japhb What would be the fastest way to determine the total Unicode width of all graphemes in a string? (By which I mean correctly accounting for fullwidth graphemes). Extra points if you can find a more efficient way to also ignore zero-width ANSI sequences than just doing a prepass with e.g. Terminal::ANSIColor::colorstrip() 04:52
lizmat Files=1204, Tests=67328, 226 wallclock secs (13.64 usr 5.04 sys + 1383.26 cusr 140.07 csys = 1542.01 CPU) 06:15
[Tux] 4.168. All inline perl5 still busted 07:36
must run
samcv japhb, what do you mean by that 07:41
m: "blah????".uniprops('East_Asian_Width').say 07:42
camelia (Na Na Na Na W)?
samcv so i would test for .starts-with('W') to test if it is wide 07:43
since on a future version it *could* change to saying "Wide" instead of W. just to keep it future thinking
but there's Neutral, Ambiguous, Halfwidth, Wide, Fullwidth and Narrow
japhb, so all of those are the same in single character form as in long form so just check the first letter. Except Narrow is Na in short form. so i'd check .starts-with('Na') 07:44
AlexDaniel uhhhhhhhhā€¦ reading www.evanmiller.org/why-im-learning-perl-6.html I got an ideaā€¦ 08:26
m: say (ā€œ\x2695\xFE0Fa\x1F468\x200Dā€ ~ ā€œ\x2695\xFE0Fa\x1F468\x200Dā€).chars 08:27
camelia 5?
AlexDaniel m: say (ā€œ\x2695\xFE0Fa\x1F468\x200Dā€ x 2).chars
camelia 6?
AlexDaniel this does not look right, right?
what we have here is ā€œman health workerā€ ZWJ sequence composed when two strings are concatenated 08:28
and ā€œaā€ character there for fun
for clarity rather
so it's ā€œ[second half of emoji]a[first half]ā€ x 2 08:29
and so ā€œ[second half]a[first half][second half]a[first half]ā€ vs ā€œ[second half]a[emoji]a[first half]ā€, right? 08:30
samcv: do you know anything about this ?? Or am I understand something incorrectly here?
like, maybe we already have a ticket for this 08:31
c: 2017.06,2017.07,HEAD my $x = ā€œ\x2695\xFE0Fa\x1F468\x200Dā€; say ($x ~ $x).chars; say ($x x 2).chars 08:33
committable6 AlexDaniel, Ā¦2017.06: Ā«6?6Ā» Ā¦2017.07,HEAD(9c0d40a): Ā«5?6Ā»
AlexDaniel ah, correct ZWJ behavior seems to be rather new, so yeah 08:34
j: my $x = ā€œ\x2695\xFE0Fa\x1F468\x200Dā€; say ($x ~ $x).chars; say ($x x 2).chars
camelia java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /nqp/lib/Perl6/BOOTSTRAP.jar? in <anon> (gen/jvm/ModuleLoader.nqp:92)? in load_module (gen/jvm/ModuleLoader.nqp:79)? in <anon> (gen/jvm/CORE.setting)? in <anon> (gen/jvm/ModuleLoader.nqp:257)? in load_settā€¦
AlexDaniel samcv: do I need to submit a ticket for this?
m: my $x = ā€œ\x[2695]\x[FE0F]a\x[1F468]\x[200D]ā€; say ($x ~ $x).chars; say ($x x 2).chars 08:39
camelia 5?6?
AlexDaniel hm, this should be well-known because it's also broken for combining characters 08:40
like 08:41
m: my $x = ā€œ\x[0305]aā€; say ($x ~ $x).chars; say ($x x 2).chars
camelia 3?4?
Geth rakudo/nom: 1d06770ba2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Revert "Revert "Make R:I:ReifiedArray take the descriptor seperately""

This reverts commit 640641876c713aaa52c3c1147d63b83ebdd0f467.
Actually, we *do* need to make Array.Slip return containers. So we
  *do* need ReifiedArray to take the descriptor seperately.
rakudo/nom: 50d38a1f36 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
Revert "begin_time_lexical_fixup for constants"

