Pugs t-shirts www.cafepress.com/pugscode | Pugs 6.2.9 released | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | www.geeksunite.net
Set by stevan on 15 August 2005.
elmex_ this is no gain 00:08
over vain
GNAA 00:41
??? 01:04
obvious 01:28
the dead seed is in the grain of the void
svnbot6 r6676 | fglock++ | PIL-Run 03:07
r6676 | fglock++ | - fixed dir-name-with-spaces in Windows (crude_repl.pl)
r6676 | fglock++ | - added support for 'Inf' value; fixed '1..Inf' and '1...'
r6676 | fglock++ | new subs: .isa(), .does(), .splice(), .hex()
r6676 | fglock++ | - 'a'..'z'; but string-decrement doesn't work yet
r6676 | fglock++ | - basic .warn()
r6676 | fglock++ | perl5/Array
r6676 | fglock++ | - fixed Pair stringification in (1,2,3).pairs 03:08
r6676 | fglock++ | perl5/Code
r6676 | fglock++ | - fixed Code-do() return context (bug found by putter++)
r6677 | fglock++ | * PIL-Run - @a = (1..Inf) xx Inf creates an Array (Inf x Inf) 03:44
r6677 | fglock++ | - (1..Inf) x 10 is a string
r6677 | fglock++ | - @a[1][2] works; @a[1;2] doesn't compile
r6678 | fglock++ | * PIL-Run - pair(), list(), abs() 04:38
r6679 | Darren_Duncan++ | /ext/Locale-KeyedText : rearranged the POD sections in KeyedText.pm so they are all below the code, and moved copyright to the end ... all in sync with Perl 5 version changes 05:08
r6680 | luqui++ | Fixed the Net::IRC ~~ problem. It was rather subtle and it represents a problem more general than 05:26
r6680 | luqui++ | this specific case. Analysis:
r6680 | luqui++ | 1) Apparently "is primitive" operators don't get their own lexical pad
r6680 | luqui++ | 2) "when" is written in terms of &infix:<~~>, not &*infix:<~~>
r6680 | luqui++ | 3) That means that "when" uses whatever &infix:<~~> was in innermost scope in the caller
r6680 | luqui++ | 4) Somehow there was an &infix:<~~> defined in Net::IRC (but I don't know how)
r6680 | luqui++ | I solved the problem by fixing #2. In general, operators that are defined in terms of other
r6680 | luqui++ | operators *must* fully qualify the name of the operator they are using. Also, "is primitive"
r6680 | luqui++ | subs should fully qualify all operators they use. 05:27
r6681 | autrijus++ | * correct fglock's email adddress: s/Egmail.com/gmail.com/ 05:32
xinming good job everybody, This ticket is in my bag now, Will move to BeiJing next day 08:00AM GMT+8 :-) 07:28
bbl 07:29
luqui ?eval 42 07:31
evalbot_6681 42
luqui WOOHOO
svnbot6 r6682 | luqui++ | Created a warning that warns when you try to export an operator. The problem 07:33
r6682 | luqui++ | came up with Set that exported &infix:<->, thus *overriding* the default
r6682 | luqui++ | numeric minus, and causing wacky infinite loops all over the place!
r6683 | luqui++ | Fixed set to do what the warning tells it to: instead of exporting operators, 07:39
r6683 | luqui++ | it multifies the global ones.
luqui ?eval sub apply(&infix:<+>, $a, $b) { $a + $b } apply(&infix:<*>, 3, 3) 08:16
evalbot_6683 9
luqui coool
xinming ?eval sub foo(&infix:<haha>, $a, $b) { $a haha $b }; foo(&infix:<**>, 3, 3); 08:22
evalbot_6683 Error: unexpected "h" expecting operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or "}"
xinming hmm, It's said, we can define the operator ourown... hmm, So, will this example be "true" in real perl 6? 08:23
?eval sub foo(multi infix:<haha>, $a, $b) { $a haha $b }; foo(&infix:<**>, 3, 3); 08:24
evalbot_6683 Error: unexpected "i" expecting "?", "*", "+", "++" or parameter name
luqui xinming, the former of those should work 08:25
xinming luqui: thanks. 08:26
10:32 Aankh|Clone is now known as Aankhen``
rafl geoffb: Hm. I think I agree. 10:35
geoffb rafl: :-) 10:54
luqui++ # Nice fundamentals work 10:55
luqui geoffb, hmm? 10:56
geoffb luqui, the last several operator commits
luqui oh, thank you
geoffb you're welcome :-) 10:57
mmmm, pasta . . . 11:31
nothing_pasta i'm getting hangs on ext/MIME-Base64/t/Base64.t
geoffb is getting hungry
nothing_pasta and ext/Net-IRC/t/basic.t
pugs has 100% cpu
geoffb: how's your forth progressing? 11:32
geoffb Actually, woke up about an hour and a half ago having figured out what to do next. 11:33
So right now, hacking away. :-)
nothing_pasta so what is it that you are doing next?
