nine Regarding Windows: how am I supposed to fix issues when I cannot even test them? Why am I supposed to care if not even the people who chose that platform care enough to involve themselves? If there are so many as stmuk++ points out, why is there not even one of them available for questions or testing? 07:25
I personally do not care a bit about Windows. Windows is a thing that makes my life worse, not better, whenever I have contact with it. I refuse to waste my precious spare time on it. 07:26
Of course I would never deliberatly break it. I usually keep it in mind whenever I touch something that may be platform dependent. I also try to duckduckgo those things before committing (to) something. But at some point all I can do is try and see if it breaks. 07:27
And the only way for me to see it break is some CI system that fails to build half the time anyway. Or people notifying me on the channel. And the latter happened only a week later as it was. 07:28
stmuk I'm no particular fan of Windows but we do need to continue to support it. I think the root problems are with the release and development processes (not just minority platforms such as windows). The monthly releases are getting harder and harder (eg. 2017.04 as well as 2017.08) 08:27
lizmat does get refreshed automatically, or is some manual intervention needed?
lizmat would like to see her updates to atomicint.pod live before the P6W publishes 08:28
stmuk lizmat: it should be automatic but was broken (and is now hopefully fixed as of a day or two ago)
lizmat well, the last update was 2017-08-20T01:52:51Z afaics 08:29
and that's more than 24 hours ago :-(
breakfast& 08:34
Zoffix TIL there's Introducing Perl 6 book 10:10
Don't see it on 10:11
lizmat Zoffix: it's not a book, it's a brochure/leaflet
Zoffix Ah 10:13
60 pages. That's pretty big
lizmat: currently forcing a doc build. 10:14
The last build log had your commit in it; not sure why that didn't propagate to the site
lizmat Zoffix++ 10:16
AlexDaniel fwiw 10:20
Zoffix it's curious they're not failing on master. 10:28
lizmat Zoffix: doc has arrived :-) 10:34
Zoffix Good. Though I'm none the wiser why it didn't update of its own volition :/ 10:36
.tell [Coke] looks like cronned doc still is busted. Didn't build existing new commits for 12 hours (even tho ~/update.log had them in), but when I manually $HOME/force-update'ed it, then it just worked. 10:38
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to [Coke].
lizmat timotimo: do we have an archive of Perl 6 weeklies somewhere from before 7 Feb 2014 ? 10:43
timotimo lizmat: did wordpress throw out any entries older than that? 10:45
lizmat # oldest I could find 10:46
timotimo something's wrong with my browser and/or 'net conneection 10:48
oh, yeah
the ones before that were on glitchmr's blog somewhere
AlexDaniel timotimo: I'm assuming you won't be able to take a look at the spesh issue also, right? 10:49
timotimo is that only on windows?
AlexDaniel timotimo: no, linux+errata 10:50
timotimo i can look at it
Zoffix AlexDaniel: this reminds me of the bus factor discussion :)
AlexDaniel c: HEAD 10:51
committable6 AlexDaniel, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL.
AlexDaniel timotimo: ?
timotimo you can set env vars for committable, right? 10:52
AlexDaniel commit: MVM_SPESH_DISABLE=1 HEAD
committable6 AlexDaniel, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL.
committable6 timotimo,
lizmat timotimo: did you mean this:
timotimo that's not how
lizmat: no, they had their own blog hosted on maybe their own server
AlexDaniel timotimo: ah shit… I don't think it supports more than one
timotimo i remember it was mostly white 10:54
AlexDaniel according to the code it does
MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING is simply not in the list 10:55
timotimo ah
GlitchMr's twitter looks kind of dead, last tweet 2014 10:56
committable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel ah right
committable6 AlexDaniel, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL.
AlexDaniel timotimo: ? :) 10:58
Geth rakudo/nom: 0de25a8f4c | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | docs/announce/
Release announcement draft for 2017.08
AlexDaniel mmmm… I c
timotimo if the spesh log weren't typically gigantic, i'd ask for it to be includable d) 11:07
:) 11:08
AlexDaniel well, you can run this file with your own perl6 11:09
timotimo of course 11:10
lizmat AlexDaniel: I realise it's copy/paste from previous announcements 11:12
but looking at it now, I think "It includes bugfixes and optimizations on top of
the 2015.12 release of Rakudo, but no new features."
