pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | <stevan> Moose... it's the new Camel ":P | .pmc == PPI source filters!
Set by Alias_ on 16 March 2006.
00:01 mlh left
theorbtwo Whoops. 00:03
Somehow, I missed the bless there...
TimToady np
communication lag sucks even for people who think and type perfectly... 00:04
so those of us who think and type imperfectly are doubly in trouble... 00:05
ruoso will read the logs later... too much work... 00:10
Ara5n so, does anyone know if: perl -MPugs::Compiler::Rule -e '$rule = Pugs::Compiler::Rule->compile("<word> <ws> <word>"); $rule->match("foo bar")' 00:12
should work? or am I doing something mindbuggeringly stupid? :/ 00:13
(also, where did the <word> rule come from? it doesn't seem to be in S05...)
GabrielVieira whew uv found <word> ? 00:14
Ara5n first line on Pugs/Grammar/Rule/Rule.pm? 00:15
00:15 Quell joined
GabrielVieira ill look 00:16
Ara5n either way, it blows up with a 'Error in evaluation: Undefined subroutine &Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5::concat called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7/Pugs/Runtime/Rule2.pm line 89.' 00:17
Ara5n goes digging
GabrielVieira humm
00:24 huhlig left 00:26 wolverian joined
nothingmuch do we want uniqueness type inference to analyze when data will not need to be garbage collected? 00:26
00:33 hcarty joined
Ara5n what's the relationship between perl5/Pugs-Compiler-Rule and misc/pX/Common/Pugs-Compiler-Rule? 00:35
(and whatever's sitting on cpan? :/)
Ara5n thinks he's got stuck slap in the middle of some crazy refactoring 00:36
00:38 hcarty left, dvtoo joined 00:44 dvtoo joined
Ara5n totally fails to pick apart which version of the libraries's in what state of development & by whom, and gives up when running his oneliner causes perl to hang, seemingly blocked on a pugs waiting on stdin :( 00:45
ayrnieu oneliner? 00:46
Ara5n [00:12] <Ara5n> so, does anyone know if: perl -MPugs::Compiler::Rule -e '$rule = Pugs::Compiler::Rule->compile("<word> <ws> <word>"); $rule->match("foo bar")'
as it doesn't with the P::C::R on CPAN - or the one in perl5/P-C-R
ayrnieu ah. You might leave a report at rt.cpan.org ; 00:47
Ara5n hmok 00:49
seems that the Pugs::Runtime::Rule2 on CPAN expects to be able to find Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5::concat, whereas in pX/Common it's now in Pugs::Runtime::Rule::concat 00:50
Ara5n fixes the cpan version up manually 00:52
ayrnieu that also works.
um, seems possible again that the latest version CPAN sees is out of date, if it depends on pugs. 00:53
Ara5n well, i don't understand to what extent it does depend on pugs
i thought half the idea was that the modules uploaded to CPAN ran natively on p5 using the pmc magic 00:54
ayrnieu I suppose it depends on Pugs::
Ara5n well, i guess i might have a collision between Pugs:: installed by make install'ing pugs
and cpan installing P-C-R...
either way, fixing the bogus classpath in Pugs::Runtime::Rule2 solves things 00:56
s/classpath/location of the concat() sub/
00:57 chouse joined 01:02 stevan_ joined
Ara5n looks like fglock fixed it in r9605, anyway 01:03
Ara5n wonders why svn is checking half of these files out with dos line endings :/ 01:08
01:11 Juerd joined
Ara5n do pugs hackers tend to set up auto-props for svn:eol-style=native, or fix files which have been committed with the wrong eol terminator by setting the property in the repo? 01:19
hm, judging by the number of svn:eol-style's set in the repo... 01:20
svnbot6 r9627 | arathorn++ | setting svn:eol-style as native to fix line-endings on P-C-R and chums 01:28
Ara5n hm 01:29
Ara5n hopes he didn't !"$% that up
01:30 Frances_ joined
Juerd Good night, everyone 01:31
Ara5n um, rt.openfoundry.org/Foundry/Project/...-Rule/TODO doesn't look good 01:33
Ara5n looks vaguely guilty
oh, bogus url
01:35 amnesiac joined
Ara5n has a horrible feeling that svn shouldn't recommit the whole file when you set svn:eol-style :/ 01:37
FurnaceBoy urk, line ending changes always suck 01:39
Ara5n yeah, that went totally awry :(
fglock: sorry, wherever you are :/
FurnaceBoy I'm always having to fix and commit, and then cross-revision diffs just won't ever work :~|
so I standardise on UNIX breaks in my own repos 01:40
Ara5n assumed that svn was smart enough to let you change it for a file which has already been commited incorrectly
FurnaceBoy heh, I never tried that, actually
Ara5n and perhaps it is, if you re-checkout after setting svn:eol-style before committing 01:41
meh, anyway
what a particularly inglorious commit.
