pugs.blogs.com | pugscode.org | pugs.kwiki.org | paste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | <stevan> Moose... it's the new Camel ":P | .pmc == PPI source filters!
Set by Alias_ on 16 March 2006.
00:09 qu1j0t3 is now known as FurnaceBoy 00:11 ayrnieu joined 00:39 FurnaceBoy_ joined 01:03 GabrielVieira joined, mako132_ joined 01:06 stevan joined 01:13 mako132_ joined 01:26 hexmode joined 01:37 lightstep joined 01:44 hcarty joined 02:44 hexmode joined 02:47 hcarty left 03:08 pjmm joined 03:11 pjmm left 03:53 KingDiamond joined 04:01 qu1j0t3 joined, vel joined 04:02 qu1j0t3 is now known as FurnaceBoy 04:05 qu1j0t3 joined 04:21 avar joined 04:31 _cnhackT_ joined 04:32 Khisanth joined 05:05 Cryptic_K joined 05:16 drbean joined 06:42 _cnhackT_ joined 06:43 beppu_ joined 07:14 ARCANGEL18 joined 07:17 miyagawa joined 07:33 iblechbot joined 07:39 Draconit_ joined 07:43 Draconit_ left 07:56 |cnhackT| joined 08:13 Draconit_ joined 08:14 Draconit_ left 08:21 ghenry joined 08:40 drbean left 08:44 drbean joined 09:11 larsen joined 09:18 drbean left 09:24 drbean joined 09:32 drbean left 09:34 drbean joined 09:38 kane_ joined 10:01 larsen joined 10:15 chris2 joined 11:01 DHGE joined 11:08 hlen joined 11:16 larsen_ joined 11:23 marmic joined 11:32 larsen joined 11:34 jisom joined 11:35 GeJ joined 11:48 elmex joined 11:49 |cnhackT| left
nothingmuch hmm 12:11
awefully quit here today
Alias_ pong
nothingmuch =)
12:20 michael joined 12:21 ruoso joined
Alias_ St Patricks data pissups in the US I guess :./ 12:29
Or recovery from them 12:30
jisom it's really early morning in the US, and Saturday, so most Americans are probably asleep
12:38 chris2 joined
Alias_ well, except dngor apparently :) 12:46
12:46 lisppaste3 joined
ruoso realizes that the Grammar refactoring is mandatory 12:52
12:57 pmichaud joined 13:04 lypanov joined, pmurias joined
pmurias hi all 13:04
ruso: I could do the Grammar refactoring if you want 13:05
ruoso pmurias, nice... 13:06
pmurias, the problem is that the grammar as it is today causes a lot of weird loops 13:07
pmurias, we have to refactor it to reduce it 13:08
pmurias, stablishing a good grammar model
pmurias, please take a look at lrep-compiler/Grammar_model.txt
pmurias, feel free to change it at will
pmurias, then we need to implement the grammar as the plan 13:09
Alias_ oh for a haskell brute force optimising grammar compiler
ruoso Alias_, this is for p5 lrep no optimiser :) 13:10
Alias_ or $something that was grammar-aware and could test variations against a sample codebase
ruoso implementing trace on the rules to detect the loops... 13:12
13:32 Toaster|Real joined, Toaster|Real is now known as Ara4n
audreyt is (again) at very low hit points due to jet lag :/ 13:33
my body simply doesn't survive eastward (positive direction of TZ) jetlagging well 13:34
Alias_ nobody does
audreyt yeah, but I get disabled for on avg 2~3 entire days
Alias_ if it's a big enough amount, you can stay up REALLY late for a few days before, then it's like going forwards
audreyt very annoying :/
Ara4n always feels that he's hallucinating for about 3 days
audreyt exactly that! 13:35
it's like that yellow fungus in nethack
jisom but it's bad when you actually do hallucinate
Alias_ has actually hallucinated
jisom from sleep deprivation?
Alias_ On a 5 day journey from north Scotland to Lismore
4 and a half days
audreyt too, due to hallucinogetic fungus
Ara4n has hallucinated from sleep dep - was absolutely horrible
i convinced myself that my jacket was sodden with red ink 13:36
Alias_ I couldn't get the spider web off my arms
pmichaud only time I had serious serious jet lag was Dallas to Tokyo -- I never recovered before returning to the U.S.
jisom one of the things in psychology is not interacting with the hallucination......but what does it mean when you feel the floor to prove the meal worms aren't really there, yet you still see them?
Alias_ I get that one a lot when sleep deprived
Not that I'm scared of spiders, but we have a lot at our place, so it's a common problem
Ara4n gibson had a fairly whimsical model for jetlag in Pattern Recognition - that your soul has to catch up with your body (if you believe in such a distinction) 13:37
Alias_ :)
Ara4n the idea of one's disembodied sense of spiritual self drifting sadly over the pacific/atlantic trying to catch up with your abnormally speedy self is appealing :) 13:38
physical self, even.
