MasterDuke Zoffix: nqp::dd()++ 00:32
m: say Hash.^attributes[0].perl 00:58
camelia rakudo-moar 13f479: OUTPUT«No such method 'perl' for invocant of type 'BOOTSTRAPATTR'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MasterDuke m: say Hash.^attributes[1].perl
camelia rakudo-moar 13f479: OUTPUT«␤»
MasterDuke what would be a good value for the .perl of a BOOTSTRAPATTR? 00:59
timotimo we don't necessarily want to give bootstrapattr new methods 01:02
m: say Hash.^attributes>>.name
camelia rakudo-moar 13f479: OUTPUT«($!descriptor $!storage)␤»
timotimo and you can always get that ^
MasterDuke why not?
timotimo not really sure; i believe we had this discussion before (also, before #perl6-dev came to be) 01:03
MasterDuke i'm looking at RT #77070 01:04
synopsebot6 Link:
MasterDuke i've added a perl() and gist() locally, pretty sure it didn't break any spectests 01:05
timotimo wow, that original one is from 2010 :)
MasterDuke yeah, behavior changed a couple different times 01:07
but it does seem LTA that you can .gist/.perl some attributes, but not all 01:08
m: .perl.say for Hash.^attributes.reverse 01:09
camelia rakudo-moar 13f479: OUTPUT«␤No such method 'perl' for invocant of type 'BOOTSTRAPATTR'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
timotimo ideally, bootstrapattr would be derived from Any, but bootstrapping issues prevent that 01:10
you can not only not .gist or .perl BootstrapAttr, you can also not .Str, .say, .print, .note, .elems, .Int, .Bool, ... them 01:11
Zoffix m: multi foo (Int $x, int $y) {say "Int + native" }; foo 2, 2; 01:12
camelia rakudo-moar 13f479: OUTPUT«Cannot resolve caller foo(Int, Int); none of these signatures match:␤ (Int $x, int $y)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
Zoffix m: sub foo (Int $x, int $y) {say "Int + native" }; foo 2, 2;
camelia rakudo-moar 13f479: OUTPUT«Int + native␤»
Zoffix I wrote down the rules for how multies with natives will be figured out. 01:13
timotimo anyway, i'm now going to bed
Zoffix This is needed to fix RT#128655 in Routine.analyze_dispatch that messes things up during optimization, but it looks like just regular multi dispatch is LTA too, so I'll try to fix that too 01:14
synopsebot6 Link:
MasterDuke .tell jnthn do you have any thoughts on adding missing methods to BOOTSTRAPATTR? for reference 01:20
yoleaux2 MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
Zoffix m: say :⒗<a> 01:29
camelia rakudo-moar 13f479: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Argument to "say" seems to be malformed␤at <tmp>:1␤------> say⏏ :⒗<a>␤Confused␤at <tmp>:1␤------> say :⏏⒗<a>␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair␤Other potential difficulties:␤ Unsupported…»
MasterDuke 01:31
dalek kudo/nom: 2d3ff66 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Stringify objects in Exceptions::JSON

Some exceptions (like X::CompUnit::UnsatisfiedDependency) have attributes with objects and not just strings. When we give that to the JSON encoder, it chokes when trying to serialize those objects.
Change those to Str, to avoid the issue.
Fixes RT#129810:
synopsebot6 Link:
Zoffix hmmm 02:01
dafuq 02:11
m: say now.Date,
camelia rakudo-moar 2d3ff6: OUTPUT«2016-10-102016-10-10␤»
Zoffix Gives me 2016-10-102016-10-09 in a local build :/ 02:12
geekosaur timezone fun? 02:13
Zoffix prolly
Yup 02:18 uses local TZ and now uses UTC
dalek ast: 8a2147f | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S32-temporal/DateTime-Instant-Duration.t:
Fix broken coverage test

The test incorrectly assumes uses the same timezone as
  `now`. However, `now` uses UTC, while `` uses system timezone,
leading to this test breaking when the difference in timezones causes days to be different.
kudo/nom: e39229d | (Zoffix Znet)++ | t/
Add S04-exceptions/exceptions-json.t to list of tests to run
kudo/nom: c57a26e | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Do not stringify values that JSON can handle

Preserve null, boolean, and numerics, since those can be represented in JSON. Stringify all else.
