lizmat . 00:06
yoleaux2 22 Jun 2016 21:52Z <timotimo> lizmat: you think you can figure out how to make comb's pull-one not allocate Int? i tried replacing < with islt_i, but that's not it, so maybe it's $!pos++?
lizmat timotimo: not sure what you benchmark is and which candidate you're talking about 00:52
timotimo oh 00:53
my benchmark is 'my @res; for line() { @res.append: .comb }' over my linux' word list
lizmat timotimo: ok, will check 01:17
dalek kudo/nom: 78d2ce6 | hoelzro++ | t/harness6:
Chomp fudged filename output

Otherwise, TAP::Harness ends up with filenames that have a trailing \n, and run(..., :!err) will silently fail with no TAP plan
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.06-23-g78d2ce6 built on MoarVM version 2016.06 07:59
test 16.725
test-t 9.934
csv-parser 22.277
psch well, i'm not really getting anywhere with trying to figure out what's wrong from scratch, so i thought "just do the thing with the patch-method for the nested cu already" 10:06
but then i realized that i need to have the knowledge of the nested cu in the containing cu
and i'm not sure i do
nine But the containing CU is the one running the EVAL, so it should by definition know about the nested CU? 10:25
yoleaux2 22 Jun 2016 23:14Z <Zoffix> nine: the bug I found last night where a P5 module loaded together with a P6 module had errors was introduced by this commit:
psch nine: i'm not sure. i only reliably know the classname of the EVAL after it ran
nine: and i cannot say if the outer cu is finished then or not
nine For a BEGIN time EVAL (which the bug is about) the outer CU cannot be finished before the EVAL ran 10:26
psch okay, yeah, i can see that 10:29
...also i think hack is dying 10:30
$ uptime 10:30:48 up 31 days, 11:15, 30 users, load average: 61.24, 28.46, 13.51
it's 1min, 5min, 10min? 10:31
ah, 1 5 15 10:32
anyway, yeah, that puts a stop on my hacking for now vOv
moritz: can you poke hack? with something that reboots it, preferably? 10:37
Woodi I wonder about GC... we have generational one so "promoting" to 2nd generation is coping object memory or moving info about promoted object ? 10:38
psch Woodi: i think it's just putting the pointer in a different array
Woodi: but that's probably more a #moarvm question 10:39
Woodi psch: I hope and right :)
jnthn We actually move the object
Same during the semispace collection
Once an object reached gen2 it (at present) never moves any more. 10:40
uh, "any further" is perhaps clearer
So generally an object that makes it to the old generation will have been copied twice
Note though that this is about the direct object body
Arrays and strings in turn point to buffers, which are not moved. 10:41
Woodi jnthn: why not just reference (and eg. not worry about memory fragmentation, etc)
jnthn The point of copying is to avoid memory fragmentation, in fact. :)
Well, a point of is probably more correct, but still.... :) 10:42
Woodi have counter-example but forget what it was...
jnthn A semi-space copying GC lets you just bump-the-pointer allocate your way through a nursery space, and when it's full you evacuate the living objects to the other semi-space, and they all land up packed together at the start of it.
Then the old generation in Moar is implemented as - up to a size limit anyway - a set of regions that all contain objects of the same size. 10:43
Also note that in most programs the majority of objects die young, and so never have to be copied at all. 10:45
timotimo psch: i can also poke hack with something that reboots it
psch timotimo: ah, i wasn't aware and didn't think to check
timotimo: fwiw, i think your fuzzer ran shortly before this started
timotimo it's been running for like 3 or 4 days
psch although i doubt that's what drove hack to (now) 200 load
timotimo yeah, it shows "task blah blocked for more than 120 seconds" on its screen 10:46
i bet it's the virtual disks again 10:47
timotimo forces a reset
Woodi probably I was imagining outsorcing defragmentation to system malloc, which it don't offer... on the other hand freeing VM from that would be nice :)
timotimo "force reset" didn't seem to do anything, but "force off" and "power on" did the trick 10:49
did a bit of fsck, and is now booting
yup, there it is
psch what a wonderful opportunity to reorganize my screen sessions \o/ 10:51
timotimo yeah, i guess
tmux would have let you do that on-the-fly, i bet :P
psch well, think positive
idk if tmux does that automatically
but getting screen titles to always include CWD or "vim $openfile" was so annoying 10:52
Woodi jnthn: if moust of object have something in common then Flyweight pattern applies (if they group into classes with common, immutable set of attrs)... so it allows to acquire simpler/smaller objects
psch otoh, with tmux i'd have to conf it for screen binds, so that's annoying too :P
Woodi psch: I lastly learned tmux with ^Z bindings :) 10:57
timotimo all in all, the response time to the crash was about 30 minutes. that's better than the last time. 10:59
blurgh. the afl commandlines didn't end up in my bash history 11:01
timotimo is resuming afl, which seems to take a while 11:13
timotimo knows what most of the cached portions of hack's RAM will contain for the forseeable future
moritz there seem to be a few (sd-pam) processes on hack 11:18
does anybody what they do, and if I should care? 11:19
timotimo "I think it's intended to guarantee that pam_close_session() is closed 11:20
when its parent "systemd --user" exits.
