dalek ast: 1db2fc7 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | S19-command-line/arguments.t:
Fudge test for a bugfix that hasn't been fixed yet

MasterDuke samcv: github.com/perl6/roast/blob/master...ral.t#L817 is now passing for me (moar/nqp/rakudo HEAD), is that expected? 04:58
samcv MasterDuke, even the TODO? 05:16
also no, not expected to pass is ' ' ~~ /<:space>+/, ' ', 'space chars'; 05:17
m: use nqp; say nqp::propcode('space'); say nqp::propcode('White_Space')
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤No registered operation handler for 'propcode'␤»
samcv m: use nqp; say nqp::unipropcode('space'); say nqp::nuipropcode('White_Space')
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤No registered operation handler for 'nuipropcode'␤»
samcv m: use nqp; say nqp::unipropcode('space'); say nqp::unipropcode('White_Space')
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«99␤99␤»
samcv and it's passing right now MasterDuke ?
or do you have the newest moar on git
m: say ' ' ~~ /<:space>/ 05:18
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
AlexDaniel .tell notviki mch: my @a = <one two three>; @a[*] = "four"; say @a.perl 05:19
yoleaux2 AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to notviki.
samcv that test shouldn't pass. well it SHOULD pass. but unless some change in nqp is made it shouldn't pass, otherwise likely it thinks space means LF=space
cause it checks property _values_ before property_names(bools)
hmm curious 05:20
m: say ' '.uniprop('LF')
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«Sp␤»
samcv m: say ' ' ~~ /<:Sp>/
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«「 」␤»
samcv i should put the rt in there MasterDuke rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=130483 05:21
bisectable6, : use nqp; say nqp::unipropcode('space') == nqp::unipropcode('White_Space') 05:22
bisectable6 samcv, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=996ab6a) the exit code is 1 and the output is identical as well
samcv, Output on both points: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/VGe_E7FzT9␤Bogus statement␤at /tmp/VGe_E7FzT9:1␤------> :⏏ use nqp; say nqp::unipropcode('space') ␤ expecting any of:␤ colon pair
samcv bisectable6, use nqp; say nqp::unipropcode('space') == nqp::unipropcode('White_Space')
bisectable6 samcv, Bisecting by output (old=2015.12 new=996ab6a) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
samcv, bisect log: gist.github.com/50acf5fe0726800857...9f144a106f
samcv, (2017-01-02) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/7c...50246afcf0
samcv m: use nqp; say nqp::univalcode('space') 05:27
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤No registered operation handler for 'univalcode'␤»
AlexDaniel m: my %f := Map.new; %f = (<a 1 c 3 d 4 e 5>); %f{"b"} := 2; %f.WHICH.say 05:28
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«Map|Str|a(1) Str|c(3) Str|d(4) Str|e(5)␤»
AlexDaniel what's up with this WHICH
dalek ast: f292cec | samcv++ | S05-mass/properties-general.t:
Add RT #130483 to this todo in properties-general.t
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=130483
AlexDaniel if anybody can figure out what's going on here and why, I would appreciate it: 05:46
m: my $x = gather for 1..5 { take $_; say $x; }; dd $x
camelia rakudo-moar 996ab6: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 05:47
AlexDaniel this is the commit that did it: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/f3...4e1eddc8ef
mc: my $x = gather for 1..5 { take $_; say $x; }; dd $x
committable6 AlexDaniel, gist.github.com/b6aaed70cc89bbb798...12a69d1c37
lizmat Files=1163, Tests=57394, 198 wallclock secs (12.08 usr 4.98 sys + 1271.42 cusr 132.92 csys = 1421.40 CPU) 07:35
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2016.12-214-g996ab6a04 built on MoarVM version 2016.12-68-g1994c6ee 08:23
csv-ip5xs 2.957
test 13.140
test-t 5.377
csv-parser 15.453
samcv hi tux 08:26
buggable, speed 08:27
buggable samcv, ▇█▇▇█▇█▇██▇▇▇█▄▆▅▃▄▄▂▃▃▄▂▁▁▂▃▂▂▅▂▂▄▂▃▂▂▁▆▄▂▂▃▂▂▂▃▂ data for 2016-12-16–2017-01-05; range: 5.137s–6.264s
dalek kudo/nom: 8568dd1 | lizmat++ | src/core/ShapedArray.pm:
Fix RT #130513