Zoffix m: %*ENV<RAKUDO_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER>="JSON"; "dasdsad".EVAL 02:37
camelia rakudo-moar c57a26: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: This representation (P6int) cannot unbox to a native string (for type BOOTInt)␤ at gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:17361 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:)␤ from gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:17356 (/hom…»
Zoffix tsk tsk. I suck.
dalek kudo/nom: 565b528 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Do not crash when handling exceptions with no `message` method
ast: ff86ab8 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S04-exceptions/exceptions-json.t:
Test Exceptions::JSON can handle exceptions with no `message`
Zoffix >_<
dalek kudo/nom: 3b5ef07 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Fix stringification with Exceptions::JSON

Old method still crashed on certain exceptions. Watch for things can handle and pass them as is, the rest, stringify.
ast: 412539a | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S04-exceptions/exceptions-json.t:
Add more Exceptions::JSON tests
Zoffix Oh.. how did I get this distracted. I was going through commits and new tickets to prep for release next week :P 03:06
MasterDuke, so the can be closed? I recall there was some sort of conversation with TimToady that it wasn't worth it trying to detect such usages to give better errors. 03:43
This being a revert for it, it seems 03:52
NeuralAnomaly, stats 04:18
NeuralAnomaly Zoffix, [✔] Next release will be in 5 days. Since last release, there are 39 new still-open tickets (0 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 0 unreviewed commits. See for details
Zoffix \o/
dalek kudo/nom: d034599 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | docs/ChangeLog:
Add all changes to date

Documents commits: c4fd9f5 8fb9ec9 dad57b0 9b6f2eb c78f5dc 08ead04 7e35062 4b1864b 96df2d7 77a2ff1 3789a07 e9409cc fef3655 4bcd7e0 553cedb e12ebb9 b3c92ba 539a7d1 3623490 b4a4b60 e4e8238 8f2279b 9dcde75 3448c71 c2455ca 04f4b76 3d2a919 3aa7254 ca93ac9 6ef4cdf ff12748 2cad3d2 f6524e6 5f91031 2673ca8 84b7ebd 28bf874 2dd6230 b77d2b7 4abc28c 6aab641 6c07321 1e6c465 2a2f26c 7a33c2c 7a50c30 f72cc62 798c2e2 8f14219 2d3ff66
Zoffix 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 04:20
REMINDER: Rakudo 2016.10 will be released next Saturday (Oct. 15). Please review the Changelog, to ensure your work has been correctly entered.
psch, bartolin I added JVM stuff as "Many fixes and additions improving JVM backend support". If you feel more detailed log is needed, please add it. 04:21
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.09-158-gd034599 built on MoarVM version 2016.09-39-g688796b 06:12
csv-ip5xs 3.252
test 17.304
test-t 7.908
csv-parser 18.530
This is Rakudo version 2016.09-158-gd034599 built on MoarVM version 2016.09-39-g688796b 06:16
csv-ip5xs 3.481
test 17.581
test-t 7.441
csv-parser 19.776
as I thought 7.9 to be too high
just ran it another two times
And after restarting some very memory-eager windows 06:34
This is Rakudo version 2016.09-158-gd034599 built on MoarVM version 2016.09-39-g688796b
csv-ip5xs 3.439
test 16.893
test-t 7.090
csv-parser 17.944
which is kinda interesting: IP5 is less influenced than pure-perl6 06:35
Zoffix++ 06:41
RabidGravy FROGGS++ nice one on fixing the native call for the RPi 10:47
lizmat Files=1146, Tests=53276, 213 wallclock secs (12.97 usr 4.13 sys + 1306.76 cusr 122.25 csys = 1446.11 CPU) 11:10
loks like a few % less then yesterday 11:11
[Tux]: pure perl 6 needs more memory, most likely, and thus is more affected by other applications that use memory? 11:12
|Tux| sounds legit 11:13
psch r: my \x := gather do for ^3 { .take; LAST { .say } }; say +(x) 12:06
camelia rakudo-jvm 2a1605, rakudo-moar d03459: OUTPUT«2␤2␤3␤»
psch all of that gather/phasers/CX stuff feels really weirdly broken?
