»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
00:01 M-tadzik joined 00:04 M-Illandan joined 00:14 muraiki_ joined
muraiki_ m: map { say $_ }, "test".split("") 00:14
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«␤t␤e␤s␤t␤␤»
muraiki_ what causes the beginning and ending newlines? I suppose there's probably a better way to do htis though 00:15
teatime m: map { say $_ }, "test".comb 00:16
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«t␤e␤s␤t␤»
muraiki_ thanks teatime++ :)
timotimo you get the beginning and end because there's empty strings there
muraiki_ I see 00:17
I just didn't know about comb. now it makes sense :)
timotimo ayup
00:20 leont left, muraiki_ left, BenGoldberg joined 00:21 johndau joined
tailgate so would it be called with $the-additionoperator = &[+]; $the-additionoperator($a, $b); ? 00:21
timotimo yeah, for example 00:25
Juerd Out of the not-very-spectacular features of Perl 6, .comb is one of my favorites.
timotimo if you use a & instead of the $ for the variable name, you don't have to spell it another time
00:35 tardisx left, cdg joined
MadcapJake m: say &infix:<+>(10, 2) 00:36
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«12␤»
MadcapJake m: say &infix:<R->(2, 10)
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«8␤»
ZoffixWin :o 00:37
00:37 khw left
MadcapJake are meta ops considered infixes? 00:38
probably not
m: say &prefix:<[+]>([1, 2, 3]) 00:39
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«6␤»
00:40 tardisx joined
skink This experiment worked first try... 00:45
I'm deeply suspicious
00:46 cdg_ joined, khw joined 00:50 cdg left 00:53 tardisx left 00:54 cdg_ left 01:00 Ben_Goldberg joined 01:01 BenGoldberg left, Ben_Goldberg is now known as BenGoldberg 01:05 nightfrog joined
skink What in the 01:07
Someone verify my sanity for a moment here 01:08
The Argon2-meta being return by that function has $.keylen => 0 somehow
Yet the other values within are as expected, and the returned $key does have 32 elems 01:09
timotimo the argon2d_hash_raw function may change the value of $keylen 01:10
oh 01:11
you pass "hashlen", but you want "keylen"
that should be what's wrong
also, you do know you can write "t_cost => $t_cost" as ":$tcost"? 01:12
skink ... 01:13
timotimo perhaps one of my fav shortcuts in the language
skink I changed that variable name :D
but forgot it in the class 01:14
timotimo that'd be it; you may want to invest in "is required" for your attributes :)
i wonder if we have (or should have) a trait that can go on the class that'd imply "is required" for all attributes
skink I'm surprised I didn't get an error trying to assign to an attribute that doesn't exist 01:15
or at least a warn
timotimo that's one place where "interface consistency" rules tend to bite people 01:16
methods take any named parameter you give to them
and if you don't have "is required", the class will accept no value to be passed without complaining
hoelzro there's no builtin way to convert a 8-byte buffer into a Num via IEEE 754, is there? 01:17
timotimo there's CArray + nativecast
but that only works if your architecture uses IEEE 754 compatible floats/doubles internally 01:18
hoelzro that's what I figured, thanks timotimo!
that's acceptable for my purposes =)
timotimo thought so :)
did you know microsoft visual cpp interprets "long double" as "double"?
and did you know there is *quadruple precision*?
01:18 molaf left
timotimo (but usually no hardware implementation for arithmetic on quadruple precision floats) 01:18
01:19 Khisanth joined
skink timotimo, Maybe there could just be class Foo is (all-)required or something 01:19
timotimo skink: yeah
skink and thanks for the named var trick
timotimo you're welcome :)
"all-required" should be easy-ish to add, if you go look at how "is rw" is implemented on a class vs on an attribute
hoelzro I did not know either of those =)
timotimo i know of long double because tux has been keeping us posted about rakudo-moar + Inline::Perl5 not being compatible with a perl5 built to use long doubles 01:20
we'll be needing code to allow our registers to be extra-big for that to happen; currently we're capped at 64bits 01:21
well, needing code isn't surprising. but we'll need a bit of design first
skink: if you're interested in implementing that, you can also look at the ecosystem for AttrX:: modules 01:22
timotimo goes to bed 01:26
gnite, friends! 01:27
hoelzro night timotimo 01:31
01:31 molaf joined 01:37 M-tadzik is now known as tadzik, tardisx joined
MadcapJake what does this error mean: Native call expected return type with CPointer representation, but got a P6opaque 01:38
hoelzro MadcapJake: sounds like you're somehow returning an object from a class that doesn't have a CPointer repr 01:40
MadcapJake: could you paste some code?