AlexDaniel hahahaha no new features
lizmat is a bit untrue on the "no new features" part :-)
AlexDaniel I'll fix that. I have to fix markdown formatting anyway
nine lizmat: I don't think augmenting Grammar in the 6.d setting is gonna work. That setting will be loaded when any part of the program at all uses v6.d.PREVIEW. The augmentation will then affect all code. 11:14
timotimo "but doesn't change the language"?
lizmat nine: isn't that also the case with the new await behaviour then? 11:15
nine Also I remember jnthn arguing that augmenting a class in the 6.d setting is a bad idea. I tried that in my original language_versions branch. 11:16
lizmat: await is a sub. It's not a method that's added to an existing class via augmentation
lizmat but it masks the original sub await? 11:17
nine Yes. And that's fine. Same with the masked DateTime class. But augment changes the _existing_ class and thus the change is visible globally.
lizmat hmmm... 11:18
nine I really wish we would just revert the whole business and actually take the time to do this right.
AlexDaniel but we still can 11:19
lizmat revert Gramnmar.parse returning a Failure at all you mean
at least for 2017.08 ?
nine yes
lizmat AlexDaniel: what are your feelings about that ?
nine We have lived with parse returning Nil for years. One more month won't make all that much difference.
lizmat nine: I would agree with that 11:20
AlexDaniel lizmat: if it doesn't work, then what's the point of keeping it?
nine Us breaking existing code for no good reason however will cost us in the long term.
AlexDaniel again, there's no rush :)
lizmat I guess it's now up to AlexDaniel to ok a revert
AlexDaniel I think reverting it is the right thing to do
better safe than sorry
lizmat ok, I'll revert 11:21
nine I would love for us to take the opportunity at the Swiss Perl Workshop to figure out how to do this language version thing for real.
AlexDaniel my position was that we definitely should *not* include it in 2017.08. When it was moved to v6.d, I thought that there is no problem anymore 11:22
lizmat feels like a plan to me
AlexDaniel if there are any suspicions, then surely it has to be reverted, especially given that we have time for it :)
nine Maybe what we need is a mechanism that is like augment, but will actually create a copy of the original class with the same name + the augmentation. 11:23
jnthn And then they all won't type match 'cus they're not the same class. :P
nine But that won't actually help all that much in Grammar's case. Because what's important is not the lexical scope where the grammar is defined, but the scope of the _caller_ of the .parse method. 11:24
lizmat basically use the existing class as a Role ?
jnthn This is a case of "solution worse than problem"
nine jnthn: I'm just thinking out loud here :) The type matching could be solved by not copying the contents of the original class but making the new class a subclass.
jnthn: right now, I'm just curious if this could be made to work (and I think it actually could - and would expose some weird bugs), not if it's a good thing to do :) 11:25
But again, it won't solve anything here anyway. 11:26
What would solve parse's problem is if there was a way to get the caller's language version.
Or a very low tech solution: just provide a different method with the new semantics.
timotimo class Grammar:ver<v6.d> is Grammar:ver<v6.c> { method parse { ... } } 11:27
lizmat spectests removal 11:28
lizmat also removes a paragraph from the Perl 6 Weekly 11:29
nine I also wonder how we could prevent more people from falling into the augment trap 11:30
Ven`` nine: what you propose reminds me of ruby's refinements 11:31
they're lexically-scoped augments/monkey-patching
AlexDaniel lizmat: I'll remove it from the changelog 11:33
Geth rakudo/nom: 465d91abdf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
Remove Grammar.parse returning a Failure on fail

We cannot really have a versioned solution to the problem yet. So either this will have to wait for a real 6.d, or we need to find a better solution to versioning.
lizmat nine: I think it could be solvable by having $*PERL be actually scoped 11:35
Geth rakudo/nom: fd82e3be1d | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Add Markdown code blocks where needed

There are other places where this can be done, but I don't think we want every other word to be highlighted.
rakudo/nom: 44542c5666 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | docs/announce/
Remove untrue statement
rakudo/nom: d5aec61f54 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Remove reverted change from the changelog
AlexDaniel lizmat++ 11:36
nine lizmat: yes, that'd be really nice 11:37
lizmat m: say $*PERL; { use v6.d.PREVIEW; say $*PERL }; say $*PERL # expected 6.c / 6.d / 6.c
camelia Perl 6 (6.d)?Perl 6 (6.d)?Perl 6 (6.d)?
