user to do the bit shifting business on the exit code. Fix by removing that stuff from the tests that use this routine.
  [1] github.com/perl6/roast/commit/0940...d986c01f22
Zoffix ZOFVM: Files=1276, Tests=152541, 160 wallclock secs (22.61 usr 3.57 sys + 3423.62 cusr 243.30 csys = 3693.10 CPU) 19:00
Geth rakudo/nom: 2e72652826 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/Exception.pm
Implement X::Numeric::CannotConvert exception

It's a generic exception to throw when a numeric cannot be converted to something (gonna use it for Inf -> Int coercion). Ideally, X::Numeric::Real would be removed and this exception be used in its place, but there are 6.c-errata tests expecting X::Numeric::Real to exist, so I left it in as just an empty subclass of X::Numeric::CannotConvert
rakudo/nom: f04bd1d617 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/Num.pm
Fail with a typed exception when failing Num.Int
roast: fcee82fcff | (Zoffix Znet)++ | 2 files
Do not test for exact error message text

The tests are not part of 6.c-errata.
The actual message changed due to removed article. Change tests to look for proper typed exception instead.
travis-ci NQP build passed. usev6 '[jvm] Die with 'Division by zero' in div_i, try 2 19:04
travis-ci.org/perl6/nqp/builds/283328904 github.com/perl6/nqp/compare/3b135...c507f35e28
Geth roast: 48ea502f0d | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-num/base.t
Test Inf/NaN.base throws useful error

RT#125818: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125818 Rakudo fix: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/38186fcdf7
synopsebot RT#125818 [open]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125818 [LHF] error message: Inf.base(16)
Geth roast/6.c-errata: a4c41c25a2 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed by Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev) | S17-supply/basic.t
Remove tests with some odd exepctations

