'-Ofun: xrl.us/hxhk | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: paste.lisp.org/new/perl6 or sial.org/pbot/perl6'
Set by rafl_ on 5 November 2005.
christopher Is the new piping operator <== really a no-op? Added for symmetry with ==> ? 01:56
dduncan fyi, I'm now using svk for the first time, to develop pugs ... to cut down on server load for now, I'm just syncing from r7520 (release 6.2.10) to the present, especially if I want to retry differently later ... when I'm more solid with svk, maybe in a month, I'll wipe the local and sync over all revs, so I have the whole thing long term 02:08
christopher I think piping for things that don't return the lvalues they modify (e.g. chomp) would be more interesting. 02:35
dduncan seems svnbot is out of commission ... who runs it? 07:21
fyi, that was my first commit->push using svk ... svk seems to work fine so far 07:33
Khisanth hmm where did svnbot go? 07:35
dduncan my question also
but evalbot_7891 is the result of my said push
Khisanth jabbot: seen svnbot6 07:36
jabbot Khisanth: svnbot6 was seen 13 hours 8 minutes 1 seconds ago
dduncan oh the humanity!
actually, 7892 07:40
was a bug fix to previous
svnbot6 r7890 | stevan++ | Perl6::ObjectSpace 08:51
r7890 | stevan++ | * &add_attr added to opaque to support adding new attributes to an existing object
r7890 | stevan++ | * Bootstrap now includes Module and Package as well
r7890 | stevan++ | - added some tests related to these additions
r7891 | Darren_Duncan++ | r373@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2005-11-06 23:17:22 -0800
r7891 | Darren_Duncan++ | /ext/Rosetta-Incubator : added shell for Rosetta::Engine::Native, a self-contained reference implementation of a Rosetta Engine, that implements an ACID-compliant relational database in pure perl
r7892 | Darren_Duncan++ | r377@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2005-11-06 23:39:11 -0800
r7892 | Darren_Duncan++ | /ext/Rosetta-Incubator : oops, forgot to up the test count
azuroth evening 09:36
dduncan evening 09:37
azuroth what's up? 09:38
dduncan well, for one thing I have made my first successful commit ... to 2 repositories ... using svk ... prior to that, it was all svn 09:39
svnbot6 r7893 | Darren_Duncan++ | r725@Darren-Duncans-Computer: darrenduncan | 2005-11-07 01:35:53 -0800
r7893 | Darren_Duncan++ | /ext/Rosetta-Incubator : minor adjustments
dduncan hopefully the switch in clients should ease my development from now on, though installing svk was trickier than installing svn
viva offline commits!
azuroth oh, cool 09:40
dduncan and otherwise having a local copy of the change history is good too
that's the most important thing for me today ... what I actually committed (revs 7891..3) and what they mean is less important 09:41
the good stuff should come over the next week
azuroth what's ACID compliance like? 09:43
I mean... is it like, SQL, joins and stuff?
dduncan it means that either all of the statements in a transaction succeed, or no lasting effects are made, and a successful commit guarantees data is saved ... etc
azuroth ahh
dduncan ACID is all about the reliability promise
azuroth cool 09:44
r0nny morning
dduncan morning
r0nny_ yo 10:28
azuroth hey
10:29 r0nny_ is now known as r0nny
r0nny anyone here ? 11:12
i want to write a function gets a parameter in c++ template-stlye - kinda foo<bar>(baz) 11:13
how to do ?
azuroth hmm 11:16
post circumflex style? 11:17
r0nny cirumflex ??
azuroth () <> {} etc 11:18
I think?
or maybe I'm mad
dbrock circumfix :-)
azuroth ahh
so yeah, have foo<blah> return a Sub? 11:19
dbrock though calling foo<bar> "postcircumflex" is pretty funny :-)
r0nny i want to create Data::Dumper and Data::Loader 11:20
and they should be cappable of multipme languages
dbrock the caret (^) is often called "circumflex"
r0nny and the :lang<foo> syntax of eval is horrilbe
azuroth ahh
theorbtwo r0: Get used to it. 11:21
r0nny theorbtwo: eval<lang> foo would look much nicer *think*
dbrock uh, then where do you put the code to be evaluated?
theorbtwo How about eval=>'lang'?
r0nny net really - this is pari/hash notation 11:22
theorbtwo You mean 'pair'? 11:23
r0nny oh yeah
theorbtwo :eval<lang> and eval=>'lang' are the same thing.
r0nny not :eval<lang !!!!
eval<lang> !!
c++ style
theorbtwo r0nny: If you want C++, you know where to find it. 11:24
azuroth I'm sure I _did_ see something about post circumfix at some stage. maybe I'm dreaming.
theorbtwo Otherwise, feel free to write something to do it yourself. 11:25
postcircimfix is the correct term for things like .[] .
azuroth like @a[5] ? if that returned a curried sub, you'd be half there? 11:26
theorbtwo As a matter of fact, you'd be all the way there.
