»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg camelia perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 25 June 2013.
00:08 Rotwang left 00:12 Psyche^ joined 00:16 Psyche^_ left 00:23 panchiniak_ joined 00:26 panchiniak_ left, panchiniak_ joined 00:27 panchiniak_ left 00:28 panchiniak_ joined 00:35 raiph left 01:20 raiph joined 01:34 FROGGS_ joined 01:36 FROGGS left 01:54 bluescreen10 joined 01:55 bluescreen100 joined 01:59 bluescreen10 left, panchiniak_ left, panchiniak_ joined 02:01 panchiniak_ left, panchiniak_ joined 02:14 PacoAir left 02:15 Vlavv left 02:27 Vlavv joined 02:46 raiph left 02:59 xenoterracide left, REPLeffect joined 03:03 panchiniak_ left
[Coke] yawns 03:12
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jercos rn: "" ~ utf8.new() 03:48
camelia niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'utf8' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1502 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 36) ␤ at /hom…
..rakudo 22622a: OUTPUT«maximum recursion depth exceeded␤current instr.: 'print_exception' pc 111715 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:48493) (src/gen/CORE.setting:10298)␤called from Sub 'Stringy' pc 264749 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:113521) (src/gen/CORE.setting:5149)␤called from Sub 'Stringy' pc…
jercos yeah excuse mw aht, rakudo?
sorear don't think anyone implements utf8 yet
03:49 thou left
jercos rakudo does a decent job from what I've poked around with in rakudo star 08 03:49
r: utf8.new(0x61, 0xcc, 0x80).decode.perl.say
camelia rakudo 22622a: OUTPUT«"a􏿽xCC􏿽x80"␤»
jercos shrugs
it's just a Buf with some magic added, but it seems to translate forwards and backwards. It just seems odd to me that the result of concatenating a string and a Buf (on a second look, it does that with any buf) 03:50
is a recursion depth excession
[Coke] smells like a multi dispatch problem. 03:51
jercos rn: "" ~ "".encode
camelia niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No value for parameter '$enc' in 'Str.encode'␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 0 (Str.encode @ 1) ␤ at /tmp/ZEaYDlNSFc line 1 (mainline @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4583 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6e…
..rakudo 22622a: OUTPUT«maximum recursion depth exceeded␤current instr.: 'print_exception' pc 111715 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:48493) (src/gen/CORE.setting:10298)␤called from Sub 'Stringy' pc 264749 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:113521) (src/gen/CORE.setting:5149)␤called from Sub 'Stringy' pc…
jercos seems probable.
sigh. 03:52
n: "" ~ Buf.new()
camelia niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: ( no output )
jercos shrugs 03:53
I just wanted to confirm that it was in fact, a rakudo problem, and not a rakudo star problem, or a perl6 problem. Not that it's even a real problem, since that's not a valid operation.
dalek ast: 148f92c | coke++ | S (19 files):
rakudo.jvm fudge
[Coke] that fudge cleans up all the aborts, I think. Probably still some tests that need todo'ing 03:55
(test suite very slow on my machine atm.)
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dalek ast: edae796 | coke++ | S0 (3 files):
rakudo.jvm fudges
05:24 araujo left
BenGoldberg rn: say +((),) 05:35
camelia niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«1␤»
..rakudo 22622a: OUTPUT«0␤»
BenGoldberg rn: (^Inf but Baggy)[0] 05:39
camelia rakudo 22622a: OUTPUT«Can not bind attribute '%!elems' declared in class 'KeyBag' with this object␤ in submethod BUILD at src/gen/CORE.setting:14703␤ in method BUILD_LEAST_DERIVED at src/gen/CORE.setting:915␤ in sub infix:<but> at src/gen/CORE.setting:15453␤ in sub infix:<but> at sr…
..niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: ( no output )
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moritz \o 06:17
diakopter o/ 06:22
sjohnson I want Perl 6 NOW! 06:28
hmm, i screwed it up.
hugme: I want Perl 6 NOW!
hugme hugs sjohnson
sjohnson :3
sorear o/
moritz hello sorear, sjohnson, * 06:32
sjohnson howdy
06:35 skids left 07:02 FROGGS_ is now known as FROGGS 07:06 raiph left
sjohnson moritz: how are you liking hugme these days? 07:19
strange question, I know.. but I have found it to be a reliable source for a working example of POE's IRC bot stuff.
thus, I'm a fan.
07:26 araujo joined, araujo left, araujo joined
moritz sjohnson: it's just there, and an ordinary piece of software. Nothing to poor my heart's blood into 07:26
sjohnson pour* 07:27
... so modest...
hugme: hug moritz
hugme hugs moritz and blushes
sjohnson well, let me just say, I appreciate it, even though you probably still think it's strange of me to think of it in that way. 07:28
i ended up copying it a few years ago and made all sorts of other silly features.. fortune cookie messages, googling for weather and temperature, etc
even a lgmtfy.com link maker
was a lot of fun
moritz doesn't know if the original purpose of hugme currently works 07:29
sjohnson "There is no greater example... than a working example." -- sjohnson on hugme, Sept 8th, 2013
oh, to add people to github?