AlexDaniel timotimo: so. What about the spesh issue? If you can look at it only a few hours later, just tell me, and I'll take a break too :)
lizmat m: say &await; { use v6.d.PREVIEW; say &await }; say &await # same issue 11:39
camelia sub await (| is raw) { #`(Sub|52187256) ... }?sub await (| is raw) { #`(Sub|52187256) ... }?sub await (| is raw) { #`(Sub|52187256) ... }?
lizmat I mean, why can't we treat "use v6.d" just like any other lexically scoped module loading ?
nine lizmat: not exactly the same. The 6.d setting is loaded for the whole computation unit, which is what your await test shows. But $*PERL.version is changed for all code that runs while compiling the current computation unit. Even loaded modules 11:40
lizmat nine: well, that's my point: should it be for the whole compilation unit?
any other use of "use" *is* lexical
so maybe we should have at least have another word for it? 11:41
timotimo i'll have a look
just building a fresh rakudo now 11:42
lizmat also: it gets worse with precomp, no
if a module is precomped with 6.c, and 6.d is done, the precomp would still use 6.c semantics
timotimo "6.d is done"?
nine The $*PERL.version thing? Yes. I bet no one could really answer without trying, what $*PERL.version will print in all possible cases. It's acting really weird. 11:43
lizmat whereas if the module would need to be recompiled for whatever reason, it suddenly would have 6.d semantics
timotimo: is released
timotimo well, when your rakudo changes all your modules will be precomped again
lizmat but thinking about it further now, I realise by that time we would still have the same issue 11:44
timotimo so you won't have a few 6.c and a few 6.d
waitwhat 11:47
it dies under DEPRECATED
lizmat que? 11:48
timotimo 11:50
lizmat checks 11:51
timotimo it grabs a backtrace and goes through its "interesting index"es
i believe when it goes to grab $bt[$index] it does the Any thing
lizmat aha, next-interesting-index can retiurn Nil 11:52
timotimo this can explain the reliance on spesh
because spesh is able to inline stuff
it should probably reconstruct the original backtrace when one is created though? 11:53
though throwing exceptions probably shouldn't always deoptimize inlines? 11:54
lizmat timotimo: I'm going to change the code so that it will keep the last valid index seen 11:55
timotimo c: MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 HEAD use Test; is_approx 1, 2; is_approx 2, 3; is_approx 3, 4; is_approx 4, 5;
committable6 timotimo,
timotimo looks like that's not quite enough
c: MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 HEAD use Test; for ^100 { is_approx $_, $_ + 1 } 11:56
committable6 timotimo,
timotimo took me a bit to be able to open the gist, but here's my golf 12:01
lizmat waits 12:02
dogbert17 there seems to be something wrong with the rakudo build
timotimo oh? what is?
AlexDaniel dogbert17: okay, more info?
dogbert17 well, I wanted the new changes that lizmat made, so I did 'git pull' in my rakudo dir followed by 'perl --gen-moar --gen-nqp --backends=moar' 12:03
timotimo lizmat: i'd say put your fix for DEPRECATED in 12:04
lizmat timotimo: spectesting now
dogbert17 I'm then told to run 'make' which I did and it worked well
timotimo good
dogbert17 but 'make test' fails unless I do 'make install' first and that's not right
lizmat hmmm... isn't that a known issue ? 12:05
dogbert17 if it is then it's relatively new I'd say
timotimo yeah 12:06
that's because we changed the PERL6LIB stuff
isn't it? 12:07
perl6 used to always look under the current path for its things
which is a security risk
dogbert17 so the generated makefile is incorrect then ... 12:08
do we want it to work? 12:09
timotimo isn't our problem that we can't pass env vars cross-platform from makefiles?
