Geth rakudo/nom: 34626e3e6d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 9 files
Remove | from (|) sig in protos where possible

If all candidates take no parameters, there is no point in the proto accommodating any parameters. This appears to make each of these methods about 4% faster.
lizmat good night, #prl6-dev!
yoleaux2 4 Feb 2017 19:54Z <MasterDuke> lizmat: given your recent work with .tail(), are there any circumstances where it isn't faster than [*-1]? if not, should we replace all [*-1] in the settings with .tail()?
lizmat MasterDuke: for .tail, I don't think you can get any faster. For .tail(N) things *may* be slower in some cases 00:42
MasterDuke .tell lizmat i only see two places where tail(N) would be applicable anyway (src/core/ and lib/Pod/To/Text.pm6:55), so i'll leave those for you to decide if it's worth it 00:51
yoleaux2 MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
Geth rakudo/nom: 1b99196141 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | src/core/
Fix `Mu` line return value causing issues in REPL

Fixes RT#130719:
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth roast: 04fa01361b | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S19-command-line/repl.t
Test `Mu` as line return value isn't an issue in REPL

RT#130719: Rakudo fix:
synopsebot6 Link:
lizmat . 06:42
yoleaux2 00:51Z <MasterDuke> lizmat: i only see two places where tail(N) would be applicable anyway (src/core/ and lib/Pod/To/Text.pm6:55), so i'll leave those for you to decide if it's worth it
lizmat .tell MasterDuke the Block case is for .perl, for clarity I would keep that. The Pod/To/Text case seems more like a fit for a .skip ? 06:51
yoleaux2 lizmat: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
Geth nqp: ef25c99bad | (Samantha McVey)++ | docs/ops.markdown
Add documentation on unicmp_s op on MVM
rakudo/nom: 5af02a1e93 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 9 files
Revert "Remove | from (|) sig in protos where possible"

This reverts commit 34626e3e6d8476305d305fc602ff6494e6e35817.
In the end, I wasn't able to recreate the 4% savings that the initial change to .Bool seemed to indicate. Since there was no noticeable change in the time the spectest needs either (which I hope we would see), I'm going to revert this for now.
nine lizmat: one good night's sleep and suddenly it becomes this simple: my $ctx := nqp::ctxcaller(nqp::ctx()); $ctx := nqp::ctxcaller($ctx) while $ctx and not nqp::existskey($ctx, '$=finish'); note nqp::atkey($ctx, '$=finish'); 09:00
lizmat :-) 09:04
I knew it was something simple :-)
nine will not find it when I put the code in Inline::Perl5 because at the time the "use" runs, we haven't even parsed the POD yet :/ 09:08
lizmat mmmm 09:26
have you tried putting in a $=finish at the time of the "use" and see if it gets filled ? 09:27
nine lizmat: how could I? There cannot be any code after a =finish :) 09:33
lizmat yeah, hmmm 09:45
RabidGravy does someone want to take a quick look at ? It bit me in the behind yesterday 09:49
timotimo next up is brian duggan: Informal Domain Specific Languages with Perl 6 10:46
Geth rakudo/nom: 7c39bbf4de | (Jonathan Stowe)++ | src/core/CompUnit/Repository/
Sort the binaries by version