FurnaceBoy I feel yr pain.
well put. An inglorious commit. at least you can express your agony poetically.
Ara5n hrm ;) 01:42
gah, i blatantly should have just set the property remotely rather than committing at all 01:45
what a mess
FurnaceBoy ah. 01:54
you've besmirched an otherwise flawless repo. You animal.
01:55 vel joined
Ara5n mails fglock to apologise and crashes for the night 01:57
FurnaceBoy nite
Ara5n night
02:02 omniuni joined, omniuni left 02:09 Nouk joined
justatheory stevan: (Delayed reaction) No, your interpretation sounds right. 02:26
stevan_ justatheory: (also delayed reaction) cool :) 02:57
justatheory Heh, not as delayed as mine!
stevan_ justatheory: :)
justatheory 'Course, had there been a Class::MOP when I wanted my introspection API, I might not have bothered with writing Class::Meta. 02:58
stevan_ we set up #moose over at irc.perl.org too, for Class::MOP and Moose related questions/stuff
justatheory But now, of course, I'm quite fond of it.
stevan_ yeah I looked over Class::Meta a few times while I was working on the Perl 6 metamodel
justatheory Cool!
Do I get any credit? :->
stevan_ you got a shout-out in the SEE ALSO section :) 02:59
02:59 hcarty joined
justatheory W00t! 02:59
Seems like, what with both of our involvement in meta classes in Perl and JSAN that we have similar interests. 03:00
03:01 hcarty left
stevan_ justatheory: very true, although my JSAN work is fairly limited compared to yours 03:02
I gave up doing a lot of Javascript a few years back
justatheory stevan_: Not so. You sicced Rob onto it.
stevan_ LOL
actually it was the other way around, he got into it first :)
justatheory heh 03:03
But then you supported that, yes?
stevan_ yup
justatheory Good man. Hopefully he can resurrect it before OSCON.
rafl Hello guys
justatheory whaddup?
rafl Nothing much. Parrot 0.4.2 is in Debian sid by tomorrow. 03:04
03:22 KingDiamond joined 03:48 weinig|away is now known as weinig 04:58 Aankhen`` joined 05:43 szabgab left 06:03 LumberCartel joined 06:04 LumberCartel left 06:20 KingDiamond joined 06:23 justatheory joined 06:47 Quell joined, GeJ joined
GeJ Good morning folks 06:48
07:07 kanru joined 07:11 iblechbot joined 07:15 KingDiamond joined 07:16 marmic joined 07:18 fandango joined 07:34 Nouk joined 07:46 Quell joined 08:14 sl01 joined 08:35 kane_ joined 08:46 Draconit_ joined 08:49 Frances__ joined 09:02 ghenry joined 09:04 Draconit_ left 09:14 Draconit_ joined, Draconit_ left 09:54 drbean joined 10:13 jisom joined 10:20 iblechbot joined 10:24 KingDiamond joined 10:25 jisom_ joined 10:34 Draconit_ joined 10:36 Draconit_ left 10:40 jisom_ is now known as jisom 10:45 marmic_ joined 10:48 _cnhackT_ joined
Ara4n investigates how to revert his bogus line-ending commit in pX from last night :( 10:49
10:50 Khisanth joined
Juerd rafl: Please reenable automatic pugs building on feather 10:52
10:55 leo_ joined 10:56 leo_ is now known as LeTo 11:18 rindolf joined
rindolf Hi all! 11:18
Arathorn morning
pasteling "rindolf" at pasted "graham.p6 - latest version" (250 lines, 7.4K) at sial.org/pbot/16365 11:20
rindolf Arathorn: hi! What's up?
audreyt: here?
Arathorn rindolf: trying to revert a bogus line-ending 'fix' in the pX branch of the repo
rindolf Arathorn: OK. 11:21
Arathorn didn't realise that svn ps svn:eol-style native pX/whatever; svn ci; # would go and totally mangle the line endings in the repo and screw up the files' history :(
and it doesn't work if you s/\r//g; on the files before committing them (after setting the property) 11:22
any suggestions from anyone would be
muchly appreciated :)
jisom edit the property, then change the line endings, then reset the property?
