ugexe only 33 more to go 00:01
samcv 33? 00:02
now it seems i'm down to 478 :)
ugexe only 58 more to go 00:03
samcv after i didn't work on collation for a bit and now am working on the code again. it amazed me how well the code i wrote worked. i mean the auxillary functions here need some work but the main loop works perfectly with some minor tweaking i did 00:06
not a bad thing
now down to 346 :) 00:16
ugexe, i get your jokes now :P once i subtracted them heh 00:17
BenGoldberg Is nqp::p6bindattrinvres documented anywhere? It's not mentioned in ops.markdown 00:36
samcv andddd now at 150 :) 00:51
MasterDuke the nqp::p6* ops are (i believe) rakudo specific 01:02
BenGoldberg: and are somewhat documented here 01:03
BenGoldberg Ahh ha, I was looking at the wrong ops.markdown! I was looking at 01:05
MasterDuke++ 01:06
AlexDaniel what's the idea behind this? 03:15
m: my $x = []; $x .= :test; say $x
camelia [(Pair) test True]?
AlexDaniel I'm pretty sure it's there for a reason, but cannot figure it out yet
BenGoldberg m: say [] . :test 03:26
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>?Unsupported use of . to concatenate strings; in Perl 6 please use ~?at <tmp>:1?------> 3say [] .7?5 :test?
BenGoldberg m: say [].:test 03:27
camelia [(Pair) test True]?
BenGoldberg m: my @a; @a.:test; say @a;
camelia []?
BenGoldberg m: say [].^find_method: :test; 03:28
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2? in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1??
AlexDaniel it's not about “test”, it calls .new 03:37
[Tux] This is Rakudo version 2017.07-56-g12d7d5b48 built on MoarVM version 2017.07-15-g0729f841 06:03
csv-ip5xs 2.551
test 12.555
test-t 4.091 - 4.295
csv-parser 11.989
stmuk_ is there a test for the ll-exception issue? 09:17
probably not I guess since it's not part of the lanaguage 09:22
nine stmuk_: I'm not aware of any 09:23
stmuk_ I'm confused about whether the fix is in 2017.07 nqp since some commits are (MasterDuke's) and some aren't (nine's) 09:24
nine stmuk_: MasterDuke's were an attempt at fixing but were not enough 09:25
stmuk_ ah I see 09:27
I just get "Unhandled exception: concatenate requires a concrete string, but got null
with the first fix
nine yep, that's what my commit fixes 09:28
stmuk_ hmm if I bump nqp to c0abee7 in R* the other commits after 2017.07 look safe enough and "perl6 -v" will report the correct nqp 09:30
Geth nqp/async-await-continuations: 4 commits pushed by pmurias++ 10:01
rakudo/nom: a636fa8f62 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Streamline .unique(:as) candidate a bit

Gives about 3% improvement on a 1000 elem list wth unique values.
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Streamline .unique(:as) candidate a bit 12:50
buggable [travis build above] ? Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually.
Zoffix 13:09
buggable [travis build above] ? All failures are due to timeout (0), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (0), or failed make test (1). Across all jobs, only 04-nativecall/21-callback-other-thread.t test file failed.
Zoffix 13:11
buggable [travis build above] ? All failures are due to timeout (0), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (0), or failed make test (1). Across all jobs, only t/04-nativecall/21-callback-other-thread.t test file failed.
stmuk_ why does "perl6 -v" not give the NQP version? 14:09
ilmari and why doesn't moar have a -v (only --version)?
Geth rakudo/nom: 47d9bd9bef | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Make .unique(:with) about 4x faster

  - based on a 100 elem array with unique elements (aka worst case)
  - don't use gather / take, create proper iterator
  - don't use .first, but loop over low level list directly
Zoffix stmuk_: usually not needed, since you can get it by looking at what version the rakudo commit requires 14:11
Geth_ star: 60e4f01d42 | (Steve Mynott)++ | modules/MODULES.txt
fix LWP::Simple test by installing Encode first
star: eb441c1b54 | (Steve Mynott)++ | 2 files
document last min fix process
star: cebd7745d9 | (Steve Mynott)++ | docs/announce/
doc NQP version to fix -ll-exception flag
Geth rakudo/nom: 26789cc704 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Make .unique(:with(&[===])) about 20% faster

  - based on a 100 element array with unique elements
  - don't use nextwith, just return call to other candidate
Zoffix m: [].Slip.^name.say 14:57
camelia Array::Slip-With-Default?
Zoffix makes a face
timotimo m: [].Slip ~~ Slip
camelia ( no output )
timotimo m: say [].Slip ~~ Slip 14:58
camelia True?
Zoffix Feels like leaking internal stuff to userland. It's now expected the docs to list what Array::Slip-With-Default is, which means it also has to be mentioned in the spec.
Zoffix & 15:01
stmuk_ 15:08
lizmat Zoffix: do you prefer an anonymous class ??? 15:12
Zoffix I think if it were possible to do with a normal Slip, that'd be best. How does .Seq manages to obtain a default without having to be Array::Seq-With-Default? 15:15
m: my @a is default(42) = 1; @a[2] = 3; @a.Seq.List[2].say
camelia 3?
