pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
00:08 justatheory left 00:34 jferrero left 00:39 [particle]1 joined 00:51 [particle] left 01:34 _Chillance_ left 01:39 Maghnus left 01:40 Maghnus joined
pugs_svn r22166 | lwall++ | [rx.t] fix pugs fudging 01:59
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meppel-san good night 02:43
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viklund perl6: say :foo<>.perl 06:18
p6eval rakudo 30809: OUTPUT[("foo" => [])␤] 06:19
..elf 22166: OUTPUT[Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at ./elf_f line 19.␤Pair.new(!!!)␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Named argument found where no matched parameter expected: (foo,Syn "," [])␤ at /tmp/kGq5mr0wii line 1, column 1 - line 2, column 1␤]
viklund hmm, that looks like a bug in rakudo to me, shouldn't the output be ("foo" => "") 06:20
irhd++ found it while hacking on november
TimToady well, pugs actually has it right :)
viklund ok
TimToady but in general, :foo<bar baz> is short for :foo{'bar', 'baz'} 06:21
or maybe :foo['bar', 'baz'] really 06:22
but the question is whether the [] is constructed by the infix:<,>, which I suspect it is
viklund should they all work without params?
perl6: say :foo[].perl 06:23
p6eval rakudo 30810: OUTPUT[("foo" => [])␤]
..elf 22166: OUTPUT[Undefined subroutine &Main::ARRAY called at (eval 117) line 3.␤ at ./elf_f line 3861␤]
..pugs: OUTPUT[*** Named argument found where no matched parameter expected: (foo,Syn "\\[]" [Syn "," []])␤ at /tmp/JaCAAIDPeZ line 1, column 1 - line 2, column 1␤]
TimToady it ought to be equivalent to "foo" => ()
since <> is really qw//
viklund yes
hmm 06:24
TimToady but () in scalar context is likely to be some kind of undef
viklund rakudo: ("foo" => ()).perl
p6eval rakudo 30810: RESULT["(\"foo\" => [])"]
viklund rakudo: ("foo" => (1)).perl 06:25
p6eval rakudo 30810: RESULT["(\"foo\" => 1)"]
TimToady pugs: ("foo" => ()).perl
p6eval pugs: RESULT["\\(\"foo\", ())"]
TimToady pugs: ("foo" => (1)).perl
p6eval pugs: RESULT["\\(\"foo\", 1)"]
06:26 REPLeffect left
TimToady pugs: ("foo" => (1,2)).perl 06:26
p6eval pugs: RESULT["\\(\"foo\", (1, 2))"]
TimToady pugs: say ("foo" => (1,2)).perl 06:27
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[\("foo", (1, 2))␤]
TimToady pugs: say (:foo(1,2)).perl
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[\("foo", (1, 2))␤]
TimToady pugs seems to be representing pairs as captures of 2 positionals 06:28
that aside, I think pugs is behaving more sanely on () probably 06:29
viklund ;)
TimToady I think it could be bad to promote () to [] in general 06:30
viklund yes, probably. 06:33
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moritz_ TimToady: are you aware that rx.t isn't runnable by rakudo? 07:54
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moritz_ TimToady: and where is method Match.produces defined? 08:46
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Tene pugs: (foo => 2) 09:06
p6eval pugs: RESULT[\("foo", 2)]
Tene pugs: (foo => 2, bar => 3) 09:07
p6eval pugs: RESULT[(\("foo", 2), \("bar", 3))]
Tene pugs: {foo => 2, bar => 3}
p6eval pugs: RESULT[(\("foo", 2), \("bar", 3))]
Tene TimToady: if we have (a => 1,b => 2), what do we need the {} form of the same thing for?
moritz_ the difference is that (..) interpolates, {...} doesn't 09:11
Tene Ah, right. 09:14
pugs: [foo => 2, bar => 3]
p6eval pugs: RESULT[\(\("foo", 2), \("bar", 3))]
Tene What about that?
09:15 iblechbot joined
moritz_ that's a list of pairs, not a hash 09:15
Tene Hm.
pugs_svn r22167 | moritz++ | [t/spec] fudged rx.t for rakudo
moritz_ rakudo: "a" !~~ /b/ && say "yes" 09:18
p6eval rakudo 30812: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in set_pmc_keyed()␤current instr.: 'parrot;Code;ACCEPTS' pc 5633 (src/gen_builtins.pir:3735)␤]
moritz_ anybody willing to fix this? blocks a few dozens regex tests
rakudo_svn r30813 | moritz++ | [rakudo] added bool.t to spectest_regression, and s/pge-tests/rx/ 09:20
Tene in set_pmc_keyed? Weird.