Arathorn tries that 11:23
(not on the live repo ;)
11:27 ghenry joined
Arathorn jisom: whilst deleting the property doesn't alter the line endings in the repo (go figure) 11:27
11:27 elmex joined
Arathorn the fact of committing it (with the working version using either \n or \r\n) totally mangles the history by rewriting all the lineendings serverside 11:27
which seems ridiculous :(
jisom weird.... 11:28
Arathorn and you can't set properties on a remote repo, apparently
Arathorn sighs
11:36 renato joined
Arathorn turns out this is a mis(sing)-feature of svn 11:39
oh bollocks 11:47
i wonder if this is going to totally mess up Module::Install's checksumming magic
as .pmc's will get checked out on different platforms with different line-endings (with svn:eol-style native) 11:48
causing their 32-bit checksums to obviously differ
11:51 kanru joined 12:04 chris2 joined, TimToady joined 12:06 nnunley joined 12:31 ruoso joined
ruoso finally read all the backlogs and understand that Perl 6 will have even more voodoo than Perl 5 12:35
lypanov ruoso: but less of the real crap :)
arcady but at least it will be new voodoo, there for reasons we mostly still understand 12:37
ruoso :) 12:39
theorbtwo ...at least you understand it if you've read all of #perl6's backlogs and all of perl6-language, and have TimToady handy to ask about the reasons that never left his head. 12:41
ruoso theorbtwo+++ heh 12:42
lypanov ;) 12:43
ruoso wonders if it makes sense that lrep someday emit parrot assembler... 12:49
arcady so long as it doesn't emit actual parrots...
ruoso thinks lrep could be "ported" to parrot as soon as it is completely self-hosted and parrot has the needed features... 12:50
arcady what exactly is lrep? 12:51
ruoso arcady, lrep is lrep.p6 compiled to perl 5. that compiles lrep.p6 to lrep 12:52
arcady, svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/misc/pX/Co...-compiler/
audreyt, do you think it makes sense? 12:53
Arathorn still doesn't understand why lrep-compiler doesn't use P::C::R for its engine 12:57
or is it just waiting to be updated?
ruoso Arathorn, it will... fglock is preparing the migration
Arathorn ah, right
ruoso Arathorn, but if you want to step ahead, feel free :)
I'm still working to self-host lrep 12:58
as there's still much perl 5 code
arcady the first job of any good compiler...
ruoso arcady, yes... 12:59
arcady, any help is welcome ;)
arcady, it's just a matter of creating rules, emitter entries and porting code
arcady I actually have a week or so of mostly free time
and I've been waiting years to be able to write perl 6 code... 13:00
ruoso arcady, just take a look at lrep...
arcady, and see if you understands...
arcady, then just help
ruoso wonders why svn doesn't print the '?' lines when updating, so I can easily know which files are not in the repository 13:04
arcady probably they consider it to be a feature 13:05
if you have a lot of .o files and such lying around
then the ? lines are just confusing
ruoso arcady, that's what .cvsignore is for 13:06
arcady this is true
jisom perhaps it first queries the server for which files need to be updated between revisions, so it doesn't need to scan your local svn repo until it checks for conflicts 13:08
anyone know how to get sin(pi) to work? 13:10
svnbot6 r9628 | ingy++ | r5733@bytes: ingy | 2006-03-17 05:08:51 -0800
r9628 | ingy++ | Change all '=over 4' to '=over'. Damian, I think we should remove the indent
r9628 | ingy++ | number from the Perldoc model.
wolverian ingy++ # agreed
ruoso ingy++
svnbot6 r9629 | ruoso++ | Better explained TODO list 13:13
ruoso arcady, take a look at the new TODO I made... it's a good starting point
arcady I have a flight to catch in a few hours, I'll do this on the plane 13:15
13:23 fglock joined
ruoso fglock, hi 13:23
fglock, I was waiting for you :) 13:24
fglock ruoso: hi! 13:27
ruoso fglock, how is everything... should we start the migration? 13:28
fglock ruoso: you mean make lrep use PCR? 13:29
ruoso fglock, yes 13:30
fglock ruoso: PCR still have a few problems - a few syntax changes, untested features, unstable API... - can you live with that? :) 13:33
ruoso fglock, I'm in the point to need rules as methods and grammars as classes
fglock, almost in the point
actually 13:34
Arathorn fglock: 'pologies again for screwing around with lineendings in misc/pX...