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = 1; @a[2] = 3; @a.Seq.List[1].say
camelia 42?
Zoffix s: [], 'Seq', \() 15:16
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at
Zoffix So one'd get Array::Seq-With-Default not even in all the .Slip cases, but only on fully-refied Arrays. Kinda unpredictable 15:18
lizmat Zoffix: a normal Slip isa List, and doesn't have room for a descriptor or a default
Zoffix: the alternative is that we go the slow path for all reified array Seqs
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = 1; @a[2] = 3; @a.List[1].say 15:19
camelia Nil?
lizmat and that is correct ^^^
because you lose the descriptor when you make it a List
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = 1; @a[2] = 3; @a.FLATTENABLE_LIST[1].say 15:20
camelia (Mu)?
lizmat afaik FLATTENABLE_LIST is an implementation detail, and one that dates from parrot days 15:21
Zoffix This is very inconsistent. You get `is default` value when you make a .Slip, but get a Mu when you slip it into a routine's arguments, and worse still, you get a Nil when you make a List
Feels like a Nil for all cases would be much saner
m: my @a is default(42) = 1; @a[2] = 3; sub { dd [$^a, $^b, $^c] }(|@a) 15:22
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '$b'; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)? in sub at <tmp> line 1? in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1??
lizmat then what's the point of "is default" ?
lizmat checks on "my @a is default(42) = 1; @a[2] = 3; sub { dd [$^a, $^b, $^c] }(|@a)" case
Zoffix That cases uses @a.FLATTENABLE_LIST that gives thge Mu
lizmat gotcha 15:23
Zoffix ok, yeah, not Nil 15:26
Geth rakudo/nom: 2fb8c72587 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/
Obscure the Slip-With-Default class
Zoffix s: [], 'iterator', \() 15:29
SourceBaby Zoffix, Sauce is at
lizmat m: my Int @a = 1; @a[2] = 3; sub { dd [$^a, $^b, $^c] }(|@a) # same issue, without "is default" 15:35
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '$b'; expected Any but got Mu (Mu)? in sub at <tmp> line 1? in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1??
lizmat dinner& 15:40
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = lazy gather { take 12; take Nil; take 70 }; @a.List.say 15:51
camelia Cannot List a lazy list? in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1??
Zoffix orly?
Really didn't expect there to be any difference between .Slip and .List, other than the types 15:52
m: my @a is default(42) = gather { take 12; take Nil; take 70 }; say @a[1]:exists; .say for @a.List 15:57
camelia True?12?42?70?
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = gather { take 12; take Nil; take 70 }; @a[1]:delete; say @a[1]:exists; .say for @a.List
camelia False?12?(Mu)?70?
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = Array.from-iterator(gather { take 12; take Nil; take 70 }.iterator); @a.List.say 16:02
camelia (12 (Any) 70)?
Zoffix I guess the lastone is right 16:03
m: my @a is default(42) = lazy 1...8; @a[1]:delete; .say for @a.Slip 16:05
camelia 1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = lazy 1...8; @a[1]:delete; .say for @a 16:06
camelia 1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?
Zoffix m: my @a is default(42) = lazy 1...8; @a[1]:delete; .say for @a[1]:exists
camelia True?
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Make .unique(:with(&[===])) about 20% faster 16:07
buggable [travis build above] ? All failures are due to timeout (0), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (1), or failed make test (0).
Zoffix Filed as 16:10
.tell lizmat maybe .Slip shouldn't do descriptor stuff at all? I would've expected it to be the same as .List, except for the type. And .FLATTENABLE_LIST would be fixed to give `is default` values, so if someone slips the array to a routine (e.g. say |@a), they'd get expected values. Then .List and .Slip will be the same, giving Mus for holes, and if someone wants `is default` values instead of Mus, they 16:12
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
Zoffix can do `@a.Seq.List/.Slip`
.tell can do `@a.Seq.List/.Slip`
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to can.
Zoffix .tell lizmat can do `@a.Seq.List/.Slip`
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
Zoffix .tell lizmat Just mentioning in case you don't already know this (to explain why I think .Slip should be like .List): `say |@a` doesn't call prefix:<|>. It changes it to a call to .FLATTENABLE_LIST/_HASH; so slipping arrays to args never calls .Slip. 16:17
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
Zoffix & 16:18
liztormato Zoffix: I think the essence of slipping is the iteration. That it is implemented as a subclass of List is an implementation detail 17:26
Zoffix Oh 17:27
liztormato Therefore the behaviour wrt to nulls, is an artefact of the implementation
In my opinion 17:28
Zoffix OK
liztormato Currently at dinner, will get back to it when home again 17:29
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. Elizabeth Mattijsen 'Obscure the Slip-With-Default class' 17:46
buggable [travis build above] ? All failures are due to timeout (0), missing build log (0), GitHub connectivity (0), or failed make test (1). Across all jobs, only t/04-nativecall/21-callback-other-thread.t test file failed.
