Perl 6 language and compiler development | Logs at | For toolchain/installation stuff see #perl6-toolchain | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by Zoffix on 27 July 2018.
AlexDaniel eh, segfaulting Procs don't blow up in sink context? 00:06
m: run ‘false’
camelia run is disallowed in restricted setting
in sub restricted at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 1
in sub run at src/RESTRICTED.setting line 14
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
AlexDaniel e: run ‘false’
evalable6 (exit code 1) The spawned command 'false' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1)
in block <unit> at /tmp/jr30dAO_Ew line 1
AlexDaniel e: run <perl6 -e>, ‘use NativeCall; sub strdup(int64) is native(Str) {*}; strdup(0)’ 00:07
AlexDaniel e: my $p = run <perl6 -e>, ‘use NativeCall; sub strdup(int64) is native(Str) {*}; strdup(0)’; say $p.exitcode; say $p.status
evalable6 0
AlexDaniel e: my $p = run <perl6 -e>, ‘use NativeCall; sub strdup(int64) is native(Str) {*}; strdup(0)’; say $p.exitcode; say $p.signal
evalable6 0
AlexDaniel yeah?
I feel like I already rakudobugged it 00:09
but can't find it right now…
ah-ha 00:10
R#1507 R#1590
synopsebot_ R#1507 [open]: [procs] Procs that finish with non-zero exit code end up throwing, but SEGVs are totally OK
R#1590 [open]: [procs][regression] Procs should not get back with “exit code: 1” if the program does not exist at all
AlexDaniel c: 0990945dc^,0990945dc 00:18
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦0990945dc^: «» ¦0990945: « «exit code = 42»»
AlexDaniel Geth: ver
Geth AlexDaniel, version bump brought in these changes:
AlexDaniel Geth: ver 00:19
Geth AlexDaniel, version bump brought in these changes:
AlexDaniel jnthn: segv bisected ↑
but I guess that doesn't help at all without a golf
R#2231 00:22
synopsebot_ R#2231 [open]: [SEGV][regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] SEGV in Audio::Sndfile
AlexDaniel jnthn: for the upcoming “why didn't we find it earlier?” question: I guess we're lucky? Toaster tries to install modules twice in an attempt to deflop things, and given that this *sometimes* doesn't segfault it managed to go through with Succ status 00:27
c: 0990945dc^,0990945dc^,0990945dc^,0990945dc^,0990945dc,0990945dc,0990945dc,0990945dc 00:28
timotimo ok, ok, ok, ok
here me out
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦0990945dc^,0990945dc^,0990945dc^,0990945dc^: «» ¦0990945,0990945,0990945,0990945: « «exit code = 42»»
AlexDaniel timotimo: I mean… there's already a for ^8 loop here: 00:29
a lot of *able6 functionality is somewhat obsolete now given that you can use multifile gists and stuff 00:30
Geth rakudo/master: 8 commits pushed by (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++
AlexDaniel the reason I do things like HEAD,HEAD,HEAD,HEAD is because it works around single commit timeout of 10 seconds :)
and that simply needs this functionality: 00:31
committable: timeout=50
committable6 AlexDaniel, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples:
timotimo: also, toaster itself should deflap and bisect things: 00:32
but honestly I feel like I won't have any time to work on this :( 00:33
my available free time already goes into releases and stuff, especially when they're hard like this 00:34
timotimo you're always 100% free to reject my dumb spontaneous ideas/outbursts :)
AlexDaniel well, flappable6 idea is of course rejected, but there are other things we really should improve 00:35
timotimo also, i don't say nearly often enough how i value your release work \o/
on top of the whateverables that are already splendid
AlexDaniel thanks
b🦋sectable: help 00:38
hm, I wonder why that doesn't work 00:39
b🦋sectable6: help
timotimo perhaps it only looks at what's up to the first space
AlexDaniel bisectable🦋: help
timotimo bisectable6:help
AlexDaniel that is deliberate I think 00:40
timotimo OK
AlexDaniel hm, I think IRC::Client itself doesn't recognize it as a valid nickname 00:41
and therefore it doesn't even reach fuzzy matching
b!sectable6: help 00:42
bummer :)
timotimo it was good you fuzzed the bot for this
00:47 committable6 left, committable6 joined
AlexDaniel c: HEAD # meh 00:48
wait, what? 00:49
timotimo: the was no voice given
committable6: help
it can't talk
timotimo p6bannerbot isn't running on hack, at least 00:50
AlexDaniel oh ok
p6bannerbot: help
timotimo oh, could it have happened when it got flood-kicked?
