samcv nice, more work on uniprops imminent. getting Titlecase_Mapping, Uppercase_Mapping, Lowercase_Mapping and 'Name' working 00:06
dalek ast: 17a5f0e | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
Add uniprop tests for 'Name' property and some rewording desc.
ast: 82f679d | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
Add tests for uniprop 'Numeric_Value' and additional others

Add tests 'Dash' and 'Script' as well, and keep a list of the ones we test the actual value of at the top. Eventually we should test all Unicode properties on at least one codepoint per property
phatbot in $uniprop-type = 'B' if ~$type eq 'Binary'; and one line below it, no need for ~$type (it's already done that a few lines above and eq would work fine even if it weren't) 01:04
dalek ast: 1dde4a5 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: test "Bidi_Paired_Bracket"
b2gills Perhaps *.uniprop('Numeric_Value') could just redirect to *.unival . at least for the time being. 01:26
phatbot t/spec/S15-unicode-information/uniprop.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) 01:45
Non-zero exit status: 1
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
samcv b2gills, that's what my PR does 01:47
hmm did i mess up
b2gills samcv: Oh I didn't look 01:48
dalek ast: f0f06aa | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
Test 'Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph' for uniprop
samcv i was talking to phatbot 01:49
but yeah the PR i made does unival for 'nv'/'Numeric_Value'
phatbot Ah. 01:51
samcv: todo fudges need a message
samcv oh
phatbot well, all fudge I guess.
------> <BOL>ātodo(); isa-ok "Ā½".uniprop('Numeric_Valu
Calling todo() will never work with any of these multi signatures:
($reason, $count = 1) 01:52
samcv ah
dalek ast: b171e24 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
Add messages for the `todo`'s
samcv u: LRM 02:00
unicodable6 samcv, Found nothing!
samcv u: directional
unicodable6 samcv, U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING [Cf] (ā€¬)
samcv, U+2069 POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE [Cf] (ā©)
samcv u: direction
unicodable6 samcv, U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING [Cf] (ā€¬)
samcv, U+2069 POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE [Cf] (ā©)
samcv u: rtl 02:01
unicodable6 samcv, U+2EF1 CJK RADICAL TURTLE [So] (ā»±)
jdv79 how many bots do we have now? 02:04
phatbot not enough :)
phatbot counts 13 in #zofbot 02:05
dalek ast: cb977cc | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
Quote fudge messages
kudo/nom: 6fc7698 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp:
Throw useful message when <sym> is not used in a proto regex

Bug finding:
ast: 81cd6a6 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S05-grammar/action-stubs.t:
Test incorrect use of <sym> throws useful message

Bug finding: Rakudo fix:
phatbot Enough for the day. 02:23
phatbot drops to bed
dalek ast: bc9e619 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for 6 more Unicode properties.

ASCII_Hex_Digit Hex_Digit Case_Ignorable Bidi_Class Word_Break Line_Break
samcv tests for 17 so far.. out of ~110 unicode properties total... 05:15
dalek ast: 2fd1806 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop add tests for Age, na1, Soft_Dotted and Quotation_Mark
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.11-221-g6fc76989c built on MoarVM version 2016.11-44-g8e24145d 07:55
csv-ip5xs 3.235
test 14.638
test-t 6.459
csv-parser 15.976
dalek p: 8db31c6 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/nqp-runtime/container-specs.js:
[js] Refactor to use STable.addInternalMethods(class {...})

Also fix some method signatures.
p: 2987189 | (Pawel Murias)++ | t/moar/02-qast-references.t:
Fix test descriptions.
p: c4cf849 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/nqp-runtime/container-specs.js:
[js] Make nqp::iscont work on NativeRefs.
p: b9612c5 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/Operations.nqp:
[js] Implement nqp::xor.
p: f5ceea7 | (Pawel Murias)++ | t/nqp/060-bigint.t:
[js] Stop skipping a test.