m: my \x := gather do for ^3 { .take; LAST { .say }; last }; say +(x)
camelia rakudo-moar d03459: OUTPUT«0␤1␤»
psch explicit &last only fires the phasers once, but a phaser without a &last call fires twice..? 12:07
DrForr [Tux]: Where can I find the latest benchmarks? 12:09
cygx o/ 13:16
Zoffix \o 13:17
cygx jnthn: not sure if you've seen it, but as a result of yesterday's discussion with cowens, I wrote up another one of my Possibly Bad Ideas, cf 13:26
jnthn Feels odd that strict would die on completely valid utf-8 that just happens to not be in NFC. And warning on input that ain't NFC is noisy too. 13:29
yoleaux2 01:20Z <MasterDuke> jnthn: do you have any thoughts on adding missing methods to BOOTSTRAPATTR? for reference
jnthn I'm not sure sticking the burden on every encoding is a good way to go
cowens I think I like that, but the big question (and the unresolved one from S15) is what to do when these different string types mix via operators
cygx jnthn: it would not warn on denormal input, just input that
jnthn If the user wants to work with codepoints instead of graphemes they should declare that. 13:30
cygx ... is invalid accordint to a strict UTF-8 decoder
dalek kudo/js: 3cc214b | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/ (2 files):
[js] Implement nqp::p6bindassert.
kudo/js: 9bbab73 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/core/
Update JVM workaround to take into account there is an other backend besides moar and jvm.
kudo/nom: 6283124 | lizmat++ | src/core/
Scrape off about 3% off Str.match

It's not a lot, but Str.match appears high in basically all profiles that have any regexen in them
jnthn Ah, that meaning :)
cygx eg we would warn for CESU-8 and modified UTF-8
dalek p: 88892b0 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/Operations.nqp:
[js] Make unbox_s decont it's argument.
p: 8a74d75 | (Pawel Murias)++ | t/nqp/067-container.t:
Test that nqp::unbox_s works on containers.
travis-ci NQP build failed. Pawel Murias 'Test that nqp::unbox_s works on containers.' 13:37
cygx I've been working on a toy model of the decoder, 13:40
I'll have to do some thinking how to incorporate the new proposal...
jnthn Well, in reality for the most common decodings we'll just want to use the existing VM-backed decoders for speed. 13:45
Though I guess this is more prototyping/API exploration? 13:47
cygx yes
I've some vague ideas on how I want it to look, I'm trying to figure out if that's feasible 13:48
jnthn *nod*
cygx turns out my idea about having streams where you can freely intermix reading bytes, codes and graphs would work out, with a 2 slight caveats: 13:52
1. reading a fixed number of graphs is sub-optimal (it will decode more codes than necessary and needs to count graphemes in a separate step) 13:53
2. ... 13:54
ah, I remember: line separators with ambiguous representation would be problematic
cf 13:56
dalek kudo/nom: 831f437 | MasterDuke17++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:
Simplify rad_number token a bit

Pull out some copied code into their own tokens.
kudo/nom: 6531ef7 | lizmat++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:
Merge pull request #900 from MasterDuke17/rad_number_cleanup

Simplify rad_number token a bit
lizmat jnthn: is method !cursor_more in nqp/src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp only intended for external usage, or also internal? 14:01
looks like it's only external, but maybe I'm not looking well enough ?
jnthn Well, on 1, by definition you need to read one more code in order to know whether you've reached a grapheme boundary. 14:02
lizmat: iirc it's only used by things implementing :g and similar 14:04
lizmat: Pretty sure it's never called by code-gen
lizmat ok, so I could change the interface if need be ?