i think this was discussed recently 12:11
making test depend on install seems like a bad idea
dogbert17 if someone follows the given instructions and it doesn't work that's a bit suboptimal 12:13
timotimo of course
dogbert17 I guess the spesh problem is a bigger issue :-) 12:14
lizmat dogbert17: I've just done a fresh clone of rakudo, and a fresh build without install, but "make test" runs fine for me? 12:15
dogbert17 hmm, interesting 12:16
lizmat macOS fwiw
dogbert17 might try to nuke my install a little later 12:17
timotimo: spesh problem alternative 'MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 ./perl6 t/spec/S03-operators/set_precedes.t'
nine make test is supposed to work even without a make install
That's why the generated ./perl6-m will still look in '.' for modules and nqp libs. Only the installed one (we generate a new one in the install target) gets rid of those 12:18
Geth rakudo/nom: 1d69ebb9c2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Be a more careful about interesting indexes *can* return Nil, so we should guard
against that by remembering the last valid index.
nine I consider the make test thing a definite release blocker as it will break packaging scripts.
lizmat timotimo: ^^^
dogbert17 tries 'make test' again with lizmat's latest commit ... 12:20
lizmat lunch&
AlexDaniel c: 1d69ebb9c2 HEAD
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦1d69ebb: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “1247986”?)»
dogbert17 /usr/bin/perl t/harness5 t/01-sanity t/04-nativecall 12:21
t/01-sanity/01-literals.t ................... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
No subtests run
Zoffix c: 1d69ebb9c2,HEAD
committable6 Zoffix, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL.
AlexDaniel it's just not ready yet 12:22
timotimo dogbert17: i get the same error as for the other file 12:23
dogbert17 yup, but now lizmat seems to have fixed it
AlexDaniel c: 1d69ebb9c2 HEAD 12:24
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦1d69ebb: «04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/kCfwe4gXRp?Confused?at /tmp/kCfwe4gXRp:1?------> 03HEAD https:08?04// expecting any of:? colon pair «exit code = 1»»
AlexDaniel c: 1d69ebb9c2
committable6 AlexDaniel, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL.
AlexDaniel “Block <unit> (from unknown) seen at:” :/
but that's good enough 12:25
pmurias shouldn't we get rid of NQP_LIB on moarvm altogether
timotimo: the security fix wasn't rakudo loading Perl 6 modules PERL6LIB but even installed rakudo prefering to load it's subparts from the current working directory 12:28
nine FWIW make test runs just fine here without a make install 12:29
m-test6, too 12:30
dogbert17 hmm, If I'm the only one having this problem then perhaps by rakudo is busted, let me start over 12:31
s/by/my/ 12:32
timotimo lizmat: is there a good reason we still test these deprecated operators? 12:37
well, i suppose they're still part of the language? 12:38
AlexDaniel yup
dogbert17: ping me when it's done 12:39
dogbert17 it's done, my bad, sorry for the noise, my build env was obviously busted :( 12:42
Zoffix The deprecated message is from the is_approx itself, which is now is-approx
We converted master to is-approx, but left 6.c-errata as is, 'cause the argument was that 6.c-errata should be more-or-less runnable by earlier rakudos 12:43
timotimo right
Zoffix AlexDaniel: are you gonna be using the release bot? 12:49
I've no idea what its opinion on already-existing release announcements.
