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Set by Alias_ on 16 March 2006.
TimToady as far as can tell, it basically means "addict lordling" 00:03
君子 by itself means a person of quality 00:04
but note even in English how modifiers tend to negate druglord and slumlord 00:07
obra "He's an excellent slumlord" 00:08
mugwump yeah, interesting that it uses the child character there 00:20
perhaps "master of addiction" would be a good retranslation :) 00:21
but still doesn't capture that addiction is a lower order state. hmm 00:23
TimToady I thought "lordling" captured the youthfulness of it rather nicely. 00:26
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svnbot6 r10575 | audreyt++ | * recursive_definition.t: Mark as TODO, pending switch to OpTable 00:57
mugwump lordling's not a real word, it's not even in Webster :) 00:59
szbalint I beg to differ (if you were serious, not sarcastic). www.thefreedictionary.com/lordling 01:04
mugwump yeah, see, it's only in Houghton Mifflin 01:05
how can you respect a dictionary that has words like "hummer" in it? :) 01:07
er, 01:08
mugwump frantically tries to find a better example of US dialect to poke fun at
TimToady google finds "lordling" in both American Heritage and Merriam-Webster. 01:09
mugwump weird. time to throw away dictionary.com I guess 01:10
audreyt er, dictionary.com has it too. 01:12
"A lord regarded as immature or insignificant."
mugwump yes but it's american heritage... sorry I guess jokes based on etymological snobbery may be lost on some audiences :) 01:13
TimToady As I recall, I learned the word from a certain Tolkien... 01:14
szbalint I've been using szotar.sztaki.hu/webster/ for a while now...
mugwump it's in Tolkien but not in Oxford? bizarre
szbalint 'Worm! Worm!' Saruman called; and out of a nearby hut came Wormtongue, crawling, almost like a dog. To the road again, Worm!' said Saruman. 'These fine fellows and lordlings are turning us adrift again. Come along!' 01:16
TimToady It's mentioned as an example under -ling, I think. 01:17
mugwump will refer to smokers and drug addicts as "addiction lordling" from now on 01:20
TimToady has a hard enough time remembering 唐 without trying to remember 癮 as well. 01:24
mugwump there's a lot of radicals in that one huh 01:27
er, strokes
SamB TimToady: maybe nobody thought it was the sort of word you needed to list in the dictionary in Oxford, because they all know how to use the formation rules ;-)
mugwump there's a subtle difference I think, but largely between my personal definition of -ling and the actual definition 01:31
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TimToady well, it's still less than half the strokes of 龘 01:41
As for radicals, that depends on how you count (and define) radicals. I can count it anywhere from 2 to 7 radicals. 01:44
mugwump ah, I had the thought for a moment that only one could be called the radical
ie, the one you look it up with
TimToady that's one definition of radical 01:45
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TimToady but leaving out the "the one you look it up by" part, if you just count official radicals, there are 6 01:46
I can only get it up to 7 by separating out "illness" into "ice" and "bigroof", which is kind of cheating. 01:47
on the other hand, "Heart" obviously contains a "hook" radical, but it's not clear what you'd call the other three ticks... 01:48
audreyt curious that wiktionary claims that the "excellent" meaning of "rad" comes from abbrev. of "radical"
TimToady This is a strange channel, where English speakers discuss Chinese while Chinese speakers discuss English. :) 01:51
SamB audreyt: what is so curious about that?
lots of people believe it, whether or not it is true!