jnthn I'd think so
lizmat oki
jnthn I guess NQP has code that calls it too
In it's subst impl
cygx jnthn: to clarify, as it stands now, it would decode all available codes and would need to re-calculate boundaries the next time you request more graphemes 14:06
jnthn "all available"? 14:07
And I guess you mean all available bytes into codes? 14:08
cygx yes
jnthn Note that problem 2 goes away if handles function at a particular level (you can mandate, for example, that the separators are unambiguous if the normalization mode is Uni; in all other cases you know how to interpret them) 14:09
cygx is afk for a bit 14:10
jnthn (where Uni means "leave it just as it is")
MasterDuke is there any reason the :package isn't Stash here? 14:26
jnthn MasterDuke: No, that looks like a thinko 14:36
MasterDuke i thoughto 14:37
Zoffix MasterDuke, [23:44:16] <Zoffix> MasterDuke, so the can be closed? I recall there was some sort of conversation with TimToady that it wasn't worth it trying to detect such usages to give better errors. 14:51
MasterDuke right, i was just looking for the last conversation i with TimToady about it to add as a comment before i close 14:53
close as reject i assume? 14:55
Zoffix Yeah 14:56
MasterDuke done 14:59
Zoffix Thanks. 15:02
dalek kudo/nom: a15fe9c | lizmat++ | src/core/
Port !cursor_more and !cursor_next from nqp

Wanted to change the interface to !cursor_more specifically in nqp so that it wouldn't need to take a hash and do lookups. Especially since it only checked for <ex> to call !cursor_next and <ov> to see whether an overlap needed to be handled. The new Cursor.CURSOR_MORE now only checks for overlap: it is expected that the new .CURSOR_NEXT is called directly if exhaustive is set.
rakudo/nom: 92c0921 | lizmat++ | src/core/
rakudo/nom: Use the new .CURSOR_MORE/CURSOR_NEXT in Str.match
lizmat This seems to improve "foofoofoofoofoo".match(/foo/,:g) with 10% .
Again, not a lot but in a very hot path generally.
review: 15:13
|Tux| DrForr, - sorry for the delay 15:23
top frame has a link to the timing log 15:24
pmurias checks out travis failure 15:29
dalek p: 16e2df7 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/vm/js/nqp-runtime/ (2 files):
[js] Start evaling more specialized accessors to speed things up a bit.
p: 875d088 | (Pawel Murias)++ | t/nqp/067-container.t:
Fix test count.
travis-ci NQP build passed. Pawel Murias 'Fix test count.' 15:34
cygx jnthn: the problems I mentioned are specific to the modeless design because I want to keep zero-cost for the lower levels as well as manageable complexity 15:47
what I envision are line separators defined in terms of bytes (it's not implemented in the toy model nor in my API mockup) 15:48
so any of lines(:bin), .lines(:uni) and lines can reuse the same implementation without overhead 15:49
pmurias jnthn: accessing/binding native attributes does no autovivication and other sideeffects (besides storing the native value if binding)
cygx jnthn: I'll keep experimenting, and will give an update once I get to more conclusive results... 15:50
(assuming you do not want to tackle the issue yourself Right Now) 15:51
jnthn pmurias: Correct (if you were looking for confimration? :)) 15:54
pmurias yes, forgot the ?
I want to compile them to 'foo.attr$7' instead of foo.$$getattr$7() and foo.$$bindattr$7(value) 15:57
cygx jnthn: could you update the comment at the top of MoarVM's src/6model/reprs/MVMString.h if it is indeed out of date? 16:08
I'm assuming that at the very least, the someday-NFG buffer nowadays is NFG
jnthn cygx: Will take a look soon; bit tied up with $dayjob-task for the next 10-15 mins
cygx no worries, it can wait 16:10
it's just that the comment was apparently written pre-NFG and also references things that are supposded to happen 'later' 16:11
dalek kudo/nom: e250a84 | MasterDuke17++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/BOOTSTRAP.nqp:
Correct a thinko
kudo/nom: e8c8af6 | MasterDuke17++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/BOOTSTRAP.nqp:
Convert some BOOTSTRAPATTRs to Attributes

This is a first pass through BOOTSTRAP.nqp only changing attributes where all the attributes explicitly added to a class can be converted (i.e., it may still have some BOOTSTRAPATTRs from a parent class). This allows more attributes to be more easily worked with a the Perl 6 level.