geoffb BTW, is there some (perl 5) module that will allow you to iterate over an array two elements at a time, like Perl 6 'for @foo -> $x, $y'? 11:34
Words are no longer defined as the values of the dictionary hash; the dictionary rather contains pointers to data cells containing the definitions, like a real Forth would. 11:35
This then allows me to implement JZ and JMP, and therefore control flow ops
Aankhen`` I wish Pugs would build for me. :-(
Aankhen`` whines.
luqui Aankhen``, what is your arch?
Aankhen`` Win32.
luqui mm
geoffb Aankhen``, I feel the plight of your people, my brother.
luqui Aankhen``, do you use feather? 11:36
Aankhen`` luqui: No.
luqui any reason?
Aankhen`` Yes, parting with my name.
luqui ?
nothing_pasta geoffb: what is your threading model? 11:37
Aankhen`` I have to send an e-mail to Juerd with my real name. :-)
luqui does your name have some kind of quantum non-copying property? 11:38
Aankhen`` Nah, I just don't like to give it out
luqui well... umm... 11:39
geoffb nothing_pasta, the current plan is that @DATA doesn't just contain Perl integers, it can also contain coderefs. So any coderef found while executing is native code (duh), and anything else is a word to call.
luqui you have a trade-off :-)
nothing_pasta ah
nothing_pasta hashes the codref primitives into integers
everything is a primitive 11:40
geoffb nothing_pasta, :-)
nothing_pasta bsr, <address> making a clal
some things are arguments to primitives, like where to jump
geoffb Well, I'm taking it one step at a time, starting from simplest possible idea first.
nothing_pasta, nodnod, that's one of the things that popped into my head this morning. 11:41
JMP and JZ are actually coderefs followed by a jump target cell, and the coderef does effectively IP = $DATA[IP + 1] if jump is taken 11:42
obvious, I know, but I'm new to this part of the compiler writer's biz. :-)
nothing_pasta btw, all you *really* need is jnz 11:43
: JMP R@ CELL + @ IP ! ;
where IP is the instruction
instruction pointer 11:44
Aankhen`` You people scare me.
geoffb Aankhen``, <voice character="dope-peddler">Try it, you'll LIKE it ...</voice>
nothing_pasta the CELL + is whether BSR set the address before or after the jump
geoffb Are 'CELL +' and 'CELL+' the same? 11:45
Aankhen`` <voice character="whiny-little-girl">MOMMY, MOMMY, THAT MAN IS ACTING WEIRD!</voice>
nothing_pasta geoffb: i guess so... those words are "faster"
1+ is one assembler instruction, 1 pushes 1, + sums to TOS 11:46
well, 1+ is really load to reg, inc reg, smash stack head
geoffb nodnod, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't confused.
geoffb gets very little sleep these days, and feels like he's thinking upstream all the time
nothing_pasta now, here is, IMHO, where the user shouldn't optimize
geoffb Aankhen``, heh 11:47
nothing_pasta because : FOO + ; : BAR 1 FOO ; should compile down to the same thing : BAR 1+ ; would
geoffb nodnod
nothing_pasta continues the <voice character="somewhat-out-of-context-person">
geoffb heh 11:48
nothing_pasta anyway, i'm getting hungry too
geoffb brb, stomach now growling with all these pasta references, must go grab food from kitchen
nothing_pasta spent all morning watching TV, trying not to move
geoffb heh, jinx
nothing_pasta skin--;
geoffb ?
nothing_pasta has atopic dermatitis 11:50
basically, the immune system is reacting as if i'm allergic to something, but to nothing at all
so the skin in my elbows, throat and face is painful 11:51
normally it isn't as bad, it's just kind of dry
but now it's a really bad eczema
geoffb um, should you have been doing all that construction stuff given that condition?