yeah, only statisfiable6, bloatable6, and notable6 got voice
AlexDaniel timotimo: oh, I have a feeling p6bannerbot is not identified 00:51
hm, looks like it is 00:52
so why is it not giving out voices
00:52 committable6 left, committable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v committable6
AlexDaniel ↑ here it got voice for a different reason, not because p6bannerbot is working 00:53
timotimo well, that last time it got kicked while voicing
because it was voicing too rapidly
and when it reconnected it didn't continue it seems
AlexDaniel c: HEAD # meh
committable6 AlexDaniel, Cannot fetch data from GitHub API (HTTP status line is 403 Forbidden)
AlexDaniel anyway, I'm throttled also ↑ :)
00:54 travis-ci joined, travis-ci left
AlexDaniel xD 00:54
00:55 ChanServ sets mode: +o p6bannerbot
AlexDaniel bisectable6: help 00:55
00:55 bisectable6 left, bisectable6 joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v bisectable6, evalable6 left, evalable6 joined 00:56 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v bisectable6
AlexDaniel o!!! 00:56
timotimo: I think I fixed it
00:56 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v evalable6
AlexDaniel timotimo: looks like it needs +o to work 00:57
timotimo to voice others? 01:00
01:00 ChanServ sets mode: +vv stmuk_ lizmat
AlexDaniel timotimo: yes 01:00
timotimo right
yes, that's a requirement
01:01 ChanServ sets mode: +vvvv undersightable6 squashable6 benchable6 reportable6, ChanServ sets mode: +v releasable6
AlexDaniel timotimo: well, not exactly 01:01
can be done with chanserv as I understand
timotimo right, the bot would have to learn that, then
01:02 ChanServ sets mode: +v p6lert_
AlexDaniel c: HEAD 01:04
committable6 AlexDaniel, ¦HEAD(5ee9afa): « «exit code = 42»»
AlexDaniel hm 01:09
Audio::Taglib::Simple bisected to (2018-07-09) 01:11
could've looked at the code first :) 01:12
yeah, a bunch of missing `is rw` 01:13
AlexDaniel stares at the screen 01:15
now what if adding `is rw` didn't help O_o
c: 2018.06,aedf41ae9b^,aedf41ae9b,HEAD 01:20
committable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel aaand what's wrong? 01:21
OH 01:22
doesn't work with return
timotimo yeah, needs return-rw or no return
AlexDaniel timotimo: yeah thanks. I guess I need to hibernate myself 01:28
timotimo rest well
AlexDaniel BTW R#2227 can be resolved by pretty much anyone 01:33
synopsebot_ R#2227 [open]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] t/spec/S32-exceptions/misc.rakudo.moar is failing
AlexDaniel is it in errata though? 01:34
or hm… 🤷
.tell nine fwiw here's a module that perhaps wants to be fixed :) 01:41
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to nine.
AlexDaniel ok hold on turns out there's one last module check :) 01:42
timotimo hah 01:52
AlexDaniel yeah, that's it. Just closed R#2230
synopsebot_ R#2230 [closed]: [⚠ blocker ⚠] Pre-2018.08 toasting
AlexDaniel so here's all that we have left: 01:53
misc.rakudo.moar is likely just a test that needs to be tweaked
clang issue existed before, so not exactly a blocker
and JVM on windows… no idea, someone just needs to check if it works I guess
this SEGV is perhaps more difficult 01:54
but we'll see how it goes, maybe jnthn will have some insight
or maybe someone will come up with a golf :)
.tell samcv current status:
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to samcv.
AlexDaniel .tell jnthn any pre-golf thoughts on R#2231 ? 01:55
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
synopsebot_ R#2231 [open]: [SEGV][regression][⚠ blocker ⚠] SEGV in Audio::Sndfile
AlexDaniel 💤
timotimo gnite!
02:34 ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo
AlexDaniel eh, can't fall asleep… maybe that's for the better, I needed to reset my non-24 cycle anyway :S 03:29
reportable6: 2018-08-13T00:00:00Z 2018-08-20T00:00:00Z 03:43
reportable6 AlexDaniel, OK, working on it! This may take up to 40 seconds
AlexDaniel, 03:44
AlexDaniel weekly: reportable: 03:46
notable6 AlexDaniel, Noted!
