notviki m: dd [ &infix:<->.candidates.elems, &infix:<−>.candidates.elems ] 00:00
camelia rakudo-moar b306de: OUTPUT«[20, 2]␤»
AlexDaniel :O
so there's just no Range − something for −
but what about other 18 cases? 00:01
notviki They all work out, except for Date
m: dd - 42 00:02
camelia rakudo-moar b306de: OUTPUT«,11,12)␤»
notviki m: dd − 42
camelia rakudo-moar b306de: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller Numeric(Date: ); none of these signatures match:␤ (Mu:U \v: *%_)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
AlexDaniel notviki: interesting, right? I've never thought that it would be so hard to support ∞ in addition to Inf and − in addition to - 00:03
samcv 10 00:04
AlexDaniel well, 10 is the right answer
samcv good!
dalek kudo/nom: 91af128 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Fix infix:<U+2212> and prefix:<U+2212>

Currently, U+2212 infix op exists solely as a numerical op, but we use it for stuff like Ranges and Dates too. For Ranges, it treats the Range as a Cool. For Dates multi resolution fails.
Fix by defining a generic op that just forwards everything to texas version. Also do the same to prefix:<U+2212> to preemptively avoid future bugs. Currently it's defined for a single arg, but we teach it to just pass along all the args for prefix:<->
notviki AlexDaniel: the ∞ isn't bad, but − is just insane. It's all over the place. 00:06
dalek ast: 7a62089 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S03-operators/u2212-minus.t:
Add separate file for U+2212 minus test

Currently include tests for infix:<−> and prefix:<−> test, but other things involving − may be well moved here.
kudo/nom: 43ebc63 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/
Add S03-operators/u2212-minus.t to test files to run

Tests for stuff involving U-2212 minus
samcv notviki++ 00:09
AlexDaniel notviki: perhaps there's a way to run every test that has - in it with −
and same with every other non-texas operator 00:10
notviki would be nice
ugexe when multiple threads encounter a locked lock, is it safe to assume that that they will be allowed entry in the order they reach the lock? 00:44
RabidGravy dunno 00:54
I'm not going to look in the code to find out
dalek ast: 0fec90b | samcv++ | S15-nfg/GraphemeBreakPropertyTest-gen.p6:
Clean up the Grapheme Break Test script
ast: 9920a6e | samcv++ | S15-nfg/GraphemeBreak (2 files):
Change the name of the output file to be the same as the source test

The file we generate the tests from is GraphemeBreakTest.txt Let's call it the same.
ast: 605d412 | samcv++ | S15-nfg/GraphemeBreakTest.t:
Add in the new test file
samcv renamed the test, if somebody can merge 01:14
once the merge is done i'll remove the old testname 01:16
almost done with my fun script that will fudge all your tests for you in a file 01:20
dalek kudo/nom: 286e7af | samcv++ | t/
Update to use the renamed GraphemeBreakTest.t
kudo/nom: aa00700 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/
Merge pull request #969 from samcv/GraphemeBreakTest2

Update to use the renamed GraphemeBreakTest.t
notviki samcv: done
samcv sweet
dalek kudo/nom: 266a168 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/
Align test category tag
ast: c058839 | samcv++ | S15-nfg/GraphemeBreakPropertyTest.t:
Remove old GraphemeBreakPropertyTest.t

Now that the new name is in for Rakudo.
samcv hmm so far my super-fudger.p6 will double fudge tests and doesn't pay attention to things already fudged… but it's working very nicely otherwise. just need to fix that part 01:48
notviki super fudger? What does it do?
samcv it runs all the tests and fudges any that don't passs 01:49
that's how i fudged 57 of the 750 or so tests for the test file i just added today
would be cool if it could unfudge tests too
notviki IIRC we have that. 01:50
samcv atm it's kind of basic, only works for single line tests
do we
notviki the second one I mean, the unfudger
samcv oh
notviki tools/ maybe?
samcv there is no tools folder?
or in rakudo?
notviki in rakudo repo
samcv kk 01:51
ok nice i got it working :) 01:55
and not double fudging tests and such 01:57
should I add it to roast? i mean you can specify 01:58
./super-fudger.p6 <test-file> <backend> <fudge-type> <message>
it's implementation agnostic
notviki Sure, why not.
samcv could be useful especially the autogenerated tests. since I need to regenerate 4 more tests for unicode 9 01:59
dalek ast: 7833fb5 | samcv++ | super-fudger.p6:
Add super-fudger.p6, to fudge ALL failing tests in a .t file