Hm, I think you want a normal circimfix function, though, named eval<...>. 11:27
r0nny well load or dump in my case
can u gove me a protype ?
azuroth hmm. you might need to use $eval instead of eval though, with postcircumfix? 11:28
theorbtwo r0nny: I'm not going to spend any effort looking through documentation for someone who won't spend any effort with me to type proper English. 11:29
r0nny hmm
theorbtwo Try searching for the term "postcircumfix" in the synopsies.
I don't mind that your spelling is bad. I do mind that you can't be bothered to type the word "you". 11:30
...and also that you seem to be saying "I don't like foo, it /must/ be bar" a lot, when foo is not clearly better or worse then foo, and seem unwilling to put forth any effort into fixing your own problem. 11:31
(And I'm in a bad mood today due to having to get up early.)
r0nny oh
dbrock r0nny: what is your code going to look like?
I assume you're not writing another eval 11:32
r0nny in writing Data::Dumper and Data::Loader
dbrock right, I don't know those modules, so could you just show me an example? 11:33
r0nny then u will use $foo = Load<lang> $str or say Dump<lang> $foo
dbrock I see
r0nny actually they aren written yes
theorbtwo Why do you want that, instead of load('lang', $str)? 11:34
Or load_lang($str)?
azuroth oh by the way, probably a stupid question, but is the svn broken?
r0nny 5 minutes ago it wasnt
azuroth hmm. I wonder what's up with my checkouty thing then 11:37
r0nny after reading in the quickref i think its best to do it eval style atm
is there a way, to have a random amount of parameters before a named parameter ? 11:48
azuroth like, ($a, $b, ?$c, ?$d, +$e) ? 11:50
r0nny kinda like `foo $foo, $bar, $baz, :param<val>` 11:52
azuroth how random does the amount of parameters have to be? ;-p 11:54
r0nny range from 1 to as much as the user wants to
azuroth nah, slurpy always goes after named paras I think 11:55
wait... maybe not
r0nny btw - how does the param-list thread a pair at the end ? - i could use unshift 11:56
hmm 11:57
darn - no way to set a default param
azuroth thread a pair at the end? 11:58
r0nny we-- how is it handled
azuroth of a sub with no signature..? hmm, I'm not sure 11:59
r0nny stilis there a way to have a slurpy array, and a named param with default value ? 12:00
azuroth you could probably use //= in the body for default value 12:02
r0nny .//= ?? 12:03
azuroth ?eval sub foo(+$para) { $para //= "blue"; say $para; }; foo; foo :para("red"); 12:04
evalbot_7893 Error: unexpected "+" expecting formal parameter, ":" or ")"
azuroth eek. maybe not
well //= is like... basically, if it's not defined, set it to equal this
r0nny btw- what dos the + in foo(+$para) mean 12:06
azuroth I'd better not say too much though, because someone else will come along and tell me how wrong I am
I thought it meant it was named, and not positional at all
r0nny they have : for this 12:07
read quickref/sub
azuroth hmm, ok. I must be reading the old stuff
?eval sub foo(:$para) { $para //= "blue"; say $para; }; foo; foo :para("red"); 12:08
evalbot_7893 Error: Can't modify constant item: VUndef
azuroth aww. I guess : makes more sense, anyway
r0nny ?eval sub foo(:$para="blue") { say $para; }; foo; foo :para("red"); 12:09
evalbot_7893 blue parared bool::true
r0nny ?eval sub foo(:$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo; foo :para("red");
evalbot_7893 \"blue" ("para" => "red") bool::true
r0nny odd
azuroth ?eval sub foo(:$para) { $para = $para // "blue"; say $para; }; foo; foo :para("red"); 12:10
r0nny ?eval sub foo(:$para='blue') { say $para.perl; }; foo; foo :para<red>;
evalbot_7893 Error: Can't modify constant item: VUndef
\"blue" ("para" => "red") bool::true
azuroth ?eval sub foo(:$para) { my $para2 = $para // "blue"; say $para2; }; foo; foo :para("red");
evalbot_7893 blue parared bool::true
azuroth ahh
r0nny ?eval sub foo(:$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo; foo :para("red"); 12:11
evalbot_7893 \"blue" ("para" => "red") bool::true
r0nny why does it this stuff ?