By adding a .List for shaped arrays.
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=130513
notviki 11:02
yoleaux2 05:19Z <AlexDaniel> notviki: mch: my @a = <one two three>; @a[*] = "four"; say @a.perl
notviki mch: my @a = <one two three>; @a[*] = "four"; say @a.perl
committable6 notviki, ¦«2015.12»: ["four", Mu, Mu]␤¦«HEAD»: ["four", Any, Any]
dalek kudo/nom: 4e1e348 | titsuki++ | t/04-nativecall/ (3 files):
Use submethod TWEAK instead of method init
kudo/nom: 0fdf327 | lizmat++ | t/04-nativecall/ (3 files):
Merge pull request #987 from titsuki/use-tweak

Use submethod TWEAK instead of method init
kudo/nom: d77f9b8 | lizmat++ | src/core/ShapedArray.pm:
Fix RT #130510

By removing the (apparently faulty) type check: let the actual assignment take care of that.
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=130510
lizmat m: my @a[2;2] = (0,1),(2,3); my @b[2;2] = @a Z @a # is Z supposed to preserver shape or not ? 12:16
camelia rakudo-moar d77f9b: OUTPUT«Index 2 for dimension 1 out of range (must be 0..1)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
lizmat m: my @a[2;2] = (0,1),(2,3); dd @a Z @a # aka, is this correct ?
camelia rakudo-moar d77f9b: OUTPUT«((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)).Seq␤»
dalek kudo/nom: cbf30e1 | lizmat++ | src/core/Iterable.pm:
Don't bother creating a Failure that gets thrown always
jnthn lizmat: No, it's not, and actually the @multi-dim Z= @flat idiom relies on it. 12:20
hyper is meant to
(to be clear, the idiom relies on it *not* trying to preserve shape) 12:21
lizmat ok, but supposed we *want* to Z two shaped arrays into another (with the same shape), how would we co that ?
jnthn Why'd you not hyper it?
lizmat not seeing the syntax for that, could you elaborate ? 12:22
>>,<< you mean ? 12:23
jnthn Yeah but I don't quite understand what you're trying to achieve with plain Z :)
Since that constructs sub-lists
lizmat well, that was just an example, Z+ could be another :-)
jnthn Yeah, with Z+ it's more clearly just >>+<<
I don't know if hyper *does* preserve shape yet 12:24
lizmat How set in stone is all the hyper stuff in your book ?
jnthn I don't think we've any tests for it on shaped things. So it's not. :-)
(Provided we don't have such tests) 12:25
lizmat m: my @a[2;2] = (0,1),(2,3); my @b[2;2] = @a >>+<< @a
camelia rakudo-moar d77f9b: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.␤Methods .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤Cannot assign an array of shape to an array of shape 2 2␤ in bl…»
lizmat hmmm...
jnthn I think it's just NYI
lizmat seems like hypers don't know about shapes yet
jnthn Yeah
But hypers *do* preserve undeclared structure
(Thus the whole nodal thing) 12:26
lizmat yeah
jnthn An official declared shape should surely be preserved too
Just didn't get to it.
lizmat I was also thinking of maybe adding a "is notslipping" trait 12:27
jnthn The semantics of the the pointing-out forms on shaped arrays could be interesting
lizmat also: specs speculate that any method on an Iterable could be considered "nodal"
is that still the case?
jnthn But the pointing in forms I guess are easy: if they shapes differ, or one side has a declared shape and the other doesn't, then error.
Single value pointing out form is also quite easy 12:28
lizmat yeah, looking at optimizing that stuff :-)
jnthn e.g. the desired semantics of my @a[2;2]; ...; @a >>+=>> 1 are quite clear
What's the thinking with the trait? 12:29
Pretty sure that name won't fly :)
lizmat well, yeah
jnthn But the semantics are the thing that matters...
lizmat but basically when we're processing such a block with that trait, we don't have to check for Slips being returned 12:30
jnthn Is that really so costly? 12:36
lizmat for every pull-one, we first check if something that was slipped is there, 12:37
if not, we fetch a value, then check if it is a Slip
that's one check for each pull-one
jnthn Sure, but those should be comparatively cheap 12:38
They're the kind of thing that should trace-jit well too, once we can do that
I'd expect the checks can JIT down to just a few CPU instructions 12:39
(Not saying they do today, but with the new JIT we're getting, etc...)
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Fix RT #130510 12:56
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/189154789 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/0...7f9b873e64
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=130510
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
notviki $ sudo -E apt-add-repository -y "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test" 13:01
Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test'.
Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.
" This job ran on our container-based trusty beta. Please read our blog post about the public beta. 13:02
NeuralAnomaly: status 13:10
NeuralAnomaly notviki, [✘] Next release will be in 2 weeks and 2 days. Since last release, there are 75 new still-open tickets (74 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 218 unreviewed commits. See perl6.fail/release/stats for details
dalek kudo/nom: a7d1061 | lizmat++ | src/core/Rakudo/Internals.pm:
Revert "Introducing R:I.RandomizeOrderIterator"