AlexDaniel: also dogbert17 pinged you above when done :) 12:50
dogbert17 only forgot the ping part :)
Zoffix NeuralAnomaly: steps
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, Use releasable6 bot instead. e.g. try: releasable6: status
Zoffix screw you
releasable6: steps
releasable6 Zoffix, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples:
Zoffix well, it's a separate step that can be skipped 12:52
AlexDaniel Zoffix: no, not going to use a bot 13:03
I have a sakefile here that cuts releases locally 13:04
and then I can decide to push if it looks right
Zoffix cool
timotimo .o( sake is japanese make? ) 13:05
Zoffix "Curious if anyone knows of any good training for Perl?" 13:06
We have a bunch on
stmuk maybe they mean actual physical training? 13:07
timotimo what, you mean like lifting? or track&field? 13:09
.oO( Pushups for Perl )
AlexDaniel: so I wanna leave for a week. You're good with the release, right? No questions? I can just go? 13:11
AlexDaniel Zoffix: sure 13:12
Zoffix Sweet
See y'all in a week
AlexDaniel Zoffix++ take care
lizmat Zoffix++ have a good R&R !
timotimo seeya Zoffix :) 13:13
Geth rakudo/nom: b686f41312 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | docs/release_guide.pod
Reflect actual date, claim next release
jnthn Zoffix: Good relax :) 13:14
[Coke] Thanks everyone (esp. AlexDaniel) for making sure the release is awesome 13:15
yoleaux 10:38Z <Zoffix> [Coke]: looks like cronned doc still is busted. Didn't build existing new commits for 12 hours (even tho ~/update.log had them in), but when I manually $HOME/force-update'ed it, then it just worked.
AlexDaniel So I'm going to kick off the script in a few minutes, if anybody has any critical issues please feel free to ping me
lizmat all clear from me 13:16
[Coke] lizmat: is your doc issue temporarily resolved? 13:17
lizmat [Coke]: yes
AlexDaniel ok I see something in #moarvm…
ah “we *won't* need another release” 13:18
[Coke] Looks like the build is hanging on the sync.
AlexDaniel by the way, maybe to do it 200% right I should have bumped NQP/Moar *before* the release 13:20
so that people who really want to test it on Windows have easier time doing this
[Coke] yes. waiting until the last second to bump versions is part of the problem. 13:21
This isn't you, it's a long running issue.
AlexDaniel Maybe we should be publishing beta releases or something? Right now I have the whole process automated locally, it doesn't push tags, bump commits and tarballs, but other than that it is identical to the normal release process 13:24
so I get tested tarballs on the output
dogbert17 got a flop in t/spec/S29-os/system.t 13:25
can someone else run that?
[Coke] (doc build) - there was a hung copy of htmlify waiting for a lock. killed that, we'll see if that fixes the issue. :| 13:26
AlexDaniel “Some issues can be quickly found by users, even if uncaught by tests” is one of the things Zoffix++ mentioned in his blog post about 2017.04 releases
timotimo aye
dogbert17 it's test 35: not ok 35 - :cwd(...) changes the directory processes are spawned in 13:27
AlexDaniel c: 13:28
committable6 AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples:
AlexDaniel c: HEAD 13:29
committable6 AlexDaniel, It looks like a URL, but for some reason I cannot download it (HTTP status line is 503 Service Unavailable).
AlexDaniel ?
committable6 AlexDaniel, It looks like a URL, but for some reason I cannot download it (HTTP status line is 503 Service Unavailable).
AlexDaniel “We are investigating reports of elevated error rates” 13:30
hey, I need a little bit of github for the release process :) 13:31
yup, MoarVM clone just failed due to timeout
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: got the test working, had a PATH issue 13:33
AlexDaniel dogbert17: great
[Coke] here's a thing: doc build kicked off. did a git fetch; the fetch failed (github issues); the lock file was NOT removed. 13:34
(this effectively disables any future updates) 13:35
timotimo aaah, dang 13:38
that's a bad thing :)
that's why lock files have the pid of the process in them so they can be removed when the pid in question is found to be dead?