Forget that, I'm sounding like a mother 11:52
Once you become a parent, it's hard to stop. :-)
nothing_pasta well, it started yesterday, and went away early morning
and then it started again this night
geoffb yucko
nothing_pasta i suspect it was the paint
but it's probably more due to the stress of a screwed up house for 3 weeks 11:53
and the cement dust, which is an irritant
irritants leads to scratching, scratching leads to more irritation, etc etc
geoffb nodnod 11:54
nothing_pasta anyway, i'm on this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antihistamine
geoffb finally gets around to joining #forth . . . . 11:55
Any particular antihistimine? 11:56
God, wikipedia is just amazing
I can only assume that several existing info repositories decided to dump content into wikipedia at some point, because in some fields it's just insanely detailed. 11:57
Math, for instance
I'm guessing by all the linkage on this page, medicine as well. 11:58
luqui geoffb, also keep in mind that math is very easy to (poorly) write about once you know it 12:14
and there are a lot of math geeks 12:15
where wikipedia suffers is in pedagogy. many of the articles are only approachable by people who already know what the article is saying.
geoffb fair enough. My advanced math skills are far too weak to tell if the wikipedia articles are incorrect . . . .
luqui no, they're probably right 12:16
geoffb Hmmm. You may be right there.
luqui a concept of difficulty n has a bunch of links to other concepts of difficulty n or > n
luqui should really really really go to sleep now 12:17
luqui is very tired
geoffb yes, I have found that . . . but I could often get enough context from wikipedia articles to understand what someone was refering to elsewhere
sleep, luqui . . . enjoy
luqui Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz &
12:43 integral1 is now known as integral
svnbot6 r6684 | rafl++ | * Removed =pod tag. It prevented a proper NAME tag in the generated manpage 13:44
r6684 | rafl++ | which is important for mandb/apropos/whatis/etc.
r6685 | rafl++ | * Added proper copyright statement as requisited by LICENSE.txt.
r6686 | rafl++ | Debian Package: 13:56
r6686 | rafl++ | * Added license of examples/hop6 to debian/copyright.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Install some more manpages into the pugs package.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Added ability to build optimized or unoptimized base on DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Fixed syntax error when running tests.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Run smome-all by default when running tests.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Added ability to change the tests being run with the TESTS environment
r6686 | rafl++ | variable.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Added ability to send the generated smoke htmls to the smokeserv. This can be
r6686 | rafl++ | disabled by setting DONT_SEND_SMOKE to something true.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Install lintian overrides for pugs-modules to prevent "unusual interpreter"
r6686 | rafl++ | warnings.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Don't generate a pugs.1 manpage. Link to pugs::run instead.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Remove extra license file for hop6.
r6686 | rafl++ | * Remove empty files in the pugs-doc package.
r6687 | rafl++ | * Fixed shell glob for smoke html files.
r6688 | rafl++ | * Move Inline::Pugs manpage from pugs to pugs-modules. 14:08
r6689 | iblech++ | * Usual svn props. 14:32
r6689 | iblech++ | * debian/pugs.links: Fixed typo:
r6689 | iblech++ | Commit message of r6686 said "Link to pugs::run instead.",
r6689 | iblech++ | but pugs.links pointed to pugs::hack, rafl++ please double check my fix :)
putter rafl: smoke, rather than smoke-all, should be the default. at the moment smoke is pugs (and smoke-pugs is missing), but that will likely change with time. smoke-all is for development. It is both dangerous (smoke-perl5 nonterminates, smoke-js exhausts swap), and discouraging (will happily spend a machine-stressing hour generating a useless smoke because some environment variable was wrong). 16:42
oh, and smoke-all may require odd extras (eg, spidermonkey, SBCL, etc). 16:43
rafl putter: OK, I'll change that as soon as I get back to my development box again. 16:47
putter sounds good. :) 16:58
Do the debian mirrors maintain any kind of stats on how often something is downloaded? (random curiousity) 16:59
pjcj popcon.debian.org/ 17:02
putter pjcj: interesting. thanks. 17:07
Just now created a smoke-pugs target. I've some hesitancy about the name, but eh. 17:08
svnbot6 r6690 | putter++ | Makefile.PL: Created new smoke-pugs target, which existing smoke target now calls. rafl++
rafl putter: No. 17:17
But there's the popularity-contest.