They claimed to cover RT #123477, and there are indeed tests in this file that cover that issue. However, these tests went further: they expected not only that the protocol would be enforced from the point of view of an individual tap (which is what the RT ticket was using), but also that this would carry over to future taps of the same Supply. ... (10 more lines)
synopsebot RT#123477 [resolved]: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123477 Supply.done doesn't seem to terminate anything
AlexDaniel “exepctations” huh…
Zoffix :)
AlexDaniel it feels like it could have figured it out by itself. I wonder if there's some flag to make the diff try harder 19:10
it's exactly the same chunk of code being removed, but I guess it got confused because everything below that chunk was different 19:11
Zoffix .in 6h check if we can change X::Numeric::CannotConvert's $.target.^name to just $.target, which the .^name bit done by the user, if needed 19:12
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll remind you on 5 Oct 2017 01:12Z
Zoffix .botsnack 19:13
yoleaux :D
Zoffix \o/ no more synopsebot stealing snacks :)
synopsebot: botsnack
synopsebot Zoffix, om nom nom nom
Zoffix :)
Zoffix &
gfldex is the new JIT already active by default? 20:12
Zoffix Yes, AFAIUI
lizmat hasn't seen any speedups yet, just a slower make spectest :-( 20:17
jnthn Spectest is the worst case for pretty much any optimization except those that improve startup time 20:26
Test.pm is about the only thing that gets hot-ish, and in most cases the test is over before we've time to compute the optimized version
lizmat jnthn: which then also is true for any short-lived batch jobs :-( 20:27
because that's what the spectest basically is :-( 20:28
jnthn Well, yes and no
heh, short-lived batch job...where's the batch? :P 20:29
But such jobs are rarely scheduled 16+ at a time, anyway
Which is the other thing: we may well have moved the optimization to another thread so wallclock time is less impacted by us doing more optimization work...but if you have a bunch of processes doing that it'll be much more noticable. 20:31
Zoffix I thought the merge wasn't expected to bring any speedups but will let us add more optimizations in the future 20:33
merge of moar-jit branch I kean
jnthn Zoffix: Yeah, it's largely new infrastructure that will do a bit better at some things, but we're hardly exploiting it at all yet 20:35
But it likely does cost some more cycles already, which spectest will be more sensitive to
lizmat: You may or may not find that MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 make spectest (and a tweak of the jobs) wins, if spectest time is a drag for you 20:36
lizmat jnthn: will try in a mo 20:37
timotimo wowza, how did the precomp file for Format::Lisp turn up 275 megabytes 20:45
jnthn o.O 20:46
timotimo i stumbled upon it while looking for stuff to move from my internal drive to my external drive 20:47
hm, i want to give moarvm a mode that skips the first up to 128 bytes until it finds the magic string 20:48
for --dump
my system is misbehaving :\ 20:51
gfldex I do see a slight speedup on the box with many cores 20:52
timotimo i think it's from the process i had segfaulting 20:54
japhb Why doesn't the new JIT give immediate improvements? From comments above and previously, my mental model is "More startup time, more effort spent to produce the jitted code, and not as many ops with JIT definitions." 20:57
Is that correct, or is there something else? 20:58
timotimo the exprjit is a part of the template jit. anything it can't handle it'll just fall back to the template jit
but it tries to gobble up multiple pieces of bytecode in one go 20:59
japhb "template jit" ~~ "old jit"?
timotimo aye
japhb So it wasn't a wholesale replace but an add-on?
timotimo yup
japhb So that indicates that only the first two pieces of my mental model could apply: startup time, and effort spent per jitted block 21:00
dogbert2 lizmat: have noticed that parsetime is up 30-50% on some spectest files when comparing with 2017.07 21:01
japhb (Since # of ops jitted would by design no less than before)
*would be
timotimo there's now also a "cost function" to tune so that it selects the best way to turn what it thinks should be done into actual assembly language pieces 21:02
are you good at reading assembly? i'm not :)
japhb timotimo: Can you give an example? 21:03
lizmat make spectest: 370 seconds, with MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 308 seconds
jnthn: ^^^
jnthn There you are then
japhb (I was quite good at reading Intel-format assembly, but I never got in the habit of reading gas-format)
timotimo japhb: you can get it to spit out actual binary dumps into a folder, along with an index file that tells you what is what
japhb I meant, can you explain what the cost function actually tunes? What options is it trying to decide between? 21:05
Geth rakudo/nom: cef3bf3e75 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Take 2 on getting $/ info into auto-generated methods