MadcapJake hoelzro: here's the function that triggers it (I actually think it's an argument thing) github.com/MadcapJake/p6-MyHTML/bl...w.pm6#L426 01:43
hoelzro: here's where it's called: github.com/MadcapJake/p6-MyHTML/bl...gh.pl6#L30
Maybe it's actually $*OUT 01:44
I probably need to do $*OUT.file-descriptor
hoelzro probably
MadcapJake hmm, or not :P 01:45
I don't understand, what's the difference between CPointer and P6opaque
hoelzro a CPointer is just a pointer from C land 01:48
mst CPointer is a pointer to something in C, P6opaque is 'whatever the implementation decides to do, which might incidentally be implemented via a C-level pointer but that's none of your business'
01:48 dolmen joined
hoelzro a P6opaque is a chunk of memory managed by MoarVM 01:48
MadcapJake oh ok, so it probably means that I'm not properly C-ifying something :P 01:50
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Herby_ Evening, everyone! 02:04
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sortiz MadcapJake, are you still there? 02:31
skink pfft, I think my travis build failed because I forgot done-checking 02:32
hey sortiz, Herby_
sortiz \o
Herby_ o/ 02:33
02:36 noganex_ joined 02:42 colomon left 02:52 vendethiel joined
Herby_ ZoffixWin: I got your Twitter example to work :) 02:52
I forgot that on this fresh virtualbox I hadn't installed Curl
02:56 vendethiel left 03:03 cpage_ left 03:09 sortiz left 03:13 Herby_ left
MadcapJake I am now 03:16
03:17 Ben_Goldberg joined, BenGoldberg left
MadcapJake I love IRCCloud but sometimes I don't receive notifications... 03:17
03:17 Ben_Goldberg is now known as BenGoldberg 03:29 skink left 03:34 luis left 03:35 luis joined 03:39 lucs joined
MadcapJake I just dangerously commented about the ease of Perl 6 in a JavaScript reddit thread 03:39
MadcapJake crosses fingers
It felt necessary, the article was about 3 ways to do Title Case and the comments included more. so I had to show how easy Title Case is with Perl 6! 03:40
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perlawhirl MadcapJake: the only problem with doing .words».tc.Str is any arbitrary spacings get squished to one (though I will admit that's rarely an issue) 04:15
Alternatively... 04:16
m: say "I'm a little tea pot".subst(/<:WB>(<:L>)/, -> $/ { " $0.tc()" }, :g)
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«I'm A Little Tea Pot␤»
perlawhirl or... given "I'm a little tea pot" { S:g/<:WB>(\w)/ {$0.uc}/; }
04:17 ugexe left 04:18 ugexe joined
perlawhirl actually... i guess this might be slightly less mutating... "I'm a little tea pot".subst(/<?after <:WB>>(<:L>)/, -> $/ {$0.tc}, :g) 04:19
it also seems that P6's <:WB> behaves differently to p5's new \b{wb} ( added in 5.20-something, i think) 04:23
04:27 bitmap left 04:28 khagan left, ugexe left 04:29 molaf left
perlawhirl m: say "i'm a little tea pot".subst(/<?after <:WB> >(<:L>)/, -> $/ {$0.tc}, :g) # Initial wb is ignored 04:30
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«i'm A Little Tea Pot␤»
perlawhirl whereas in p5, this works: $text =~ s/ (?<= \b{wb} ) ( \w ) / uc($1) /xge; 04:32
ie, "i'm" becomes "I'm"
04:34 bitmap joined 04:36 ugexe joined 04:37 javan joined 04:44 khagan joined 04:48 tardisx left 04:51 tardisx joined 04:54 hubble joined
hubble hi all. 04:54
05:05 khw left 05:11 skids joined
perlawhirl hi hubble... it's a bit quiet in here 05:14
05:20 CIAvash joined, BenGoldberg left 05:25 xiaomiao joined 05:27 mtj_ joined
teatime waves. 05:28
05:30 darutoko joined
dalek Iish: 609dd02 | (Salvador Ortiz)++ | lib/DBDish/SQLite.pm6:
SQLite: Fix error report for missing library
Iish: 076111c | (Salvador Ortiz)++ | / (7 files):
mysql: Fixes for Windows.