jnthn m: my @a = 1, 2; sub foo($a is rw, $b is rw) { }; foo(|@a) 17:50
camelia ( no output )
jnthn m: my @a; @a[0] = 2; sub foo($a is rw, $b is rw) { }; foo(|@a)
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1? in sub foo at <tmp> line 1? in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1??
jnthn fwiw, that may also be considered an undesirable behavior (and shares the same cause as the default thing)
lizmat . 18:44
yoleaux 16:12Z <Zoffix> lizmat: maybe .Slip shouldn't do descriptor stuff at all? I would've expected it to be the same as .List, except for the type. And .FLATTENABLE_LIST would be fixed to give `is default` values, so if someone slips the array to a routine (e.g. say |@a), they'd get expected values. Then .List and .Slip will be the same, giving Mus for holes, and if someone wants `is default` values instead of Mus, they
16:12Z <Zoffix> lizmat: can do `@a.Seq.List/.Slip`
16:17Z <Zoffix> lizmat: Just mentioning in case you don't already know this (to explain why I think .Slip should be like .List): `say |@a` doesn't call prefix:<|>. It changes it to a call to .FLATTENABLE_LIST/_HASH; so slipping arrays to args never calls .Slip.
Zoffix AlexDaniel: BTW you now have the task I didn't finish and that is making this page look as good or better than and once that's done, to redirect HTTP URLs to HTTPs versions and to use HTTPS versions by default in announcements 19:33
[Coke] how can I dump the guts of a Encoding::Decoder::Builtin ? 19:34
it doesn't appear to have any attrs of its own, but has a repr of Decoder. 19:36
ggoebel what does OSR stand for? 20:01
On stack replacement... 20:02
[Coke] so, I'm digging into the Malformed UTF-8 error that I'm seeing on the mac; Might need samcv or someone to handhold here. (doesn't help that I don't have gdb, so I'm adding fprintf into moarvm at the moment to try to figure out when it goes south) 20:06
I can tell you it's dying in the slow path: 20:08
[Coke] hurls which might mean something to a MoarVM dev. 20:24
jnthn [Coke]: Dumping a Decoder: not exactly dumping but you can inspect it under gdb, for example 20:49
(The internal structure of it is opaque from Perl 6 level) 20:50
[Coke] on a mac, that's hard.
jnthn s/gdb/lldb/ ? :)
[Coke] I grabbed some output. looks like one "line" ends on byte 194, the next "line" begins on byte 171, at which point it 'splodes.
where a line is based on nqp::decodertakeline from consume-line-chars 20:51
jnthn Yeah, was trying to figure out what to make of that :)
One interestig question: if you grab the bytes instead, are they correct?
.slurp-rest(:bin) or so 20:52
[Coke] those are the bytes I'm emitting from decode_utf8_byte in MoarVM.
yes, it has to go through run()
if I generate the output of 'perl6 --doc doc/Type/List.pod6' and then process that file, it's fine. 20:53
(without bin)
jnthn I meant if you do
[Coke] That doesn't trigger the error. Pretty sure .lines has to be involved as well. 20:55
m: say chr(194) 20:57
camelia Â?
[Coke] ... that character doesn't appear in the input file anywhere.
(or in the --doc output) 20:58
geekosaur that makes me think utf8 misdecoded as iso8859
jnthn [Coke]: It won't trigger an error, I'm more curious if you the take the resulting byte sqeuence and decode it, does it decode then? 21:00
[Coke] yes, .decode('utf8') on that does not error, generates the output. 21:01
jnthn Hm, ok. Odd. 21:02
[Coke] yup. :) 21:09
I know it requires mac+run+lines; at the moment, trying to figure out what the bad utf8 it's complaining about is, so then I can figure out where it came from. :)
jnthn [Coke]++ 21:13
Once I get done with the current round of spesh changes, I'll ask lizmat++ for a shell account and see if I can reproduce it there and hunt it down, if you don't beat me to it 21:14
[Coke] thanks. spesh first. :) 21:15
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 22:33
AlexDaniel Zoffix: is there any ticket for this somewhere? 22:34
Zoffix__ AlexDaniel, "this" being what? 22:39
AlexDaniel Zoffix__: “BTW you now have the task […]” 22:40
Zoffix__ AlexDaniel, nope, no ticket
AlexDaniel ok, created a ticket 23:17
By the way, this is a great page:
I didn't know it existed
tadzik I find it infinitely more useful when you replace the "owner:<me>" with "user:<me>" in the search bar 23:21
yoleaux 21 Jul 2017 07:58Z <AlexDaniel> tadzik: plz
tadzik then it shows you bug in *your* projects, rather than all projects you have access to
hm, now it seems to show bugs you opened by default, actually 23:22
AlexDaniel: thanks for the bug and PR :) 23:23
AlexDaniel no, thank *you* for the bug :) 23:24
tadzik :P