The bug in bignum that necessiated that has been fixed by hoelzro++.
phatbot samcv: I don't think you have to worry about adding fudges for neizca 11:01
samcv: can't that be somehow automatically pre-generated?Ā RE tests for 17 so far.. out of ~110 unicode properties total...
dalek kudo/nom: 7e1ede4 | Altai-man++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/RoleToClassApplier.nqp:
Fix of RT #130211 with creating a new hash that connects method names to their respective roles and using that hash to get role name in case of error.
kudo/nom: 2e487e2 | Altai-man++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/RoleToClassApplier.nqp:
Move method-role gathering code into error block
synopsebot6 Link:
kudo/nom: c254931 | Altai-man++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/RoleToClassApplier.nqp:
We don't need to build a table for all methods, we only need particular method role.
rakudo/nom: bff0510 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/RoleToClassApplier.nqp:
rakudo/nom: Merge pull request #954 from Altai-man/rt130211-fix
rakudo/nom: Display role requiring stubbed method
[Coke] There is no point in fudging anything other than rakudo at this point 14:11
dalek rakudo/nom: 1d46004 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/ 14:19
rakudo/nom: Fix crash on Rat Ranges constructed with Range ops
rakudo/nom: When using range ops, we clone the Range. However, the code
rakudo/nom: makes a mistaken assumption that Mu.clone can tweedle anything,
rakudo/nom: but only things with accessors can be passed as tweedles. As a
rakudo/nom: result, the private $!is-int attribute wasn't being set, leading
rakudo/nom: to an explosion when a Rat range was being treated as an Int Range.
rakudo/nom: Fix by setting $!is-int attr in the clone ourselves.
rakudo/nom: Fixes RT#128887:
synopsebot6 Link:
phatbot review:
dalek ast: d23534b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S02-types/range.t:
Test Rat Ranges made with Range ops do not crash

