Zoffix s: &infix:<,>, \() 01:58
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/b147...t.pm#L1330
Zoffix It's (&callable, Capture $args?) or (Mu $object, Str:D $method-name, Capture $args?)
MasterDuke ah, thanks 02:03
[Coke] . 02:40
samcv u: { .uniprop('Unified_Ideograph') and .uniprop('Block') ~~ /:i 'cjk'.*[unified|compatibility].*ideograph/ } 05:21
unicodable6 samcv, U+3400 <CJK Ideograph Extension A> [Lo] (?)
samcv, U+3401 <CJK Ideograph Extension A> [Lo] (?)
samcv, 80452 characters in total: gist.github.com/76507b46b89c49b960...c997339110 05:23
samcv u: { .uniprop('Unified_Ideograph') and .uniprop('Block') eq 'CJK Unified Ideograph'| 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs' } 05:25
unicodable6 samcv, U+FA0E CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-FA0E [Lo] (?)
samcv, 12 characters in total: gist.github.com/7ca08e27a7f3c82fd0...2f210983c6
samcv u: { .uniprop('Unified_Ideograph') and .uniprop('Block') eq 'CJK Unified Ideographs'| 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs' } 05:43
AlexDaniel Aw, I did not restart the bots yet
unicodable6 samcv, U+4E00 <CJK Ideograph> [Lo] (?)
samcv, U+4E01 <CJK Ideograph> [Lo] (?)
AlexDaniel some nice changes pending there :)
unicodable6 samcv, 20962 characters in total: gist.github.com/f961212f16d570f6a0...4cf1726755 05:44
AlexDaniel samcv: do you think gists of more than 5000 characters are useful?
because the current version simply refuses to upload more than 5000 05:45
should I bump it to 100_000 or something?
samcv well i more want the ranges of codepoints 05:49
like a-b + c-d + e + f +g
don't care what the actual characters are, just the ranges of them and where they are 05:50
AlexDaniel hm 05:54
samcv well i figured it out 06:07
well got generating collation values for Tangut, Nushu, and Unified_Ideograph's working 06:13
since they have generated not specific collation values
lizmat Files=1217, Tests=67403, 230 wallclock secs (13.68 usr 4.97 sys + 1399.85 cusr 143.07 csys = 1561.57 CPU) 10:31
yoleaux 01:31Z <Zoffix> lizmat: should "holes" in Arrays that get created from `:delete` use `is default` value maybe? IIRC we talked about it long time ago and at the time the `nqp::null` was decided to be good enough, but now some users are having issues that they get an unwanted Mu in a hole ( irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2017-07-23#i_14909593 ). I figured maybe it should be what you'd get as if an element was never there.
01:35Z <Zoffix> lizmat: disregard. I see it already does use is default :)
lizmat m: my @a; @a[2] = 42; dd |@a # feels wrong to me 10:32
camelia Mu?Mu?Int @a = 42?
lizmat m: my @a is default(666); @a[2] = 42; dd @a.iterator.pull-one # seems to work ok 10:34
camelia Int @a = 666?
lizmat m: my @a is default(666); @a[2] = 42; dd |@a # feels wrong to me
camelia Mu?Mu?Int @a = 42?
lizmat m: 'my @a is default(666); @a[2] = 42; dd List.from-iterator(@a.iterator) # even this seems ok 10:35
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>?Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" ?at <tmp>:1?------> 3ator(@a.iterator) # even this seems ok7?5<EOL>? expecting any of:? single quotes? ā€¦
lizmat m: my @a is default(666); @a[2] = 42; dd List.from-iterator(@a.iterator) # even this seems ok
camelia (666, 666, 42)?
lizmat m: my @a is default(666); @a[2] = 42; dd (|@a).AT-POS(0) # underlying issue, I think 10:38
camelia Nil?