Tene looks 09:21
Huh. Code::ACCEPTS tries to set $/ in somewhere inappropriate... 09:26
Yeah, in CALLER 09:27
Why isn't that working here? That's weird. 09:28
moritz_ !~~ should be Code::REJECTS 09:29
Tene REJECTS calls ACCEPTS 09:30
moritz_ that's bad
Tene then negates the result
moritz_ because REJECTS shouldn't set $/
maybe we could add a REJECTS method that doesn't set $/
Tene Probably. 09:31
moritz_ how can I coerce to bool in pir?
Tene assign to int, or use a small shrub of goto ... if ... 09:32
Anyway, it's src/classes/Code.pir:36
moritz_ yes 09:33
Tene Which I guess you found.
I'm a bit too asleep to swap in enough to figure out why that's null in this case.
rakudo: sub foo { 'a' !~~ /b/ && say "yes" }; foo() 09:34
p6eval rakudo 30814: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in set_pmc_keyed()␤current instr.: 'foo' pc 140 (EVAL_13:63)␤]
Tene rakudo: sub foo { 'a' ~~ /b/ && say "yes" }; foo()
moritz_ I think I've got it working
p6eval rakudo 30814: RESULT[{}]
09:34 barney joined
Tene Oh, is that because ACCEPTS is being called from REJECTS? I think so. 09:35
moritz_ well, not quite
Tene Except REJECTS doesn't get a lexpad?
moritz_ dunno what's the cause it
but match could be NULL if the match fails
anyway, I've got a solution here locally
will run tests and then commit 09:36
Tene fantastic
moritz_ thanks for your help Tene 09:37
Tene btw, moritz++ for tests
moritz_: also, always feel free to harass me by name for rakudo stuff. I'll help if I'm awake. 09:41
moritz_ Tene: ok, will do (gladly ;) 09:42
Tene I'll work on anything anyone is willing to ask me about. 09:43
rakudo_svn r30815 | moritz++ | [rakudo] implement Code::REJECTS that doesn't set $/ and doesn't die. 09:44
r30815 | moritz++ | I don't really know if that's correct, though. Will ask p6l for clarification
Tene moritz_: you didn't change the POD in that copy/paste 09:45
Formally, you should look up and return Bool::True/False, I think.
moritz_ thanks 09:46
no other method seems to look up Bool::True/False (from a quick ack) 09:47
Tene Or, no, maybe you just return whatever the function returns...
unless ... -> $n { ... }
Or is that not allowed?
Bah, specs.
moritz_ it is allowed 09:48
but I'd have to negate a match object
which is kinda... weird
Tene Just leave it until someone writes a failing test. That's what I always do. ;) 09:49
rakudo_svn r30816 | moritz++ | [rakudo] fix POD in Code.pir
moritz_ TDD++
Tene (other people doing work for you)++
09:50 Grrrr left 09:53 iblechbot left 09:58 larsen_ joined 10:07 alanhaggai_ is now known as alanhaggai 10:12 Jedai left
pugs_svn r22168 | moritz++ | [t/spec] rx.t: unfudged, use double quotes where stuff should be interpolated 10:16
moritz_ currently 3281 tests pass, which is an improvement over yesterday ;) 10:21
pugs_svn r22169 | moritz++ | [t/spec] some more corrections and unfudging in rx.t 10:29
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pmurias is get a lot of Couldn't match expected type `Buf.ByteString' against inferred type `ByteString' 11:31
when building pugs, it used to build before
seen a warning at the top which seems to explain the error 11:34
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pim Hi, how can i write this perl5 code easyly in perl6 : my @files=`ls -1tr`; ....? 12:37
moritz_ @files = qx{ls -1tr}; 12:38
lambdabot Unknown command, try @list
moritz_ but I doubt that rakudo or pugs implement that
pugs: say qx{ls}
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[*** Unsafe function 'Pugs::Internals::runShellCommand' called under safe mode␤ at /tmp/T4wn7xZceC line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1␤]
moritz_ well, maybe pugs does ;)
12:38 preflex left
pim thanks 12:39
i try...