wow, each of the three fuzzers has a sync_dir that's 4 gigs in size 11:23
hmm. the memory used on the root partition was also going up over the last days. not sure why that would be; all my fuzzing happens in my home directory 11:24
maybe it's collecting core dumps or something? but afl should prevent that, i'd think
going through / with ncdu -x doesn't highlight anything critical 11:28
oooh, q&a with larry wall, that's gotta be interesting 11:35
nine timotimo++ # teaching me about ncdu
timotimo ncdu is especially fantastic as it has a "delete this" button 11:36
and the popup lets you tell it to "never ask me again (in this session)"
tadzik oh yes :)
ncdu is great
dalek kudo/nom: efbfdaa | lizmat++ | src/core/
Make Str.comb 30% faster, timotimo++

Please note that I got rid of the ProcessStr role, because we cannot yet work with native int attributes from a role :-(
kudo/nom: 9b579d0 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Squeeze a few percent out of Seq.iterator|is-lazy
psch i am so confused right now 14:41
so i'm declaring an array in nqp
then i iterate over another array and potentially push things into the declared array 14:42
then i have some debug output that gives me the size of the array
then i pass the array into a different sub in the same nqp file, and it gets copied into a different array
and after that copy process, numification of the array doesn't work anymore 14:43
on the target, though 14:44
which maybe means the copying is a silly idea..?
i really have no clue
lizmat gist? 14:45
psch 14:46
the p6sort is copied from src/vm/moar/Perl6/Ops.nqp
well, plus a default for the &comparator parameter 14:47
and the bindpos_i was nqp::push before, didn't work the same way
lizmat too much code to parse for me during Damian's functional programming tutorial :-( 14:49
hope someone else can have the necessary cycles
psch eh, i got it to work once before, i just lost the stash
i am confident i'll figure it out again somewhen, i'm mostly just venting i guess :/ 14:50
nine psch: you lost the stash? Not even recoverable through the ref-log? 14:51
psch nine: well, "lost" in "dropped it"... i'm sometimes a bit stupid, ok? ;)
nine: i have no idea if that means it could still be in the reflog though
s/ in / as in / # vOv 14:55
nine As long as the garbage collection has not run yet, it should be recoverable 14:58
psch well, i also didn't name it :|
ilmari if you committed it it'll be in the reflog 14:59
so you can cherry-pick it by id
psch nope, didn't, i only stashed it
ilmari the stash is commits too
psch okay. can i look at diffs of that somehow? 15:01
i mean, the reflog
ilmari psch: hm, a dropped stash doesn't show up with reflog --all
|Tux| lizmat, I got an eol failure. re-running now
psch lizmat: ah, thanks for checking. i'll just try to recreate whatever i must have done... :) 15:02
ilmari psch: try asking on #git
nine psch: git reflog -p
I guess git reflog -p | grep p6sort would give a quick answer
psch nine: ah, yeah, that does indeed find it 15:04
nine Yeah :) 15:07
Otherwise you could have tried the really hardcore desparate search:
find .git/objects/ -type f | cut -d/ -f 3- | sed 's/\///' | xargs -n 1 git cat-file -p | grep p6sort
psch i don't see the crucial difference between the two patches, but well vOv
|Tux| lizmat: p6 t/46_eol_si.t 15:08
psch like, the only thing i did different was iterating with for over the methods instead of with a while and incrementing a counter... o.o
nine If it were an obvious thing, you'd have found it already ;)
psch probably yeah :)
|Tux| that does NOT run all tests. every run has a different number of tests
must be efbfdaa or 9b579d0 15:09
lizmat [Tux] : will check it out 15:20
psch compiling something that kinda maybe could potentially almost work \o/ 16:04
the big doubt remaining is "can i actually just call the nested CU main method and don't i have to like pass some program state around..?"