RT#128887: Rakudo fix:
synopsebot6 Link:
phatbot nom nom nyam... 14:22
Tasty bug
Not 100% sure $clone.WHAT is OK. Should it be ::?CLASS or Range? Not sure how that will play out in subclasses 14:27
dalek ast: 815e0cd | lizmat++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
Unfudge passing tests
MasterDuke_ jnthn: i tried removing first the sink call (just having $past in the QAST::Want), then removing the Want completely (in my change -n to 'while get()' attempt). no errors when run, but running '-ne ".say"' doesn't print anything 15:36
i tried just blindly calling tweak_loop on my $past, but it dies at complaining about trying to get an attribute from a NQPMu (or something like that) 15:39
i haven't yet tried just pulling out bits of tweak_loop manually 15:40
but i'm pretty sure an END phaser worked without doing anything tweak_loop related, are they handled differently? (i.e., if i tried LAST it wouldn't work?) 15:43
dogbert17 .seen jnthn 15:54
yoleaux2 I saw jnthn 12:50Z in #moarvm: <jnthn> o/ brrt
dogbert17 jnthn: does the included gist contain anything useful from a bug hunting perspective, if so I'll report it. 15:56
[Coke] m: say "Ā½".uniprop('Numeric_Value').WHAT 16:00
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«(Str)ā¤Ā»
phatbot m: dd "Ā½".uniprop('Numeric_Value') 16:03
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«"0.5"ā¤Ā»
phatbot neat
u: half zero
unicodable6 phatbot, U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO [No] (ą¼³)
phatbot m: dd "ą¼³".uniprop('Numeric_Value')
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«"-0.5"ā¤Ā»
jnthn dogbert17: Yes, somewhat, glancing at it quickly. Was MVM_GC_DEBUG turned on at all? 16:06
dogbert17 jnthn: I can check when I get home. Did you expect more output?
jnthn Well, if there isn't more then it's a less obvious bug... 16:08
dogbert17 *if* it was on it was set to 1
jnthn OK; try it on 2 also if that doesn't slow stuff down enough to hide the bug :)
dogbert17 will do, running with 64k nursery
[Coke] looks like we have a bug report from mt1957 on perl6-users 16:11
phatbot read title only so far... 16:24
Doesn't sound good :}
For those not subbed:
lizmat I think there's an RT for that now as well 16:25
phatbot ah yeah 16:26
lizmat RabidGravy++ # nice post 16:30
RabidGravy: some paragraphs seem to have formatting issues at the end
e.g.: It couldnā€™t really be much more 16:31
simple being on the next line without it needing to be
phatbot the version in that ticket is 2016.11-238-g2f502b4 but when I try I get a 404, presumably because there's more than one commit with that short part? 16:41
phatbot wonders what's the easy way around that issue is a blank page entirely :o 16:42
error: pathspec '2016.11-238-g2f502b4' did not match any file(s) known to git. 16:43
phatbot is puzzled 16:44
I'm on head and I'm only on 2016.11-226-g1d46004 wtf
I guess it's proof that time travel exists... 16:45
geekosaur usually get it to emit a longer hash 16:46
phatbot geekosaur: how?
m: $*PERL.compiler.version.say
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«v2016.11.226.g.1.d.46004ā¤Ā»
geekosaur I doubt the full hash is in the perl config, sadly
phatbot Ohhh... that's a puzzle piece actually.
Oh wait, no. It would've read 2016.*10* for what I was thinking. 16:47
geekosaur if it was that, git fetch --tags would fix it
phatbot replies asking for more info 16:48
geekosaur might be worth figuring out how to embed the full hash (from e.g. git log) 16:53
won't help now of course 16:54
phatbot I guess it's not needed, since there's a tag too and that has the distance from the tag in it too, doesn't it? 16:55
like -226- is 226th commit from the tag
in 2016.11.226.g.1.d.46004
geekosaur but not everything takes git describe output 16:57
phatbot ah
geekosaur a full hash should work everywhere 16:58
ok, not a branch 16:59
geekosaur had wondered in particular if it was the lexical modules stuff...
jnthn MasterDuke_: Sorry, was tied up with a $dayjob task before. END is handled quite differently from the loop phasers, so wouldn't be affected by tweak_loop not being called. It's LAST/NEXT/FIRST that would be at issue. Try added a :op('say'), :value('here') ) ) or so just above the loop to see you reach that code path though 17:27
dogbert2 jnthn: gist updated, 64k nursery, MVM_GC_DEBUG=2. 17:30
phatbot Takes RT130205 17:31
phatbot Takes RT130213
Sometime to hack on for the day.
jnthn dogbert2: ooh! :) 17:33
That's more interesting
dogbert2 cool, it's possible to break quite a few tests with these settings 17:34