moritz aye 07:30
hugme: add darguval to perl6 07:31
hugme moritz: You need to register with freenode first
sorear moritz: fairly certain it doesn't work for perl6
ISTR that it stopped working after perl6 was switched to an organization
but it might still work for user accounts
FROGGS hugme: add moritz to rakudo-p5 07:32
hugme FROGGS: You need to register with freenode first
moritz sorear: I think I tried to fix that some time ago
moritz seems to be a problem earlier in the process
sorear hugme: add moritz to rakudo-p5
hugme sorear: You need to register with freenode first
sorear but I AM registered 07:33
FROGGS good moring btw :o)
me too
moritz too
sorear is also connected over SSL
FROGGS but hugme must be an admin for that org/repo, no?
sorear is not authenticated with a pubkey, though
moritz FROGGS: aye
sjohnson i should have kept my mouth shut eh 07:34
FROGGS *g* 07:35
07:35 hugme joined
moritz hugme: add FROGGS to perl6 07:35
07:35 ChanServ sets mode: +v hugme
hugme hugs FROGGS. Welcome to the perl6 github organization 07:35
FROGGS no, that is not how #perl6 works :o)
sjohnson hmm, i wonder what i need to get in on this...
moritz wtf
I've added a debugging statement, restarted it, and now it works?
sjohnson ... uh oh's.
now I really shouldn't have brought it up :) 07:36
moritz won't be able to sleep tonight.
moritz hugme: add sjohnson to perl6
hugme hugs sjohnson. Welcome to the perl6 github organization
sjohnson :3
sorear hugme: add sorear to perl6
hugme sorear: sorry, you don't have permissions to change 'perl6'
sjohnson heh 07:37
nice try!
moritz but it doesn't seem to have worked :/
diakopter hugme: add diakpter to perl6
hugme hugs diakpter. Welcome to the perl6 github organization
sjohnson wut.
hugme: add TimToady to perl6
hugme sjohnson: sorry, you don't have permissions to change 'perl6'
sjohnson bleh. some people are just born with it I guess..
sorear there isn't even a user named diakpter
sjohnson whoa, good eye. 07:38
diakopter hugme: add hugme to perl6
sjohnson didn't notice that.
hugme hugs hugme. Welcome to the perl6 github organization
sorear is one of the people with full admin access to the perl6 organization on github
moritz sorear: but hugme doesn't know that :-)
diakopter yeah but I think it has its own.. yeah
moritz hugme: add sorear to json 07:39
hugme moritz: ERROR: Can't add sorear to json: Gone
diakopter hugme: help
hugme diakopter: (add $who to $project | list projects | show $project | hug $nickname | tweet $twittername $message )
diakopter hugme: list projects
hugme diakopter: I know about Math-Model, Math-RungeKutta, MiniDBI, bench-scripts, book, gge, hugme, ilbot, java2perl6, json, modules.perl6.org, november, nqp-rx, nqpbook, perl6, perl6-examples, perl6-wtop, proto, pugs, rakudo, star, svg-matchdumper, svg-plot, tardis, try.rakudo.org, tufte, ufo, web, yapsi
sjohnson .. starting to think hugme may not be all it's cracked up to be... ;)
sorear hugme: hug sjohnson
hugme hugs sjohnson and blushes
sjohnson nice, got a blush too. 07:40
moritz just a wee bit of bitrot
sjohnson must be this new cologne.
moritz and maybe a github API change or two
diakopter hugme: add RoseTyler to tardis
hugme diakopter: sorry, you don't have permissions to change 'tardis'
sjohnson i think you just put it in an infinite loop
diakopter hugme: add perl6 to perl6
hugme hugs perl6. Welcome to the perl6 github organization
diakopter hugme: add github to perl6 07:41
hugme hugs github. Welcome to the perl6 github organization
sjohnson heh
hugme: add perl5 to perl6
hugme sjohnson: sorry, you don't have permissions to change 'perl6'
07:41 xenoterracide left 07:42 xenoterracide joined
diakopter hugme: remove hugme from perl6 07:43
sjohnson hugme (~moritz@ has quit (Quit: connection reset by peer) 07:45
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diakopter O_O 07:46
07:46 hugme joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v hugme
moritz hugme: add diakopter to perl6 07:46
hugme moritz: Feature disabled due to bitrot
diakopter haha
sjohnson nice one
diakopter hugme: add bitrot to bitrot 07:47
hugme diakopter: Feature disabled due to bitrot
07:49 eternaleye left
FROGGS this is weird: I am running the v5 spectests using one core, and when it does tests about sprintf for example, it takes over a minute in another shell to execute `df -H` 07:50
07:50 atrodo left
FROGGS if I would have a running VM (win xp/7), it would either rash the vm or abort the tests... 07:50
moritz wtf. 07:51
FROGGS what could that be? a gazillion opened filehandles? finished threads left in mem?
same goes for rakudo's spectests, the main-args test does not succeed when I have a windows vm running 07:52
this didnt happened a few months back
this is crap because I need my windows vm's 07:53
07:53 eternaleye joined
moritz you test the open filehandles hypothesis with lsof 07:54
diakopter heh. the price range slider for the hotel search on united airlines site: From $0 to $2147483647 07:55
FROGGS hehe 07:56
07:56 atrodo joined 08:00 Bzek left
sjohnson moritz: i was wondering if you *might* know a simple question to the POE IRC thing.. unfortunately I believe BinGOs is asleep. 08:04
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sjohnson moritz: the question is, I can't seem to figure out how to actually get the topic. the topic() method claims to do it, but i can only get it to set the topic, not return it. 08:07
if you have no clue, that's cool.