At the moment only works on tests that can be tested as stand-alone lines. If the tests are already fudged it will not try and re-fudge them.
samcv have to check out one of the tests S15-nfg/test-gen.p6 generates. cause it fails 498/500 now. passed all 500 before 02:02
unless something huge changed. agh 02:04
can't be right
ok if i generate them again from unicode 8.0, they still fail... wtf 02:09
.tell jnthn when I try and generate with roast/S15-nfg/test-gen.p6 only one of the tests (mass-chars.t) actually seem to generate more than 2 passing tests, the rest all fail with either UCD 8.0 or UCD 9.0 02:14
yoleaux2 samcv: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
dalek ast: 3916198 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for Math and Grapheme_Extend
ast: d889fd2 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for Hyphen property, and more rigorous Dash tests
samcv hmm maybe for the Emoji ZWJ sequences we can still use uniprop, but just call some other nqp routine to verify it or something 02:37
have a multi for that specific property, so you can check the property of a string... idk. or have its own routine... but that seems a bit odd 02:38
notviki hm... either I'm too wasted or we have a bug in :/ 02:41
# Failed test 'DateTime - Duration = DateTime' 02:46
# at t/spec/S32-temporal/DateTime.t line 818
# expected:,12,25,3,6,7.77,:timezone(50400))
# got:,12,24,8,6,7.77,:timezone(-18000))
samcv notviki, regression?
notviki The test failure... no, that's a new test, but it's very simple code and I expected the test to pass..
the former hypothesis held true :}
samcv :P
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Align test category tag' 02:54
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
samcv weird it looks like it only failed on one of the platforms 02:55
t/04-nativecall/14-rw-attrs.t ............ Failed 16/16 subtests 02:56
but was fine on the other…
notviki flapper :(
samcv notviki, you can get travis to retry a test if it fails 02:57
notviki It failed only on one run on Linux. The bottom ones are JVM builds
(they're not reported in the channel)
samcv oh
i know that
notviki samcv: how do we get travis to retry a test if it fails?
samcv just put travis_retry in front of the command to run :D 02:58
notviki :o
dalek kudo/nom: 9f07e1a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | .travis.yml:
Add travis_retry samcv++
kudo/nom: d25cfff | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Remove trailing whitespace
kudo/nom: 6b850ba | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Implement infix +/- for DateTime/Duration

Per discussion[^1], add + and - infix ops to handle: DateTime - DateTime = Duration; DateTime - Duration = DateTime; DateTime + Duration = DateTime; Duration + DateTime = DateTime;
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Add travis_retry samcv++'
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
dalek ast: 0a65ed7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-temporal/DateTime.t:
Remove trailing whitespace
ast: 2188e7e | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-temporal/DateTime.t:
Test +/- infixes on DateTime/Duration

Implemented in Discussion:
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Remove trailing whitespace' 03:06
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
notviki samcv: any idea how to fix it? 03:08
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Implement infix +/- for DateTime/Duration 03:10
dalek kudo/nom: a2cb929 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | .travis.yml:
Try to make travis_retry work
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
notviki on second thought.... 03:12
dalek kudo/nom: a9272bf | (Zoffix Znet)++ | .travis.yml:
Remove travis_retry