The mysql library on Windows uses other name and has minor diferences Tested with the official oracle "community" release.
05:32 jjido joined 05:35 javan left
ufobat morning perl6 05:37
perlawhirl morning 05:42
however, it's afternoon here 05:43
sortiz and midnight here
stmuk its always morning on perl 6
dalek osystem: 7c87bc3 | (Alex Maslakov)++ | META.list:
Add TelegramBot to ecosystem; see github.com/GildedHonour/TelegramBot

Add TelegramBot to ecosystem; see github.com/GildedHonour/TelegramBot
osystem: a813eb8 | (David Warring)++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #197 from GildedHonour/patch-2

Add TelegramBot to ecosystem
06:22 dolmen left 06:25 _mg_ joined 06:26 PapaChub joined 06:31 firstdayonthejob joined
PapaChub p6: my %h = { a => 1, b => 2 }; given (%h) { my $x = { x => $_<a>, y => $_<b> }; say $x; } 06:33
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Useless use of hash composer on right side of hash assignment; did you mean := instead?␤ at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤ ------> 3my %h = { a => 1, b => 2 }7⏏5; given (%h) { my $x = { x => $_<a>, y =␤-> ;; $_? is raw { #`…»
PapaChub p6: my %h = a => 1, b => 2; given (%h) { my $x = { x => $_<a>, y => $_<b> }; say $x; } 06:34
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«-> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|65848024) ... }␤»
06:34 hubble left
PapaChub p6: my %h = a => 1, b => 2; given (%h) { my $x = { x => "{$_<a>}", y => "{$_<b>}" }; say $x; } 06:34
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«{x => 1, y => 2}␤»
PapaChub Anybody know why the first (ok, middle) evals as a Block, not a Hash? 06:35
ufobat fuck yeah! a TelegramBot! :D cool
oh excuse my language
PapaChub dabe.com/misc/hash-block.pl6
ufobat i was thinking of writing one myself for quite a while 06:36
06:41 sortiz left 06:43 CIAvash left, firstdayonthejob left 06:44 rindolf joined 06:45 jack_rabbit joined
perlawhirl PapaChub: more often than not, { ... } denotes a code block rather than a hash. why not just use %x instead of $x ? 06:51
m: my %h = a => 1, b => 2; given (%h) { my %x = x => $_<a>, y => $_<b>; say %x; }
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«{x => 1, y => 2}␤»
06:52 RabidGravy joined 06:53 skids left
perlawhirl you could do 'my $x = ( x => $_<a>, y => $_<b> );` but then you have a list of Pairs, not a Hash 06:53
PapaChub perlawhirl: I know %x is more idiomatic (see the link) but I was [naïvely] porting some old P5 code, and MOST places, the $x = { ... } worked fine — but inside a do/for, the $_ topic seemed to throw it off. 06:55
So it's more of a "help me /understand/ it" question, than a "help me fix it" one. :) 06:56
perlawhirl well, i'm not an expert... but it looks like the parser sees $_ inside the { ... } and infers that it's a block. 06:57
m: my $h = { a => 1 }; say $h.WHAT; my $b = { a => $_ }; say $b.WHAT; 06:58
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«(Hash)␤(Block)␤»
PapaChub «scratches chin» A bug or a feature? 06:59
07:00 domidumont joined
perlawhirl PapaChub: I'm... not sure 07:00
moritz feature
PapaChub ;)
RabidGravy It's a feature, a consequence of the way it works - you'd struggle to return a pair from a block otherwise ;-)
07:02 zakharyas joined
perlawhirl since you don't need references anymore, when porting your p5 code, just change all your hash refs to plain ol' hashes 07:02