i'm thinking maybe it's storing the topic in some other POE-like variable that I have no idea to get at. 08:08
how* to
08:09 risou_awy is now known as risou 08:10 dayangkun left 08:14 domidumont joined
sjohnson moritz: ah, i sort of figured it out. it's actually just printing it to the console. need to figure out how to slurp that info. 08:15
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dalek : dec1297 | (Tobias Leich)++ | STATUS.md:
nqp/rakudo update
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moritz sjohnson: topic is an event that you receive when you join a channel, or when somebody changes the topic 08:39
sjohnson: so you have to simply store the value when you receive the event
sjohnson that's actually irc_topic you're thinking of 08:40
it turns out this topic() thing was working the whole time, only that anything you do on this thing spits out the output to the console / terminal
ie, if i /whois someone, it prints it out on the console. i have no idea how to actually use it in Perl though.. ie, suck it into $whois_info, which I would consider the most basic thing
i'm sure it's possible, but unfortunately what I consider the most "basic of uses" is not covered in laymen's terms in the CPAN documentation 08:41
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sjohnson unfortunately this is sort of "the story of sjohnson's life" kind of things. 08:42
sort of need POE::Component::IRC for dummies, or Coles / Cliff's notes
moritz: (now you can see why I appreciated your working example for what hugme already does as far as printing things to the channel) 08:43
sjohnson casts the summon spell upon BinGOs 08:44
i'm at the "begging & pleading" stage right about now.
08:47 pernatiy joined 08:48 domidumont left, dayangkun_ left 08:50 bropl joined
bropl hi everyone 08:51
sjohnson moritz: i figured it out. it returns this data back to events based on irc_* names. so you need to have a POE package or whatever it's called to register it. this is getting a bit complex :/ 08:54
bropl is there someone expert with panda? 08:55
sjohnson now I have to figure out how to get the data from irc_whois or whatever back to the function that wanted the data in the first place. this sounds very complicated.
starting to wonder if I should have went with BasicBot
bropl r: say $*EXECUTABLE_NAME 08:57
camelia rakudo 22622a: OUTPUT«./nom-inst/bin/perl6␤»
moritz bropl: tadzik knows panda pretty well, and I know a thing or two about it
bropl oh tnaks
i wanted to say that latest rakudo doesn't seem to let panda work 08:58
i get a problem at line 57 of lib/Panda/Common.pm
call to bless
i changed it from self.bless(*, ...) to self.bless(self, ...) 08:59
i dont know if thta's correct
moritz it's correct
bropl oh ok
moritz but fwiw the stuff about bless is only a warning
bropl still, with bootstrap, it fails to build 09:00
File::Find is ok
but doesnt work for Shell/Command.pm and JSON/Tiny/Actions.pm 09:01
what's strange is that it fails calling perl6 to compile them to pir
but if i call manually, it works
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moritz so what's the error message? 09:29
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bropl build stage failed for JSON::Tiny: Failed building lib/JSON/Tiny/Actions.pm 09:34
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moritz fwiw I can bootstrap panda with newest rakudo just fine 10:30
10:59 spider-mario left 11:16 PacoAir joined
dalek kudo/nom: f01be2c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Baggy.pm:
Remove superfluous BUILD method (it can't live here currently anyway)
lizmat Spotted by BenGoldberg++ 11:45
jnthn lizmat: Did the segfault you ran into get worked around by now? 11:46
lizmat yes
it's all dandy now 11:47
only problem is really that you cannot have a BUILD in a role
probably because it doesn't know where the attributes live yet
sort of chicken/egg problem :-)
jnthn Huh? 11:49
Will try and get around to fixing the role attr thing we discussed the other day soonish.
Got another busy week with teaching, though :) 11:50
lizmat think about it: an attribute in a role won't really exist until it has been composed, no?
as the attribute is part of the class composed into, no?
lizmat hopes jnthn will have time to prepare for the RaNIW :-) 11:51
jnthn The RaNIW material is almost done. :) 11:53
Yes, it'd be part of the class it's composed in to, but that doesn't stop it being visible and something you can talk about inside the role...
lizmat r: role A { has %!elems; method BUILD (:%!elems) {} } 11:55
camelia rakudo 22622a: ( no output )
lizmat r: role A { has %!elems; method BUILD (:%!elems) {} }; class B does A {}; B.new
camelia rakudo 22622a: OUTPUT«Can not get attribute '%!elems' declared in class 'A' with this object␤ in method BUILD at /tmp/QwVR0Yn4A6:1␤ in method BUILDALL at src/gen/CORE.setting:854␤ in method bless at src/gen/CORE.setting:837␤ in method new at src/gen/CORE.setting:822␤ in method new …
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jnthn Bug. 12:00
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lizmat afk& 12:08
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GlitchMr java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 12:34
Rakudo JVM is fun!
(let me guess, I have to close X session for compiling Rakudo) 12:35
total used free shared buffers cached 12:36
Mem: 5905 3325 2579 0 176 1671
-/+ buffers/cache: 1477 4428
Swap: 0 0 0
Except that doesn't makes sense, as at this point it says "out of memory".