rakudo/nom: f117a61 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/BOOTSTRAP.nqp:
timotimo i'm a bit surprised we'll have overflow detection for infix:<*>(int, int) 16:25
Zoffix Why? 16:26
timotimo there has been arguments against that in the past, if i remember correctly
Zoffix Well, without the fix I made, it was returning 0 on overflow. 16:27
timotimo mhm
i hope it'll still inline everywhere
Zoffix Ah. That's why :| 16:32
timotimo also, our sub can now return not only an int, but also an object 16:33
Zoffix Yeah, and there's a bug with it too: 16:34
m: sub (--> int) { }()
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«This type cannot unbox to a native integer: P6opaque, Failure␤ in sub at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
Zoffix m: sub (--> int) { return }()
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«Failed␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
timotimo mhm
jnthn infix:<*>(int, int) is not meant to upgrade to Int ever 16:39
And thus may overflow
Note it can only ever be called if at lesat one of the arguments is *declared* as an int
(Either both must be, or one must be a sufficiently small literal)
Zoffix jnthn, how is that overflow signaled 16:40
jnthn It isn't
int is *native*
And unchecked
Zoffix jnthn, so 0 is correct answer on overflow? 16:41
jnthn Could easily happen, yes
If you wrote the same program in C with int (or long) you could see the same kind of behavior
Zoffix OK, then I'll revert my "fix" and undo another one that I stole it from.
jnthn (And a bunch of other languages) 16:42
Zoffix The other one is infix:<**>(int $a, int $b) 16:43
jnthn cygx: Updated that comment; didn't spot anything else out of date in the vicinity of it 16:46
cygx: On "stuff I was going to work on" - I've certainly made a start on encoding stuff, by exposing the decode stream API and using it to fix up IO::Socket::Async 16:50
cygx: My plan from there was to do similar with Proc::Async 16:51
cygx: Followed by dropping the char-level async I/O ops
cygx: (At the VM level)
Thus fixing some robustness problems and allowing the use of different encodings (the ones we already support) for Proc::Async and IO::Socket::Async 16:52
Beyond that I hadn't really been planning to do other I/O refactors Really Soon because there's just so many other problems competing for my time 16:53
But solving the ones I just mentioned would elimiante some of the most nasty things
FROGGS o/ 16:54
jnthn I don't think that especially conflicts with much that you're doing 16:55
I'm relatively happy with the encoder/decoder API that I proposed, but was planning to keep any code implementing that under Rakudo::Internals for the moment
So we'll still have the freedom to tweak it further
cygx jnthn: so not much change of unnecessary or duplicated work if we eventually do go with a more extensive refactor 17:03
somewhat related, grapheme boundary detection does not seem to be exposed right now 17:04
it might be nice to have an op for that...
jnthn Well, synthetics are never meant to leak out to user-space 17:05
Both codepoints -> grapheme string and vice versa are exposed. 17:06
(Otherwise we shouldn't Str.Uni or Uni.Str)
I guess there maybe are other uses for the op
cygx well, some people (read: me ;) ) might want to do their own chunking of codepoints into grapheme clusters 17:07
jnthn All the data needed to do the calculation is exposed 17:08
At least, I can't think of anything that isn't
DrForr |Tux|: No worries, I was just curious.
jnthn If you're doing this for prototyping purposes, though, I'd just implement one or two of the rules
Also note that .comb>>.NFD for example would get you a list of list of codepoints that make up each grapheme 17:10
So you can piggy-back on the existing impl that way 17:11
On separators, I'm a bit hesitant to try and deal with them at byte level 17:12
It's possible that a given grapheme might expode to a whole range of possible codepoint forms
e.g. something with 3 combiners on could easily be represented in 6 differnet ways 17:14
.oO(or just expose should_break from normalize.c as an op)
I just thought that would be easier, but if you're opposed to providing that, I can deal
MasterDuke jnthn: i'm now trying some of the attributes that didn't work with just s/BOOTSTRAPATTR/Attribute/. if i change Hash's Mu $!descriptor, rakudo compiles, but attempting to use moar to run even -e '' gives: X::TypeCheck::Assignment exception produced no message 17:16
jnthn cygx: Well, trying to keep the number of ops from getting too huge, is all... 17:17
cygx: I'm also somewhat concerned about exposing should_break because as of Unicode 9 it seems you perhaps cannot determine it just by looking at the two codepoints on either side :/ 17:19
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Zoffix Znet 'Merge pull request #901 from MasterDuke17/remove_BOOTSTRAPATTR_where_possible 17:20
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually
Zoffix oh shit 17:21
Seems that busted JVM
MasterDuke oops, my bad
Zoffix :)
jnthn See for details. Note how it has rules like "That is, do not break between regional indicator (RI) symbols if there is an odd number of RI characters before the break point."
But if you've just got two codepoints, you can't know if there's more than one RI before :/ 17:22
Despite that the note below says "Grapheme cluster boundaries can be easily tested by looking at immediately adjacent characters."