(the pair)
azuroth I'm not sure
r0nny ?eval sub foo(Str :$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo; foo :para("red"); 12:14
evalbot_7893 \"blue" ("para" => "red") bool::true
r0nny ?eval sub foo($foo, Str :$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo 1; foo 1, :para("red");
evalbot_7893 \"blue" \"red" bool::true
r0nny ?eval sub foo(*@foo, Str :$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo 1; foo 1, :para("red");
evalbot_7893 Error: Slurpy array followed by slurpy scalar: MkParam {isInvocant = False, isOptional = True, isNamed = True, isLValue = True, isWritable = False, isLazy = False, paramName = "$para", paramContext = CxtItem (mkType "Str"), paramDefault = Pos (MkPos "<eval>" 1 27 1 33) (Val (VStr "blue"))}
r0nny ?eval sub foo(@foo, Str :$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo 1; foo 1, :para("red"); 12:15
evalbot_7893 \"blue" \"red" bool::true
r0nny ?eval sub foo(@foo, Str :$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo 1,2; foo 1,2 :para("red");
evalbot_7893 \2 Error: No compatible subroutine found: "&foo"
r0nny ?eval sub foo(@foo, Str :$para="blue") { say $para.perl; }; foo 1,2; foo (1,2) :para("red"); 12:16
evalbot_7893 \2 \"red" bool::true
r0nny intresting
so i can have Dump ( random vars ) :lang<foo> 12:17
whould u guys like this syntax ?
azuroth hmm... not particularly
wolverian I have always hated Data::Dumper::Dump(er)'s capitalisation with a passion 12:18
azuroth I mainly wouldn't because your signature looks like "sub Dump(@vars, :$lang)" and you need to read... more... to see what vars is like 12:19
r0nny so u want dump small ?
i think it would be nice this way
wolverian why do we need a dump() when there's already .perl?
r0nny .perl is a hack 12:20
wolverian why?
it should probably be .dump:lang<perl> or some such, instead of putting various languages' names directly into the class's namespace 12:21
r0nny its a pugs-only thing
wolverian I think larry contemplated that on p6l some month(s) ago
theorbtwo I'm fairly certian .perl is a specified part of the language.
r0nny really ?
theorbtwo I think so.
wolverian I've certainly seen larry discuss it on p6l. I'm not sure if it's in AES 12:22
ah, it is. S02
r0nny well - its output still sucks, and it cant deal with anything else, like dumping to yaml
wolverian yes. feel free to resurrect the p6l thread, or start a new one.
theorbtwo I'd certianly do that before I go around reinventing parameter passing for no reason. 12:23
wolverian .dump:lang<perl> seems ok to me, or even .lang<perl>
r0nny hmm
need to go to inuversity - cu later 12:27
azuroth seeya
r0nny re 13:25
now im in class
theorbtwo You got a laoptop? 13:26
wolverian anyone here have experience with nemerle and/or boo?
theorbtwo Anyway, I'm off.
Limbic_Region PerlJam ping 13:27
wolverian I'm off too. bye!
r0nny no laptop 13:34
putty in my home dir
practical classes are nice
14:02 Aankh|Clone is now known as Aankhen`` 14:07 gbel is now known as gbel-fud
renormalist www.perl-worksHi all! There is a CfP for the German Perlworkshop 2006 at www.perl-workshop.de/en/2006/docs/cfp.htm. If you are interested in giving a talk about some current Perl or Perl6/Pugs topic it would be nice to see your proposal. We also think about organising hack sessions and infrastructure (eg., a Pugs-ified machine) where you can convert your CPAN module to Perl6/Pugs, poteentially together with others. If you are 14:28
interested or have more ideas, mail us at wsorga@perl-workshop.de.
svnbot6 r7894 | kane++ | r106@coke: kane | 2005-11-07 15:42:43 +0100 14:48
r7894 | kane++ | * whitespace fixes
r7894 | kane++ | * wrap lines to 78 chars
r7894 | kane++ | * no tabs, just spaces, thanks
r7894 | kane++ | * added editor directives at the bottom
r7895 | kane++ | r108@coke: kane | 2005-11-07 15:49:25 +0100 14:54
r7895 | kane++ | * minor layout tweaks
r7895 | kane++ | * update change date
r7896 | iblech++ | S17draft: "is copy" or "my $x := $OUTER::x" inhibit param rebinding. 14:59
r7897 | iblech++ | * t/unspecced/siglist.t: 15:11
r7897 | iblech++ | * Added some more complex tests.
r7897 | iblech++ | * &sub.signature should return a Siglist object.
r7897 | iblech++ | * New t/unspecced/sub_application.t: Tests for overriding .postcircumfix:<( )>.