13:34 bsb joined
fglock Arathorn: np! 13:35
ruoso fglock, I still need to make rule closures to be real perl 6 code and not filtered perl 5 code
fglock ruoso: can you read PCR TODO and see what features you would need first? 13:36
ruoso: per5/PCR
ruoso in px/Common?
fglock perl5/PCR
ruoso ok
fglock px/Common/PCR is for testing new features - it is broken most of the time 13:37
ruoso fglock, well... it seems there's no missing features... 13:45
fglock, the things missing in PCR are missing in lrep too
fglock, no big deal 13:46
theorbtwo is getting to be somewhat confused about lrep -- is it supposed to be usable? The only thing I can get out of it is "Undefined subroutine &grammar1::immediate_statement_exec called at iterator_engine.pl line 184, <GEN0> chunk 1.
fglock ruoso: px/Common/PCR fixes some architecture problems (OO, namespaces), but introduces new bugs which are hard to fix - so they will need to be re-implemented in perl5/PCR
13:46 Limbic_Region joined
ruoso theorbtwo, look at lrep-compiler subtree 13:47
fglock, were are this bugs listed? 13:48
fglock ruoso: just run the tests - right now, there is an error in the emitter (some commas are missing in the emitted code) 13:50
ruoso fglock, ok
inc/Module/Install.pm... is there a reason to use some specific version: 13:51
fglock ruoso: can you help with PCR? it has most of the OO infrastructure in place, a single engine (perl5/PCR needs two)
ruoso fglock, I'll try...
fglock ruoso: M::I is audreyt's new version, which creates .pmc files 13:52
ruoso fglock, ah ok
ruoso has only Common/ checked out
fglock ruoso: you will need a version of lrep specific for the OO engine - I'll commit it in a while 13:53
ruoso fglock, ok... 13:54
Failed 4/4 test scripts... ouch 13:57
Checksum failed for outdated .pmc file
ruoso inside pX PCR
fglock ruoso: it needs the updated lrep, in order to compile the grammar - I'm trying to commit it (the version I have was copied from the old directory, and contains invalid .svn info - I'm trying to fix it) 13:59
ruoso Failed 3/4 test scripts... looks better now :)
14:00 Qiang joined
ruoso doesn't know what do do... 14:01
fglock ruoso: help with tar - how do I exclude .svn files? I tried --exclude=.svn 14:02
ruoso --excluide=PATTERN 14:03
it should work 14:04
fglock wonders what a PATTERN is like
ruoso fglock, is it not excluding anything? or excluding something more? 14:05
fglock ruoso: it is including the .svn dirs
ruoso fglock, only them?
fglock svn will not add the files until I clear up the old .svn info 14:06
ruoso find . -type d -name '.svn' -exec rm -rf {} \;
fglock ruoso: one sec - I'm moving the files to linux - it will be much easier :) 14:09
ruoso tar czvf teste.tar.gz `find . | grep -v \.svn`
14:11 robkinyon joined
fglock ruoso: I'm testing my local version and then I'll commit 14:18
ruoso ansioso
14:21 robkinyon left
fglock ruoso: sorry - I'm doing a few merges 14:24
svnbot6 r9630 | fglock++ | pX/Common/Pugs-Compiler-Rule - updated grammar file
ruoso looks worse now :) 14:26
svnbot6 r9631 | fglock++ | pX/../PCR - updated Grammar/Rule.pm
ruoso looks better again :) 14:27
14:28 justatheory joined
ruoso fglock, is it everything? is there more coming? 14:29
fglock ruoso: I'm trying to commit the new lrep, which compiles grammars to the new engine 14:30
ruoso ok
fglock ruoso: still trying... 14:33
ruoso zzzz 14:34
fglock "svn: At least one property change failed; repository is unchanged" - it looks like another line-endings problem
ruoso fglock, gah
find . -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's/\r\l/\n/gs' {} \; 14:35
fglock ruoso: thanks - now I'm waiting for svn to timeout :( 14:36
jisom svn's atomic
can just ^C
it won't really commit until the full commit's made
at least that's part of the point of svn
ruoso still prefers CVS 14:37
jisom still prefers svn
fglock jisom: I was waiting for it to accept ^C
jisom oh, *that* timeout 14:38
ruoso ^\ should solve
jisom ^Z kill %1
sometimes that works better
for some reason
ruoso jisom, ^C is kill INT, kill by default is kill TERM 14:39
jisom eh, if it works, it works :)
fglock done!
svnbot6 r9632 | fglock++ | lrep again
ruoso hmmm... looks worse :) 14:40
fglock ruoso: now you can see where I stopped :)
ruoso: it is missing commas after each "ruleop::concat(...)" - I'm trying to find out why 14:41
ruoso wonders why fglock took the old lrep instead of the new...