Because it'll mute flopping tests. The failures *do* represent problems, as opposed to failing due to some reason not under our control.
samcv uhm hi i'm back now 03:20
let me see
notviki, don't put it in quotes 03:21
just travis_retry whatever here
not travis_retry "whatever here"
at least that's how I did it and it worked for the highlighter 03:22
or probably put it ALL in quotes
not just the second part
one of the two
notviki,, uhm could using GCC 4.6 have anything to do with tests flapping? or probably not. I think not but. do we know why it is flapping? 03:24
would we want to build with gcc-5 if we had the option to? 03:26
notviki has no idea 03:28
samcv i had to get a later gcc for the docs travis because it didn't support the newer C++ standard 03:30
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Zoffix Znet 'Try to make travis_retry work' 04:14
samcv notviki, just got the person who makes the font I use for IRC have different lengths of dash for − minus sign than hyphen :) so i am happy 04:29
moritz samcv++ # spreading the Unicode love 04:31
samcv this is the font if you're curious 04:32
first link is a picture btw
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Zoffix Znet 'Remove travis_retry 04:42
samcv woo. got it actually building with gcc-5. gotta figure out how to make it not do that on mac or whatever but might be nice to have it use ubuntu 14.04.5 not like 12.whatever 04:48
dalek ast: 359680b | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for 8 more properties

Extender, Grapheme_Base, Join_Control, Grapheme_Link General_Category, Joining_Group, Joining_Type, Sentence_Break
ast: b6f2fa4 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: Fix error in one of the tests
samcv notviki, I have my changed .travis.yml that uses newer versions of GCC and other things if it is wanted 07:12
working properly on Linux and MacOS platforms
and the JVM ones are failing for the same reason as they were failing before
actually why not go to GCC6 or something i guess 07:21
dalek ast: dd0c572 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for 10 more properties

Deprecated White_Space Ideographic Radical Bidi_Mirrored Variation_Selector ID_Continue Sentence_Terminal ISO_Comment Emoji_Presentation
samcv almost half way through the properties 08:21
trying to get a full 1/2 of them done by tonight 08:22
lizmat good *, #perl6-dev! 08:57
Files=1157, Tests=53982, 188 wallclock secs (10.77 usr 4.48 sys + 1124.51 cusr 121.50 csys = 1261.26 CPU)
[Tux] o/ 10:11
This is Rakudo version 2016.12-84-ga9272bf14 built on MoarVM version 2016.12-19-ge2ffc358
csv-ip5xs 3.065
test 13.410
test-t 5.514
csv-parser 14.489
samcv [Tux], help 10:12
[Tux] 42 10:13
samcv XD
those numbers look smaller
timotimo huggable: speed
huggable timotimo,
timotimo buggable: speed
buggable timotimo, ▄▄▅▆▅▅▅▆▄▅▅▄▅▄▆▅▅▅▅▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▃▃▃▄▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▁ data for 2016-12-02–2016-12-24; variance: 5.514s–7.592s
timotimo look at that dip!
lizmat PSA: I've written a blog post that can be used for today's Advent calendar slot 10:15
those of you with access, please let me know of any comments / suggestions 10:16
I will publish this in 45 minutes unless ab6tract appears and posts his planned advent post
dalek kudo/nom: 4ff2fb2 | samcv++ | / (2 files):
uniprop: set ISO_Comment as Str type

Since Unicode 5.2.0 this value is required to return an empty string. Make sure we do this.
kudo/nom: 742d1b9 | lizmat++ | / (2 files):
Merge pull request #971 from samcv/ISO_Comment

uniprop: set ISO_Comment as Str type
samcv woot
dalek ast: 701771e | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for Decomposition_Type, NFC_Quick_Check
ast: 8dedf60 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: unfudge ISO_Comment property