moritz_ works here
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pim sorry i have been disconnected. 12:43
for me this does not work a all : qx{$command};
no. 12:44
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moritz_ qx doesnt interpolate 13:38
qq:x would
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pugs_svn r22170 | pmurias++ | [pugs] pre-working (ugly) start of the m0ld pugs backend 15:03
pmurias @tell ruoso what do you thing of the top-level m0ld block receiving and $interpreter and $scope? 15:04
lambdabot Consider it noted.
pmurias * think
TimToady moritz_: .produces is just a placeholder for however those results should be evaluated; it's just modelled on the notion that Match and Failure both have a .produces tester, neither of which do. 15:13
probably really wants to be a multi rather than a method
but I didn't know if parrot already had some way of testing against those particular specs 15:14
anyway, my job is to make sure it parses under STD, not under anything else :) 15:15
15:16 jrockway left
pmurias are there any reasons for not making lots of small commits instead of a few big ones? 15:19
PerlJam pmurias: committing in conceptual units? 15:22
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TimToady small commits usually make it easier to back out something broken as long as consistency is maintained, but a partial patch breaks things too, so as usual "it depends" 15:27
pmurias thanks 15:29
pugs_svn r22171 | pmurias++ | [pugs-m0ld] replace ? with generated identifiers 15:33
moritz_ TimToady: it would be nice if the method used in the test suite were somehow specced; at least I try to work in that direction 15:34
TimToady we're talking about building the basic tests into the language so you can just start with plan
moritz_ ok ;) 15:35
TimToady maybe "produces" should be a very low precedence infix
so we can multi it
originally I was just going to write "ok produces(...)" but that was kinda ugly 15:36
pmurias TimToady: "building the basic tests into the language", you mean having plan and ok in the Prelude?
TimToady yes
15:37 sri_work left
TimToady and any others we deem common enough 15:37
and all easily overridden by a real "use Test::FooBar"
but just basic functionality
the idea being that we make it easy to write TAP the way we made it easy to write POD 15:38
moritz_ well, we can always write class Match is also { method produce ... } 15:39
TimToady (this was discussed on Wed's conf call, and was generally approved of)
we could do that to 15:40
though it forces you to do "is also" on non-cooperative classes
or put it into Object and redispatch to a multi
but if we're building in ok and friends, we could also build in an assertion that could be appied "en passant" to values 15:41
and an infix "produces" would work pretty well for that
moritz_ what do you want the semantics of "procudes" to be? I somehow can't associate useful semtantics with it
TimToady it would depend on the types of both the left and right args 15:42
you check Match objects differently than Failure objects
moritz_ so it's another "smart match", but not ~~ ? 15:43
TimToady yes, because ~~ notionally returns boolean, not the left arg
it's like a POST block on a value expression
open to better words for than than "produces" 15:44
on the other hand, we're using it as a boolean inside "ok"...
so kinda ignore what I just said :) 15:45
15:46 [particle]1 left
moritz_ so basically you want another matcher that's not limited to return a boolean? 15:46
well, I'll ignore what you jsut said ;) 15:47
TimToady it's okay for "produces" to return Failure if it's checking a Match that fails, but it's not okay for it to return the left object if it it happens to be Failure tha you're crosschecking
pmurias TimToady: if the builtin subset is too basic, and most things require a real test module it won't save much typing 15:48
TimToady but maybe that just means that checking for appropriate failure turns some kind of true object
moritz_ pmurias: if we can test the prelude and the language with it, it can't be *that* basic
TimToady I'd say, pretty much everything that the test suite is currently using
but, oddly, perhaps not "is" 15:49
since it's almost always better to specify the exact comparison with "ok"
moritz_ well, is() in the test suite is *very* basic, and often abused
TimToady most of those should be "ok $a ~~ 42" 15:50
which is only, what, 2 characters longer than "is $a, 42"
and hopefully has pretty much the same DWIM semantics 15:51
moritz_ well, is() doesn't DWIM
it eq's instead
(as it currently is)
TimToady the same DWIM semantics that "is" *ought* to have, I should say 15:52
pmurias given macros ok can prints as good a error message as is
TimToady yes
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TimToady I can see a class of macro-like subs that just happen to remember the text of their 1st arg 15:52
assert() for instance
sub ok ($bool, $mess) is assertion {...} 15:53
not sure how you get at the text though... 15:54
moritz_ can user defined operators catch execptions of one of its arguments somehow?