AlexDaniel the way RT doesn't appear in the list makes me think it doesn't work :)
Geth rakudo: ryn1x++ created pull request #2232:
Fix Regex.ACCEPTS: NDF does not set $/ #2176
synopsebot_ RAKUDO#2176 [open]: [easy to resolve][good first issue][regex] Regex.ACCEPTS: NDF does not set $/
05:11 rogue joined 05:12 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v rogue 05:15 rogue left 05:18 yaymuffins0 joined 05:19 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v yaymuffins0 05:21 yaymuffins0 left 05:22 KellerFuchs18 joined 05:23 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v KellerFuchs18 05:30 KellerFuchs18 left 05:39 brrt joined 05:40 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v brrt 06:02 Kaiepi left 06:21 Guest43996 joined 06:22 Guest43996 left 06:25 fake_space_whale left 06:34 MasterDuke left
lizmat Files=1248, Tests=76067, 329 wallclock secs (15.24 usr 5.57 sys + 2315.79 cusr 217.69 csys = 2554.29 CPU) 07:37
08:06 brrt left 08:22 pmurias joined 08:23 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias 08:32 ZzZombo left 08:34 ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo 08:48 brrt joined 08:49 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v brrt 09:00 lizmat left 09:13 ZzZombo left, ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo, ZzZombo left, ZzZombo joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ZzZombo 09:14 pmurias left 09:15 Ven` joined 09:16 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 09:18 pmurias joined 09:19 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
|Tux| Rakudo version 2018.06-462-g5ee9afaea - MoarVM version 2018.06-430-g02de10c42
csv-ip5xs0.960 - 0.999
csv-ip5xs-207.424 - 7.986
csv-parser23.078 - 23.286
csv-test-xs-200.410 - 0.443
test9.261 - 9.753
test-t2.059 - 2.061
test-t --race0.873 - 0.889
test-t-2036.298 - 37.927
test-t-20 --race11.731 - 11.910
2018-08-16 21:26:23 test-t 2.118
2018-08-10 14:15:17 test-t 2.112
2018-08-18 17:18:29 test-t 2.083
2018-08-20 11:21:35 test-t 2.061
2018-08-20 11:25:11 test-t 2.059
Ulti is that test-t --race the parallel version of P6 is now faster than the P5 XS implementation single threaded? 09:36
|Tux| yes, BUT ...
Ulti there's always a BUT
|Tux| --race is just possible on CSV files with no embedded newlines anywhere and where the order of the CSV records does not matter 09:37
CSV is per definition a stream, which cannot be broken to "lines" and shared amongst processes
Ulti so --hyper being as fast is the real win I guess 09:38
I think thats still quite a cool result though plenty of people just want to get through a CSV with records not needing to follow in an order, logs especially you have timestamps to define an order per record anyway 09:39
that the scheduler is capable of saturating on threading that quickly too
assuming the test CSV isnt huge
|Tux| I spoke to someone doing 30 Tb of CSV a day :) 09:40
Ulti I've noticed that going parallel recently is a lot more profitable than it used to be even on small amounts of data
|Tux| they used perl5 with a stripped Text::CSV_XS with all I/O layering removed
Ulti usually I go raw IO for that if its a CSV format I can make some assumptions about 09:41
which is never true in reality :(
|Tux| :)
Ulti but yeah VCF in bioinformatics is essentially a glorified TSV and plenty of places will have TB of those a day they are parsing through 09:42
AlexDaniel jnthn: what about 10:12
jnthn AlexDaniel: Hmm, that's segving inside of the called library 10:16
10:16 pmurias left 10:17 pmurias joined
AlexDaniel jnthn: yeah, but then it started segving after changes in moar… 10:17
10:18 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
AlexDaniel c: 2018.06,0990945dc^,0990945dc^,HEAD 10:18
oops I meant:
c: 2018.06,0990945dc^,0990945dc,HEAD
committable6 AlexDaniel,
AlexDaniel, ¦2018.06,0990945dc^: «» ¦0990945,HEAD(5ee9afa): « «exit code = 42»» 10:19
AlexDaniel not sure what happened in previous eval but here it's quite clear ↑
jnthn Right, but I more meant it's worth looking especially for nativecall related commits, if there are any 10:21
AlexDaniel 10:22
AlexDaniel doesn't see anything obvious
jnthn No, me either
I see lots of JIT expr templates added though
Does MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1 make the segv go away?