rakudo.moar fixed in rakudo/rakudo@4ff2fb2
lizmat # last post 10:52
samcv don't say last :( 11:09
lizmat of this year :-) 11:11
samcv perl 6 advent for 100 years
timotimo yew please 11:43
notviki samcv: I've no opinion on that travis change. FWIW, gcc version on my box is gcc version 4.8.4 .... 13:08
samcv we could always keep the gcc at 4 though. but bumping to ubuntu 14.04 would be more in line with what people have, so hmm 13:10
yeah gcc shouldn't matter as much imo
but the other things on the system will be 2+?? years newer? not sure
notviki but I can argue either way: I'm not testing on gcc 6, but travis would :) 13:11
What does that change from "language perl" to "language" java" give? 13:13
notviki is opposed to that change on emotional level :)
samcv it makes sure java is all setup properly 13:15
before we had it for a newer perl version. but with 14.04 we don't need that
and this saves us from jvm stuff.
without that it didn't have some of the java things needed to build in the path even if installed
14.04 was released 13:17
April 17, 2014 April 26, 2012 for precise
so 2 years newer
hehe notviki
notviki lizmat: FWIW, there's a typo in first sentence "thing that are" 13:18
lizmat oops, notviki++ 13:20
notviki: can you live with my advent post ? 13:21
if not, you need to nudge ab6tract a bit mor :-) 13:22
afk for the rest of the day& 13:23
notviki lizmat++ good post 13:27
lizmat: yeah, I can live. I just felt bad for ab6stract because it was I who told them they can delay their post :}
dalek kudo/nom: f0aa65e | samcv++ | / (2 files):
Fix bug in makeUNIPROP.p6 causing it not to generate 2 props

I forgot to flush the code generator function at the end, so it ended up missing the last two properties:
  'Full_Composition_Exclusion' and 'Canonical_Combining_Class'
kudo/nom: 4ff317e | (Zoffix Znet)++ | / (2 files):
Merge pull request #972 from samcv/uniprop-make-fix

Fix bug in makeUNIPROP.p6 causing it not to generate 2 props
kudo/nom: 4b6f4e6 | samcv++ | .travis.yml:
Travis CI: Use Ubuntu 14.04 instead of 12.04 and GCC 6 instead of 4

Use a much newer Ubuntu version and use a much newer GCC.
kudo/nom: 175e3d1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | .travis.yml:
Merge pull request #970 from samcv/gcc-5

Travis CI: build on Ubuntu 14.04 instead of 12.04 and use GCC 6
samcv sweet :D 13:32
dalek ast: e8b513a | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for two more properties

Full_Composition_Exclusion Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded
ast: a529332 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-str/parse-base.t:
Greatly simplify parse-base tests

Do not duplicate tests for method and sub forms, instead use a loop that loops over the sub and the method we get from .^lookup
moritz samcv: if you send a signed Contributor License Agreement to TPF (, we can give you direct commit access to Rakudo 14:46
nine samcv: send the CLA via email. We need your awesome productivity :) 14:49
notviki nods 14:54
dalek kudo/nom: 3282813 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Allow missing whole part in parse-base

Omiting zero on fractional numbers (e.g. -.5) is a common notation in North America; makes sense to allow it.
ast: 897cc99 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-str/parse-base.t:
Test parse-base can take a fractional without a whole part

