AlexDaniel samcv: great! 02:56
dogbert17: here? 03:14
hey what a cool fix I found to the annoying segv in whateverable 05:30
you just run it under valgrind and the segfault goes away!
awesome! :'(
yoleaux AlexDaniel`: RT/GH weekly 07:17
Geth roast/run-with-prove: 175e3af168 | (Nick Logan)++ | 222 files
Allow testing from rakudo or roast root

While it makes sense to expect the roast to run from the rakudo directory, it is generally accepted that tests should be invoked from inside of the repo to be tested.
roast/run-with-prove: 1b0a473aa9 | (Nick Logan)++ | 2 files
Spawn procs in the same location

Adds :%proc-args to Test::Util, which passes through its options to shell ala `shell( ..., |%proc-args )`. This allows commands that get spawned to know any relative paths used will point to the expected location (regardless if run from rakudo/ or roast/).
roast/run-with-prove: 9bfb1201b3 | (Nick Logan)++ | 23 files
Adjust relative lib / file paths to be more correct

This removes more assumptions about the directory that the tests have been launched from, allowing them to pass when not cloned into rakudo/t/spec.
ufobat_ .tell Zoffix I've updated the PR with your suggestions 09:21
yoleaux ufobat_: I'll pass your message to Zoffix.
ufobat what is ::CORE.WHO, or why does this actually not work 10:37
m: require IO::XXX
camelia IO::XXX is a builtin type, not an external module
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ufobat in the 2nd iteration, for XXX, $ns{ 'XXX' }:exists seems to be True 10:38
m: my $ns := ::CORE.WHO; say $ns<IO>.WHO<XXX>:exists' 10:50
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 ::CORE.WHO; say $ns<IO>.WHO<XXX>:exists7⏏5'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
ufobat m: my $ns := ::CORE.WHO; say $ns<IO>.WHO<XXX>:exists' 10:51
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 ::CORE.WHO; say $ns<IO>.WHO<XXX>:exists7⏏5'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
ufobat m: my $ns := ::CORE.WHO; say $ns<IO>.WHO<XXX>:exists
camelia False
[Tux] Due to (very) high system load today, I don't think it is wise to do timing. System load is for the kids and is required 11:58
tbrowder after the release i hope someone can please evaluate my PR #1240 13:08
AlexDaniel lizmat: alright, your answer makes sense after looking at this: 14:17
although the comment there is still confusing
so everything is in KiB, alright 14:18
lizmat aha! :-) 14:23
dogbert17 AlexDaniel: have you by any chance managed to golf down your whateverable SEGV ? 14:28
AlexDaniel dogbert17: it goes away once I reduce the amount of code
dogbert17: and if I run it under valgrind there's no SEGV
dogbert17: we had this issue for more than one release so that's not a blocker really as far as I'm concerned, but it would be great to fix it 14:29
because otherwise I can't really use whateverable as a canary
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: what about running it under gdb? does it go away there?
AlexDaniel oh, hmm 14:30
I can try
dogbert17: it should be related to Proc::Async in some way, I think
more rambling here: 14:31
dogbert17 +1 on MasterDukes suggestion
AlexDaniel dogbert17: not sure if my gdb-fu is strong enough, wanna try yourself? 14:39
dogbert17 what do I have to install? 14:41
AlexDaniel dogbert17: you'll actually have to do that on the server where the bots are running… give me your ssh pub key and we can move to #whateverable channel to discuss the rest 14:42
dogbert17 haha, here I come up as a NoOb, don't have an ssh pub key :) perhaps better to give the honors to MasterDuke
AlexDaniel dogbert17: well, maybe it's a good idea to create one? :) 14:44
it's not just for ssh-ing to servers, you can use it to commit to github too 14:45
to push*
dogbert17 hmm, perhaps I should look into that
MasterDuke i probably only have a couple minutes now, but will have more time this afternoon
AlexDaniel dogbert17: I'd recommend ed25519 :) 14:46
dogbert17: then, once you have the key generated, the easiest way is probably to add it to your github account, so that others can see it here: 14:47
well, here of course: :)
I'm really hoping that one day we'll get stable enough so that I can declare any rakudo-related issue in whateverable a blocker… :) 14:49
dogbert17 what about the other error, i.e. the Gumbo one, has that been solved? 14:51
AlexDaniel no
dogbert17 I tried to reproduce it a couple of weeks ago but my 32 bit system seems immune to the problem
AlexDaniel I'm currently working on a project that does some web scraping, so I simply built it in a way that expects MoarVM to panic every few runs… 14:52
dogbert17 :(
AlexDaniel yes, 32-bit systems are immune to that issue
dogbert17 and it's not jit related then ?
AlexDaniel no, I don't think so
it is reproducible with MVM_JIT_DISABLE=1 for sure 14:53
dogbert17 interesting 14:55
AlexDaniel (for anyone else wondering, the discussion is about RT#131003) 14:56
synopsebot RT#131003 [open]: [SEVERE][SEGV] Heap corruption when using Gumbo 14:57
dogbert17 ok, I'll bite and setup a 64 bit vm temporarily
AlexDaniel Geth: ver 14:58
hey Geth ?
dogbert17 then I can try out Linux Mint 18.3 (beta) at the same time
AlexDaniel :) 14:59
lizmat T-Dose shutting down& 15:49
.oO(MoarVM panic: Heap corruption detected: pointer 0x7f8b7470c668 to past fromspace)
AlexDaniel .tell lizmat 15:56
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
dogbert17 AlexDaniel, timotimo, jnthn: 16:13
AlexDaniel who knows more about ? 17:03
timotimo: ?
timotimo do we forget to byteswap something somewhere? 17:08
did previous versions build fine on the big endian systems? 17:14
hm, looks like
AlexDaniel yeah, 2017.06 was ok at least 17:16
timotimo that's a really long span :\ 18:10
AlexDaniel timotimo: so what do you think we can do about it? 18:34
if I had a system like that at hand I'd try bisecting, but I don't
timotimo should be able to use qemu to run a different architecture on your machine 18:35
it's probably dreadfully slow though 18:36
AlexDaniel it is 19:29
DrForr pushes a first cut at Format::Lisp to the ecosystem. 19:30
timotimo DrForr: into the ecosystem rather than onto cpan? 19:43
moritz we should really update the docs to advise uploading to CPAN 19:44
timotimo we can also put it into the pr text template, right? 19:48
moritz but only after we update the docs, IMHO
moritz now very glad that he didn't put instructions on how upload modules into his book, but rather linked to the official docs 19:49
timotimo of course 19:51
DrForr Yes, right now I'm on the ass end of the Intartubes and don't have the patience to both babysit the laptop and straighten out CPAN redentials.
Geth roast/run-with-prove: 23846a42c6 | (Nick Logan)++ | 213 files
Find local lib in a `FindBin`-esq manner