Which I'd really like to believe but can't see how is true with the RI rules 17:23
timotimo right :| 17:24
cygx I'm not quite sure if I even understand the intention 17:29
the regex version just has it as Regional_Indicator+
but according to the abstract description, I think you'd at the very least have to remember if there's a break right before our pair of codes 17:30
from looking at wikipedia, the idea is apparently that regional indicators always should come in pairs 17:32
the simplified rules: at the beginning of a new grapheme cluster, do not break between a pair of regional indicators; otherwise, do 17:38
timotimo but how do you tell if you're inside a pair of regional indicators or between two pairs?
well, if you carry a little flag that tells you if you're %% 2 away from the start marker of a regional indicator perhaps? is there such a "start of RI" thing? 17:40
jnthn dinner time, bbl 17:45
cygx yeah, I thought that was unnecessary - but the problem with that are prepend characters...
timotimo the what now? 17:46
cygx Prepend: Indic_Syllabic_Category = Consonant_Preceding_Repha, or Indic_Syllabic_Category = Consonant_Prefixed, or Prepended_Concatenation_Mark = Yes 17:50
timotimo i don't know anything about those :| 17:51
cygx the point is, the first regional indicator always starts a new cluster unless it follows a prepend character
(or another regional indicator, of course) 17:52
timotimo so it's really legal to have a prepend character in front of a regional indicator? 17:53
cygx I don't see why it should not be
Prepended_Concatenation_Mark: A small class of visible format controls, which precede and then span a sequence of other characters, usually digits. These have also been known as "subtending marks", because most of them take a form which visually extends underneath the sequence of following digits. 17:54
timotimo hmm
and is it allowed to have combined marks on regional indicator letters, too?
like a regional indicator ÄÄ 17:55
cygx no, that would break between the combinator and the 2nd indicator
timotimo hmm 17:56
cygx you can have stuff like [prepend indicator indicator extend] and [prepend indicator indicator extend] as single clusters, but no extend between indicators 17:58
up... the second one should only have one indicator within
dalek kudo/worry_broken_heredoc_stopper: d184fcd | timotimo++ | src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp:
warn when a heredoc stopper has rubbish after it

like accidentally included semicolon or something
timotimo cygx: can i put combining marks at the end of a pair of regional indicators? 17:59
like a germany flag with heavy metal umlauts on top of it?
cygx yes
timotimo tremendous 18:00
cygx or after a single one, but it will no longer be combined with a following second indicator
timotimo .u strikethrough 18:01
timotimo .u strike
timotimo ...
that's the one i want, though it doesn't show
MasterDuke i was just thinking about the stack trace that gets generated with --ll-exception (or in the profile) 18:06
it mentions the lines in m-CORE.settings, which is good, but then i have to open up the settings and find the line, and then if i want to change something i have to find out what file it came from
i remember lizmat did some stuff to get better correspondence between settings and the original source file (for Zoffix's Sourcery module i think, or maybe the coverage reports)
timotimo 18:07
MasterDuke how difficult would it be to get the error message to also report the original source file? the line there would be even better, but just the file would be a start
cygx timotimo: lol, timo ;) 18:11
Zoffix already had that conversation. 18:12
My opinion is it's fine the way it is. Because returning the line of the original source file doesn't give you the actual location of anything, whereas the line in the setting file does.
Sourcery has an additional critical piece of information: the commit sha. Without it, you can't actually locate anything correctly. And that sha is obtained from $*PERL.compiler.version, and *it's actually too short*. 18:13
I doubt I'll find it now, but I did encounter a case where there were the sha was too short and there was more than one commit with it in them. 18:14
So even the Sourcery doesn't give you 100% accurate location of the source code, but the core location is 100% accurate.
s/core/CORE-setting/ 18:15
MasterDuke don't know what you mean by "the line of the original source file doesn't give you the actual location of anything"? 18:17
Zoffix MasterDuke, what code is at src/core/ at line 142? 18:18
MasterDuke "return Nil if self == 0;", but i assume you're making some sort of point, i'm just not getting it 18:19
Zoffix MasterDuke, no, you're wrong. The correct answer is "when int16 { -32768, 32767 ) }" 18:21
MasterDuke, I can prove it:
MasterDuke, but my point was is there's no answer to that question, because it requires the third component to locate the actual code: the commit sha
So if you run your code in 2015.12, you get `when int16...` at that line, but if you run today's HEAD you get the `return Nil...` 18:22
MasterDuke but that isn't that hard to get
Zoffix How would you get it?