Rakudo commit:
japhb wonders how much his original parsing code has been changed over the years that that is even necessary ... 17:40
notviki ? 17:42
That code didn't exist 2 months ago...
japhb notviki: My code (originally in Str.Numeric, now forming the guts of the largest val() variant) handled almost every way of describing numbers that Perl 6 could represent. But importantly, it did it with a bunch of internal helper routines that handled subsets of the problem. So rather than extending parse-base bit by bit, why not just expose what you need from those internal routines (in R::I, perhaps) and use that? 18:01
(And by the way, it's not ego pushing this, it's "This is already a solved problem.") 18:02
notviki I don't forsee any further extensions to parse-base 18:08
japhb Famous last words ... from the bot that brought you support of unicode minus. ;-)
notviki Last I looked at already-existing parsing code is was a tangled mess of overengineering and bugs 18:09
m: :16(':36<SEE>').say 18:10
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«36806␤»
notviki m: :16('-FF').say; # can't do a negative
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-16 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in ':16<⏏-FF>' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
notviki m: :2('0xE').say 18:11
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«14␤»
japhb As I recall, in the original speculation, you are supposed to do the negative outside the :base() if you are using that form. Str.Numeric itself should handle it. 18:12
And as for the base mixing, I think that was a side effect of some refactor done over the years. :-/
notviki m: say :16<0eff> 18:14
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«3839␤»
notviki m: say :16<0bff>
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Cannot convert string to number: malformed base-2 number in '⏏ff' (indicated by ⏏)␤at <tmp>:1␤------> say :16<0bff>⏏<EOL>␤»
notviki m: say ':16<0b11>'.Numeric 18:15
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«2833␤»
notviki The problem with all of these is they feel like they've been designed by imagining the user simply hardcoding the numbers. 18:17
So if I want to ask the user for a number and a base that number is in, I then have to combine the two variables in some contorted form 18:18
japhb Str.Numeric's use case is converting Strs -- and by the time it gets to .Numeric, it may as well be hardcoded.
notviki doesn't follow
japhb m: say ':16("SEE")'.Numeric 18:19
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: malformed ':16' style radix number, expecting '<' or '[' after the base in ':16⏏(\"SEE\")' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
notviki If the data is coming from an external source, why would it "may as well be hardcoded"?
japhb m: say ':16<SEE>'.Numeric
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-16 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in ':16<⏏SEE>' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
notviki I have to manually construct the ':16<SEE>' string and then deconstruct it again on errors to make sane errors 18:20
japhb m: my $input = 'SEE'; dd ":16<$input>".Numeric
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT« => => ":16<SEE>", pos => 4, reason => "base-16 number must begin with valid digits or '.'"), backtrace =>␤»
japhb Ah, I see what you're getting at.
notviki But your base is also hardcoded in that line. 18:21
m: my $base = 16; my $input = 'SEE'; say ":$base<$input>".Numeric
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«Type Int does not support associative indexing.␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
notviki m: my $base = 16; my $input = 'SEE'; say ":$base\<$input>".Numeric
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-16 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in ':16<⏏SEE>' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
notviki m: my $base = "16\b\b"; my $input = 'SEE'; say ":$base\<$input>".Numeric 18:22
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: malformed ':16' style radix number, expecting '<' or '[' after the base in ':16⏏\b\b<SEE>' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
notviki m: my $base = "\b16\b\b"; my $input = 'SEE'; say ":$base\<$input>".Numeric
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: radix (in decimal) expected after ':' in ':⏏\b16\b\b<SEE>' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
japhb So I see your point re: fixing up the exception.
notviki But you don't see my point that $input.parse-base($base) is more userfriendly than ":$base\<$input>".Numeric? 18:23
japhb Not entirely sure what point you're trying to make about the \b's though
notviki That the input base has significant affect of the error message.
parse-base will only ever say that base looks wrong, but with the interpolation method you can get any confusing error. 18:24
japhb notviki: No, I understand the point you're making. My point *originally* is that the guts of parse-base should not be a reimplementation of parts of Str.Numeric. They should use the same code.
(Or, I guess, val() nowadays.)
notviki but those parts aren't easily detachable. I see they close over a lot of previously computed values. 18:25
japhb That sounds different than the original, hmmm.
japhb goes to look at the newest code