which would be terrible if i had to, but i can easily imagine i'll have to, so there 16:05
timotimo lizmat: wow, 30%, i did not expect this much. nice! 16:19
psch grr 16:32
perl6 habits even propagate into indirect jvm bytecode generation 16:33
'cause i compiled three times, trying to fix the same problem in a few ways
but in the end it clearly was just the omitted return
...or not /o\ 16:52
well, the return *was* missing, but i still get the same error
codegen over too many abstractions is hard /o\
lizmat timotimo: well, it broke Text::CSV 17:10
now looking at that
timotimo oh crap :(
anyway, that'll give us a shiny new spec test ): 17:11
lizmat [Tux]: how many test *should* it run? 17:12
timotimo 50000 or something? 17:15
lizmat timotimo: this is not test-t
it's t/46_eol_si.t of the Text::CSV test-suite 17:16
.tell [Tux] looks like the problem existed *before* my patches: first run after re-compile: 693 tests, any other run has 673 tests 17:23
yoleaux2 lizmat: I'll pass your message to [Tux].
[Tux] one run had over 750 17:33
yoleaux2 17:23Z <lizmat> [Tux]: looks like the problem existed *before* my patches: first run after re-compile: 693 tests, any other run has 673 tests
[Tux] Now I get 703 every run 17:34
timotimo oh, oof
[Tux] 703 looks ok, so I must have misremembered the 750+ 17:38
rm -rf .precomp; make test 17:39
This is Rakudo version 2016.06-25-g9b579d0 built on MoarVM version 2016.06 17:43
test 16.412
test-t 9.756
csv-parser 21.924
703 it is 17:45
sortiz lizmat, a quick question: After fd98fc342 should we assume that Iterator.count-only, still documented, is not more in 6.c? Should its documentation be removed? 19:39
Asking 'cus, I understand that many of the removed _implementation_ where, in fact, a premature optimization, but at the interface level, still make much sense, IMO. 19:46
lizmat sortiz: the problem is that .elems did not cache, and this confused people 19:58
and it potentially give a different result from prefix +
(because that *did* cache) 19:59
so, until we can figure that one out, having count-only is a premature optimization
so, what I did was basically 2 things:
- remove all internally defined count-only methods
- don't let Seq.elems call count-only on the iterator 20:00
sortiz Yep, that clear, but honestly I wold have preferred resolve the confusion the other way, ie. made numification attempt to count-only fist. 20:01
lizmat sortiz: tried that :-( 20:02
sortiz: which does not mean you shouldn't try :-)
it's just that *I* gave up, and *I* was the only one between pmichaud / jnthn / TimToady to who it made sense 20:03
sortiz The problem I see is that now, a BIG Iterabkeerator 20:04
lizmat which is what .cache does 20:05
sortiz oops A big iterable, when cached, isn't yet reified but when elems called, that colapse!
unless marked lazy, so now there isn't any more for ask the size without loading, in memory, all the elements. And happens that I has an on-disk Hashish (LMDB) potentially really big. 20:11
*a way for ask
lizmat sortiz: ok, so you're saying you can know the number of elements of an iterator without generating the values? 20:15
that's not generally true
hmmm... perhaps the default count-only should cache... 20:16
sortiz In all the *DBM files that the case, and all support an Iterable interface.
lizmat hmmm... lemme think about that
sortiz *that is 20:17
lizmat starts paying more attention to Damian's tutorial again :-)
sortiz Oops, sorry.. CYL& 20:18
nine lizmat: so you're finally learning Perl 6? ;) Wish I could join you 20:24
lizmat yeah.... finally! :-)
m: multi a() {}; multi a() {}; a # not taking the foirst 20:46
camelia rakudo-moar 9b579d: OUTPUT«Ambiguous call to 'a'; these signatures all match:␤:()␤:()␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat TimToady: was that what you meant ?
TimToady only if there are constraints
lizmat ah, ok
m: multi a("") { say "first" }; multi a("") { say "second" }; a("") # first matching constraint 20:48
camelia rakudo-moar 9b579d: OUTPUT«first␤»
sortiz My point of is that, at the interface level, the Iterator role needs a well defined method to ask for its size, even if the default result is Inf or some kind of 'dunno'. 21:21
Zoffix 2016.04: Stage parse: 81.936 / Bleed: Stage parse : 56.483 21:47
m: say "{(81.936 - 56.438) / 81.936 * 100}% fastar"
camelia rakudo-moar 9b579d: OUTPUT«31.119410% fastar␤»
Zoffix (for rakudo build) 21:48
timotimo nice 21:51
jdv79 Zoffix: what causes that speedup? 23:19
Zoffix ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ general progress? 23:24
timotimo someone else got a bronze sponsorship for the butterfly 23:40
Zoffix Yeah, saw it :) 23:51
They fixed my name!