This reverts commit dbe3e0eaa35e65d7ab0f52f55ecdaa05573c7725.
MasterDuke if i remove this ( github.com/perl6/nqp/blob/master/s...#L995-L997 ) conditional, both NQP and Rakudo build. NQP fails 6 regex tests, but Rakduo passes spectest clean 14:32
jnthn Time to write more spectests :) 14:39
Think it's for <( and )>
MasterDuke jnthn: yep 14:47
i guess neither of those are used when building rakudo itself. i'd dumped every $name during a compile and didn't see $!from or $!to in the resulting list 14:51
dalek kudo/nom: 7ba9f84 | lizmat++ | src/core/ShapedArray.pm:
Add a shaped array STORE candidate for Iterators

Intended to be part of the work to make hypers understand structure when they should. As a side effect of this, this now works:
   $ 6 'my @a[3;3] = (^Inf).iterator; dd @a'
   Array.new(:shape(3, 3), [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8])
One could argue this is unwanted. So maybe this STORE candidate should be renamed to something else, like STORE-FROM-ITERATOR. Comments / ideas welcome. 2db2e3d | MasterDuke17++ | lib/Test.pm6: Test.pm's is_approx isn't being removed until 6.d
  See irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2017-...i_13860967
lizmat review: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/a7d10613ae
review: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/7ba9f84
MasterDuke notviki: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/....pm6#L242, looks like this didn't get removed 15:12
notviki it was decided to keep it until 6.d so we don't have to change 6.c-errata 15:13
MasterDuke notviki: ok. btw, i thought you added a warns-like, but it don't see it there? 15:14
notviki it's in t/spec/packages/Test/Util.pm 15:15
MasterDuke thanks 15:16
m: say("abc123def" ~~ /abc <( \d+ <( def/) 16:13
camelia rakudo-moar 7ba9f8: OUTPUT«「def」␤»
MasterDuke nqp: say("abc123def" ~~ /abc <( \d+ <( def/)
camelia nqp-moarvm: OUTPUT«def␤»
MasterDuke interesting, that's one of the failing nqp tests when i made my change (nqp gives 'abc123def' instead of 'def'), but it works in the rakudo i built with that nqp 16:14
notviki MasterDuke: note that warns-like doesn't catch compile time warnings 16:27
MasterDuke jnthn: any idea why the above regex fails in my modified nqp, but passes in a rakudo that uses my modified nqp? 16:56
jnthn If your change is in MATCH, then Rakudo implements its own MATCH 16:57
MasterDuke ahh, then i couldn't write spectests for it
and the nqp tests correctly caught it 16:58
kudo/nom: 6d28c1d | (Zoffix Znet)++ | lib/Test.pm6:
Merge pull request #988 from MasterDuke17/fix_Test.pm_is_approx_deprecation_comment

Test.pm's is_approx isn't being removed until 6.d
ugexe github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/b1...86782ee788 <- probably needs to be reverted; breaks TAP::Harness testing JSON::Fast and Test::Mock
notviki seems appveyor's still failing to install strawberry perl: ci.appveyor.com/project/moritz/rak...0xnl7eobr9 17:11
ugexe: will look into it 17:13
works fine with prove, so I'd say it's a bug in TAP::Harness that should be located and fixed rather than reverting anything 17:16
notviki looks
buggable: eco prove6
buggable notviki, Nothing found
notviki ugexe: is there a simple way to use TAP::Harness as harness?
how do I trigger the bug
ugexe zef install JSON::Fast 17:17
zef --/tap-harness install JSON::Fast will run with prove and works properly
notviki ugexe: what distro is prove6 in? 17:19
ugexe TAP::Harness
notviki huggable: prove6 :is: github.com/Leont/tap-harness6/tree/master/bin 17:20
huggable notviki, Added prove6 as github.com/Leont/tap-harness6/tree/master/bin
notviki reproed with 6 lines of code with just TAP module and a test file... 17:31
notviki looks more
ugexe I'm not sure if the original complaint makes sense - as far as I can tell you can't use a single \ as a test description in a perl 5 test either 17:38
* makes sense as a rakudo bug and not a tap spec bug 17:40
notviki You can use \
In perl 5. And TAP spec doesn't forbid it either
gist.github.com/zoffixznet/8a51c42...37afa7308c 17:41
ugexe hmm so I'm confused at why `say q|\n|` prints 2 characters but `say q|\|` is not valid syntax 17:44
notviki oh ffs... 17:45
Note to self: before spending 10 minutes tweaking grammar trying to see changes, be sure to add -Ilib to your ./perl6 -_- 17:46
ugexe: because that \ escapes the |
it's defunct in q|| only if it's not at end 17:47
well.... or rather, if works to escape the closing delimiter
m: say q|\|\n| 17:48
camelia rakudo-moar 6d28c1: OUTPUT«|\n␤»
notviki m: say q'\|\n'
camelia rakudo-moar 6d28c1: OUTPUT«\|\n␤»
ugexe yeah, but i'm not wrapping my head around why since it doesn't escape anything else
notviki so you could use the delimiter in the string itself, I guess
ugexe ah 17:49
dalek p: 4f67a6c | MasterDuke17++ | src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp:
Micro-optimize some commonly called methods