[Coke] this lock file is empty. 13:39
... (urk. ok, with the job running every five minutes, I am now longer sure which instance of cron this one is from.: )
s/cron/the job/
timotimo heh.
there's a few things i find strange about the introducing perl6 booklet 13:40
isn't "people claiming moore's law is ending" a meme %)
lizmat timotimo: please direct your queries about that booklet to mdk :-)
timotimo oops, this page calls perl6 a "moden" language %) 13:41
oh crap, the PDF has an example "sin( /2)" which "will return the sine of /2" "which, as you know, is 1." 13:43
moritz uhm, which PDF? 13:44
timotimo "introducing perl6", 13:47
AlexDaniel fwiw I'm going to wait out github outage instead of trying to make it through connection errors and timeouts
[Coke] ok. the last logged run had nothing to do - one update I made to the script is that now when it has nothing to do, it explicitly calls "exit"; could this have changed the behavior of flock, which calls the script? 13:48
(and that run didn't remove the lock file)
timotimo how do i best reach mdk? 13:49
[Coke] oh. I misunderstood how flock works. the presence of the lock file means nothing. :|
I... think the doc build is probably fine at the moment, then. :) 13:50
timotimo oh, it actually acquires a lock on the lock file
[Coke] yup, seems fine ish. Wonder what hung earlier that was giving lizmat/zoffix issues. :| 13:52
AlexDaniel heh, this release is tough. First someone removing their modules from the ecosystem and getting in the way, now github outage :) 13:56
dogbert17 timotimo: did you forget a 'break,' here? 14:44
timotimo looks like i did. fortunately it's no problem there 14:46
should be put in, though
dogbert17 do you want to do it or should I do a PR? 14:47
timotimo i can do it real quick 14:48
dogbert17 cool, I'll continue looking at your latest Coverity Scan instead then :) 14:49
AlexDaniel alright, “Everything operating normally.” 14:55
Skarsnik AlexDaniel, do you think I should use Whateverable as a base to do a bot that NativeCallise C code? 15:35
AlexDaniel Skarsnik: it depends. If it's in whateverable project, I'll be maintaining, fixing, refactoring, and writing tests for it for an extended period of time. If that's what you want, then go for it. 15:37
that's basically the only difference 15:38
Skarsnik I was more thinking from a pratical pov, since it's already have stuff to read from gist and produce gist x)
AlexDaniel Skarsnik: then yeah 15:39
Skarsnik I just need to rewrite the run-stuff method since I need to ignore stderr x) 15:40
AlexDaniel maybe you want to use “run” directly?
Skarsnik probably. I just need stdout (from GPTrixie) 15:41
or I could add a silent mode to gptrixie
AlexDaniel try run, it should work 15:42
(unless you want it to time out if it's stuck and stuff like that) 15:43
Skarsnik: by the way, are there any security implications when throwing untrusted inputs into gptrixie? 15:44
Skarsnik gccxml (gcc4.9) will probably complain
AlexDaniel (because if so, maybe it should go through run-snippet as it will do it in a more or less secure way once I finally implement it) 15:45
Skarsnik basicly the bot will run gptrixie --all generatedheader.h and generatedheader.h is the user feed. gptrixie will do a run 'gccxml', options.. 'generatedheader.h' 15:46
so I don't think you can inject stuff
AlexDaniel cool 15:52
AlexDaniel feels like he is not doing TEST_JOBS=8 or -j 8 somewhere, because this took a bit longer than I wanted 15:58
Skarsnik damn nice error message 15:59
Function 'Type' needs parens to avoid gobbling block (or perhaps it's a class that's not declared or available in this scope?)