This reverts commit 15debeecdeff48d70951081676ef270115795930.
Until this no longer breaks Inline::Perl5, it feels safe to revert this for the time being.
lizmat .tell nine this unbroke Inline::Perl5 for me github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/50d38a1f36 08:54
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to nine.
|Tux| This is Rakudo version 2017.07-73-g50d38a1f3 built on MoarVM version 2017.07-15-g0729f841 09:13
csv-ip5xs 2.474
test 12.129
test-t 4.025 - 4.042
csv-parser 11.690
as you can see, that indeed restored Inline::Perl5 functionality
Error encoding UTF-8 string: could not encode codepoint 1903979 (0x1D0D6B), codepoint out of bounds. Cannot encode higher than 1114111 (0x10FFFF) 09:14
samcv, do you want me to test that daily? 09:15
samcv the UTF-8 thing? uh. jnthn is a better person to ask on that one 09:21
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Revert "Revert "Make R:I:ReifiedArray take the descriptor seperately"" 09:31
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/257636788 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/9...06770ba2a2
buggable [travis build above] ? All failures are due to timeout (0), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (0), or failed make test (1). Across all jobs, only t/04-nativecall/21-callback-other-thread.t test file failed.
AlexDaniel anyway, I submitted it as RT #131801 10:36
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display...?id=131801
Geth rakudo/nom: ccaa0665ad | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Array.pm
Fix all issues with nulls in slipped Arrays

  - we should return containers, not just values, because params can be rw
  - the special case of |@a in parameters, now also fixed
   This uses FLATTENABLE_LIST, which predates the GLR. Rather than
   investigating whether we could get rid of that in favour of a more
   general Slippy solution, I opted for making Array.FLATTENABLE_LIST
   just work, at least for now.
lizmat m: my @a is default(42); @a[2] = 1; sub a(\a,\b,\c) { a = 666; dd b }; a |@a; dd @a 10:51
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter 'a'; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)? in sub a at <tmp> line 1? in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1??
lizmat should give: Int @a = 42, Array @a = [666, 42, 1] after this commit
AlexDaniel e: my @a is default(42); @a[2] = 1; sub a(\a,\b,\c) { a = 666; dd b }; a |@a; dd @a 10:53
evalable6 Int @a = 42?Array @a = [666, 42, 1]
lizmat wee! :-) 10:56
Geth rakudo/nom: e0d108bfc8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/Iterator.pm
Retire R:I.ReifiedListWithDefault

  - we don't need it anymore
dogbert17 spectest failure in t/spec/S04-declarations/constant.t 12:01
lizmat reverted the PR for those tests 12:06
but Geth seems not well 12:07
perhaps because it is Geth_ now ?
timotimo we have both
lizmat ah, but Geth doesn't seem to have any special status atm 12:11
fwiw, /me just pushed github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/8f...f7522aa50d 12:12
timotimo geth just reported commits i made in moarvm, just a minute late 12:15
nine Could be that geth is a little resource starved right now. We had some serious issues at work right in the morning, so of course the file system on my desktop decided to have some issues. Could fix them but a couple minutes later, the whole system crashed and the file system was broken beyond repair. 12:28
yoleaux 08:54Z <lizmat> nine: this unbroke Inline::Perl5 for me github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/50d38a1f36
nine So, I had to restore from the week old backup. Not great, but ok. But of course the file system where the backup is on threw some errors at me, too. 12:29
So now I'm restoring from the offsite backup which is on the server camelia and geth are on. I'm compressing the data with xz -9 -e to speed up the transfer and using -T0 so xz will gobble 10 Gigs of RAM and all the CPU it can get to speed up compression
AlexDaniel m: say 42 12:32
camelia Cannot allocate memory
nine And camelia's rebuild eats some resource, too
AlexDaniel ah, that's why camelia was a bit slā€¦
m: say 42
camelia Cannot allocate memory
nine camelia is building both MoarVM and JVM backends at the same time right now 12:33
AlexDaniel nine: well, evalable6 automatically answers m: messages if camelia is not on the channel, so in some cases it may be better to have no camelia on the channel than broken camelia online :) 12:34
but this of course depends on how long this is going to last
nine m: say 42 12:35
camelia 42?
nine already over
AlexDaniel \o/
nine Apparently geth just doesn't notice when it lost the IRC connection 12:37
AlexDaniel oh, yea, quite possible 12:38
Geth perl6-lwp-simple: 1feee277cc | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/LWP/Simple.pm
Update version in sauce