These are called a combined several million times when building Rakudo.
p: 3644864 | niner++ | src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp:
Merge pull request #336 from MasterDuke17/some_QRegex-Cursor_micro-optimizations

Micro-optimize some commonly called methods
notviki I have a fix for TAP::Harness. Need to do some $work stuff and will then commit
hmm.. rather, I'd also like to re-read TAP spec and write some tests first, so prolly will commit in 4-5 hours. The issue is the TAP::Grammar.description assumes the description will either have a '\\' or a '\#' and no other '\' occurance, so right now it's choking on any lone slash in the description. 17:56
jnthn Is this the same TAP::Parser that spectest6 uses? 18:11
notviki Yeah. So this is probably also the reason why lizmat saw more failures that time 18:12
[Coke] jnthn: I am not sure there was a ticket for this specifically: gentle reminder about perl6/doc's coke/bughunt branch.
[Coke] does a rebuild of perl6 to see if any recent fixes have impacted that. 18:13
dogbert17 [Coke]: re elevated RT privileges. I'm now thrown to a page where I can see my own reported bugs but I can't seem to be able to do much else. What am I doing wrong? 18:14
[Coke] dogbert17: I don't know. what are you doing?
(what URL are you going to? what are you clicking on?) 18:15
dogbert17 [Coke], logging in with BitCard account and then I'm thrown to a /selfservice url
[Coke] again, what URL are you going to? 18:16
dogbert17 rt.perl.org/SelfService/ 18:17
notviki What happens when you go to rt.perl.org/ ?
After lkogging in
[Coke] ... that's the url you are ending on. is that also the URL you are putting into the browser to get there?
because if so, then there's your problem. :) 18:18
dogbert17 notviki: I'm thrown back to the SelfService url
notviki shrugs
dogbert17 [Coke]: no I start at rt.perl.org and logs in from there 18:19
[Coke] having dogbert17 escalate with rt bugadmins. 18:27
notviki log out and log in again; try clearning cookies/cache; try different browser; try sacrificing a goat to the Internet Gods 18:28
diakopter Bit 18:43
their refusal to try to diagnose repeated BitCard complaints over the past many years is just deplorable 18:44
I was of the numerous complainants whose reports were disregarded 18:45
jnthn [Coke]: Thanks for the reminder. Maybe the same thing (or one of them) that I know about that afflicts the spectest6 will turn out to get it. Guess we'll find out next week...if not, will have to look deeper. 18:52
[Coke] jnthn: MoarVM panic: Internal error: zeroed target thread ID in work pass - that's new. :) 18:53
jnthn: nicely formatted unlock when we're not locked! 18:54
so, definitely some weirdness still.
MasterDuke huh, just tried to profile a rakudo compile again and it keeps getting killed after it goes over 10g ram used. ISTR it was less that than before 19:19
notviki 10GB :o 19:20
notviki notices Instant.DateTime passes extra args to DateTime.new but other .DateTime methods we got don';t 19:46
gfldex lizmat: please asked module authors that use travis to activate weekly cronjobs in the next weekly 19:47
nine Just a heads up: I'm going on vacation starting tomorrow and will come back on the 15th. If everything works out, I'll be very much offline :) 20:04
notviki NeuralAnomaly: status 20:05
NeuralAnomaly notviki, [✘] Next release will be in 2 weeks and 1 day. Since last release, there are 76 new still-open tickets (75 unreviewed and 0 blockers) and 222 unreviewed commits. See perl6.fail/release/stats for details
notviki wow, a ton more commits this month... from what I see in the log, a day before last release we had only 71... Now 222 and it's still 2 weeks before the release! 20:08
moritz m: class A { method x (:U:) { }} 20:11
camelia rakudo-moar 6d28c1: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Missing block␤at <tmp>:1␤------> class A { method x (:⏏U:) { }}␤»
jnthn nine: Have a nice vacation! :) 21:22
dalek kudo/nom: 1e88cd6 | lizmat++ | / (2 files):
Fix native array.sort