notviki all of them close over $eos 18:27
Actually I don't see any part to take for parse-base. The actual code that handles radix numbers parses the :16<..> form. And it doesn't handle signs, so.... 18:28
and the failure mode is handled by the sub closing over $eos and $pos and twiddling it while working and then the code outside of the sub checks those variables. 18:30
japhb Sigh. I concede the discussion. 18:31
notviki oh and it closes over $radix too 18:32
I get your point about not repeating code, but currently parse-base is simple code that fits entirely on my screen and 70% of it is error reporting. 18:34
samcv moritz++ nine++ will do that! 20:09
should I sign and scan? 20:10
notviki that's how I did mine
samcv ok will use this pdf here 20:13
MasterDukeLaptop if anybody is interested, here is a sorted list of the names (and their counts) find_symbol is called with during a rakudo compile 20:34
the top is Parameter, called 40919 times
notviki s: &infix:<??> 20:35
SourceBaby notviki, Something's wrong: ␤ERR: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e␤Undeclared routine:␤ infix:<??> used at line 6. Did you mean 'infix:<∖>', 'infix:<lt>', 'infix:<eq>', 'infix:<o>', 'infix:<~|>'?␤␤
notviki 1168 times... I guess it does that whenever it encouters a ternary? Tries to check for an infix first. 20:36
m: sub infix:<??> ($,$) { say "hi" }; 42 ?? 55
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«hi␤»
notviki m: sub infix:<??> ($,$) { say "hi" }; sub infix:<!!> ($,$) { say "hi" }; 42 ?? 55 !! 45 20:37
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«hi␤hi␤»
notviki :o
oh, it's the ?/: thing it cries about
m: sub infix:<?> ($,$) { say "hi" }; sub infix:<:> ($,$) { say "hi" }; 42 ? 55 : 45
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unsupported use of ? and : for the ternary conditional operator; in Perl 6 please use ?? and !!␤at <tmp>:1␤------> ; sub infix:<:> ($,$) { say "hi" }; 42 ?⏏ 55 : 45␤»
MasterDukeLaptop btw, that's why i was trying to figure out the caller, but callframe(1) doesn't work that early in the compile 20:39
b2gills m: my str @a = <a b c>; @a.sort.say; # lizmat I think you broke this with one of your optimizations 21:12
camelia rakudo-moar 328281: OUTPUT«compare requires a concrete string, but got null␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MasterDukeLaptop bisectable6: my str @a = <a b c>; @a.sort.say; 21:14
bisectable6 MasterDukeLaptop, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=3282813) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
MasterDukeLaptop, bisect log: 21:15
MasterDukeLaptop, (2016-03-17)
b2gills star-m: my str @a = <a b c>; @a.sort.say; say $*PERL.compiler.version 21:17
camelia star-m 2016.10: OUTPUT«(a b c)␤v2016.10␤»
MasterDukeLaptop committable6: all my str @a = <a b c>; @a.sort.say 21:22
committable6 MasterDukeLaptop,
MasterDukeLaptop bisectable6: old=2016.12 my str @a = <a b c>; @a.sort.say; 21:23
bisectable6 MasterDukeLaptop, Bisecting by exit code (old=2016.12 new=3282813). Old exit code: 0
notviki committable6: 4c2c9c2 my str @a = <a b c>; @a.sort.say; 21:24
committable6 notviki, ¦«4c2c9c2»: ===SORRY!===␤native string arrays not yet implemented. Sorry. «exit code = 1»
bisectable6 MasterDukeLaptop, bisect log:
MasterDukeLaptop, (2016-12-23)
samcv moritz, i have a PDF i scanned. What email to send the CLA to?
or nine 21:29
b2gills samcv: has a trademark(at) mail address listed 21:43
samcv thanks 21:45
awesome. CLA sent 21:59
notviki samcv++ 22:02
samcv :) glad to be here!
can I get a fancy irc hostmask too :3
dalek kudo/nom: 350fdc1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Remove trailing whitespace
notviki I think if you join #freenode and ask they'll give one
samcv do the people here have to tell them yes? 22:04
notviki no idea, I'm unaffiliated :)
notviki summons mst
hm, my Matt Signal isn't working today :) 22:05
I guess they'll tell you what is needed on #freenode
samcv ok back 22:14
hope nobody said anything important
well that solved my lag issues by restarting ZNC 22:15
dalek kudo/nom: 38ec79c | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Make sub MAIN usage ignore *% param

The code assumes a param always has a name and when it tries to get the name of *% param, it crashes due to attempting to treat a null as a string.
Fix by foregoing any nameless named params when printing usage.
Fixes RT#127621:
synopsebot6 Link:
dalek ast: a26b352 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S06-other/main-usage.t:
Test *% in sub MAIN does not cause a crash

RT#127621: Rakudo fix:
synopsebot6 Link:
dalek ast: 1c498de | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for the last three NF*_Quick_Check props

NFD_Quick_Check NFKC_Quick_Check NFKD_Quick_Check We now cover all properties in the 'Enumerated Values' category.
ast: ed3f324 | samcv++ | S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t:
uniprop: add tests for 9 more properties

Cased, Changes_When_Casefolded, Changes_When_Casemapped, Changes_When_Lowercased, Changes_When_Uppercased, Changes_When_Titlecased, Uppercase,
   Terminal_Punctuation, Bidi_Control
notviki t/spec/S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t is failing 23:35
I think you've missed a plan bump?
"Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 143 tests but ran 145." 23:36