lizmat Ah. I think I see the problem 10:41
when we slip a reified Array, it creates a List binding to the $!reified of the Array
it, however, does *not* copy the Array descriptor, which contains the default value 10:42
one could argue that slipping a reified array should be a noop
Geth_ star: 7d290f0080 | (Steve Mynott)++ | modules/perl6-Test-When
bump Test::When to pull Zoffix++ windows test fixes
star: 3688b05372 | (Steve Mynott)++ | tools/build/Makefile.in
add space after script name tbrowder++
lizmat_ .ask Zoffix so what is the use case of slipping an Array ? 11:17
yoleaux lizmat_: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
nine I wonder if we should automatically create symlinks for installed scripts (in cases where we have write permissions). /usr/bin/FOO -> /usr/share/perl6/site/bin/FOO and /usr/local/bin/FOO -> /usr/share/perl6/vendor/bin/FOO 11:18
Or even go a step further and just install our scripts into those directories. They are very generic wrappers anyway. 11:20
lizmat .tell Zoffix nvm, found a use case: .map: { |@a } 11:54
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
MasterDuke timotimo: ping 12:26
.ask timotimo are you going to implement the coveragecontrol op? or should i try? also, any opinion on not caching lines already covered (since that could be changed independently of adding the op)? or should that be a controllable option also? 12:33
yoleaux MasterDuke: I'll pass your message to timotimo.
Geth rakudo/nom: 0970ba3314 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make R:I:ReifiedArray take the descriptor seperately

Preliminary work to fix;
   my @a is default(42); @a[1] = 666; dd |@a
producing 42,666 rather than Mu,666
BenGoldberg c: srand 42; my @a = "Just another perl6 hacker,".comb; my @b; @b[$_] = @a.shift for (^26).pick(*); say @b.join; 13:21
committable6 BenGoldberg, Ā¦srand: Ā«Cannot find this revision (did you mean ā€œBendā€?)Ā»
BenGoldberg b: srand 42; my @a = "Just another perl6 hacker,".comb; my @b; @b[$_] = @a.shift for (^26).pick(*); say @b.join;
bisectable6 BenGoldberg, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=0970ba3) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
BenGoldberg, Output on both points: Ā«h6eta,pJarrc euoklhrtn se Ā»
MasterDuke c: HEAD srand 42; my @a = "Just another perl6 hacker,".comb; my @b; @b[$_] = @a.shift for (^26).pick(*); say @b.join; 13:22
committable6 MasterDuke, Ā¦HEAD(0970ba3): Ā«h6eta,pJarrc euoklhrtn se Ā»
BenGoldberg b: srand 42; say "h6eta,pJarrc euoklhrtn se ".comb.pick(*).join
bisectable6 BenGoldberg, On both starting points (old=2015.12 new=0970ba3) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
BenGoldberg, Output on both points: Ā«Just another perl6 hacker,Ā»
BenGoldberg It's kinda funny that we haven't changed the random generator in that time. Not bad, necessarily. 13:23
timotimo MasterDuke: we could have the environment variable choose different "modes" 13:25
yoleaux 12:33Z <MasterDuke> timotimo: are you going to implement the coveragecontrol op? or should i try? also, any opinion on not caching lines already covered (since that could be changed independently of adding the op)? or should that be a controllable option also?
MasterDuke yeah, i was thinking something similar, but wasn't sure if it should be done by the env variable or the op 13:26
e.g., nqp::coveragecontrol((UNIQUE_LINES|START), (1|0)); 13:30
timotimo we could make the whole thing controlled by the op and give the perl6 commandline interface all the control instead of env vars 13:43
but i like that i can just set the env var and run a full test suite 13:44
without hacking around with proves --exec command and such
lizmat m: my @a is default("foo"); @a[2] = "bar"; dd @a.join # another null leaking out 13:48
camelia "bar"?