TimToady depends on what kind of exception you're talking about 15:55
moritz_ thrown ones 15:56
TimToady user-defined ops can be macros, but can only influence parsing on the right
however, they can do anything they like with the existing AST on the left, so yes, you could wrap the left arg with an eval node 15:57
well, a try node
presumably the AST on the left can return its text too
of course, a prefix macro can do anythig it likes, even with the parsing 15:58
but macros are kinda hard, so I wouldn't really want to enforce full macro support onto a budding implementation 15:59
moritz_ aye
TimToady hence the proposal for "assertion" subs that can just get the text of 1st arg magically
moritz_ sounds good 16:01
TimToady or, I suppose, any arg, once you've declared "assertion" good enough for the parse to see it
maybe it's an attribute of a parameter instead 16:02
and causes the argument value to be annotated with a text property 16:03
moritz_ but I still haven't really understood what the 'produces' thingy is needed for
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moritz_ I mean ~~ doesn't have to return a boolean, just a thing that boolifies correctly 16:03
TimToady and Failure doesn't boolify correctly inside ok()
16:04 abra_ left
moritz_ but 'Failure ~~ $stuff' could boolify correctly, can't it? 16:04
TimToady so we can't just return the left arg anyway
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pugs_svn r22172 | pmurias++ | [pugs-m0ld] pattern matching is done with case instead of multiple function definitions 16:04
TimToady since ~~ is determined by the type of the right value, we need to distinguish patterns that will work correctly against whatever left types we want to test 16:06
obviously if we're going to test match objects with the "mob" notation, something has to interpret that notation
I just threw the info in there as a string for now, but that obviously won't work directly 16:07
16:07 SamB left
TimToady arguably Failure ~~ /text/ can be taught to work, but is also somewhat perilous in forcing particular error messages 16:08
though I suppose standard error messsages aren't such a bad thing...
currently though they're just parrots idea of what messages should be, which are unlikely to match what other implementations are doing so far 16:09
we probably need to work out message identities that are independent of what language is emmitted 16:10
*emitted 16:11
so Failure ~~ messid("F_42") or some such 16:13
moritz_ Failure ~~ Error::Parse?
TimToady would like granularity down to individual messages sometimes 16:14
so only if every exception has it's own type... :/
moritz_ it could be a collection of enums 16:15
TimToady which are types
moritz_ yes
and you don't like the idea ;) 16:16
TimToady well, I'm just worried about the poor guy who just wants to write a simple 'die "my message"' without adding an id of some sort
moritz_ well, it's enough if "builtin" errors have their types 16:17
TimToady we probably allow that, but make it easy to add the id: MyId.die("my message") 16:18
moritz_ there's nothing wrong with using a simple string for an exception if you don't want language independant ways to check against it
TimToady actually, given that types are coercions, just MyId("my message") 16:19
assuming exception types know how to coerce from Str
I've alway thought that the built-in exceptions should live in package X 16:20
X::Parsefail("oopsie") 16:21
well, parse failures are something else really
but X::DomainError and such
16:22 SamB joined
TimToady if we put them all in Exception or even Error, that discourages people from using them 16:22
especially in exception handlers 16:23
or maybe we could put them all into the >< package :) 16:25
anyway, feel free to mung .produces into anything else; as I said, it's just a placeholder really 16:27
moritz_ if I knew what you'd want to test against, I could :/ 16:31
anyway, dinner &
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rakudo_svn r30828 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: Revert r30815 and r30816. 18:26
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pugs_svn r22173 | lwall++ | [rx.t] use ~~ and subset matching instead of .provides 18:45
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pugs_svn r22174 | lwall++ | [STD] allow 'where' clauses on bare type names (mostly for ~~ matching) 19:12
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pmurias moritz_: language independence for exception only matters if they are relevant to the user 19:49
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pmurias ruoso: hi 20:10
ruoso hi pmurias 20:12
lambdabot ruoso: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
ruoso pmurias, do you mean by you having special $interpreter and $scope variables available in m0ld? 20:13
meppl good night 20:14
rakudo_svn r30832 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: spectest-progress.csv update: 156 files, 2798 passing tests
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pmurias ruoso: not just having my $interpreter;my $scope in the top m0ld block and passing them the same way as in Code 20:18
ruoso oh... you mean defining that as a calling convention? 20:19
that looks fine to me
pmurias yes
once we have a lexical scope we don't have to use ¢ 20:20
ruoso: if you don't implement map in terms of gather/take what do you want to use to create the lazy list/iterator 20:23
or do you plan to implement map in C?
ruoso pmurias, it cannot be implemented in C because it has too much recursion... 20:25
pmurias, have you seen the wiki page?
it mostly explains how it's going to work without gather/take
and it also should serve as a initial concept model for gather/take 20:26
it's going to be implemented in C+m0ld, btw
20:28 eternaleye left
pmurias why not implement it it terms of gather and take? 20:30
ruoso how does it solve the problem?