  * Use $?FILE to create absolute paths based on the layout of the
spectest repo.
  * Some cases, such as when `run` is used and the cwd can be
controlled, still use a relative path (to keep some testing on it)
roast/run-with-prove: 1427f9c76e | (Nick Logan)++ | 24 files
Absolutify references to 't/spec'

The contents of 't/spec/foo'.IO.slurp depend on the users cwd but can be rewritten with $?FILE to work from any cwd.
b2gills m: my atomicint $a; my $s = supply { whenever Nil { $a⚛++; say 'Promise'; done } }; $s.act: *.say; $s.wait xx 5; say $a 21:19
camelia Promise
b2gills It seems a little weird that `.wait` on a `supply` causes `whenever` to be called even after it is done 21:21
AlexDaniel oh gosh… this is probably too slow to be useful 21:33
I have troubles starting the system, let alone trying to build rakudo… 21:34
oh… 21:59
jnthn b2gills: You are tapping the supply twice: once in .act, once again in .wait 22:01
Uh, actually 6 times :) 22:02
timotimo b2gills: did you want to .share? 22:10
MasterDuke AlexDaniel: qemu is usually pretty fast for me, but you're emulating a big-endian architecture, right? 22:14
timotimo yeah, qemu on x86 for x86 is likely blazing fast
mips on x86, not so much
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: actually I just noticed that there's some other problem… trying something right now
MasterDuke: are you up for some gdb-ing with whateverable? :) 22:15
MasterDuke might have a couple minutes 22:20
AlexDaniel: how do you have things set up? 22:22
AlexDaniel → #whateverable 22:26