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make R:I:ReifiedArray take the descriptor seperately 13:50
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/256586885 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/b...70ba331458
buggable [travis build above] ? Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
Zoffix . 14:05
yoleaux 11:17Z <lizmat_> Zoffix: so what is the use case of slipping an Array ?
11:54Z <lizmat> Zoffix: nvm, found a use case: .map: { |@a }
Zoffix Another usecase is calling .List on a bunch of arrays to get rid of containers so you could flatten them 14:06
lizmat yeah, note I'm finding other cases of nulls not being handled correctly wrt default 14:07
m: my @a is default("foo"); @a[2] = "bar"; dd @a.join # another one 14:08
camelia "bar"?
lizmat would have expected "foofoobar" there
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42); @a[2] = 70; dd @a.FLATTENABLE_LIST 14:15
camelia (Mu, Mu, 70)?
lizmat Zoffix: that last one I don't consider a bug -) 15:06
Geth rakudo/nom: 9b5cce0aec | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/List.pm
Make List.join handle nulls better

Especially when doing service as Array.join
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make List.join handle nulls better 16:28
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/256617304 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/0...5cce0aecf6
buggable [travis build above] ? Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 16:29
stmuk_ pl6anet.org/drop/rakudo-star-2017.07-RC1.tar.gz 16:33
MasterDuke stmuk_: does that have the fix for --ll-exception in it? 16:43
stmuk_ I don't think so .. I'll probably have to list that under the errata on the website
but at least the debugger now works :) 16:44
MasterDuke i'd hate for a star release to have that broken, any chance of pulling the fix in? 16:45
stmuk_ well I patched up the last Star release in a fairly hacky way to fix various problems and that seemed a mistake in hindsight 16:47
MasterDuke: is the problem in MoarVM, NQP or Rakudo?
MasterDuke nqp 16:48
nine stmuk_: the patch is very self contained changing code that's only running when --ll-exception is active 16:50
stmuk_ well maybe there should be a nqp 2017.07.1 release in that case? Although my personal view is that it's not worth it since the sort of person using --ll-exception isn't likely to be a R* user
nine stmuk_: that's it: github.com/perl6/nqp/commit/c0abee...e5fc85ca70 16:51
R* users may still be asked by core devs for a --ll-exception run for diagnosing rakudo bugs
stmuk_ I could create an unofficial nqp 2017.07.1 by patching in place 16:52
MasterDuke stmuk_: true, but they show up on #perl with problems and we ask for --ll-exception output to help
stmuk_ but creating a proper upstream nqp 2017.07.1 would also help El_Che's releases 16:53
MasterDuke nine: i'm not sure if my first attempt at a fix (which your diff is against) made it in the release 16:54
nine MasterDuke: AFAIK it did
MasterDuke cool, even easier then
stmuk_ Zoffix: do you have any views on the above ^^^^ 16:55
or AlexDaniel
dogbert17 is slowly putting his new Ryzen rig together, has been seven years since the last build .. 17:13
Zoffix stmuk_: -1 for a point release just to get --ll-exception working. If a user has a problem, we can ask for code and run it on a build without that bug, and in my experience, a lot of people run rakudobrew anyway 17:17
MasterDuke dogbert17: what motherboard did you go with?