fglock ruoso: I'm working on this for a week already - the new lrep wasn't around 14:42
ruoso fglock, ah ok
fglock ruoso: it may be best to just restart implementing OO with a fresh copy of PCR + lrep-compiler 14:43
ruoso Can't locate Pugs/Runtime/Rule.pm
fglock, could you summarize the changes? 14:44
fglock ruoso: the main change is that rules are methods. but I did some other things at the same time, and this was a mistake 14:46
ruoso browsing the log 14:47
fglock ruoso: like: there is a single engine, and a lot of redundant code was removed 14:48
ruoso engine == ruleop::*, right?
fglock ruoso: yes - it is now called Pugs::Runtime::Rule
14:49 chris2 joined
ruoso fglock, ok... comparing P::R::R with lrep-compiler R::P5::RuleOps there are small differences 14:51
the diff has 65 lines 14:52
14:53 rindolf joined
pasteling "ruoso" at pasted "ruleops diffs" (99 lines, 3.6K) at sial.org/pbot/16368 14:53
fglock ruoso: the Makefile.PL error has "ruleop::concat(" - but I can't find where 'ruleop' is in the source code 14:54
ruoso fglock, a lot of places 14:55
t/01-iterator_engine.t 14:56
rindolf audreyt: here?
ingy rindolf: she's there. 14:57
fglock ruoso: I think the problem lies in PCR/lrep - there shouldn't be a 'ruleop' in PGR::Rule.pmc
ruoso fglock, I think so
fglock, what about looking for the differences between the new code and the code in lrep-compiler 14:58
fglock, I didn't change the engine
fglock ruoso: because it should generate code for the new engine, which is in the 'PRR' namespace
ruoso we could incorporate the changes to lrep-compiler 14:59
and then get it back to P::C::R
and make lrep-compiler use P::C::R
fglock ruoso: ok - give me a few minutes...
ruoso fglock, where is the code that used to be in p6rule_lib? 15:01
fglock ruoso: lib/Pugs/Grammar/Rule.pm - it is much smaller, as things were moved into the grammar 15:02
15:02 diotalevi joined
ruoso fglock, no... that was p6rule.pm 15:04
fglock, i mean p6rule_lib.pm
ruoso is lost 15:05
fglock ruoso: p6rule_lib.pm is now merged into lib/Pugs/Grammar/Rule/Rule.pm, which is the Grammar file 15:06
ruoso fglock, ok
ruoso needs to think better... maybe the grammar refactoring is needed now 15:09
svnbot6 r9633 | ingy++ | r5735@bytes: ingy | 2006-03-17 07:06:39 -0800
r9633 | ingy++ | lowercase the `=doc <dialect>` dialects
ruoso almost understanding... 15:10
first: Some grammars that are in lrep/Grammar::Perl6Init.pm were moved to the standard Grammar::Perl6 15:11
fglock ruoso: re emitter changes: all rules need a '$grammar=shift;' and calls to subrules are now 'sub{$grammar->subrule(@_)}' 15:14
ruoso: the return-block processing is done by 'rule_wrapper()'
ruoso: I'll commit my local Rule.pmc, as the Grammar compiler is not working... 15:18
ruoso importing the implemented rules to Grammar::Perl6.p6 15:19
svnbot6 r9634 | fglock++ | pX/.../PCR/.../Rule.pmc - precompiled version
fglock ruoso: this is what the new lrep would compile the Grammar into
15:20 GabrielVieira joined
svnbot6 r9635 | ingy++ | r5742@bytes: ingy | 2006-03-17 07:19:38 -0800 15:20
r9635 | ingy++ | Question for TheDamian regarding `=pod` and `=kwid`. Yagni.
ruoso fglock, I got a syntax error after importing the rules you implemented... 15:21
fglock, I will investigate
fglock, some ',' missing 15:23
fglock, in alternate ruleop
fglock ruoso: I'll have lunch
ruoso in lrep-compiler
ruoso too
fglock ruoso: back in ~40min 15:24
ruoso fglock, BTW... I'll try to incorporate the changes to lrep-compiler... and then we get it back to P::C::R and makes lrep-compiler uses it
fglock ruoso: ok!
ruoso fglock, I think I got an infinite loop 15:26
15:29 nothingmuch joined, _cnhackT_ joined 15:32 _cnhackT_ is now known as cnhackTNT, Alias_ joined
Alias_ Any .il people awake? 15:32
ruoso fglock, the new rules dispatch an infinite loop 15:33
fglock, I'll leave them commented in Grammar::Perl6.p6
if someone want something to do, please take a look at the commented rules in Grammar::Perl6.p6 in lrep-compiler
15:34 merlyn joined
ruoso hi merlyn 15:34
15:34 pmichaud joined
merlyn hey ruoso 15:34
ruoso merlyn, want some fun?
merlyn in what sense? :) 15:35
nothingmuch Alias_: i'm awake
ruoso merlyn, debugging :)
merlyn Oh. I generally don't consider that "fun".