07:04 domidumont left 07:05 domidumont joined
PapaChub If that's not already in a 5-to-6 gotcha list, it might be nice to document it for switchers. Is there a way I can submit a pull-request, or anything? 07:05
RabidGravy yes 07:06
fork github.com/perl6/doc make changes, do PR
PapaChub ✔️ 07:07
Thanks, all! perlawhirl++ RabidGravy++ moritz++ 07:08
07:09 jjido left
moritz PapaChub: or tell me your github username, and I'll give you commit acces right away 07:10
07:11 wamba joined, abraxxa joined
RabidGravy moritz++ 07:12
So I successfully procrastinated adding the authentication to Sofa yesterday by making something cool instead, so let's see what I can do today 07:13
perlawhirl any unicode experts around? I know wb/wordbreak isn't documented, so maybe it's implementation isn't final, but is it supposed to break at the start of a string? 07:17
m: say "A B C" ~~ m:g/ <:WordBreak> . /
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«(「 B」 「 C」)␤»
perlawhirl if i understand unicode.org/reports/tr29/#WB1 correctly, it should break before the A as well 07:18
07:19 abraxxa left 07:20 abraxxa joined, CIAvash joined 07:25 PapaChub left 07:34 perlawhirl left 07:43 lizmat joined
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2016/04/18/...om-dublin/ 07:43
07:46 azawawi joined
azawawi hi 07:48
RabidGravy Ooh, I've just found that JSON::Fast isn't a completely drop in replacement for JSON::Tiny 07:49
which is fun
07:52 g4 joined, g4 left, g4 joined
RabidGravy m: use JSON::Fast; 07:58
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find JSON::Fast at line 1 in:␤ /home/camelia/.perl6␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/site␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/vendor␤ /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6␤ CompUnit::Re…»
moritz star-m: use JSON::Fast; 07:59
camelia ( no output )
08:00 domidumont left, dakkar joined, TimToady joined
RabidGravy ah okay 08:01
08:01 domidumont joined
RabidGravy star-m: use JSON::Fast; say to-json({foo => Str}) 08:01
camelia star-m 2016.01: OUTPUT«Cannot unbox a type object␤ in sub str-escape at /home/camelia/star-2016.01/share/perl6/site/sources/02AB8FEB8507E54529CA09DAB757E1747C5E96EE line 5␤ in sub to-json at /home/camelia/star-2016.01/share/perl6/site/sources/02AB8FEB8507E54529CA09DAB757E1747C…»
RabidGravy which is less than ideal (it works with JSON::Tiny) 08:02
I'll fix 08:04
08:05 ocbtec joined, tardisx left 08:26 mr-foobar joined 08:30 uruwi left 08:31 uruwi joined
RabidGravy timotimo, github.com/timo/json_fast/pull/12 if you're about 08:41
08:51 lizmat left 08:59 johndau left
ufobat m: sub get(Pair $x) {}; get "bla" => "blubb" 09:12
camelia ( no output )
ufobat m: class Foo {method get(Pair $x) { } }; my $foo = Foo.new; $foo.get "bla" => "blubb"
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/fWy4KfbR1n␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/fWy4KfbR1n:1␤------> 3$x) { } }; my $foo = Foo.new; $foo.get7⏏5 "bla" => "blubb"␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ sta…»
ufobat what is wrong?
psch m: class Foo {method get(Pair $x) { } }; my $foo = Foo.new; $foo.get( "bla" => "blubb" ) 09:13
camelia ( no output )
psch m: class Foo {method get(Pair $x) { } }; my $foo = Foo.new; $foo.get: "bla" => "blubb"
camelia ( no output )
psch ufobat: methods need either parenthesis or a colon
ufobat subs not?