15:13 whiteg_ is now known as whiteg
wolverian heh, is postcircumfix:<( )> called even when you don't actually use ()s in the call? 15:14
svnbot6 r7898 | iblech++ | * New t/unspecced/assignment.t: 15:23
r7898 | iblech++ | * $foo = 42 is sugar for $foo.infix:<=>(42).
r7898 | iblech++ | * ($a,$b) = (23,42) is sugar for ($a,$b).infix:<=>(42), which in turn is
r7898 | iblech++ | sugar for infix:<,>($a,$b).infix:<=>(42) -- &infix:<,> returns an
r7898 | iblech++ | appropriate rw proxy.
r7898 | iblech++ | * t/unspecced/sub_application.t: 15:24
r7898 | iblech++ | * Minor fixes.
r7898 | iblech++ | * .postcircumfix:<( )> is called even when you don't actually use ()s to
r7898 | iblech++ | call (reminded by wolverian++).
wolverian iblech++ # productive!
shouldn't that be .postfix:<=>? 15:25
15:34 gbel-fud is now known as gbel
Juerd wolverian: Postfix =? 15:42
wolverian: It'd then be postprefix, which we call infix ;)
postfix, prefix, circumfix, they're all unary. Combine two and you can get binary. 15:44
The combinations are postcircumfix and infix
You could see the reduce ops as precircumfix, I guess :)
wolverian lhs.infix 15:47
.. just seems odd
svnbot6 r7899 | iblech++ | * t/unspecced/assignment.t: 15:48
r7899 | iblech++ | * .infix:<=> should return lvalues (think ($a = $foo) = $bar).
r7899 | iblech++ | * .infix:<=> should not be able to assign to constants.
r7899 | iblech++ | * PIL2JS: Prelude::JS::Operators:
r7899 | iblech++ | Implemented .infix:<=> on scalars (trivial:
r7899 | iblech++ | method infix:<=> (Item $a is rw: $b) is rw { $a = $b }
r7899 | iblech++ | (with PIL2, this will infloop, of course, as $a = $b will call $a.infix:<=>.
r7899 | iblech++ | But in PIL1, assignment is still a special form.))
autrijus safely arrived to .fi... now going to dinner. bbiab 17:42
autrijus ponders going to .de perl workshop after the .il one
obra autrijus: will you be at the sketch?
leo autrijus: meeting
*g* 17:43
autrijus ghc's simon peyton-jones at cdc.ioc.ee/tfp-icfp-gpce05/photos-t...G_1588.JPG
er wow. how many hours from now?
obra 16 minutes, no?
leo nix hours :)
clkao pesky timezone
autrijus okay, I'm going to take the cpan meeting instead ;)
have fun at the sketch - I'm not blocking on anything else than lexpad (which is sane), and I can write PIL2->PIR using the spec (without verifying it works) anyway. 17:44
obra autrijus: ok. 17:45
autrijus also, need to talk about parrot obj interop seriously
but doesn't have to be this week
PerlJam ponders peeking in on the sketch and adding yet another distraction to his day
autrijus PerlJam: it'd be fun :) 17:46
PerlJam I'm getting no where fast today so it won't impact my work at all ;)
obra autrijus: what should we tell/ask chip about threads? 17:47
gaal liz6: thanks for the comments! I only saw them now, integrating.
autrijus obra: I don't know... sanity check S17 and see how many models parrot would like to provide? 17:49
dan's old "thread level" kind of breaks down with STM
so needs a rethink at parrot runcore level
but I'm not quite qualified to say how to start the rethinking - consult leo for more ideas
rafl autrijus: Why doesn't the lazy list example from your euroscon talk work? 17:52
gaal extremely low-priority style question: in function signatures, should there be a space between the routine name and the parens of the arg spec? Prelude.pm is quite inconsistent about this. 17:53
rafl autrijus: That's the @fib one. 17:54
autrijus rafl: it doesn't work because lazylist is currently only impled in p5runtime and nowhere else 17:55
gaal: I prefer yes, but I'm not known as a style enforcer :) 17:56
dinner, bbl &
gaal liz6: > (EM) Maybe source code examples should adhere to PBP - did you mean something in addition to the space?