I've 2.5GB of memory free, but it still complains. 12:37
12:37 benabik joined
GlitchMr src/Perl6/Grammar.nqp 12:37
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
oh, right, paste fail
/home/glitchmr/perl6/bin/nqp --target=jar --output=blib/Perl6/Grammar.jar --encoding=utf8 \
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Anyway, I have no idea why it complains.
oh, I fail at reading readme 12:38
But if nqp needs more memory, why it's installed with just 512MB of memory, with no possibility of allocating more. 12:39
timotimo GlitchMr: because the heap space is limited 12:41
you have to push it up with a commandline flag
GlitchMr But why nqp doesn't use more space by default. 12:42
(I have to modify it manually)
Also, wow, I was considering restoring swap space that I never used before. 12:43
12:47 poor_soul joined
poor_soul hi all 12:47
dalek kudo/attr-param-role-fix: cdc323d | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/ (2 files):
Fix $!foo params inside roles.
jnthn .tell lizmat The attr-param-role-fix branch should fix the bug; it needs spectesting and a spectest adding to cover it, but I don't have time right now as I gotta go to GBG...if you've time, feel free to look at it :) 12:49
yoleaux jnthn: I'll pass your message to lizmat.
jnthn back this evening &
poor_soul i would like to know if there is a table of the return values of the perl6 binary, man rakudo doesn't list any... 12:51
moritz poor_soul: I haven't found a table either, but it seems to be 1 for uncaught errors, and otherwise the value passed to exit() if any, fallback 0 12:54
poor_soul oh
i was asking because i get a 255
moritz what did you do to get that? 12:57
poor_soul: are you running rakudo on the JVM? 12:59
poor_soul no, on parrot
i was trying to compile a file to pir
moritz so you got a non-zero exit status, but no error message? 13:00
timotimo that's kind of LTA
poor_soul what does LTA mean?
timotimo less than awesome 13:01
poor_soul :)
timotimo allegedly, return code 255 is the result of giving an invalid exit code to exit()
poor_soul from rakudo? AFAICT the file shouldn't give problems 13:03
moritz poor_soul: so you can run it fine when you don't compile to pir?
FROGGS can we see a paste so that we what you are exactly doing? 13:04
FROGGS .oO( the german first-level squad is complete now ) 13:05
poor_soul it's a module, and returns 0 when invoked with perl6
FROGGS I don't remember open precompilation issues... 13:06
moritz there are some
poor_soul it's the JSON::Tiny module 13:07
perl6 --target=pir --output=blib/lib/JSON/Tiny/Actions.pir lib/JSON/Tiny/Actions.pm
gives me 255 13:08
dalek kudo/nom: cdc323d | jnthn++ | src/Perl6/ (2 files):
Fix $!foo params inside roles.
moritz lizmat, jnthn: the attr-param-role-fix branch spectested fine here, and fixed what it should fix, so I merged it.
13:09 TimK1 joined 13:10 Mouq joined 13:13 EvanTeitelman joined
TimK1 r: sub f (Num $n) {$n}; say f(3); 13:14
camelia rakudo f01be2: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤CHECK FAILED:␤Calling 'f' will never work with argument types (int) (lines 1, 1)␤ Expected: :(Num $n)␤»
TimK1 Did I miss something?
moritz probably :-) 13:15
long story short: if you want a type constraint that accepts numbers in general, use Numeric or Real
(depends on whether you want to deal with Complex or not) 13:16
dalek ast: 9a4c899 | moritz++ | S14-roles/attributes.t:
add a test for attribute in BUILD signature in roles

also fudge a test that prevents rakudo from running the file
kudo/nom: f45940a | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
run S14-roles/attributes.t
TimK1 Oh. So Int ~~ Numeric but Int !~~ Num. (Wow. That's not confusing...) 13:21
FROGGS poor_soul: that works on my box with JSON::Tiny HEAD and rakudo HEAD
13:22 xenoterracide left
moritz TimK1: just think Float instead of Num, and it stops being confusing 13:22
FROGGS poor_soul: its state is 0 and the .pir file gets created
you need to create the dir blib/lib/JSON/Tiny/ though
poor_soul well, i get the pir file as well, but i don't know if i can trust it given the return value of 255 13:23
and i tried --output=file_in_same_dir 13:24
but it doesnt change anything
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GlitchMr std: use blah 13:25
camelia std 7c17586: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Cannot locate module blah at /tmp/1E4Eqq2_cm line 1 (EOF):␤------> use blah⏏<EOL>␤Check failed␤FAILED 00:00 41m␤»
13:26 Pleiades` left
poor_soul ill try to update rakudo and JSON::Tiny 13:26
13:27 go|dfish left, kaare_ left
FROGGS crc32 blib/lib/JSON/Tiny/Actions.pir 13:27
-rw-r--r-- 1 froggs froggs 77175 Sep 8 15:19 Actions.pir 13:28
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FROGGS poor_soul: what rakudo version do you had ooc? 13:30
13:30 Pleiades` joined
poor_soul 2013.08-102-g22622a9 built on parrot 5.6.0 revision 0 13:31
13:33 domidumont left
FROGGS This is perl6 version 2013.08-99-ga13cec9 built on parrot 5.7.0 revision RELEASE_5_7_0-1-gc823d3e 13:36
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poor_soul should i update parrot? 13:38
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FROGGS poor_soul: no 13:38
moritz I don't think that should matter much
13:39 ajr is now known as Guest76965
moritz poor_soul: one thing you could do is try to nuke the install dir(s) and make sure you don't have an old parrot, nqp or rakudo in $PATH 13:39
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flussence JSON::Tiny is currently broken on rakudo fyi 13:44
poor_soul im sure of this, i have only parrot 5.6.0, nqp 2013.08-80-g8ed7dad and that rakudo 2013.08-102-g22622a9 13:45
oh god seriously ?
timotimo what why :(
flussence oh wait, ignore that, those changes aren't pushed yet
I was thinking of the utf16 patches, the old version should still work
timotimo is it really correct to turn bless(*, ...) into bless(self, ...)?
i thought it was changed to remove all positionals?
also self.bless(self ...) seems redundant 13:46
moritz timotimo: it's just self.bless(...)