Fixes #18
perl6-lwp-simple: 0fb0ad116c | (Zoffix Znet)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META6.json
Bump version
rakudo/nom: 5d89cef9f5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
Simplify the .Seq coercer, because we can
ugexe is there any way to use a hash in a thread-safe manor that does not require locking it on reads (only writes)? it would be nice if something like Lock.new.protect({}) had something that allowed shared access to a specific block only 15:45
nine ugexe: sorry for lack of any more reaction to your pull requests. I got bogged down by work 15:52
ugexe no hurry, i'm still feeling the bigger one out 15:54
japhb samcv: What I meant by my late-night question is that I'm looking for *total* width of the string as it would appear in a monospace but Unicode-correct font. For your blah<penguin> example, I'm looking for the answer 6, since the penguin is wide and would take up two cells.
And I'm looking to do that operation very quickly, since I need to do it a LOT for word wrapping and terminal UI layout -- the former working with "words" of non-whitespace, the latter needing to know how far to advance the cursor after every single character. 15:56
ugexe m: my %c; my $lock = Lock.new; sub foo($a) { $lock.protect({ return %c{$a} if %c{$a}:exists }); $lock.protect({ return %c{$a} += 1 }); }; await Promise.allof((^10).map: { start { say foo("xxx"); say foo("xxx") } })
camelia 1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?
ugexe if i run that a few times sometimes it has 1 *and* 2s 15:57
shouldnt it always be 1?
Zoffix It is, if you merge the two .protects. 16:01
jnthn Why should it?
Two or more threads can both see it doesn't exist, then they re-complete for the lock after
In fact that's highly likely to happen, in that if two threads queue for the lock to check if it exists, the second in the queue will probably out of fairness get it before the first gets it again 16:03
ugexe so to do this without locking any code that may exist between the two protects it should use `%c{$a} //= %c{$a} + 1` ?
jnthn You can't rely on a situation you checked under lock still being true after you release the lock 16:04
And various other permutations
So yeah, you'd have to re-check after
ugexe github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...ry.pm#L184
+ L196 16:05
Zoffix hehe
ugexe that could be fine, its just where i picked up the idea
jnthn It depends if anything will be upset if the work is done twice 16:07
And if the results produced each time will be equivalent
ugexe but there is no issue where it could be trying to read and write that has at the same time such that the data read would not match the state before *or* after the write finishes? 16:08
wow that came out weird 16:09
jnthn I..uh...parse fail... :P
The only thing you can be sure about is that only one thing can hold the lock at a time 16:10
ugexe if %c{$a} == 1, and then %c{$a}++, is it possible that reading %c{$a} could see neither 1 nor 2? in my concurrency book this was more clear with an illustration...
jnthn And that your own lock/unlock will run in order, of course
Presuming that you do them in two separate protects? 16:11
ugexe correct
jnthn I figure it could be N in that N is the number of threads
Imagine that all the threads enter the sub and all request the lock. They are give it in order. They all see it's == 1 so don't return. 16:12
Each one after it has released the lock will then join the queue (at the back) for having it again
Then they all would run %c{$a}++ when they get the lock 16:13
ugexe er im not explaining it properly... probably thinking too low level that this isnt an issue. pretend %c{$a} = 1 starts writing some huge amount of data to the variable while at the same time a read of %c{$a} occurs. does it see this half-written data, the original value, or the final value that is being written
jnthn If they can happen at the same time, then there's no locking? 16:15
nine ugexe: PrecompilationRepository gets away with that because loading a precomp file twice won't be an issue. It just a bit of wasted effort.
jnthn Or are you saying if one thing does $lock.protect: { ...loads of changes on %c.. } and another does $lock.protect: { ...reads %c... }, can the second ever see an incomplete state? 16:16
ugexe jnthn: yeah that
jnthn In which case, no, the lock/unlock imply memory barriers
Which force consistency between CPU caches
ugexe ah
jnthn You can get into lots of trouble like this in lock-free algos, when compilers/CPUs re-order instructions. 16:17
But locks barrier, otherwise things would be a lot too surprising :)
(Also the lock data structure itself needs the barrier.) 16:18
ugexe m: my %c; %c<x> = sub foo(|) { 1 }; sub bar(|) { 2 }; cas(%c<x>, &bar); say %c<x>; # comedy option 16:24
camelia 2?
Zoffix cas ticket: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...et-history 16:31
Geth rakudo/moar-frame-extras: 4561c2696c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
Follow MoarVM frame changes.
AlexDaniel toolforger++ not all hope is lost :) 18:06
nine WTF? Now that I've restored my system from the slow offsite backup via internet, my local backup file system suddenly decided to be perfectly fine?! 19:01
Geth roast: 8d3ebb42b4 | (David Warring)++ | S03-operators/buf.t
add a Buf subbuf-rw fetch test
Zoffix dogbert17: Prey sucks :( 23:29
Just got stuck at the very beginning; couldn't find where to go. Then rage quitted 23:31
too late to refund or I would've
Zoffix tries to get one anyway 23:34
llfourn lizmat: thanks for noticing my commit broke ip5. I didn't have ip5 installed where I was running spectests :\ 23:51