MasterDuke somebody with a monthly release, we know the sha
somebody who's building from source, they should know enough to be able to get it themselves 18:23
and even if $*PERL.compiler.version had a conflict, i don't think there are so many we couldn't easily figure out which one was correct 18:24
Zoffix And that's my argument against: the current system gives you exact location you can look at immediately. Your proposal has "they should know enough" in it.
And the current system can be used by a machine. Yours isn't accurate enough to do so. 18:25
MasterDuke well, i did say just giving the file would be good
Zoffix A simple wrapper script around perl 6 executable can figure out the right location. 18:26
I think I even mentioned something like that in sourcery article
MasterDuke and no reason we couldn't continue to give the CORE line # also
I dunno. To me, this is a case of merging development tools useful for development of the compiler only together with our final product. 18:27
m: sub foo {}; dd &foo.line # like this logic would have to watch for whether the thing is a core location or not, for example. 18:28
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«1␤»
Zoffix And, yes, I realize we have RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG and RAKUDO_OPTIMIZER_DEBUG, but in those cases there aren't any simple alternatives. 18:29
MasterDuke well, you could argue that descending into *any* non-user files in an error message is merging compiler development information 18:32
(not saying it's a strong argument though)
i mean look at this 18:34
m: say oh no!
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Bogus postfix␤at <tmp>:1␤------> say oh no⏏!␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ statement modifier␤ stat…»
MasterDuke compared with the same thing and --ll-exception
where there's a mix of original and generated source files listed 18:36
but anyway, i'm not trying to propose a fundamental restructuring of error messages 18:37
but something that yes, is probably of most usefulness to a developer working on Perl 6 itself 18:38
maybe a rakudo environment variable?
Zoffix Right, but why can't it be a dozen-line wrapper script and we have exactly zero performance impact on production code and much smaller maintenance burden? 18:41
Personally, I don't think I'd find that addition useful. I do use sourcery bot to find where to look for, but can't say I'm dying to have exceptions give me locations of actual code, TBH.
MasterDuke ok, how about adding the wrapper script to the repo? doesn't have to be made available in os packages 18:43
Zoffix I'm perfectly fine with that. 18:44
MasterDuke (and i'm not just making up use cases, i do actually do run something, get a CORE line, open up CORE, page up until i find what original file very frequently 18:45
but hey, maybe there's a simpler way to improve my workflow 18:46
and not just errors, i do it a lot when looking at profiles 18:48
pull-one (gen/moar/m-CORE.settings:###) 18:49
there are a lot of pull-one's (just as an example), i have to go look to see exactly which one it is 18:50
lizmat MasterDuke: pull-one is the workhorse of any iterator 19:21
MasterDuke lizmat: i just meant that there are a lot of them, so i don't know exactly which source file to look in. a counter-example is something like chomp, i have a much better chance of guessing that correctly 20:04
lizmat m: say "abcdefg".match(/./,:2nd) # works as expected 20:10
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«「b」␤»
lizmat m: say "abcdefg".match(/./,:3x) # works as expected
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«(「a」 「b」 「c」)␤»
lizmat m: say "abcdefg".match(/./,:2nd, :3x) # expected b d e
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«()␤»
lizmat is this a bug? ^^^ 20:11
Zoffix I would think :2nd and :3x are mutually exclusive. 20:13
jnthn m: say "ab".match(/./,:3x)
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«()␤»
jnthn So :3x appears to mean "only return if you can match 3 times"
m: say "abcdefg".match(/./,:2nd, :1x) 20:14
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«(「b」)␤»
Zoffix m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:3x)
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«(「1」 「2」 「3」)␤»
jnthn Seems consistent at least :)
lizmat jnthn Zoffix: suppose we want the second match but 3 x (aka match 2, 4,6 ) 20:15
jnthn That's not the 2nd match, that's every 2nd match
lizmat m: say "abcdefg".match(/./,:2nd, :g)
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«「b」␤»
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:x(1, 3, ... *))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Comma found before apparent sequence operator; please remove comma (or put parens around the ... call, or use 'fail' instead of ...)␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> say "1234567890".match(/./,:x(1, 3,⏏ ... *))␤*␤ …»