Alias_ nothingmuch: I need an English translation for some hebrew words I got for which there is no German translation 15:36
merlyn I'm here because I need to get smarter about eprl6.
and even perl6. :)
Alias_ nothingmuch: (which I got from a german)
nothingmuch ruoso is appearantly a masochist =)
Alias_: okies =)
Alias_ chokmah, binah
ruoso nothingmuch, :)
Alias_ something kaballa related perhaps?
maybe chockmah
nothingmuch chokmah == חוכמה == smartness (distinct from wisdom)
merlyn But at the moment, I need to drive from the hotel to $worksite... be back later
nothingmuch more like chochmah 15:37
15:37 fglock joined
nothingmuch or hohma 15:37
Alias_ ok
15:37 kanru is now known as chchihun
Alias_ nothingmuch: So intelligence then? 15:37
15:37 chchihun is now known as kanru
nothingmuch binah = knowlege, but more elemtary... maybe intelligence 15:37
theorbtwo Intersting, I could have sworn chokmah was one of the names of the sepheroph (nodes on the tree of life), generally translated as "wisdom".
nothingmuch שן בינה is
the name for wisdom tooth
so i'm not 100% sure on binah 15:38
but it's closer to intelligence than chochmah is
chacham is "smart"
Alias_ So basically they are very subtle specific forms of "smartness" in general
nothingmuch chochma is the adjective
15:39 cdpruden joined
svnbot6 r9636 | ruoso++ | There is an infinite loop dispatched by the rules commented in Grammar::Perl6.p6 in lrep-compiler... The current p5 implementation of the rules does not dispatch this loop 15:41
ruoso needs help with that problem 15:42
ruoso needs to lunch... and have a meeting this afternoon... so... no more lrep work for today... :(... 15:43
Alias_ nothingmuch: So would one of those two be close to what IQ measures? 15:44
nothingmuch: I gather it's basically IQ versus experience/wisdom, but more subtle than both those terms
nothingmuch Alias_: no
they are more intagiable, i think
Alias_ darn
nothingmuch do you need such a word? 15:45
well, actually
Alias_ Well, the author of the editor I'm basing my refactoring Perl thing on needs a new name
nothingmuch Gaon is "genius" but it's either IQish or a theological genius
Alias_ Because the original name is taken
And he's very religious, although the specific one has changed a few times
And he's stuck(ish) for a name
ooo, I like Gaon though 15:46
nothingmuch it's Ga'on, as in too distinct syllables
Alias_ ok
nothingmuch i can dish out a few more
even without a thesuarus
let me think
Alias_ :)
nothingmuch hmm 15:47
i'm stuck
Alias_ ok :)
nothingmuch =)
Alias_ never mind
nothingmuch wait wait
15:47 eric256_ joined
Alias_ heh 15:47
Alias_ waits as nothingmuch runs for the hebrew thesaurus 15:48
nothingmuch i don't have one
not even an english one
except for a crappy pocket version of MW
Juerd There are too many vowels in thesaurus to be hebrew :)
nothingmuch that's about as thick as my pinky
Juerd Exactly how thick is your pinky? 15:49
eric256_ wonders how much of a new POD parser exists and where he might find it. hmmmm
nothingmuch pretty thin
nothingmuch has small hands
Juerd Do you have a small keyboard and a small mouse too? 15:50
particle_ hurls www2.multithread.co.uk/images/tiny_..._large.jpg at nothingmuch 15:55
15:57 nothingmuch joined
Alias_ nothingmuch: can't prv message. Yes, I do a little 15:57
nothingmuch Alias_: i'll spam you then 15:58
Alias_ ok
nothingmuch Alias_: cpan.org addy?
Alias_ adamk 15:59
Juerd particle_: It's incomplete. Sholud be tiny_usb_keyboard_large_cable ;) 16:00
particle_ :)
Juerd But whoa, that's really tiny.