MasterDuke_ jnthn: thanks, i'll play around with it some more this evening 17:38
dogbert2 should I report a MoarVM issue with the data from the gist? 17:40
jnthn dogbert2: Please. I'll take a look tomorrow. :)
dinner & 17:41
b2gills m: (supply loop { emit Bool.pick }).tap: *.say # Should the supply "keyword" be able used like this 17:52
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«No such method 'phasers' for invocant of type 'Code'ā¤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1ā¤ā¤Ā»
b2gills m: say supply loop {...} 17:53
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«Supply.newā¤Ā»
phatbot m: react { whenever (supply {loop { emit Bool.pick }}).tap { .say } } 17:57
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«(timeout)Ā»
phatbot m: react { whenever (supply {emit Bool.pick}).tap { .say } } 17:58
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«Tap.newā¤Ā»
phatbot hm, I thought we could whenever a tap
m: react { whenever supply {loop {emit Bool.pick}} { .say } } 17:59
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«(timeout)Ā»
phatbot m: react { whenever supply {for ^10 {emit Bool.pick}} { .say } } 18:00
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Ā»
phatbot rakudobugged in RT#130342 18:02
synopsebot6 Link:
jnthn Hmm, I thought it always wanted a block. 18:14
Will have a look at it when I get chance
I can guess though
If it parses as a blorst then the thunked statement will be a Code
But a Code cannot have phasers, those are in the Block class (a subclass of Code) 18:15
Thus the error.
So probably just turning a .phasers into a .?phasers or so
dogbert2 jnthn, reported as MoarVM issue 452 18:17
phatbot m: say "foo" for 42.?dasdasdsa 18:20
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«fooā¤Ā»
phatbot hmm
jnthn Ah, it turns Nil and Nil will iterate :) 18:22
May be safter to nqp::istype(&thing, Block)
phatbot ok
Is (supply loop { emit Bool.pick }).tap: *.say; supposed to produce some output tho? It just exits with my patch 18:27
m: (supply for ^10 { emit Bool.pick }).tap: *.say; 18:28
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤No such method 'phasers' for invocant of type 'Code'ā¤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1ā¤ā¤Ā»
phatbot This works.
b2gills m: supply { loop { emit Bool.pick }}).tap: *.say
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>ā¤Unexpected closing bracketā¤at <tmp>:1ā¤------> supply { loop { emit Bool.pick }}ā).tap: *.sayā¤Ā»
b2gills m: (supply { loop { emit Bool.pick }}).tap: *.say
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«(timeout)Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trā€¦Ā»
phatbot eh... why did I run that last one on my box 18:29
[Coke] jnthn: did you see the weird behavior with doc's htmlify --parallel=3? (uses some async stuff and then dies horribly or segvs) 18:30
phatbot b2gills: so I take it the blockless version is meant to work the same?
b2gills That is why I started this line of thought, I didn't know. I would suspect yes though. 18:31
phatbot weird that (supply { for ^10 { say "picking"; emit Bool.pick } }).tap: *.say; works but not with loop {} 18:32
b2gills I once ran some Perl6 code on my computer that used so many resources I couldn't even open another terminal to run `pkill moar`, so I used an old laptop to ssh in to do that.
phatbot :) 18:33
lizmat phatbot: you looking at RT #130342 ? otherwise I will 18:44
synopsebot6 Link:
ugexe m: (supply lazy loop { emit Bool.pick }).tap: *.say;
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«(timeout)Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trā€¦Ā»
phatbot lizmat: go ahead. I'm not skilled enough to crack this one yet. I've added this if() and the error went away, but (supply loop { emit Bool.pick }).tap: *.say; doesn't produce any output and just exits 18:45
and I've added that debug stuff now before the if() but I'm just fumbling in the dark :) 18:46
ugexe it produces output if you put `lazy` in front of loop
phatbot it produces output if you put a for ^5 { instead of loop 18:47
ugexe: so why is it needed if it's not needed for the block version of supply?
ugexe dunno. I just know there have been other weird things like that where explicitly making it lazy makes it work 18:48
phatbot hm, ok, the debug statement shown in the diff just prints the messages and exits immediatelly, so I &!block ends up not being the loop but something else
*I suspect 18:49
phatbot gives up
dalek kudo/nom: a980eb1 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Fix RT #130342