AlexDaniel jnthn: yes 10:23
jnthn How about MVM_JIT_EXPR_DISABLE=1 ? 10:24
AlexDaniel segfaults with MVM_JIT_EXPR_DISABLE=1 10:25
jnthn Hm, intreesting
AlexDaniel git clone sndfile && cd sndfile && zef install --deps-only . && PERL6LIB=lib/ perl6 t/020-write.t 10:26
or something like that, repro-ing the issue is easy as long as the deps are installed 10:27
10:34 brrt left 10:48 ZzZombo left 10:59 Ven` left 11:01 Ven` joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 11:15 nine_ is now known as nine 11:23 Ven` left
pmurias - what is the CATCH in try_add_to_sc supposed to catch? 11:28
it seems to be the only exceptions that can be throw there are cause by the sc we would add stuff to be something invalid 11:29
Geth rakudo: f965e26aa0 | (Paweł Murias)++ | src/core/Array.pm6
Use nqp::getcurhllsym correctly
11:36 nebuchadnezzar left, nebuchadnezzar joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v nebuchadnezzar
pmurias also I'm not sure how we should handle nqp::nulls in compile_in_context 11:37
11:39 pmurias left, pmurias joined 11:40 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
nebuchadnezzar I don't find p6bannerbot on 11:41
nebuchadnezzar digged in Zoffix repositories and found :-D 11:44
11:45 Ven` joined 11:46 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 12:05 travis-ci joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v travis-ci
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Paweł Murias 'Use nqp::getcurhllsym correctly' 12:05
12:05 travis-ci left
AlexDaniel nebuchadnezzar: yeah, I think there are even more bots that are listed here but not on 12:07
nebuchadnezzar: but I hope that p6bannerbot will be decomissioned soon 12:08
pmurias AlexDaniel: are there any spam solutions planned to improve upon it? 12:15
AlexDaniel: or do you just hope the spammers will get bored or hopefully die in a dumpster fire?
12:18 pmurias left 12:19 pmurias joined 12:20 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
AlexDaniel pmurias: pretty sure spammers will eventually get bored 12:21
btw the bot is working really well 12:22
12:28 perlawhirl left 12:33 Ven` left 12:35 pmurias left 12:37 pmurias joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias 12:38 Ven` joined 12:39 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 12:48 Kaiepi joined 12:49 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Kaiepi, Ven` left 13:02 Ven` joined 13:03 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 13:04 Ven` left 13:17 Ven` joined 13:18 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 13:20 skids joined 13:21 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v skids 13:50 Ven` left 13:59 Ven` joined 14:00 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 14:11 brrt joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v brrt 15:07 fake_space_whale joined 15:08 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v fake_space_whale 15:55 ExtraCrispy joined 15:56 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v ExtraCrispy 16:14 pmurias left 16:57 brrt left 17:01 Ven` left 17:50 gfldex left 17:58 Ven` joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 18:03 Ven` left 18:56 pmurias joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v pmurias
pmurias nine: what is preventing the merging of the nqp::hllbool op into rakudo? 19:20
19:30 gfldex joined 19:31 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v gfldex 19:43 lizmat joined 19:44 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat 19:48 brrt joined 19:49 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v brrt 19:53 [Coke]_ joined, [Coke]_ left, [Coke]_ joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v [Coke]_ 19:54 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v [Coke]_, lizmat_ joined 19:55 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat_, [Coke] left, lizmat left 19:57 benchable6 left, releasable6 left, bloatable6 left 19:58 bloatable6 joined, releasable6 joined, benchable6 joined, undersightable6 left, squashable6 left, reportable6 left, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v bloatable6, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v releasable6 19:59 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v benchable6 20:25 lizmat joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v lizmat 20:28 lizmat_ left 20:31 fake_space_whale left 20:43 pmurias left 20:55 reportable6 joined, undersightable6 joined, squashable6 joined 20:56 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v reportable6, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v undersightable6, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v squashable6 21:02 skids left 21:03 MasterDuke joined, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MasterDuke 21:04 MasterDuke left, MasterDuke joined, sets mode: +v MasterDuke, p6bannerbot sets mode: +v MasterDuke 22:38 Ven` joined 22:39 p6bannerbot sets mode: +v Ven` 22:58 Ven` left
japhb pmurias: I assume at least the release ... 23:05
23:07 brrt left
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 23:22
jnthn Does a tyndrum sounds like a steeldrum? :) 23:29
lizmat no, it's just short for Tyneside Rum 23:30
23:34 lizmat left