Is it water proof? If so, I want it for my shower radio project ;) 16:01
particle_ Love your CrackBerry(tm) keyboard? Rejoice! Now you can get one for your laptop, too! 16:02
pasteling "rindolf" at pasted "graham.p6 - latest version - can anyone advise how to make it more perl6ixy?" (246 lines, 7.3K) at sial.org/pbot/16372 16:09
rindolf nothingmuch: can you read sial.org/pbot/16372 and give some advice? 16:10
Juerd rindolf: Can you send private messages on freenode/
rindolf Juerd: I can, yes. 16:11
nnunley Juerd: Only if you've registered your nick.
Juerd nnunley: That was the implied question :)
nnunley grins. 16:12
Brains. I'm going home. ;)
svnbot6 r9637 | ingy++ | r5747@bytes: ingy | 2006-03-17 08:16:36 -0800 16:18
r9637 | ingy++ | Note to Damian about =for
Juerd Hmmm 16:20
svn as a messaging system :)
ingy Juerd++
to bad Damian doesn't do irc 16:21
Juerd Yea
ingy s/to/two/
Juerd Though perhaps PBP is a bit too recent for it to be safe ;)
particle_ s/two/too/
ingy s/too/2/
obra I hear ingy and damian are planning on a high-bandwidth hacking session soon
ingy s/2/II/
obra: correct 16:22
obra woot
Juerd Don't hack my high bandwidth
obra <- unsure if he gets to go to japan
ingy obra: really? what up?
obra family stuff
Juerd ingy: In ASCII, do you prefer "doet Net" or "dot Net"?
ingy heh 16:23
dot Net
Juerd ok :)
ingy I don't just prefer it I use it
Juerd The latter is less important :)
I constantly use a name I don't like. 16:24
ingy obra: freenode is not letting me identify (thus msg you) 16:28
obra urgh 16:29
ingy obra: msged for magnet
I think
fglock ruoso: the new PCR is very small - there should be only a few bugs left, if any - I guess I'll just finish the grammar by hand, and fix the grammar compiler later (the grammar compiler can then be rewritten using the working PCR) 16:32
& 16:33
merlyn Chuck Norris Perl6 joke: Chuck Norris can *have* the colon. 16:44
16:52 arcady joined
svnbot6 r9638 | ingy++ | r5749@bytes: ingy | 2006-03-17 08:54:03 -0800 16:54
r9638 | ingy++ | Beg Damian to make utf8 the one true encoding in Perldoc.
rindolf merlyn: I don't get it.
merlyn first, are you familiar with www.chucknorrisfacts.com ? 16:55
it's an internet meme
rindolf merlyn: no, I'm afraid not.
merlyn then you wouldn't get it.
eric256_ hey ingy....will items be heirerchial (god i can't spell that word) in Perldoc?
16:55 eric256_ is now known as eric256 16:57 estel joined 17:02 nnunley joined
ingy eric256: you mean can you nest? 17:05
the answer is yes
or maybe you meant something else
eric256 yea. i guess. i want to be able to store data inside it. like for the builtin functino documentation we would want to be able to store information about the caller type, and first argument type for SMD and MMD index pages.
ingy ok, well let's not overload the fuck out of perldoc 17:06
eric256 the point is i don't think that is 17:07
=first_arg: String
thats already syntax you support, i just wanted to see if when its parsed if it well nest properly
then it would be easy to make a script that parses the builtin function page and produces two index pages sorted by what they want on each page. 17:08
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eric256 looks around.... lol 17:17
anyway ingy making sure the features it already has can be used for things you havn't forseen isn't overloading the crap out of it...its just being creative
besides the ability to add attributes to an item would certain be usefull for documentation. because it would be nice to store information like ownership, date added, api supported, whatever to Perldoc in a way that can be accessed and usefull to scripts/editors/etc. ;) 17:18
time to go play outside. later
17:19 eric256 left
sahadev ?eval_bot my %h = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3); say "%h.keys.reverse()" 17:19
?eval my %h = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3); say "%h.keys.reverse()" 17:20
svnbot6 r9639 | ruoso++ | bootstrap target now really reacompiles everything it can
nothingmuch mĆøĆøsage 17:24
rindolf nothingmuch: yĆø!