Only blocks can haz phasers.
synopsebot6 Link:
phatbot :/ 19:00
lizmat fwiw, I'm double testing this one 19:01
I think the problem is actually in the parsing of supply loop { }
supply { loop { } } works as expected
m: (supply { loop { emit Bool.pick } }).tap: *.say; 19:02
camelia rakudo-moar 1d4600: OUTPUTĀ«(timeout)Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Falseā¤Trueā¤Trueā¤Falseā¤Fā€¦Ā»
jnthn [Coke]: It's in RT, but plenty of better-golfed things also are, so I'll pick those off first 19:07
[Coke]: With a bit of luck, some of them are also the issue afflicting that
lizmat jnthn: what can create a Code object ? 19:08
a blorst? 19:09
jnthn lizmat: Something that directly has type Code? A load of things.
Yeah, a blorst will do it
lizmat ok, so I guess we need to do something special for the
supply loop { }
jnthn I'd expect for any `supply EXPR` case, no? 19:10
lizmat cause that apparently stores a Code in the &!block
jnthn Ah
lizmat guess so, yes
jnthn It's only a problem in so far as we check to see if it has phasers, though?
lizmat well, *that* problem I fixed
jnthn OK, what other problems are there? I didn't think there were any further significant ones :) 19:11
lizmat but then the example: (supply loop { emit Bool.pick }).tap: *.say
doesn't work
phatbot it just exits. even tho, say, supply for ^6 { .... } works
lizmat as it does when it is: (supply { loop { emit Bool.pick }}).tap: *.say
jnthn What if it's supply eager loop ... ? 19:12
May be a case of missing sinking
lizmat ah, perhaps, recomping atm
jnthn Gotta go for a bit, but check how we handle this with gather
Since I guess it would also have to worry about the same thing 19:13
m: .say for gather loop { take 10 }
camelia rakudo-moar a980eb: OUTPUTĀ«(timeout)10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā¤10ā€¦Ā»
jnthn Yeah, that handles it
bbiab :) 19:14
lizmat yeah, eager makes it work
phatbot: not seeing anything special in the parsing of gather or actions 19:15
so I guess it lives in GATHER
[Coke] jnthn: I'll see if I can golf it better. thanks. 19:18
lizmat ok, my flu ridden head doesn't see it right away
perhaps later, otherwise tomorrow 19:19
phatbot :)
RabidGravy lizmat, there's something funny about the way wordpress handles the html formatting :) 19:33
phatbot Hm. Apparently if you install readline and then uninstall it (with panda) your REPL starts showing this giant message: 20:05
wow... that's just laziness 20:07
I thought warning in REPL printing a completely unrelated message was an accident, but there's actualyl a test for it :S 20:08
well or some other reason :( 20:15
m: take 20:21
camelia rakudo-moar a980eb: OUTPUTĀ«take without parameters doesn't make senseā¤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1ā¤ā¤Ā»
phatbot m: emit
camelia rakudo-moar a980eb: OUTPUTĀ«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>ā¤Calling emit() will never work with declared signature (\value --> Nil)ā¤at <tmp>:1ā¤------> <BOL>āemitā¤Ā»
dalek kudo/nom: 42b7147 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | / (2 files):
Improve warnings in REPL