psch subs not
ufobat ok
thanks :)
09:13 abraxxa left
RabidGravy isn't it "subs usually not"? aren't there places where the parse needs to distinguish the sub from some term or infix operator for example? 09:19
psch RabidGravy: right, ?? !! comes to mind 09:20
m: sub f() { "foo" }; say False ?? foo !! True
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu␤5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/oesojtqu0m␤Your !! was gobbled by the expression in the middle; please parenthesize␤at /tmp/oesojtqu0m:1␤------> 3sub f() { "foo" }; say False ?? foo !!7⏏5 True␤ …»
RabidGravy well that's a strange error 09:21
m: sub foo() { "foo" }; say False ?? foo !! True
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu␤5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/iUqwb4fQgQ␤Your !! was gobbled by the expression in the middle; please parenthesize␤at /tmp/iUqwb4fQgQ:1␤------> 3sub foo() { "foo" }; say False ?? foo !!7⏏5 True…»
RabidGravy infact quite awful 09:22
jnthn m: sub foo() { "foo" }; say False ?? foo() !! True
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«True␤»
psch yeah, a bit at least
psch doesn't know how WANTED works
jnthn That Non ast thingy looks like a leftover debug warning being leaked
The rest of the error is fine, though.
The !! got parsed as two prefix !s 09:23
Because listops drop precedence
RabidGravy yeah, the debug stuff stops proper comprehension of the rest of the message
09:23 jantore joined, jervo joined
jnthn TimToady: Maybe something for you to check out... ^^ 09:24
09:28 andrewalker joined
bartolin psch: if you have some time: there is another PR to unbust rakudo-j: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/748 09:31
psch: with that NPE out of the way we are back to 19 test files with issues
psch bartolin: i have a hunch that would fall under the VMNull change jnthn proposed yesterday, which i think would be the more resilient change 09:32
bartolin: but i'll look at it later, gotta go in about half an hour
bartolin psch: even better
thanks, ++psch :-)
CIAvash m: (if False {}).WHAT.say 09:35
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«(Slip)␤»
CIAvash Is that how it's supposed to work?
nine_ Looks ok to me 09:36
psch m: sub f { }; f().WHAT.say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
RabidGravy yeah, I can't imagine what else it could do
so JSON::Marshal works fine with the fixed JSON::Fast 09:37
09:37 ocbtec left, TEttinger left, ocbtec joined
CIAvash I thought when I used in subs before, It would just return Nil. 09:38
psch m: say (eager (if False {})).WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«(Slip)␤»
RabidGravy If you want that, you need to be explicit 09:39
m: (if False {} else {}).WHAT.say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
RabidGravy right anyway off out for a bit 09:43
CIAvash I probably assumed it was Nil, now I noticed it with type check failure for return value
09:49 abraxxa joined
hahainternet was reading this, it's so unfair: www.slideshare.net/osfameron/is-has...table-perl 09:59
really tempted to write a perl6 rebuttal
they even mention perl 6 in there, but completely fail to provide comparisons or any downsides to haskell 10:00
also "manipulexity" is assigned to the haskell column
psch slides 33 is just not understanding perl5 list context, isn't it? 10:05
33 to 35 i suppose
hahainternet psch: the assertion seems to be that it's all worthless in the face of the almighty god of Types
psch ah, mentioned on slide 36
hahainternet: ah, yeah, slide 49 10:06
10:06 pmurias joined
hahainternet psch: it's quiiiite biased lol 10:06
i mean i wouldn't mind if there was a little footnote "Perl 6 has basically none of these problems" 10:07
psch yeah, slide 53 is kinda eh
and, well, 49 too
hahainternet psch: 53 is the one i found most offensive
as it reads "Perl is just for jobbing programmers and magpies, Haskell is for us pure hard maths professor types"
i also like on page 55 how it says "We" 10:08
when it actually means "they"
psch yeah
hahainternet but the author realised that writing "they" would be quite offensive, and instead claimed himself in the same crew
which makes no sense, as he's the one advocating for FP
psch: i also like slide 86 10:10
which has a green background
for 'good code'
and is absolutely unreadable on its face
teatime so, there's something you can do in P6, and I'm curious if you can do this in any other language as easily. 10:30
with map, your function can return Empty, and you get a shorter list as output than as input. and presumably you could return a Slip w/ multiple values, and end up w/ a longer output list. 10:31
hahainternet perhaps not as easily but that's a fairly normal gather/take arrangement 10:32
jnthn teatime: In other languages they break that out into two functions, often
In C# they're Select and SelectMany for example
But this makes you wrap single items up in a throwaway list
teatime thx 10:33
nine_ In Perl 5 map can do the same by always flattening the list of values returned. 10:37
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timotimo o/ 10:42
hahainternet: i wouldn't call it "unreadable to its face" if you know what the syntax for "where" and guards and such is 10:43
hahainternet timotimo: compare it to the perl on the previous slide marked as bad
which is bad perl to begin with
timotimo yeah. "wtf is ref, and why would it string-equals?"