TimToady Hmm, well, I think it's surfer talk, and there are a lot of surfers around here who think it came from "radical". 01:52
QtPlatypus What is the alternative idea of its source? 01:53
audreyt there is no alternative idea, it's just the connection never occured to me 01:54
QtPlatypus nods 01:55
audreyt (and indeed its etymology is listed as surfer talk)
QtPlatypus doesn't think that "rad" meaning excelent comes from the unit of radation dose. 01:56
mugwump radical means, like, far out, man
audreyt developer.mozilla.org/es4/ is very rad. 01:57
TimToady these surfers are from northern California, where radicals are just considered progressive progressives 01:58
and ordinary democrats are suspected of being too conservative. 01:59
01:59 weinig is now known as weinig|sleep
SamB the idea that it might not be short for radical had not occurred to me ;-) 02:11
audreyt leo: are you looking at the weird parrot bug coming from array_cap.t? 02:12
leo: it says something about unicode and ascii and encoding but it looks bogus
SamB laments that some people think that wordplay, like that of shakespeare, is a thing of the past -- or do I laugh at them? they obviously don't know my family too well... 02:16
svnbot6 r10576 | audreyt++ | * array_cap.t: Mark the segfaulting-on-linux-when-run-in-batch-mode 02:31
r10576 | audreyt++ | second test -- full recovery from embedded PGE failures is not
r10576 | audreyt++ | exactly obvious to do
02:44 trym_ is now known as trym 03:19 mdiep joined
mdiep is there a document on Perl6 POD somewhere? I'm having trouble even finding discussions in the list archives, though I know I've seen them 03:19
oh, I found the thread. goodie. 03:21
looks highly speculative though 03:23
03:24 Tman joined
Tman where's an overview of the changes in regex syntax for perl6? 03:25
mdiep svn.perl.org/viewcvs/perl6/doc/trun...yn/S05.pod 03:26
audreyt mdiep: svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/docs/Perl6...tation.pod
Tman thanks
obra hiya audreyt 03:34
audreyt hi obra 03:38
congrats re bestpractical.com/news/svk.html
nice to see Pugs's deveopment-tool-of-choice becoming more supported :D 03:39
obra Thanks :) 03:40
We're very excited
hey. are you up for some jifty tutorial SEEing this week? 03:41
audreyt friday possibly
or sat
obra ok. my friday is pretty bad
but that's mostly your saturday morning ;)
03:42 cmarcelo joined
audreyt hey cmarcelo. BitSet2 looks sane 03:43
though this line
class Enum a => HashIO a where
is probably wrong
that makes HashIO a subclass of Enum
we want the other way around
i.e. generate instances of HashIO for Enum types
instance Enum a => HashIO a where ... 03:44
but you should be free to instance HashIO for non-Enum types
for example, "IORef Int" is perfectly HashIOable
but not an enum
makes sense?
cmarcelo audreyt: i know.. i was asking about it in #haskell, as far as I understood, the best scenario (having "class HashIO" and providing default impl for Enum) isnt possible.. 03:45
audreyt why? all you need is overlapping/incoherent instances
cmarcelo well, GHC becames in doubt when there are two options to choose... i even suggested if there were some way to choose a more specific, but defining most specific in type classes maybe very hard for some cases... 03:47
audreyt cmarcelo: not so 03:52
fixed; see my commit
cmarcelo ?? .. svn up'ing.. 03:53
lambdabot Maybe you meant: . v
svnbot6 r10577 | audreyt++ | * make Enum a subclass, not superclass, of HashIO 03:55
audreyt actually, undecidable instance is the only thing needed 04:02
overlapping/incoherent is not neccessary
gaal good moose, all 04:03
audreyt hey gaal 04:04
gaal hi audreyt :)
cmarcelo audreyt: err.. sorry =(... my mistake.. I even pasted (in #haskell) this solution yesterday but probably it get an error from other mistake made in the code... =P
gaal so what's this HashIO thing? fast what?
audreyt I need to run for a bit. bbiab :)
gaal: fast mutable collections 04:05
gaal oh! I thought judy was givign that
audreyt cmarcelo will explain it to you :)
cmarcelo gaal: we are doing fast mutable collections using Judy as backend... but the "fast" part still need to be tested =o) 04:06
gaal :)
cmarcelo audreyt: are you coming back "today"? 04:07
gaal: are you same gaal friend of evan.livejournal ?