putter: Usually the targets are called smoke-${backend}. So what about smoke-haskell? 17:18
putter ratf: sounds plausible. 17:23
putter begins to think about how we will deal with multiple front-ends, and backend variants (eg, js linked with p5 vs not), and decides to invite others to do so instead... 17:25
frontends**<1..2> -> pil**<1..3> -> optimizer**<0..?> -> backend**<4..?> 17:35
err, pil**<3..?> 17:36
integral is the build (Pugs.Internals) meant to be broken at the moment? 17:44
putter it seems unlikely... I just built r6690 a moment ago with... 17:45
integral ok, it's my broken environment then :)
putter with no problem. 17:46
svnbot6 r6691 | Stevan++ | Perl6::MetaModel2.0 - adding some prototypes to the chaos.pl functions 18:20
putter hmm... "" =~ /(?:(a?)){3}/ matches, $1 is defined, but $2 isnt. I can understand that behavior with + or *, but with {3}...?!? 18:26
Juerd There is no second set of parent. 18:28
parens even
So there is also no $2
/(foo(bar))(baz)(?:quux(xyzzy))/ 18:29
^$1 ^$2 ^$3 ^$4
well, almost :)
^$1 ^$2 ^$3 ^$4
It's about the left parens 18:30
Repetition has no relevance
putter right. thank you Juerd. p5+p6 brain stirfry. 18:32
Juerd++ # thanks. 18:38
Juerd yay, ego boost :) 18:40
putter :) 18:45
svnbot6 r6692 | Stevan++ | Perl6::MetaModel 2.0 - 19:21
r6692 | Stevan++ | * new, bless and CREATE are no longer Object class methods
r6692 | Stevan++ | instead they are now Class instance methods
r6692 | Stevan++ | - cleaned up some tests and code to reflect this
r6692 | Stevan++ | * pneuma.pl now calls $::Class->new() to create $::Object
r6692 | Stevan++ | instead of the ::create_class function from gnosis.pl
r6692 | Stevan++ | * it is now possible to subclass $::Class because of all this
r6692 | Stevan++ | - see new test t/09_subclassing_Class.t for example
putter could someone summarize the transformation rule which simplifies /.X(.+)+X/ so it can run against bbbbXcXaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? 19:32
svnbot6 r6693 | iblech++ | * Usual svn props. 19:38
r6693 | iblech++ | * PIL2JS:
r6693 | iblech++ | * PIL2JS.js: Beginning of real multi handling,
r6693 | iblech++ | might need changes to -CPIL.
r6693 | iblech++ | * PIL, PIL::Assign, PIL::Subs, PIL::PStmts: no warnings "recursion"
r6693 | iblech++ | * PIL::PApp: Rewrote $possibly_ccify_many as a real sub using no closures and
r6693 | iblech++ | pass-by-ref.
r6693 | iblech++ | * runjs.pl, pil2js.pl: Tweaked resource limits a bit.
r6694 | iblech++ | PIL2JS: Work towards a working "class A { method b {...} }". 19:55
r6694 | iblech++ | * PIL: Emit class declarations as given by...
r6694 | iblech++ | * P5 Prelude::JS: ...the P5Macro &Class::_create.
Aankhen`` G'night. 20:01
renormalist hi all 20:03
I started an emacs perl6 mode for Emacs by deriving it from cperl-mode and adapting new Perl6 syntax so that indenting and highlighting works again. I would like to contribute that into Pugs. Whom do I ask for interest? 20:05
coral this is a good place to ask that question 20:06
svnbot6 r6695 | rafl++ | * smoke instead of smoke-all when building the Debian package. 20:19
r6695 | rafl++ | * pugs suggests pugs-doc.
r6695 | rafl++ | * Clean smoke html files properly.
putter looks forward to having an emacs mode adapted for p6... (currently using perl-mode) 20:21
renormalist: do you have commit permission already? 20:22
renormalist not yet 20:23
putter If not, it's as simple as saying "I'd like to commit permission to contribute X!". Though some times of day, like perhaps now, there may not be anyone with committer creation permission awake. 20:24
putter waves wand of committer creator invocation...