I mean... 20:31
this problem might look simple at the beginning, but when you try to figure out how it's going to be translated to actual method calls, it becomes pretty tricky
20:32 Auzon joined
pmurias what is the problem? 20:32
ruoso how to iterate the input list without causing eager evaluation?
and mix with that what slice context adds in complexity 20:33
(have you read the wiki page about the SMOP map operator?)
pmurias yes 20:34
20:34 yahooooo left
ruoso gather take only solves the part on how the map itself will be lazy 20:35
pmurias twice ;)
ruoso but not on how to consume the input list lazily
pmurias, do you see where the problem is now? 20:39
pmurias yes
sub map(@array,&code) { gather {my $i=0;while @array.exists($i) {take code(@array[$i]);$i++} }
ruoso pmurias, well.. you have an iterator... but you're still using a two-phase iterator API (like the Java api)... 20:43
pmurias pugs: my $sub = sub {say 3};$sub.(3);
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[3␤]
ruoso while you still makes the life of cursor-based iterators harder...
pmurias pugs: my $sub = sub {say 3};$sub(3);
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[3␤]
ruoso and the other half of what's described on the wiki explains how gather/take would work 20:44
pmurias actually it's sub map(Code $expression,*@values) { gather {my $i=0;while @values.exists($i) {take $expression(@array[$i]);$i++} } }
ruoso making index-based access is something I'm trying to avoid... 20:45
pmurias ruoso: handling cursor based iterators specialy is just an optimalisation
ruoso but you're still accessing the iterator making two calls 20:46
.has_next => .exists and .next => .[]
cursor based iterator is not the exception, but the common case, since Perl 6 is mostly lazy 20:47
feed operators point in that direction too
pmurias ruoso: i used .exists and .[] because prefix:<=> is not sufficiently specced 20:48
ruoso pmurias, that's the part the wiki page is discussing 20:49
the other part explains how gather/take would work
20:49 Lichtkind left 20:50 broquaint left
ruoso but when you get to low-level... 20:50
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pmurias ruoso: how do you know that prefix:<=> has no more items 20:50
ruoso because prefix:<=> returns a capture
or a failure
pmurias ok 20:51
ruoso when you get to the low-level, implemeting map directly is even simpler than using gather/take 20:52
because you can have a generic lazy list type that consumes whatever iterator
pmurias directly means in C/m0ld?
ruoso yes
and gather would also return an iterator 20:53
pmurias are there other lazy imperative languages?
ruoso heh... I think that's a very unique characteristic of Perl (5 or 6) 20:54
(not that perl 5 is lazy, but it does inherit functional characteristics in an unique way)
pmurias only list context is lazy, so we might just stick to item context if it turn out a very bad idea 20:57
ruoso pmurias, that's not really true
TimToady agreed that only Void is actually specially eager 20:58
in item context it can return a lazy scalar that implements prefix:<=> 20:59
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pmurias searches the spec 21:00
ruoso dinner &
pmurias i wonder what inspired all the lazyiness in Perl 6 21:01
PerlJam pmurias: haskell :)
pmurias haskell is extremly strict when it comes to side effects, 21:03
it forces my $a=side_effect();other_side_effect($a) style
Myoma hehe
@remember pmurias haskell is extremly strict when it comes to side effects 21:04
lambdabot Okay.
21:04 alester left
pmurias by typo is remembered ;( 21:05
Myoma lol
pmurias * my
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pmurias a dialect of haskell which implicitly added monads would be fun 21:11
21:12 lambdabot left 21:14 lambdabot joined
pmurias g'night 21:16
21:16 pmurias left
rakudo_svn r30835 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: Restore Code.REJECTS, but have it set $/ like Code.ACCEPTS does. 21:35
r30835 | pmichaud++ | This is a workaround until we have infix_prefix_meta_operator:<!> implemented.
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