gaal yup :) 04:08
04:09 kanru joined
gaal so where do I read up on HashIO? 04:11
cmarcelo gaal: the code is in pugs tree: third-party/HsJudy. I'm still learning Haskell so some parts of code will "sound stange" =P... We are using this class to restrict which types may be used to Index a BitSet (map values to bits.. "equivalent" to a Set).. BitSet is backended by Judy1 (one of Judy datatypes). 04:21
gaal: and this is my project for summer of code for Haskell.org.. 04:25
gaal ooh, cool 04:26
audreyt: instead of the compensate-for-ext/ heuristic in yaml_harness (r10554), maybe we should prefer shuffle? it's a little less convenient perhaps because tests aren't run in order, but should be fairer, and doesn't need to have the ratio tweaked from time to time. 04:30
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spinclad cmarcelo: pong 05:21
cmarcelo spinclad: hello. 05:24
spinclad hi, cmarcelo
cmarcelo spinclad: did you take a look in my test using HSIter?
test/CheckDupLines2.c 05:25
spinclad having some trouble compiling it, i may have interference from the installed libjudy
cmarcelo hmm. here I installed your libjudy and it compiles fine. 05:29
spinclad i installed debian's libjudy, which of course doesn't have HSIter. dunno if that's what i'm seeing though. will purge that package and try again... 05:30
cmarcelo spinclad: need help? 05:53
spinclad not now i think, will shout if i do 06:02
cmarcelo ok 06:04
svn help: i have files A and B, want to remove A and change B's name to A, keeping B history... it's ok to remove A and rename B to A in the same commit? 06:08
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svnbot6 r10578 | cmarcelo++ | * HsJudy: some details in BitSet2 implementation. Freeze stuff. More tests. 06:50
r10579 | cmarcelo++ | * HsJudy: removing old BitSet. 07:03
r10580 | cmarcelo++ | * HsJudy: new BitSet code. 07:09
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cmarcelo audreyt: BitSet seems to be ok, even imported some Freeze code from old BitSet.. I was "fighting" with cabal, so will be easier to set a Pugs branch in my machine to hack Pugs.Prim using BS. 08:15
spinclad: any progress? 08:19
cmarcelo fades away... & 08:22
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spinclad cmarcelo: some progress, gdb showed me my first bug (duh); now recompiling libJudy with more debug info, to hope to see through my horrid macro expansions. 11:10
svnbot6 r10581 | spinclad++ | - JudyHSIter: first bug found (d'oh), more to come... 11:16
spinclad more after a sleep(3) cycle... & 11:17
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svnbot6 r10582 | audreyt++ | * recursive_definition.t: fix test count. 14:38
scw audreyt: where do you think I should put Parsec.pm in? Pugs-Compiler-Rule/lib/Pugs/Emitter/Rule or create another Pugs-(something like that) directory? 14:55
audreyt the fomrer 15:07
scw okey 15:10
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pasteling "leo" at pasted "Test results r10582 on x86/linux" (21 lines, 1.3K) at sial.org/pbot/17612 17:07
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Tman can anyone tell me how correct this is? peltkore.net/~tman/bouncer.txt 19:00
prefiks Tman: you should s/rule/token/ in some places i think 19:11
Tman I don't know the difference :p
prefiks in rule spaces are significant - they are replaced by <ws> rule in token they are eaten 19:12
Tman ahh 19:13
does <ws> match any number of whitespace (including 0)?
kolibrie <?ws> matches any number of whitespace, including 0 19:14
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prefiks more or less, spaces are required between two word chars 19:14
/a<ws>b/ will not match ab 19:15
Tman alright
19:31 stephanepayrard_ joined
PerlJam Tman: <ws> and <?ws> are the same and they both match any number of whitespace characters. <ws> means \s+ between tokens and \s* otherwise. 19:35
<?ws> tells perl to not capture and save the whitespace that was matched in the match object. 19:36
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Tman PerlJam: thanks :D 19:52
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beppu ?eval my @list = (1,2,3) >>+<< (10, 20, 30); 20:44
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