13:57 dmol left
[Coke] yawns 14:02
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poor_soul well, i don't know what to try anymore. i don't have anymore time for today, i'll try to debug deeper tomorrow. 14:19
thanks to you all
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BenGoldberg Good morning 14:59
FROGGS hi 15:00
BenGoldberg rn: say Inf but Baggy
camelia rakudo f45940: OUTPUT«Ambiguous call to 'gist'; these signatures all match:␤:(Numeric:D : Mu *%_)␤:(Baggy:D : Mu *%_)␤ in method gist at src/gen/CORE.setting:990␤ in sub say at src/gen/CORE.setting:12465␤ in block at /tmp/BHBxZBwn67:1␤␤»
..niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«Inf␤»
flussence prn: say utf16.new(0xD835, 0xDCB7).decode().ord # just curious how far each gets before dying 15:02
camelia rakudo f45940: OUTPUT«VMArray: index out of bounds␤ in method decode at src/gen/CORE.setting:4903␤ in block at /tmp/SqYGYJKyCY:1␤␤»
..niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Undeclared routine:␤ 'utf16' used at line 1␤␤Unhandled exception: Check failed␤␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/boot/lib/CORE.setting line 1502 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/src/STD.pm6 line 1147 (P6.comp_unit @ 36) ␤ at /ho…
..pugs: OUTPUT«*** No such subroutine: "&utf16"␤ at /tmp/2ev6gZotka line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1␤»
15:03 risou_awy is now known as risou
[Coke] hopefully, today's run for rakudo.jvm will test clean - but it's all fudging, no actual rakudo.jvm improvements. 15:08
pmurias FROGGS: hi 15:09
yoleaux 7 Sep 2013 23:04Z <jnthn> pmurias: MARKER and MARKED log a position under a key, then allow it to be checked against the current position later. If you can compile the methods, they should Just Work (that is, in JVM and MoarVM ports, I didn't have to treat them specially)
FROGGS o/ 15:10
pmurias jnthn: they seems to work, a bug in my implementation of runNFA was making be inspect/question everything 15:14
FROGGS gah, I should write a script that reloads the 6guts page and send me an SMS on update
pmurias 6guts page? 15:15
FROGGS jnthn's blog
dalek ast: 9f96263 | coke++ | / (16 files):
rakudo.jvm fudge
[Coke] gist.github.com/coke/5879701 is updated, has all the current rakudo.jvm fudges in roast. 15:17
dalek kudo-js: 358a649 | (Pawel Murias)++ | src/QAST/Compiler/JavaScript.nqp:
Make rxsubtype pass call !cursor_pass with correct name so action methods work.
FROGGS uhh, someone should fix .VAR 15:19
[Coke] FROGGS: my hope with the all the fudging was that obvious things like that would pop out, yes.
masak oh hai, #perl6! from a train! :) 15:30
n0den1te masak: train networks have massively improved in terms of reliability, I see. :) 15:31
15:31 n0den1te is now known as isBEKaml
isBEKaml and hi! :) 15:31
geekosaur they're being trained well?
masak isBEKaml: hi! I don't know about that. it's still very slow. 15:32
drops packages like crazy.
isBEKaml masak: well, I have seen you drop in here sometimes from trains/tunnels. :D 15:33
FROGGS masak: one could think you are a conductor 15:34
isBEKaml masak: if they drop too many packages, it's obvious - they vanish into the ether. :P 15:35
15:38 rindolf joined
masak FROGGS: we live in a time where it somehow makes sense to ship my brain to various places to teach in person. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't flattered. :) 15:38
isBEKaml o.O(Hey you - here, SHIPHISBRAIN!) 15:39
that make me think of the glasses with heads from futurama :o) 15:40
jercos I'm reminded more of the hitchiker's guide movie. 15:42
"Rubbish! We don't want to be happy, we want to be famous! Take his brain!" 15:43
timotimo :D
masak I don't expect it to last forever. teleconferencing will keep improving, and the costs of physically transporting a person will keep rising. eventually the board will change from under me. but it's nice while it lasts. 15:45
I do believe I am bringing joy and knowledge into people's lives, in a way that makes everyone win. :) 15:46
FROGGS masak: at work we are doing video conferences instead of travelling, to decrease travel costs 15:47
and it works pretty well
15:47 SamuraiJack__ joined
FROGGS it is just a matter how big the screen is, and how good the mics are 15:47
and yeah, I guess you spread both joy and knowledge :o) 15:48
15:48 benabik left 15:49 benabik joined 15:50 SamuraiJack_ left
masak FROGGS: speaking purely as a teacher, I'd take the same-room experience over teleconferencing with a good mic and a good screen, any day. 15:55
isBEKaml masak: I can understand that - I'd prefer to gauge students' understanding from their body language in physical space than virtual space. :) 15:56
masak yes -- that kind of communication goes both ways, even. 16:01
remote teaching always has that kind of feeling of "how are the contestants contestants in booth B doing?"