putter waits hopefully... 20:25
renormalist Ok, I would like to contribute that, and therefore would be thankful to commit permission
putter hmm. 21-03 GMT tends to be a bit quiet. 20:29
renormalist just in case I get permission, how does it then work? I currently have svn checked out, but quite anonymously. Do I get a login/password and re-checkout or svn switch with login/pw? 20:30
(I know svn, just not the Pugs access policy) 20:31
putter "permission" in a technical sense. pugs has a very "here, have a commit bit, please" policy. someone asks you for your email, tickles openfoundry, which emails you a "invite", ... and I fuzzily recall it was simple from there. 20:33
renormalist ok 20:34
Tonight there seems no one awake, right? Di I ask here again later (tomorrow) or should I email someone? 20:35
s/Di/Do/ 20:36
putter tommorow, at a different time of day, might be your best bet. actually, if you /msg me your email, I'll pass it on if I'm around and I see a renormalist: give me your email address 20:37
normally the turnaround is just a few minutes, but, well, not at the moment. 20:38
renormalist np :)
putter :) 20:39
renormalist i cant /msg here (have to read faq ...) 20:41
putter: I read your testing but cannot write 20:42
putter goes to see who is on the committer-committer list... 20:44
renormalist putter: I sent you my email address 20:50
putter autrijus: gaal: iblech: nothingmuch: Stevan: theorbtwo: I invoke thee. renormalist needs a commit bit.
(sometimes mentioning the name rings a little irc browser bell in some distant part of the planet)
ok, I'll pass it on. 20:51
sorry for the hassle.
putter imagines a vcs which, like a subscriber-mostly mailinglist, allows "commits pending review". 20:52
renormalist np, thanks, I will wait and ask again tomorrow if nothing happens 20:54
putter prolog regex engine up to 64% of perl5.9's re_tests 20:55
renormalist: sounds like a plan.
coral passes? fails? 21:01
oh, in progress. neat. is it doing well?
Juerd Could someone please send me a virus by email? I'm getting a lot of viruses and want to see the log in realtime. 21:04
(For a known virus)
Nevermind 21:06
putter coral: 960 tests, 616 pass, the rest fail but for one skipped non-termination (previously mentioned). 21:11
re_tests isnt the entire perl5 re test suite, and there is no p6 yet, but it seems hopeful. 21:12
rafl Do you guys use vim and utf8? I got problems to get it working with an utf8-enabled xterm. gvim works fine, though. 21:44
Juerd Make sure first that screen isn't the problem. 21:47
Or ssh
rafl Juerd: It's on a local terminal without screen. 22:05
wolverian rafl, what kind of problems? 22:06
Juerd rafl: That certainly helps
rafl: locale?
godsmacker Juerd: It's on a local terminal without screen. 22:16
Pulling 6695 revisions from svn sucks, btw. 22:18
QMario Hello everyone!!! :) 22:34
Is anyone here?
Wow! This channel is quiet. 22:35
Why do people use such profane language? 22:50
lscd such as?
QMario Iscd, such as "F", "S", "B", "D", "Gd", and "A". 22:59
Hello Amnesiac! :)
Amnesiac greetings
lscd QMario: hm.. emotional impact? lack of vocabulary? sometimes substitutes really lose something 23:00
luqui QMario, well, it's a generational distinguisher
you don't see too many people over twenty-five (who aren't criminals) using excessive profane language... well, I don't, at least 23:01
QMario, do you consider Perl 6 to be a swear word?
QMario Luqui, no.
luqui :-) 23:02
QMario It is 2 words, but not swear words.
Iscd, do you use them?
Iscd and Luqui. Ask about me in #Perl. 23:03
Have you heard about me there? :-/
lscd swear words? yes, i admit i've fallen into that habbit
though i am < 25, and very rarely use them online
QMario Iscd, can you break out?
lscd yep
QMario Why don't you then, if you know they are wrong to use.
lscd i'd debate that they're 'wrong' to use
obviously, there are social contexts where they're unacceptable 23:04
QMario Anyway, what did the people say about me in #Perl?
Iscd, which cases?
lscd hm? which cases are they acceptable in? 23:05
QMario Yes.
lscd some forms of poetry/music; saying, for instance, 'posterier' instead of a* ruins some rhymes, and carries very different connotations 23:06
aside from that, different social contexts have somewhat different rules 23:07
i find that, speaking in the native language of this area, a lot of people (including well-educated ones > 25) swear a _lot_
QMario lscd, they could use synonyms of 'posterier' instead of "A".