Currently, the CONTROL {} block reports "Control flow commands not allowed in toplevel" message for any control exception, which includes warnings, resulting in very confusing messages any time a warning is emited.
Fix by adding checks for warnings and print those instead. Also improve emit/take exceptions by reporting that emit/take was outside an expected enclosure.
phatbot samcv: where does .history-file attribute come from? I see it's used in a bunch of places 20:40
samcv it's in the REPL line
err it's in the file
it's a method
of the class they inherit from
(both linenoise and readline) 20:41
i tested and it works and doesn't hang with that PR 20:42
phatbot oh right, I'm blind 20:43
dalek kudo/nom: b716b00 | samcv++ | src/core/
Fix Readline REPL not initializing properly.

Would break since the last commits to add a history file in. Fix this.
kudo/nom: 772e2f2 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Merge pull request #955 from samcv/REPL-readline

Fix Readline REPL not initializing properly.
samcv phatbot, i had the same thought until i did ctrl + f 20:45
phatbot I was ctrl+f '.history-file' thinking it was an attribute :P
m: class A { method foo {say "hi"} }; role B { method hi {ā€¦}}; my $na = A but B; say $na 20:47
camelia rakudo-moar a980eb: OUTPUTĀ«Method 'hi' must be implemented by A+{B} because it is required by a role Bā¤ in any compose_method_table at gen/moar/Metamodel.nqp line 2827ā¤ in any apply at gen/moar/Metamodel.nqp line 2841ā¤ in any compose at gen/moar/Metamodel.nqp line 3013ā¤ ā€¦Ā»
.oO( and it is? )
oh :} 20:49
m: class A { method foo {say "hi"} }; role B { method foo {ā€¦}}; my $na = A but B; say $na
camelia rakudo-moar a980eb: OUTPUTĀ«(A+{B})ā¤Ā»
dalek kudo/nom: 7b84adc | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/RoleToClassApplier.nqp:
Grammar fix to error message.
nine The good news is that I've already found 2 bugs in dyncall. Bad news is that it's only in comments and that I'm no closer to solving the x86 NC callback issue dogbert17++ reported 21:17
dogbert2 nine: let me know if there's something you want me to test on 32-bit 21:25
nine dogbert2: the really odd part are the ??? stackframes where the invalid read seems to happen. I don't know what exactly they are and cannot even get a proper disassembly. The next frame should be dcCall_x86_cdecl. 21:28
dogbert2 nine: I can set a breakpoint in dc_callvm_call_x86_cdecl if that is of any use 21:36
nine It can't hurt in any case :) 21:37
dogbert2 anything I should look at now that the program is stopped?
Breakpoint 1, 0xb7dcbd1a in dc_callvm_call_x86_cdecl () from //home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0 0xb7dcbd1a in dc_callvm_call_x86_cdecl () from //home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/lib/
#1 0xb7dcb925 in dcCallVoid () from //home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/lib/
#2 0xb7d01bbe in MVM_nativecall_invoke (tc=0x804c450, res_type=0x8389a40, site=0xa1294a0, args=0xb7802694) at src/core/nativecall_dyncall.c:587
nine Is this the first or the second time you hit the break point? The first would be the "simple callback" test where everything seems to be alright 21:39
dogbert2 the first 21:41
#0 0xb7dcbd1a in dc_callvm_call_x86_cdecl () from //home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/lib/ 21:42
#1 0xb7dcb925 in dcCallVoid () from //home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/install/lib/
#2 0xb7d01bbe in MVM_nativecall_invoke (tc=0x804c450, res_type=0x8389a40, site=0xa12a460, args=0xb780b030) at src/core/nativecall_dyncall.c:587
#3 0xb7cd3bce in MVM_interp_run (tc=0x804c450, initial_invoke=0xb7dc9137 <toplevel_initial_invoke>, invoke_data=0x80b3cc0) at src/core/interp.c:3984
#4 0xb7dc9266 in MVM_vm_run_file (instance=0x804c008, filename=0xbffff2ea "/home/dogbert/repos/rakudo/perl6.moarvm") at src/moar.c:309
that should be the second time 21:43
ugexe m: my @a = [".LTA" => 1]; say "xxx" ~~ any(flat @a); 21:45
camelia rakudo-moar 7b84ad: OUTPUTĀ«No such method '.LTA' for invocant of type 'Str'ā¤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1ā¤ā¤Ā»
nine Next step should be a call into dcCall_x86_cdecl followed by a call to TakeIntCallback
dogbert2 nine: here's a more complete gist, i.e. bt full. 21:47
phatbot <Zoffix> m: my @allowed-types = 'uc', 'lc', 'tc', 'na', 'B', 'S', 'nv'; for ^100_000 { my $x = 'x' eq any @allowed-types }; say now - INIT now 21:50
<camelia> rakudo-moar 6fc769: OUTPUTĀ«10.7136853ā¤Ā»
<Zoffix> m: my @allowed-types = 'uc', 'lc', 'tc', 'na', 'B', 'S', 'nv'; for ^100_000 { my $x = @allowed-types.first: 'x' }; say now - INIT now
<camelia> rakudo-moar 6fc769: OUTPUTĀ«1.14418706ā¤Ā»
<Zoffix> samcv, ^ an example of how slow our Junctions are ATM
samcv: not sure if you saw in the other channel.
dogbert2 nine: I have updated the gist after typing advance dcCall_x86_cdecl, new info at the bottom
phatbot No idea about unicode stuff, so I'll wait for someone else to review and merge
samcv oh 21:51
yeah i am
did not see it, trying to get some way to benchmark the atom syntax highlighter... 21:52
and trying horribly to write in coffeescript for node
if anybody knows javascript please help
phatbot hehe
like what kindahelp?
and well, I don't know coffeescript 21:53
samcv like should be easy
i think it's mostly the same thing
all i'm trying to do is gett all the files in a folder
phatbot ohh.. I only done web dev with JS so no idea :)
samcv if anybody can help me.. it's working except for 21:54
trying to get the files
AlexDaniel jdv79: we have less bots than humans. That's unhealthy. 21:56
50/50 would be a good ratio 21:57
dogbert2 I'm now in TakeIntCallback
samcv oh i think i got it
sweet i did it! 21:58
nice. 21:59
jdv79 AlexDaniel: maybe in 100 years. more humans is more normal today though. 22:00
AlexDaniel jdv79: I think we can solve it in one month or so
there are at least 2 proposals for new whateverables
jdv79 great! 22:01
phatbot Why do we spawn a new bot for every feature tho?
And not make it the normal way: one bot does all the feautres
I wonder how long it'll take Freenode staff to notice you have a gazillion connections all comming from one host 22:02
jdv79 what does a phatbot do?
phatbot I eat food and complain a lot.
AlexDaniel it pretends to be a human
jdv79 food sounds good but i have to cook first. not so enticing. 22:03
nine Oh boy it's late! Sorry, have to leave now. Need to get up early tomorrow 22:05
dogbert2 night
phatbot The REPL error I showed today that occurs after uninstalling Readline... That appears to be just panda failing to uninstall correctly. Works fine with zef 23:41