s/(\w+) \1/$1/ 16:05
16:05 Mouq left, zakharyas left 16:11 Bzek left 16:13 Mouq joined
Mouq np: 1() 16:13
n: 1() 16:14
camelia niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method postcircumfix:<( )> in type Int␤ at /tmp/KpV1JuNGIX line 1 (mainline @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4583 (ANON @ 3) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 4584 (module-CORE @ 576…
Mouq p: 1()
camelia pugs: OUTPUT«*** Cannot cast from VInt 1 to VCode (VCode)␤ at /tmp/3lEaGrTHov line 1, column 1 - line 2, column 1␤»
16:18 isBEKaml left 16:30 kaare_ joined
jnthn evening, #perl6 16:44
masak jnthn! \o/ 16:45
moritz \o jnthn, masak 16:46
jnthn: I've merged your branch and added a test
jnthn moritz++ 16:47
Figured if I pushed what I had, somebody would pick it up :)
diakopter hint hint 16:50
16:51 Mouq left 16:58 fridim_ joined 17:10 rindolf left, rindolf joined 17:11 domidumont joined 17:12 ajr_ left 17:14 risou is now known as risou_awy 17:15 Mouq joined, risou_awy is now known as risou, jeff_s1 left
dalek kudo/nom: 57caee6 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/ (4 files):
Put BUILD in Baggy/Setty role, so we can further simplify KeyBag/KeySet
17:23 pupoque1 joined 17:24 jferrero joined 17:26 pupoque left
lizmat jnthn++ for fixing that bug 17:28
yoleaux 12:49Z <jnthn> lizmat: The attr-param-role-fix branch should fix the bug; it needs spectesting and a spectest adding to cover it, but I don't have time right now as I gotta go to GBG...if you've time, feel free to look at it :)
17:30 risou is now known as risou_awy 17:32 skids joined 17:37 agre left 17:38 fridim_ left 17:55 MAALDQA joined 17:57 btyler joined
lizmat jnthn: related to the previous bug I mentioned: 17:58
r: role A { has $!a }; class B does A { method a { $!a } }
camelia rakudo f45940: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/cjN8AJ0S2D␤Attribute $!a not declared in class B␤at /tmp/cjN8AJ0S2D:1␤------> s $!a }; class B does A { method a { $!a⏏ } }␤»
lizmat n: role A { has $!a }; class B does A { method a { $!a } } 17:59
camelia niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: ( no output )
lizmat std: role A { has $!a }; class B does A { method a { $!a } }
camelia std 7c17586: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 43m␤»
jnthn lizmat: Not related. :) 18:00
masak my first impulse was to say that Rakudo is correct there.
lizmat feels related :-)
jnthn lizmat: About the only thing they have in common is they both involve roles. :)
masak but it's interesting to see STD and Niecza approve it.
jnthn STD doesn't check attributes at all.
TimToady said the other day that attributes in roles behave as if they were declared in the class, though.
lizmat well, the "does" composes the attribute into the class, so why wouldn't it be able to access it ?
jnthn lizmat: You can argue that the attribute should be private to the role too :) 18:01
lizmat indeed, and my example shows they aren't crrently
synopsebot Link: perlcabal.org/syn/S14.html#line_101
jnthn Right, now it's clarified what we want, I can work on making it that way.
It's a quite different set of changes to the fix I just did, though. :) 18:02
lizmat indeed, you set of changes did not give me enough inspiration / confidence to attack myself :-)
jnthn It's probably too cruel to set "fix it" as an exercise for Frankfurt... :) 18:04
Though we will cover the needed stuff... :)
FROGGS only five nights before some of us meet :o) 18:05
lizmat yes, working on getting the final things together 18:06
BenGoldberg rn: say (^Inf) but Baggy
camelia rakudo f45940: OUTPUT«Range+{Baggy}.new()␤»
..niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«0..^Inf␤»
BenGoldberg rn: say ((^Inf) but Baggy)[0]
camelia rakudo f45940: OUTPUT«No such method 'BUILD' for invocant of type 'Range+{Baggy}'␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:6664␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:6788␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:7221␤ in method exists at src/gen/CORE.setting:7209␤ in method at_p…
..niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«0␤»
lizmat BenGoldberg: what are you expecting from ^Inf but Baggy ? 18:07
BenGoldberg Nothing, really
lizmat feels a bit like: doctor, it hurts when I do this
BenGoldberg :
lizmat ok -)
BenGoldberg )
rpn: say +((),) 18:08
camelia niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«1␤»
..rakudo f45940, pugs: OUTPUT«0␤»
lizmat rn: say ((),).WHAT 18:09
camelia rakudo f45940, niecza v24-95-ga6d4c5f: OUTPUT«(Parcel)␤»
18:13 TimK1 left 18:14 TimK1 joined 18:24 rindolf left 18:25 rindolf joined, raiph left
dalek kudo/nom: 338cccc | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Fix TODO tests by removing code, the best type of development!
18:34 TimK1 left 18:36 EvanTeitelman left 18:39 pupoque1 is now known as pupoque
dalek ast: 8164572 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/ (2 files):
Four more tests unfudged by reduction
18:49 EvanTeitelman joined 18:50 agre joined 18:54 rindolf left
dalek kudo/nom: 0bacf6b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Setty.pm:
Signature change in Setty.Str, without it it doesn't get selected on Setty
19:02 zakharyas joined
colomon lizmat: Test Driven Deletion, eh? 19:02
lizmat hehe, yup
dalek ast: 3a7360b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/ (2 files):
Fixed Setty.Str, so can unfudge these now
lizmat is lazy: #77760 19:05
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...l?id=77760
19:05 konundra joined
tadzik heh, synopsebot win 19:09
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lizmat r: .say for set(<a b c>).pairs # this feels wrong 19:11
camelia rakudo 57caee: OUTPUT«0 => "a"␤1 => "b"␤2 => "c"␤»
19:11 pupoque left
moritz lizmat: it's the same as set(<a b c>).list.pairs 19:11
lizmat ah, but is it supposed to be ?