nothingmuch yo mc parsec yo 17:25
wrappin to you mama like a
one sc
nothingmuch opens pugs/misc/rap.txt
17:30 SamB joined
svnbot6 r9640 | ruoso++ | bootstrap target now checks is lrep can compile itself and result in the same thing 17:53
rindolf nothingmuch: here? 17:54
nothingmuch rindolf: slightly
rindolf nothingmuch: can you look at sial.org/pbot/16372 and find ways to improve it? 17:55
nothingmuch rindolf: use type annotations for clarification
don't use references when you don't need to 17:56
@$n etc:
sub multiply_squaring_factors( @n, @m )
instead of using my %gsf_cache use 'state %gsf_cache' inside get_squaring_factors 17:57
it's like 'static' in C
use type annotations for documentations
e.g. sub Graham( Int $n ) if it's an int, or Num $n if it's any number
that usually helps to understand the algorithm
you can use 'where { }' subtyping for more constraints 17:58
17:58 pdcawley_ joined
nothingmuch rindolf: again, wrt array references: $n_sq_factors = ...; 17:59
it's a collection of items
so my @n_sq_factors makes more sense
17:59 stennie joined
nothingmuch while(1) is spelled loop { } now 18:00
if ($low_square_val != $high_square_val)
return ($lower_bound, [$n, ($low_square_val+1)*($low_square_val+1)*$rest_of_factors_product,$lower_bound]);
that's just scary =)
use more temporary variables
to help readability
if .... 18:01
18:01 DesreveR is now known as r0nny
nothingmuch last; 18:01
use 'last if .. ;'
it looks like your code might want to use hyper operators
e.g. reduce
for @$n_times_lb -> $i
$rest_of_factors_product *= $i;
$rest_of_factors_product = [*] @n_times_lb;
loop($i=$n+1;;$i++) 18:02
screaming for whitespace
use 'say
instead of print
hard coded "\n"s are not fun =) 18:03
and say is shorter
print "G($n) = " ~ $g_val ~ " [" ~ join(",", @$composition) ~ "]\n"
say "G($n) = $g_val [ {join(",", @$composition)} "]" 18:04
while ( $n_vec.elems() ) {
ruoso wonders if there is a rule modifier that turns "trace" on
nothingmuch if it were an array not an array ref then '+@n_vec'
i'm not sure if that works well for arrays
or just 'while ( @n_vec ) {' 18:05
rindolf: done
rindolf nothingmuch: OK. 18:06
18:15 nothingmuch joined
svnbot6 r9641 | ruoso++ | nailing down the new rules bug... the bug is in "quantifier" or "alt" rule 18:18
nothingmuch rindolf: ping
rindolf nothingmuch: pong 18:19
nothingmuch rindolf: did you see my comments?
rindolf nothingmuch: yes, I did.
nothingmuch okies
have fun
18:19 utku joined
rindolf nothingmuch: OK. 18:19
ruoso have to work... bye 18:20
nothingmuch also 18:21
style comment
for $start..$end -> $n
that reads very clumsily to me
if you put the brace on the same line as the for it looks better IMHO 18:22
18:22 hexmode joined
nothingmuch for start to end as in in here 18:22
that's how i read the brace on the same line
for start to end as n
now this
that's how I read the brace on the same line
i think larry's style preference kind of optimized Perl 6 into something that looks better using his style =)
19:13 Arathorn is now known as Aragone 19:14 FurnaceBoy joined 19:30 Quell joined 19:48 DHGE joined
gaal Alias_: I wouldn't insist on a direct gloss, since these concepts don't necessarily have one, unless this is indeed in the context of kabbala specifically, in which case there are probably several standard glosses to choose from. :) 19:55
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fglock ruoso: I found the 'missing comma' bug - it was in file 'p5hacks.pl' (fixed) 20:52
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GabrielVieira hello ther 21:23
hello there
fglock which is your OS? 21:25
merlyn hey fglock 21:27
GabrielVieira merlyn hey.. can i talk private? 21:29
merlyn to yourself? Sure. :)
you mean with me? :)
GabrielVieira u know what i mean 21:30
that about yapc brasil
21:33 penk left 21:34 Quell joined 21:36 Quell joined
fglock GabrielVieira: sorry, I was in a meeting - need to go back (I use Ubuntu, debian, windows XP) 21:38
GabrielVieira hum 21:39
ill ask u somethings later
i need to go now
21:39 whiteg joined
GabrielVieira meet the wife.. u know 21:39
night all
21:41 larsen joined
merlyn hey fglock 21:47
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fglock merlyn: ping 22:37
svnbot6 r9642 | fglock++ | pX/.../PCR - grammar compiler is fixed 22:40
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svnbot6 r9643 | fglock++ | pX/.../PCR - fixed OO; AST/emitter still broken 23:04
fglock audreyt: re pX/.../PCR - currying all rule method calls with the grammar works, but it "smells" wrong
& 23:05
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