what about calls? 17:57
liz6: > (EM): maybe mention that "Y" is the same as "Ā„"for the unicode challenged? - there's a sidebar to deal with that, I'll make sure the editor puts them on the same page and will add a reference. 17:58
PerlJam wanders off to watch the #parrotsketch 18:02
gaal is zip short- or long-tempered this week? (ie is 1..2 Y 1..5 four or ten elements long?) 18:06
xerox ?eval 1..2 Ā„ 1..5
evalbot_7899 Error: unexpected "\\" expecting operator, "does", "but", "is", "^..^", "cmp", "<=>", "^..", "..^", "..", postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
xerox *boom*
gaal and, just to make sure: if it's ever specced to be long-tempered, if the shorted list came in the form of an array, it isn't resized, is it? 18:07
xerox: i was asking about the spec
though that's bad :)
?eval (1..2 Y 1..5)
evalbot_7899 (1, 1, 2, 2, undef, 3, undef, 4, undef, 5)
gaal ?eval 1..2 Y 1..5
evalbot_7899 (1, 1, 2, 2, undef, 3, undef, 4, undef, 5)
gaal huh? unicode threw it off? 18:08
?eval (1..2 Ā„ 1..5)
evalbot_7899 Error: unexpected "\\" expecting operator, "does", "but", "is", "^..^", "cmp", "<=>", "^..", "..^", ".." or ")"
gaal seems so.
gaal goes off to look at smoke.pugscode.org
latest autosmoke says it should work. though... 18:11
eric256: feather.perl6.nl/~eric256/t_index/t...s/zip.html doesn't match the TODO coloring of the matrix.
(that is, different tests are marked green on the matrix) 18:12
man, i started showing the p5 equivalent of @differences = map { $^x - $^y }, @Xs Ā„ @Ys; 18:45
it's a pageful, if you don't have map2, zip, and max!
though i can probably shorten it a bit if I assume I only need zip2. 18:46
plus, of course, the p5 version is rather less efficient because it isn't lazy.
wolverian it's only one line with reduce 18:57
er, or not.
gaal no multi-arity map, no zip 18:59
wolverian right.
it's not that hard to do on one line, I think, but the closures will have to reference the arrays by name
or maybe that's just if you use your own zip. maybe you can do it some other way too. I'm too tired. 19:01
19:01 Lopo_ is now known as Lopo
gaal actually, to avouid growing the shorter array if there is one, it does get quite tedious. 19:01
it's easy if they're assumed to be of the same length.
wolverian right.
gaal though not *nice*.
xerox map2 being.. 19:02
svnbot6 r7900 | iblech++ | * docs/talks/README: Extremely minor cosmetical fixes. 19:04
r7900 | iblech++ | * PIL2JS: state() vars! FIRST {...} blocks!
r7900 | iblech++ | * Thanks to autrijus++ fixing the PIL compilation of state declarations,
r7900 | iblech++ | I was able to make them work in PIL2JS.
r7900 | iblech++ | (Also, some tests which previously failed to compile can be run now.)
r7900 | iblech++ | * With state() working, FIRST {...} blocks come for free (as you can think
r7900 | iblech++ | of FIRST {...} as being sugar for
r7900 | iblech++ | { state $result; exists $result ?? $result :: $result = ... }()
r7900 | iblech++ | * PIL2JS passes 11/11 of first.t and 9/10 of state.t (the single failing
r7900 | iblech++ | test tests state in regular expressions).
gaal xerox: hacky map that takes two elements every time. 19:05
xerox ala lisp! not bad. 19:06
gaal bad, bad, believe me. :) to get maplike syntax i needed to use prototypes, which means the sub must be defined before it's used. 19:10
xerox I mean, the concept isn't so bad :) 19:11
gaal implicit aritization a la perl 6 takes that
any day
with its eyes closed
and arms tied behind its back 19:12
no, hopping
on one foot
on a tightrope.
anyway now that i've written and debugged this, i kinda don't want to throw it away though i'm not sure it's *too* long for the article! oh well, that's what editors are for! *glee* 19:15
svnbot6 r7901 | iblech++ | * t/builtins/numify.t: Added Larry's testcase posted to p6c (link to 19:39
r7901 | iblech++ | nntp.perl.org included in the test).