moritz which is a reasonable result, if there's no better interpretation
lizmat: the keys are the indexes into the list 19:12
lizmat well, the other interpretation is that sets are a hash with only Bool as values
moritz that would also work
lizmat so one would expect a=>True, b=>True, c=>True
19:12 pupoque joined
lizmat ah, I see I forgot to add "pairs" to Setty 19:13
moritz wonders if there's a Getty as a companion to Setty 19:16
lizmat please don't mention the unmentionable :-)
19:20 zakharyas left 19:21 domidumont left, pupoque left
dalek ast: 2085077 | (Dagur Valberg Johannsson)++ | S02-types/int-uint.t:
+ does not work anymore, use regex instead
ast: fe60380 | (Dagur Valberg Johannsson)++ | S02-types/int-uint.t:
added test for increment and decrement operators
19:21 pupoque joined 19:23 pupoque left
dalek kudo/nom: 0c87927 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/Setty.pm:
Add missing method "pairs" to Setty, oddly no tests pass so seems untested
19:26 ajr joined 19:27 ajr is now known as Guest38937 19:31 denis_boyun joined, Guest38937 is now known as ajr_
dalek rl6-roast-data: d9424ac | coke++ | / (5 files):
today (automated commit)
[Coke] rakudo.jvm back up to 99.13% with the fudging. 19:37
lizmat [Coke]: cool! 19:40
r: set(<a>).grep({ say $_ }) # should this say "a" ?
camelia rakudo 0bacf6: OUTPUT«set(a)␤»
lizmat r: set(<a>).list.grep({ say $_ }) # or is this the correct way? 19:41
camelia rakudo 0bacf6: OUTPUT«a␤»
lizmat is lazy #107022
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=107022
19:50 kaare_ left 19:52 silug joined
[Coke] synopsebot, you have too many /s 19:55
lizmat r: (bag { a => 10 }.hash).say # only 1 element, seems correct, yet there is a spectest to the contrary
camelia rakudo 0bacf6: OUTPUT«bag(("a" => 10).hash)␤» 19:56
dalek ast: 6d7b8ae | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/ (2 files):
Set/Bag test tweaks
19:57 konundra left
[Coke] colomon, sorear: 2 new failures in niecza today 20:04
lizmat probably my work :-(
arnsholt Wow. The Java native call code is looking to be soooo much more concise than the Parrot version
FROGGS arnsholt++ # that sounds sweet :o)
arnsholt Mostly due to JNA doing pretty much all the heavy lifting \o/
lizmat fg 20:05
oops, ww
arnsholt fg: current: no such job
FROGGS arnsholt: how is the moarvm native call stuff coming along? :P
arnsholt Not my department! =D
I think gerdr has started looking into that
FROGGS (when you are at it I'll bug you about the java script backend, and when you are doing that we just make a new backend up) 20:06
jnthn back
arnsholt As it happens, writing up a test file for the native call stuff worked beautifully for focussing my efforts
20:12 noxgirl joined
jnthn arnsholt++ # native call work on JVM 20:13
20:15 pupoque joined
dalek p/nativecall-jvm: 11b3ebe | (Arne Skjærholt)++ | 3rdparty/jna/ (3 files):
Add JNA 3rd party library.
p/nativecall-jvm: cc25bbc | (Arne Skjærholt)++ | src/vm/jvm/ (2 files):
Stub native call ops.
p/nativecall-jvm: 0d2e7b8 | (Arne Skjærholt)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/ (6 files):
Stub the NativeCall and CPointer REPRs.
p/nativecall-jvm: 279c94a | (Arne Skjærholt)++ | src/vm/jvm/ (2 files):
Set correct argument signatures for native call ops.
p/nativecall-jvm: 7e305ec | (Arne Skjærholt)++ | / (3 files):
Add JNA to build and runtime JARs.
p/nativecall-jvm: 0e2ce95 | (Arne Skjærholt)++ | src/vm/jvm/runtime/org/perl6/nqp/ (2 files):
First implementation of nqp::buildnativecall.
20:16 SamuraiJack__ left
arnsholt Current state of it all, for your entertainment 20:16
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masak decision plan that formed today: I'm going to finish up p6cc2012 as soon as possible. and then I'm going to focus on Rakudo macros, and then on Perl 6 Nomic. 20:22
that's bound to keep me occupied until New Year, at least.
arnsholt Sounds like a decent chunk of work, yeah
masak as part of that, I think I will publish a blog post named "Things I want to be able to do with Perl 6 macros".
jnthn masak: Is that a decisoin or a plan to decide? :)
lizmat p6cc2012?
arnsholt Both macros and nomic are ambitious projects
masak lizmat: github.com/masak/p6cc2012#readme 20:23
lizmat: strangelyconsistent.org/blog/the-20...ng-contest
.oO( but if you've nomic, how will we hear you? )
masak arnsholt: well, I'm pretty far along with both, but it's a kind of 80%-80% thing, too.
tadzik masak: hehe, which new year? :> 20:27
lue hello world o/ 20:28
.oO(Perl 6 Nomic?)
masak lue: oh, you've missed the plans for Perl 6 Nomic? 20:32
lue: I already have the rules laid out somewhere, written in real Perl 6 code but without the event framework to support them. 20:33
lue I googled it and apparently I clicked on a gist about it before. It's a vote-on-decisions thing, right?
masak yep.
lue (your gist btw. It's full of code.)