For some reason this breakage went unnoticed. Guess we don't have any tests for it :-(
jnthn Might be worth systematically going through the list methods and making sure they've got test coverage on native arrays 21:26
Perhaps worth a ticket in roast issues 21:27
dalek kudo/nom: 4038c6c | lizmat++ | / (2 files):
Make sorting of 0,1,2 element native arrays about 30% faster
lizmat jnthn: github.com/perl6/roast/issues/218 21:58
jnthn lizmat++ 22:07
MasterDuke timotimo, notviki: did the linecoverage branch in MoarVM get updated? ISTR it had merge conflicts recently, which is why perl6.wtf/ doesn't have anything 22:09
updating that might help detect large gaps in test coverage like ^^^ 22:10
notviki MasterDuke: it did, but the coverage script got bit-rotted by the SETTING::/ stuff we changed in the backtraces
lizmat good night, #perl6!
notviki night
MasterDuke notviki: seems like a relatively straightforward fix should be possible, i'll try to get to that in the next week or so 22:15
notviki MasterDuke++ 22:17
it's this script github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/line..._report.p6 and this is the shell script I use to make coverage report gist.github.com/zoffixznet/6cb85e0...28c562cc4a 22:19
(it stresstests three times; only once is necessary, I do it three times to avoid flappers)
MasterDuke thanks, i'd definitely forgotten some of those commands 22:24
timotimo MasterDuke: the merge conflicts are always due to the oplist stuff. all you have to do every time is make sure the oplist looks correct, then perl6 tools/update_ops.p6 and commit all the files it generates 23:03
MasterDuke timotimo: i did actually look at the most recent conflict, but i didn't know what the oplist *should* look like to know how to resolve it 23:05
i.e., i don't think i know enough to resolve anything git couldn't 23:07
timotimo just make sure the ops for coverage come after the sp_ ops, the rest doesn't matter 23:10
the oplist is rather simple. the first batch (up until the first sp_ op) is append-only, everything after that is free for all 23:11
MasterDuke thanks, should help next time i see a conflict 23:12
samcv notviki, seems it is not doing test coverage for most files there? i think it used to work right? 23:16
notviki samcv: yeah, it's not finding the files. 23:17
MasterDuke samcv: that roast test i mentioned earlier is marked as a todo, but is in fact passing (with MoarVM/NQP/Rakudo all built from HEAD) 23:18
notviki The old files are still accessible via the bot tho
Undercover: help
Undercover notviki, Use cover: trigger with args to give to sourcery sub. e.g. cover: Int, 'base'. See modules.perl6.org/dist/CoreHackers::Sourcery
notviki cover: &say
Undercover notviki, The code is hit during stresstest [WARNING: this line is a proto! Check individual multies] See perl6.WTF/src_core_io_operators.pm....e.html#L20 for details
notviki cover: &say, \()
Undercover notviki, The code is NOT hit during stresstest See perl6.WTF/src_core_io_operators.pm....e.html#L21 for details
notviki that might be slightly outdated
MasterDuke i'm blanking, what do ? and ! mean at the start of subrules? e.g., <?alpha> or <!stdstopper> 23:20
notviki m: say "abc:xyz" ~~ /.<?alpha>/ 23:23
camelia rakudo-moar 4038c6: OUTPUT«「a」␤»
notviki m: say "a:xyz" ~~ /.<?alpha>/
camelia rakudo-moar 4038c6: OUTPUT«「:」␤»
notviki m: say "a:xyz" ~~ /.<!alpha>/
camelia rakudo-moar 4038c6: OUTPUT«「a」␤»
notviki m: say "ab:xyz:" ~~ /...<!alpha>/ 23:24
camelia rakudo-moar 4038c6: OUTPUT«「xyz」␤»
notviki MasterDuke: positive and negative lookaheads
MasterDuke ha, right. notviki++
dalek ast: baaa8c9 | samcv++ | S15-nfg/emoji-test (2 files):
Put the codepoints in the test description for the emoji tests