Alias_ And will work even once we get teleportation 13:39
Ara4n hehe
Ara4n trundles off to $work
avar likes that idea 13:42
Though that must mean that the astronaughts that went to the moon were soulless for quite some time 13:43
jisom and what if you die before your soul catches up? 13:44
Alias_ Does your soul move faster when there's no air resistance?
avar Alias_: only if it has speed holes 13:45
jisom sound moves faster the more mass there is....light moves slower.....so who knows
Alias_ Lets invent something and say it moves based on the information density of the medium 13:46
So though the ocean is slow, the air faster, earth faster again, and space really fast
jisom don't forget to make it impossible to prove, so you can't be proven wrong
Alias_ The soul moves at a speed based on it's mood
rotated based on the zodiac of the owner and the cycle of the moon 13:47
plus or minus 50%
jisom with the relative influence of all planets in existence
avar you people have been doing drugs, haven't you? 13:53
Alias_ only the ones I'm told do for the safety of the community
Alias_ twitches
pmurias roso: i'm currently moving rules to Grammar/Rules.p6, is it ok with you? 13:58
ruoso pmurias, yes... 14:00
pmurias, but it will be a pita to compile it with the grammar as it is today... 14:01
pmurias, it takes a lot of time
pmurias I already did it..
ruoso 250k match tries and counting
Alias_ :)
jisom with trace?
ruoso yes
pmurias currently I'm compiling Perl6.p6
jisom pge with parrot's trace? 14:02
ruoso 292k is the final number
jisom, no... it's in lrep
jisom oh
ruoso to parse Perl6.p6
with the rules defined by Perl6.p6
292k match tries... 14:03
its weird
pmurias I tried profiling the old-lrep once
the profile file was 100M+
ruoso yeah... I created a set of 'print __FILE__.__LINE__ if $::trace' in the emmited code 14:04
the trace is much smaller
avar parts of pugs are written in Perl 6? 14:05
ruoso avar, no... it's lrep-compiler... p6 -> p5 compiler
avar, it's almost self-hosting 14:06
pasteling "ruoso" at pasted "Number of tries per rule" (43 lines, 1.2K) at sial.org/pbot/16387 14:09
svnbot6 r9644 | ruoso++ | now lrep has -t switch to trace the matches... 14:18
r9645 | ruoso++ | updating TODO 14:27
14:27 Kattana joined
ruoso wonders how one could parse the trace to see which sequences are most repetitive... 14:28
Alias_ Firstly you want branch tracing surely... 14:31
but I can't spare the headspace right now
parsing theory and asynchronous serial events aren't similar enough :)
ruoso and what if <@list> goes modifying @list to put the most matched in the front? 14:32
14:35 Ara5n joined 14:45 GeJ_ joined 14:47 turrepurre joined
svnbot6 r9646 | pmurias++ | lrep: rules seperated to Grammar/Rules.pm 14:47
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svnbot6 r9647 | gaal++ | * unbreak YAML object serialization. You may need to `make clean` 15:41
r9647 | gaal++ | after applying this patch. Rule serialization is still broken.
gaal s/serialization/round-trip/ 15:45
Alias_ (round trip)++ 15:50
16:04 mako132_ joined
TimToady ruoso: it's okay to optimize <@list>, of course, but the eventual plan is not to use <@list> at all, but exclusively magical <%hash>, or at least to the extent possible. 16:19
.oO(That was almost English...)
16:26 Arathorn joined
TimToady Basically, a good <%hash> matcher should optimize its keys into a good trie or DFA matcher. For Perl 6 we also need to be able to map that magical %hash to multiple real hashes of things like %statement_control and %prefix grammatical categories, several of which can be scanned for simultaneously through the magical <%hash> mechanism, so that we don't violate the longest token rule even if some tokens are coming from one category 16:26
16:33 KingDiamond joined
pmurias It may be a question of not reading the synopsis carefully enough, but is rule custom:<foo> allowed? 16:41
TimToady one way or other. 16:43
gotta run&
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geoffb S03.pm seems to be using POD syntax that old-fashioned 'perldoc' is not ready for (such as '=item * Text' instead of "=item *\n\nText") ... is there a replacement that I should be using to format the S*.pod ? 17:39
theorbtwo Is /<%hash1, %hash2>/ valid? That is, /<expr returns Hash>/? 17:49
18:00 avar joined 18:56 DesreveR is now known as r0nny 19:15 buu joined
svnbot6 r9648 | fglock++ | pX/.../PCR - working parser; needs a new AST+emitter 19:21
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svnbot6 r9649 | fglock++ | pX/../PCR - fixed 'capture' in Runtime::Rule 20:03
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samhain1138 can i compile pugs with embedded parrot w/o keeping parrot's build directory..? 22:08
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eric256 hey....anyone here capable of makeing Pugs::Compiler::Rule into a ppd for ppm? 22:21
Supaplex pats the trusty ibook 22:24
it's outta juice :( left the adapter at work
eric256 lol that always sucks 22:25
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eric256 L~R you do windows right? anychance you can make a ppm for Pugs::Compiler::Rule or know where i could find one 22:31
Limbic_Region eric256 - I do use Windows but don't have a C compiler for it 22:34
well - other than Cygwin gcc
I do know several monks that might be a bit more helpful though
eric256 - I would probably bet your most interested party would be Jonathan - [email@hidden.address] 22:36
he is active in perl6 development (on the Parrot side) 22:37
eric256 cool.....wifes leading me out of the house but when i get back i'll email him...thanks
Limbic_Region he did or does Win32 binary builds of Pugs
see www.jwcs.net/~jonathan/perl6/
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