masak :)
the game is all about voting on ways to change the game. so the thing you're playing changes as you go. 20:34
it was invented by a guy called Peter Suber, who is very into this self-modifying aspect of legal systems, an decided to codify it into a game.
lue Are your plans for it to be an IRC bot game or a web game at a place like perl6.org/nomic ? 20:35
masak a web game, but I don't plan to keep it anywhere nearly as official as on the perl6.org domain. 20:36
it'll be a private little party among people crazy enough to participate.
jnthn the-rules-converge-to-being-stragelyconsistent.org :P 20:37
.oO( sounds like #perl6 )
jnthn er, . somewhere :)
masak diakopter: yes, I think there's great overlap there :) 20:38
we're big on bootstrapping, too.
lue jnthn: that's a waste of money. the-rules-converge-to-being.strangelyconsistent.org
(assuming masak need not pay more for subdomains) 20:39
jnthn lue: Yes, that's what I was aiming for :)
.oO(of course, I would turn /all/ the - into ., because IIRC that's perfectly alright)
.oO(and then put a secret easter egg at the.rules.diverge.to.being. ...)
moritz r: role A { has $!a }; role B { has $!a }; class C does A does B { } 20:42
camelia rakudo 0c8792: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Attribute '$!a' conflicts in role composition␤»
lizmat sometimes I wonder how difficult it would be to create a read-only "view" of one object in another class
e.g. a Bag view of a Set
moritz so attributes aren't role-private, but also not available in the class -- worst of both worlds :(
lizmat so that you wouldn't have to copy a lot of things when doing smart matches
Mouq r: \π = 5; say 2*π
camelia rakudo 0c8792: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/oVs57nfEEm␤Preceding context expects a term, but found infix = instead␤at /tmp/oVs57nfEEm:1␤------> \π =⏏ 5; say 2*π␤»
FROGGS r: my \π = 5; say 2*π 20:43
camelia rakudo 0c8792: OUTPUT«10␤»
lizmat moritz: jnthn is aware of the problem :-)
moritz right; would be surprising if not 20:44
20:44 sftp left
jnthn moritz: Worst of both worlds, but meant we could pick the better world later and not break anything :) 20:47
It's pretty high on my todo list to fix this.
moritz \o/ 20:49
20:49 EvanTeitelman left
pmurias masak: in Perl 6 Nomic the rules will be written in Perl 6? 20:52
sorear perl 6 nomic? o_O 20:53
20:53 sftp joined
lue pmurias: I don't know, my vote's leaning towards ELisp... :) 20:53
moritz well, a *Perl 6* nomic sure would have the rules written in *Perl 6*, no? :-) 20:54
20:55 ajr_ left
sorear would a perl 6 nomic allow you to vote on syntax changes? 20:56
lizmat hmmm… [Coke]'s fudges on S06-advanced/callframe.t create an interesting problem 21:00
moritz lemme guess -- it added a line
lizmat yup
moritz and then the line for callframe().line is wrong
which is why I added lots of empty lines when writing that test 21:01
lizmat yes, but if I just change it, it will fail again if he removes the fudge
moritz so that when you add a fudge, you can remove an empty linie
now that's what comments are for :-)
lizmat reads them again
moritz this test file contains tests for line numbers, among other things
# so it's extremely important not to randomly insert or delete lines.
lizmat thought I missed something like "so that when you add a fudge, you can remove an empty linie" in the comments 21:02
moritz feel free to add that... without adding an extra line :-)
moritz -> sleep
lizmat gnight moritz 21:03
21:05 EvanTeitelman joined
dalek kudo/nom: 1040c9c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core/ (2 files):
Fix more tests by removing code
ast: 66ea61e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S06-advanced/callframe.t:
Chicken out on more elaborate changes
ast: 198a351 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S0 (3 files):
More test unfudges by reduction
lizmat is tired and calls it a day 21:17
gnight #perl6!
sorear night lizmat 21:18
masak 'night, lizmat 21:23
pmurias sorear: re vote on syntax changes? isn't the whole point of a Perl 6 nomic to change the rules of the Nomic grammar? ;) 21:25
21:29 Bzek joined 21:36 nebuchadnezzar left
masak not sure there's a grammar involved. 21:37
there's source code, yes. but in its current form, it simply describes a bunch of observers on a POE-like event system.
21:38 dmol left
.oO(If I had participated in p6cc2012, I know for sure I would've spent an inordinate amount of time after solving t4 on a script to create a .blend file animating the world for you.)
masak :) 21:41
well, the only thing the task asks for is the steady state.
pmurias masak: so the emphasis will be on actually playing Nomic or writing crafty Perl 6 code? 21:42
masak pmurias: depends on what kind of player you are. but in some sense, the Perl 6 is the means and Nomic is the end. 21:43
[Coke] lizmat: sorry - my bad, I was in superfudge mode. 21:44
21:47 Rotwang left
lue masak: I kinda hope you make a tradition out of t4 being some sort of generally interesting problem. "Strategies for a stone-pair game?" "Rain in a cube world?" "Hexslide‽" 21:48
pmurias masak: have you played offline Nomic much? is the game actually fun? 21:50
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masak lue: oh, you noticed. :) 21:54
pmurias: yes, I have, quite a bit. it has its charm. definitely depends on the people, though.
pmurias: it's kind of hard to play because it's so free-form. 21:55
jnthn 'night #perl6 21:56
.oO(Especially the kind of t4 problem that vexes you for years now and causes you to do things like write up LaTeX-paper-appropriate blog posts about figuring out the number of solvable configurations at this moment.)
jnthn o/
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