"A" is reserved for "fool" and "donkey". Is it not?
lscd QMario: the point is, different words occupy different linguistic positions; there are whole sets of connotations associated with every synonym 23:08
it is not, indeed
there are also swear words, in some languages, which really don't have good replacements
english is fairly swear-poor
QMario Grrr. 23:09
lscd although you'd be hard-pressed to find another word as versatile as the f-word; there are some things floating online talking about its use as a noun, verb, etc, etc
QMario Noun?
Who made up that word anyway? 23:10
lscd yes, noun
it comes from old french, i believe
QMario It should have been used to point to good things instead of bad things.
lscd would you have no words for bad things?
and one could argue that some uses of it are positive, i suppose
QMario Yes. In a perfect world, there are no bad things.
lscd disagreed 23:11
QMario Iscd, who could argue that?
lscd that said, i think we could agree our world isn't perfect
QMario Iscd, yes.
lscd QMario: unless all things were exactly the same, some would be worse than others, no?
.... therefore, in comparison, they would be 'bad'
QMario Heaven is perfect though.
lscd i don't believe in heaven
QMario So is God.
lscd nor do i believe that any models of it i've heard of are anywhere near perfect
i don't believe in that either 23:12
QMario Do you think that murderers should get away with their deeds?
Are you a "murderer"?
lscd not afaik
i'm actually vegan
QMario What does "afaik" mean?
lscd and i try to minimise killing even of, say, bugs
'as far as i know' 23:13
and no, but the definition of 'murderer' gets very vague very fast, though there are cases pretty much everyone can agree on
QMario lscd, are you a rationalist?
lscd what's a rationalist?
QMario It is a person that tries to make bad things seem "good". 23:14
And vice versa.
lscd by that definition, no, other than possibly for the sake of debate
i do believe in questioning assumptions 23:15
QMario Such as saying that gossip is information that that person needs to know.
lscd, do you believe in Hell?
lscd perhaps in some cases it would be, though i'm no fan of gossip
i don't accept any concept of an afterlife, rebirth, etc 23:16
QMario Do you think that murderers should get away with their deeds?
lscd, so you think after you die, it is the "end"?
lscd QMario: i think that that is a more complicated question than a straightforward 'no' acknowledges; are soldiers in wars murderers? resistance fighters? what about assisted suicide?
QMario: essentially
QMario lscd, murder is killing a person made in God's image, except if God tells you to kill that person. 23:17
Killing humans.
lscd QMario: i don't believe that a god exists
hence, I don't believe that he/she/it/they can tell you to kill anyone
QMario lscd, then why don't you kill your country's president/prime minister? 23:18
lscd QMario: i'm anti-violence
QMario Do you feel bad after doing something wrong?
lscd generally, though obviously, that depends on things like my perception of wrong 23:19
QMario: re: murder - it's a term which is used in very different ways by different people; in the strictest definitions, i do agree that it's wrong
QMario Do you think that each person should define what is right or wrong in their own eyes?
lscd yes, and i think that it's a moral duty of anyone who decides to seriously explore the concepts of right and wrong to do so 23:20
there is a fair amount of overlap between people honestly looking, i believe
QMario lscd, that makes no sense then. 23:21
There has to be a "right" and a "wrong" or this world will be in chaos.
lscd QMario: well, this world already is in chaos ;)
aside from that: i'm not rejecting that
we said -in their eyes-, not 'absolutely'
obviously, people can be wrong
i don't think we can know with 100% certainty what's right and wrong in all situations; i think we can have pretty good ideas, based on honest thought, dialog, history, etc 23:22
this world is often fuzzier and greyer than some absolute belief systems like to abstract it to 23:23
QMario What does Hyper Transport mean? 23:48
buu hahahhaha
qmario is trolling p6 now
QMario Buu, you are here?
buu I am everywhere. 23:49
I am omniscient and omnipotent. 23:50
QMario It says you are currently on #Perl6, but not on #Perl. You make no sense.
What does the term "trolling" mean? 23:51
lscd QMario: generally, acting provocatively, and possibly causing disturbances to others 23:52
for instance, if i started saying "perl sucks" here, that would count as trolling
especially if i didn't try to justify it
there are subvarieties of trolling, such as crapflooding; see wikipedia if you want details 23:53
EvanCarroll Elly: The perl guide sucks then, like libertarians <-- that would be an example of trolling 23:55
buu lscd: Bah, crapflooding isn't trolling. 23:58
lscd buu: it's not one of the higher forms of trolling, sure