  - make sure we null out current-match at end of compilation as well
  - --profile now shows the line of the class definition
jnthn japhb: The expression JIT takes a tree representing the program to produce and "tiles" it. Those tiles determine the assembly that's produced. 21:06
japhb: The costs drive tile selection, the aim being to pick the set of tiles of lowest cost
japhb jnthn: I remember that from brrt's early explanations ... ah, OK
timotimo brrt gave an example at one point, i don't remember what exactly it was
japhb jnthn: So it doesn't do exhaustive search, but he's tuning the tiling equivalent of A*'s cost function? 21:07
jnthn japhb: And the costs are based on how expensive executing that tile is likely to be (things like instruction count, memory access, etc.)
japhb hmmm
jnthn I suspect the paper is referenced somewhere
gfldex how are the chances to the the JIT output caches alongside precompiled bytecode?
timotimo low, gfldex 21:08
japhb Is it aware of the interactions between neighboring tiles? Meaning, because reading a line of memory is likely cheaper the next time you do it?
timotimo i think only if you make big enough tiles to cover something like that? not sure 21:09
japhb Ah, OK.
jnthn japhb: I didn't dig into it that deeply yet, tbh; brrt would of course know the details :)
japhb wonders how deep the rabbit hole before one can contribute there 21:10
timotimo brrt hopes it doesn't go very deep
japhb keeps typing sentences that are missing
jnthn Pretty sure citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/downl...p;type=pdf is the paper brrt implemented it from 21:11
.oO( "I see you shiver with antici-" )
timotimo japhb: you could have a look at the expr files 21:12
jnthn I read through the docs and while understanding the exact details of the tiling algo is likely quite deep, actually writing tiles and assigning costs is eaiser; the docs suggest how to do that 21:13
japhb What is the granularity of the fallback to the template JIT? Does the new JIT fall back if it can't JIT an entire block? I'm noticing that there are only a few tiles defined, especially among math ops. 21:15
jnthn Per basic block, I believe
japhb Hmmmm. 21:16
timotimo getting multiple BBs into one go is a future goal
oh 21:17
this is about falling back
the exprjit kicks in at the beginning of every BB and tries to get as much as it can
it can fall back right in the middle of a BB
jnthn I guess it'll do better once we fuse BBs at the end of spesh, too 21:19
Especially since I went on a BB honesty rampage in the summer :)
timotimo i imagine it could
japhb timotimo: So the BB will have half code generated by exprjit and then half by template JIT?
timotimo yeah, i've stumbled over many spesh graphs with series of fully empty BBs
that is correct
jnthn japhb: Yeah, that's what the code looked to be doing to me
There's an instruction iterator, it eats all it can, and then leaves the test to the template JIT
japhb Interesting. I wonder how he bridges the register allocation .... 21:20
Geth rakudo: Tyil++ created pull request #1180:
Check configuration file's existence before opening
timotimo japhb: i'd assume "spill everything"
jnthn gone for a bit, or maybe until the morning :) 21:26
timotimo japhb: you can also look at the jit log to see it spit out graphviz graphs for individual pieces 21:27
tyil I just opened github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/1180/files, would adding a message like "No pre-existing configuration file found at <path>" be appreciated instead of it silently skipping that path? 21:36
[Coke] s/configuration file/installed file/ maybe. 21:44
tyil [Coke]: added and pushed that to the pr 21:46
timotimo this looks for nqp binaries, right? 21:47
tyil I dont know that much, just that it generated the warning described in the pr comment 21:48
and someone recommended me to try and fix it, so thats what I'm trying
timotimo i see 21:49
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Implement X::Numeric::CannotConvert exception 22:43
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/283335906 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/3...7265282694
buggable [travis build above] ☠ All failures are due to: failed make test (1 failure). Across all jobs, only t/04-nativecall/13-cpp-mangling.t test file failed.
timotimo japhb: if you wanna, maybe takedispatcher would be a nice place to start. i see it break off the exprjit a bunch of times 22:47
though from grepping and tallying up it looks like atkey_o is the top instruction that stops the exprjit in its tracks 22:51
looking closer at the jit log pays off, though. for example, band_i occurs a bunchton, but almost always in front of an if_i or unless_i 22:56
i.e. immediately preceding the end of a bb
mudman squash: status 23:11
squashable6 mudman, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 1 day and ≈10 hours (2017-10-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
timotimo japhb: i have an idea for how to get more info about bytecode offsets in the bin files, let's see if i can get it to work 23:35
japhb timotimo: Ah, thank you. 23:43
timotimo okay, huh, it's a lot more complicated than i thought ... of course
Geth rakudo/nom: fab0667f76 | (Patrick Spek)++ | tools/lib/NQP/Configure.pm
Check for the config file's existence before trying to open it
rakudo/nom: f1908a6855 | (Patrick Spek)++ | tools/lib/NQP/Configure.pm
Add output line indicating a file is not found
rakudo/nom: a28c00a1f3 | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | tools/lib/NQP/Configure.pm
Merge pull request #1180 from Tyil/resolve-not-found-warning

Check configuration file's existence before opening
tyil \o/ 23:44
timotimo i thought i could just ask dasm what the current insert position for the bytecode buffer is after each tile emitted its stuff 23:45
brrt would know if it's possible to get the actual asm bytecode offset at that stage, and how to do it reliably 23:46
bedtime for now, though 23:53
japhb: you should be able to test pre-/post-merge performance with the MVM_JIT_EXPR_DISABLE env var