r7901 | iblech++ | * t/var/caller.t: "my $a is env" is spelled "env $a" now, according to latest S02 (r6537).
r7901 | iblech++ | * Pugs.Parser: "+" is a valid twigil now.
r7901 | iblech++ | * Pugs.AST.Scope, Pugs.Lexer: Added SEnv.
r7902 | gaal++ | integrated suggestions by liz6++. The map-zip example provided fertile
r7902 | gaal++ | grounds for a comparison with p5; more passes required on this section
r7902 | gaal++ | to bring the subtleties (of why p6 rocks) to full light. Although arguably
r7902 | gaal++ | the 25:1 compression ratio speaks for itself.
gaal ?eval %h = (a=>1, b=>2); %h:<b> 20:11
evalbot_7902 Error: unexpected ":" expecting word character, "::", term postfix, operator, postfix conditional, postfix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input
gaal ?eval %h = (a=>1, b=>2); :%h<b>
evalbot_7902 Error: unexpected ":" expecting ";", statements or end of input
xinming ?eval %h = { a =>1, b => 2}; %h<b>; 20:13
evalbot_7902 Error: Undeclared variable: "%h"
xinming ?eval my %h = { a =>1, b => 2}; %h<b>;
evalbot_7902 \2
xinming ?eval my %h = { a =>1, b => 2}; :%h<b>;
evalbot_7902 Error: unexpected ":" expecting ";", statements or end of input
raptorXXX hi.. in the past there was discussion of the array slice syntax, is there any document on it ? also about lazy evaluation an so on... 20:14
gaal er, yeah, i forgot the `my`... was testing the new %h:<key> ==> pair syntax
raptorXXX: array slice is just putting a list in the subscript. 20:15
?eval my @l = <a b c d e>; @l[1, 3]
evalbot_7902 ["b", "d"]
raptorXXX there was something in the lines @l[:2] 20:16
every second element
something like that
gaal :by(2) i think. 20:19
raptorXXX aha.. i see... thanx
gaal L<S09/Subscript and slice notation>
i doubt it's pugsified though. 20:20
wolverian gaal, hum, where's that syntax specified? 20:25
reading the p6l post now :) 20:27
svnbot6 r7903 | iblech++ | docs/articles/tpr.pod: 20:48
r7903 | iblech++ | * Fixed a typo ([2] instead of [1]).
r7903 | iblech++ | * Added C<> tags where needed.
r7904 | iblech++ | * t/data_types/pair.t: => should not bind its .value to the RHS, according to 20:49
r7904 | iblech++ | Larry on p6l: www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6....uage/23984
r7904 | iblech++ | * PIL2JS:
r7904 | iblech++ | * Prelude::JS::Pair: Implemented Larry's ruling. pair.t passes 96/97 (the one
r7904 | iblech++ | failing test is unrelated).
r7904 | iblech++ | * Prelude::JS::Keyed: Modified .pairs to accomodate for =>'s changed
r7904 | iblech++ | semantics (previously, PIL2JS's => was like Larry's proposed =:>).
r7904 | iblech++ | pairs.t passes 30/30.
gaal iblech, thanks :) 20:53
r0nny re 21:14
gaal anyone here have access to dev.perl.org? i just noticed that some html sequences are all wrong there 21:59
eg dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/exe/E03.html "the &sum; of all our fears"
# "sum is obviously far too long a name for so fundamental an operation; it really should be &sum;" 22:00
obra gaal: email [email@hidden.address]
gaal that only makes sense if there's a literal sigma there
obra it'll go to robrt
gaal sent. 22:02
zzZZZ & 22:05
svnbot6 r7905 | gaal++ | tpr.pod: a bit more on operators 22:13
theorbtwo "sum" isn't, AFAIK, a HTML entity name; it's called &Sigma;. That'd do it. 22:14
r0nny autrijus: wich haskell file is for thread operations ? - i want to read more about the threads 22:26
liz6 ev'ning pierce! 22:33
theorbtwo G'evening, Liz. 22:36
liz6 ev'ning theorbtwo!
rafl What happened to eric256? 23:38
Haven't seen him today.
leo obra (but not only of course): new journal entry use.perl.org/~leo/journal/ 23:40
dduncan maybe its a temporary bug, but I found that my smoke reports did not include the revision num after I moved to svk, and hence on upload they don't appear on the site 23:45
'scuse me a minute ... have to disconnect ... will backlog web if necessary 23:46