Zoffix lizmat: how come? That's what's used to slip args into routines and the presence of Mus instead of Anys (by default) would make most routines choke since the default param type is Any, not Mu 17:18
stmuk_ it would be easier for R* to slipstream in fixes if there were -stable type branches 17:22
also any third party packagers 17:25
dogbert17 MasterDuke: I went for a Asus ROG Strix B350 Gaming 17:28
there will be no LED strips installed though :)
MasterDuke i think that's one of the ones i was looking at. B350 seems like the sweet spot 17:31
stmuk_ . o O ( and an unirepo ) 17:36
dogbert17 yeah, that and an R5 1600 in my case. Will start with 16 gigs of ram. 17:42
stmuk_ waits for a R3 like a cheapskate 17:43
AlexDaniel stmuk_: well, there are always bugs that can be hotfixed, so we should draw a line somewhere. --ll-exception does not seem like something critical to me, especially given that in 3 months this will be a non-issue. However, you raise a very good issue! Stable branches? Maybe. I'm not sure what would be the best solution, but it would be nice to make this process easier for everybody. 17:51
MasterDuke dogbert17: one 16gb, or two 8gb? 17:52
i want 32gb eventually, but since it's only a dual channel chipset i'd want to do it as two 16gbs. 32gb is kind of expensive with the price of ram right now, but i don't know how much performance will suffer with only one 16gb in 17:55
probably not noticeable, but... 17:56
dogbert17 MasterDuke: 2 8gb 18:34
stmuk_ what's stage 2 time on a R5? 18:38
MasterDuke stage 2? 18:39
Zoffix: how much ram does your beefy vm have? 18:41
stmuk_ "stage parse" 18:42
MasterDuke i think nine said his R7 1800x did stage parse in low 40's, could try to figure out the scale up factor from that 18:44
irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6-dev/2017-...i_14453896 18:46
Zoffix MasterDuke: well, it's configurable. Can make it up to 455GB. But I normally use 24GB; more than enough
MasterDuke do you have it spun up? if so, do you mind trying `perl6 -e 'my $a = "a" x 2**32-1; say $a.chars; my $b = $a.substr(1); say $b.chars'`?
Zoffix not ATM 18:48
Google gives $300 free credit.... You can sign up for Google Compute Engine and spin it up yourself, free :) 18:49
Geth rakudo/nom: 640641876c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Revert "Make R:I:ReifiedArray take the descriptor seperately"

This reverts commit 0970ba331458df7786c999aa2440f8765d7c42b6.
We need Array.Slip to return a List without containers, so we cannot actually use R:I.ReifiedArray for this.
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Revert "Make R:I:ReifiedArray take the descriptor seperately" 21:49
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/256679142 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/9...0641876c71
buggable [travis build above] ? Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
lizmat Could it be we're exiting after a successful install with an exit code of 1 ???? ^^^^^ 21:54
Geth rakudo/nom: 356dc40425 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Rakudo/Iterator.pm
Introducing R:I.ReifiedListWithDefault

Same as R:I.ReifiedList, but with a given default value for nulls. Could have been integrated into R:I.ReifiedList, but since that is a
  *very* hot code path, it felt that this would add unnecessary baggage
for the most common case.
rakudo/nom: 12d7d5b48a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Array.pm
Handle slipping Arrays with default values

Done by creating a special subclass of Slip called Slip-With-Default, which also keeps a default value to apply for null values. This in turn either feeds R:I.ReifiedListWithDefault, or a custom AT-POS.
lizmat m: my @a is default(42); @a[2] = 666; dd (|@a) 21:59
camelia slip(Mu, Mu, 666)?
lizmat will be "slip(42, 42, 666)" soon
m: my Int @a; @a[2] = 666; dd (|@a)
camelia slip(Mu, Mu, 666)?
lizmat similarly, will be "slip(Int, Int, 666)" 22:00
m: my @a; @a[2] = 666; dd (|@a)
camelia slip(Mu, Mu, 666)?
lizmat will be "slip(Any, Any, 666)"
and that concludes my hacking for today 22:01
good night, #perl6-dev!
samcv MasterDuke, that potential bug should be squashed now with github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/1e92fc9689 22:27
in addition to making it faster/better as well and refactoring code into a separate function 22:28
travis-ci Rakudo build passed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Handle slipping Arrays with default values 22:53
travis-ci.org/rakudo/rakudo/builds/256691656 github.com/rakudo/rakudo/compare/6...d7d5b48add
samcv pretty excited. on my special MoarVM collation-arrays branch out of all the collation tests (190,412 total tests) failing only 699 now \o/ 23:33