it's exactly that ^^
This is really obonxious/annoying when working with huge header : Times -- gccxml: 0.5213915 sec; xml parsing: 18.6218791 sec; magic: 1.63685878 16:00
AlexDaniel had to reboot :D 16:17
Skarsnik x) 16:18
Geth nqp/refs/tags/2017.08: 01001f19e1 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[release] Bump MoarVM revision to 2017.08.1
nqp/refs/tags/2017.08: d143da5d20 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | VERSION
[release] Bump VERSION to 2017.08
rakudo/refs/tags/2017.08: 0127c4238f | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
[release] Bump NQP revision to 2017.08
rakudo/refs/tags/2017.08: 69a91d62a4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | VERSION
[release] Bump VERSION to 2017.08
AlexDaniel this didn't push the commit itself :/
Geth rakudo/nom: 0127c4238f | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
[release] Bump NQP revision to 2017.08
rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
69a91d62a4 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | VERSION
¦ rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
nqp: 01001f19e1 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
[release] Bump MoarVM revision to 2017.08.1
nqp: version bump brought these changes:
d143da5d20 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | VERSION
¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
AlexDaniel that's it 16:28
Skarsnik AlexDaniel, I can't find your rt with the missing possibility to pass the source ip for a socket 16:29
AlexDaniel Skarsnik: RT #131766 16:30
synopsebot6 Link:
Skarsnik damn need to patch 2 things them xà 16:31
async and inet x)
AlexDaniel celebrates with an inappropriate amount of fun 17:14
honestly, this was hard. I'll what I can do to make it easier for everyone 17:15
special thanks to samcv++, jnthn++, lizmat++, Zoffix++, nine++, pmurias++, timotimo++ and everybody else who did the awesome work for the release 17:17
I'll see* 17:18
Skarsnik Hoo the release is done? Contratulation! 17:20
timotimo <3 17:27
jnthn AlexDaniel++ # release 17:31
AlexDaniel releasable6: status
releasable6 AlexDaniel, Next release in 26 days and ?1 hour. No blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
timotimo AlexDaniel: will there be a tweet i can retweet? 17:37
AlexDaniel timotimo: I don't have twitter :/ should I have one? 17:38
timotimo not important
moritz has the perl6 news account
Skarsnik Do I need to make && make install when I change something in rakudo? 17:43
timotimo yup
AlexDaniel Skarsnik: are you working on the ticket mentioned above? 17:44
MasterDuke: fwiw ?
[Coke] Skarsnik: you might even need to reconfigure, depending on what you changed. 17:48
timotimo yeah, but mostly just if you add new files to the core setting 17:49
nine Or work on the build system :) 17:57
Skarsnik AlexDaniel, yes x) 18:02
I am just working on s::inet for now 18:09
hm I added an arg to connect (in MoarVM and but I get a Stage mast : Arg count 4 doesn't equal required operand count 3 for op 'connect_sk' and not sure where this is defined 18:13
moritz Skarsnik: src/core/oplist 18:16
Skarsnik Oh it's in Moar so I have to remake in Moar? 18:17
timotimo yeah, if you change the oplist you need to run the generator tool 18:19
the instructions are at the top of oplist
moritz timotimo: 18:20
raschipi Any position on implementing 'use v6.d.PREVIEW' as a command line flag to make it easier for people to run modules tests with it to detect upcoming problems? 18:26
Skarsnik hm I ran the update_ops script (with another rakudo perl 6) redid make && make install in Moar and make && make install rakudo and it's still fail 18:28
moritz raschipi: do you mean like -E in perl5? 18:29
Skarsnik Do I have to update a file in nqp? 18:30
raschipi Now that the Failure returns for failed matches were reversed, the toaster isn't detecting it anymore. People got a list of modules with problems and they're fixing it, but if it's introduced anew in another package, we won't know.
I don't mean it for normal usage, just for testing the upcoming changes to the language. 18:31
Like a RAKUDO_MONKEY_TESTING environment variable or something. 18:33
timotimo Skarsnik: you then also need to rebuild nqp
because nqp grabs the definitions of the moar ops from the installed files 18:34
Skarsnik this is so confusing xD
timotimo sorry
ugexe so make clean?
Skarsnik make remakeuniverse 18:35
Unhandled exception: Missing or wrong version of dependency '/home/skarsnik/perl6/socket/rakudo/install/bin/../share/nqp/lib/MAST/Nodes.nqp' (from 'src/Perl6/Pod.nqp') 18:36
make clean worked 18:41
victory. skarsnik@devel:~/perl6/socket/rakudo$ ./install/bin/perl6 --ll-exception -e 'my $conn =<localhost>, :port(3333), :source-address<locahost>);' 18:43
Source address : locahost
AlexDaniel \o/ 18:48
Skarsnik I just display the extra arg in moar for now x) 18:50
hm 18:51
can you use a hostname for a source-address
geekosaur it will have to resolve it to a single address; if it has multiple, it'd take the first applicable (i.e. ignoring ipv6 for an ipv4 socket) 18:52
lizmat AlexDaniel++ :-) 18:54
AlexDaniel \o/ thanks 18:56
Skarsnik Do I get NULL string if an argument is not given? 19:00
nine raschipi: why would you need to test modules? 19:02
AlexDaniel hm, I see that the lines are wrapped a bit in the release announcement that I've sent 19:03
yup. Next time will make sure not to exceed 72 characters 19:09
Skarsnik is that 1980? xD 19:10
Geth rakudo/nom: 5db5b1dbfa | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Fix for RT #131936

Provide a HLL version of Match.(made|ast) that returns a Nil instead of a lowlevel NQPMu. Wish there was a better way to test for NQPMu though, as this will prevent type objects being properly propagated by "make".