Assuming we always want to have the latest version of a binary unless it has been otherwise specified then this seems to be the simplest way to achieve that.
nine RabidGravy: I took the liberty to sqash those commits and push it
Geth rakudo/nom: 6f6f0cf19e | (Samantha McVey)++ | 3 files
Add unicmp op which uses unicmp_s nqp op to do string compare
rakudo/nom: 5870ef97d1 | (Samantha McVey)++ | 2 files
Hide the unicmp operator behind experimental
RabidGravy nine :) 11:21
nine, while I was in the shower I was thinking that maybe the bulk of the "find the right binary" code could be moved from the wrapper into CompUnit::Repository 11:25
thus making the whole retroactive fixing thing easier in the future 11:26
on a somewhat related note, is there a way of making an installation use a specific (possibly non-core,) CUR implementation however it might be installed? 11:28
I'm thinking about this because, for example, for a particular plugin schema I might want to store some additional metadata in the distribution object 11:31
for the loading part it is easy to make something that consumes that additional data as required 11:32
timotimo hello, fosdem! \o 12:01
tadzik \o/ 12:05
Geth nqp: 439b51e89a | (Samantha McVey)++ | tools/build/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM to get improvements to unicmp_s
Ā¦ nqp: version bump brought these changes:
rakudo/nom: eb3356c6e0 | (Samantha McVey)++ | tools/build/NQP_REVISION
Bump MoarVM/NQP to get improvements to unicmp_s
rakudo/nom: version bump brought these changes:
ecb7edede6 | (Samantha McVey)++ |
travis-ci NQP build failed. Samantha McVey 'Bump MoarVM to get improvements to unicmp_s'
lizmat # Ovid made me do this 13:11
conceptual "is write-once" trait for Attributes ^^^ 13:12
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Samantha McVey 'Bump MoarVM/NQP to get improvements to unicmp_s' 13:31
buggable [travis build above] ā˜  Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
lizmat looks like makefile issues ? 13:34
samcv nah it should be fixed now, it didn't get pushed to MVM 14:12
yoleaux2 4 Feb 2017 22:04Z <raiph> samcv: Have you read
samcv yoleaux2, and yoleaux being different bots strikes again 14:13
jdv79 lizmat: do you only write in nqp now?: i did something similar with jnthn's help a while ago: in real p6 14:22
Geth rakudo/nom: 411782e959 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/core/
Make uniprop/unival/unimatch 2.1-0.1x as fast

Use nqp::unipropcode instead of Rakudo::Internals.PROPCODE I may eventually remove Rakudo::Internals.PROPCODE entirely since because it is much slower, there is not much reason for it to continue to exist. uniprop with default arguments is 2.1x, as is uniprop-bool and uniprop-str is about 1.9x as fast. uniprop with arguments is about 0.1-0.15x faster
rakudo/nom: 25fd1ca3e3 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/core/IO/
Allow you to call .s on a directory for IO::Path

On Linux at least, directories can have a size by themself. Don't throw when trying to check the size of a directory. The user should have access to whatever the OS says the directory size says.
rakudo/nom: c0a907fb5a | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/core/Rakudo/
remove Rakudo::Internals.PROPCODE and Rakudo::Internals.PVALCODE

These are no longer used since they were 5x slower than the nqp ops
roast: 3133826e99 | (Samantha McVey)++ | S32-io/file-tests.t
Add a test to make sure checking the size of a dir doesn't throw
roast: d91275f886 | (Samantha McVey)++ | S05-mass/properties-general.t
Add a test to check that <alpha> matches alphabetics that are not Letters

Currently MVM only checks that things have general category 'L', but there are many other types which have Unicode property Letter.
The JVM passes this test.
pmurias samcv: is your grant proposal up for community review? 17:58
timotimo i think it barely missed the deadline? 18:15
pmurias timotimo: so it would end up moved to the next round? 18:39
MasterDuke pmurias: i think someone said it would happen in march 18:51
yoleaux2 06:51Z <lizmat> MasterDuke: the Block case is for .perl, for clarity I would keep that. The Pod/To/Text case seems more like a fit for a .skip ?
Geth roast: 93e8dc533b | (Daniel Green)++ | S05-mass/properties-general.t
Increment missed plan
japhb .ask jnthn Did you get my response to RT #130716? It isn't appearing for me on the RT site, but I don't know if my response got somehow routed to you and not included in the bug log, or if it just got lost entirely. 20:24
synopsebot6 Link:
yoleaux2 japhb: I'll pass your message to jnthn.
Geth roast: 874acb12cf | smls++ | S32-list/sort.t
Add test for RT #126859
synopsebot6 Link:
Geth nqp: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #345:
Intify things that cause the most mvm coerce smart numify