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:x(1, 3 ... *)) 20:16
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«in Str.match, got invalid value of type Seq for :x, must be Int or Range␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn Hm, I thought you could do something like that :)
lizmat jnthn: yeah, I guess I could do something like that
jnthn oh wait
I did it wrong
lizmat I'm overhauling Str.match completely atm
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(1, 3 ... *))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«「1」␤»
Zoffix m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(1, 3 ... *), :g)
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«「1」␤»
Zoffix ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 20:17
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(1, 3, 5))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«(「1」 「3」 「5」)␤»
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(eager 1, 3 ... *))
oh heh ;)
Zoffix :D
m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(eager 1, 3 ... * > 10))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«()␤»
lizmat m: m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:st(1, 3, 5)) 20:18
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«(「1」 「3」 「5」)␤»
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(list 1, 3 ... *))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«「1」␤»
jnthn Curious
lizmat well, fwiw, I can fix that probably
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(list(1, 3 ... *)))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«「1」␤»
jnthn Anyway, I think :3x, :2nd not working is reasonable
But if :nd(1,3,5) works then it's bothersome that :nd(1, 3 ... 7) doesn't 20:19
m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(list 1, 3 ... 7))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«「1」␤»
lizmat yeah, ok, noted
jnthn m: say "1234567890".match(/./,:nd(list 1, 3, 5, 7))
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«(「1」 「3」 「5」 「7」)␤»
lizmat will look into that
cygx_ jnthn, timotimo: p6 implementation of the clustering algorithm, potentially buggy:
jnthn Yeah, that way should work, I think
Hm, table is a neat way to do it 20:21
lizmat jnthn: so :$x is incompatbile with :nd (and friends) and should also not silently be ignored
jnthn Well, :nd(2) and :x(1) was fine...not sure if raising an error is too harsh 20:23
MasterDuke still playing around with BOOTSTRAP. if i change Array's $!descriptor to an Attribute, rakudo compiles, but won't install and a bunch of things give this message: X::TypeCheck::Assignment exception produced no message 20:46
m: my Int @a; @a[1] = "a"
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to @a; expected Int but got Str ("a")␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MasterDuke m: my Int @a; @a[1] = $*ERR 20:47
camelia rakudo-moar f117a6: OUTPUT«Type check failed in assignment to @a; expected Int but got IO::Handle (␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MasterDuke locally, the first one works fine, but for the second i get: Type check failed in assignment to @a; expected Int but got IO::Handle (?)
jnthn If you make that an Attribute, it may set up some vivification on it
In a case where $!descriptor is meant to be null 20:48
MasterDuke it looks like that's what scalar_attr() does, but just a plain will also? 20:49
jnthn Think so 20:54
That may be one of the cases where we need BOOTSTRAPATTR
Or we need to configure Attribute differently (and maybe make it support that) 20:55
The important bit is what happens at repr_compose time
MasterDuke in my $scalar := nqp::create(Scalar); ...; nqp::bindattr($attr, Attribute, '$!auto_viv_container', $scalar); 20:59
jnthn Yup 21:01
That's the bit. I guess a version of scalar_attr that doesn't set $!auto_viv_container would do it.
MasterDuke scalar_attr or a new 21:02
jnthn No, leave alone 21:04
That's user-facing
We want something internal 21:05
MasterDuke oh hey, my scalar_attr2 is working so far 21:15
jnthn :) 21:20
MasterDuke spectest passed. now a somewhat cleaner implementation than just adding a scalar_attr2 21:21
jnthn MasterDuke++
MasterDuke oh, while you're here. changing to for Int/Num/Str all give: "This type cannot unbox to a native integer: P6opaque, Int/Num/Str" 21:26
i haven't started looking at those yet, but any quick suggestions? 21:27
jnthn Probably setting the wrong type 21:29
These all have native attributes within them (or a P6bigint in the case of Int)
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 21:45
AlexDaniel ah yeah, and bisectable has fully recovered from all of the problems :) 22:07
MasterDuke++ 22:08
lizmat MasterDuke++ indeed 22:14
good night, #perl6-dev!
Zoffix lizmat++ good weekly 23:05
cognominal lizmat++ 23:52