synopsebot6 Link:
Skarsnik m: use NativeCall; sub foo(num $a) is native; 19:21
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>?A unit-scoped sub definition is not allowed except on a MAIN sub;?Please use the block form.?at <tmp>:1?------> 3e NativeCall; sub foo(num $a) is native;7?5<EOL>?
Skarsnik m: use NativeCall; sub foo(num $a) is native {};
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>?Cannot resolve caller infix:<==>(NQPMu, Int); none of these signatures match:? ($?)? (\a, \b)? (Real \a, Real \b)? (Int:D \a, Int:D \b)? (int $a, int $b)? (Num:D \a, Num:D \b …
Geth rakudo/nom: 8a0f6ac110 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Simplify setting up auto-threading.

We don't need to pollute the setting with two subs, if we can set them up using a pointy block. This is spectest clean. I'm assuming the named subs were needed at some point in the past.
Skarsnik hm interesting Rakudo does not close connection on exit 19:27
moritz the OS does 19:28
Skarsnik How I can test if this code work now x) 19:29
lizmat am I the only one not seeing the 2017.08 announcement here? 19:31
Skarsnik it's empty 19:32
lizmat ok, so you see the same thing as me
do we have another place I could link to for the compiler release announcement ? 19:33
I guess will have to do 19:34
moritz that's what I used on da twitters 19:35
lizmat moritz++ # that's where I copied it from :-)
Skarsnik I wonder if I should just add a socket_listen and expose socket_bind in nqp (and remove listen in bind) 19:57
hm interesting 20:26
I am not sure how to handle/fix that ./install/bin/perl6 -e 'my $conn =<>, :port(80), :source-address<localhost>); $conn.print("GET index.html\r\n"); say $conn.recv()' 20:29
this does not work because it bind localhost to ipv6
ugexe moritz: can you change the appveyor setup to rakudo org so rakudo org members can restart builds?
Skarsnik but if I put this work
AlexDaniel, This is apache log entry : (left is ip source) - - [21/Aug/2017:22:28:28 +0200] "GET index.html" 400 301 "-" "-" 20:31 - - [21/Aug/2017:22:30:37 +0200] "GET index.html" 400 301 "-" "-"
moritz ugexe: how would I do that? 20:32
ugexe moritz: looks like creating an "organizational" account 20:35
moritz ugexe: I'm trying it. Current problem: confirmation emails aren't delivered, so I can't confirm the organization account 20:43
just asked them via twitter 20:45
will try sleep next :-)
ugexe cool, thanks for trying 20:47
Skarsnik good night people :) 20:48
AlexDaniel “is that 1980?” no, but somebody had this wonderful idea to make it silently change the content of your message when you click “send” (thunderbird) 21:04
this only happens with plaintext messages I think
lizmat and yet another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 21:06
AlexDaniel ( or maybe it only matters with plaintext messages… :% )
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Fix for RT #131936 21:29
synopsebot6 Link:
buggable [travis build above] ? All failures are due to timeout (0), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (1), or failed make test (0).
MasterDuke AlexDaniel, Skarsnik: cool. i'd gotten as far as creating a MoarVM branch and checking that adding a uv_tcp_bind did in fact do something useful, but then got distracted by adding info to the `failed to resolve hostname` exception and haven't done anything else, so i'll leave it to Skarsnik 22:46
AlexDaniel cool. I'm actually surprised that people have any interest in this ticket 23:02
I was thinking that I'm the only person who needs this practically 23:03