and ... dunno what else is bad about it; i don't perl5 at all 10:44
jnthn finds Armenian unreadable 10:45
It's probably a bad language. Doubt it's that I spent zero time studying it. :P
hahainternet i'm not saying Haskell is bad because that's hard to read
i'm saying it's a rather dishonestly shoved in comparison right at the end
timotimo for my personal enlightenment, how would you change the perl5 code? 10:46
jnthn My point is that any language is going to be hard to read if you haven't studied it at all.
hahainternet timotimo: i'd define a method on each prog that did the matching
so it was much clearer what denoted equality
jnthn And the languages you find "readable" will be entirely coloured by their similarity to those you have learned.
timotimo oh, perl5 has classes! i forgot! :P 10:47
hahainternet jnthn: i agree with that, my complaint is just about the comparisons used
timotimo it'd probably be easier to have an "isUndef" method, that'd probably make things easier 10:49
and then write the match from "the perspective" of one of the objects 10:50
10:55 ajoe joined 10:57 smls joined
smls "Internal error: zeroed target thread ID in work pass", that's a new one... :P 10:58
timotimo sounds memory-corruption-y 11:00
smls unfortunately I can't reproduce it, it only happened on one run... 11:01
pmurias isn't the point of the perl5/haskell talk to show how cool and familiar haskell is rather then bashing perl5? 11:10
ilmari pmurias: the talk was given at a functional programming meetup, not a perl meetup 11:11
11:12 grondilu joined
pmurias ilmari: wasn't it given at YAPC::2015? 11:13
ilmari no, LambdaLounge
and will be at LPW 2016
11:13 kid51 joined
ilmari no, sorry, london pm tech meet in june 11:14
«From session at www.lambdalounge.org.uk/ on 18th April 2016.» - in the description on slideshare
grondilu m: sub f { pi but method gist { "pi" } }() 11:16
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Useless declaration of a has-scoped method in mainline (did you mean 'my method gist'?)␤ at /tmp/e7sIonCzAV:1␤ ------> 3sub f { pi but method7⏏5 gist { "pi" } }()␤»
grondilu m: sub f { pi but role { method gist { "pi" } } }() 11:17
camelia ( no output )
11:17 dogbert17 joined
grondilu m: sub f { pi but role { method gist { "pi" } } }().say 11:17
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«pi␤»
grondilu m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$x } } }(pi).say 11:18
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤»
grondilu was expecting 3.1415...
moritz why?
oh, I see
grondilu m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { "I'm pi!!" } } }(pi).say 11:19
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤»
timotimo m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { "I'm pi!!" } } }(pi).gist.say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«I'm pi!!␤»
timotimo kind of interesting 11:20
Juerd m: tau.say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«6.28318530717959␤»
Juerd :)
11:20 zakharyas left
dogbert17 good afternoon #perl6 11:20
grondilu m: role Pi { method gist { "I'm pi!!" } }; sub f($x) { pi but Pi }().say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0␤ in sub f at /tmp/Swmt1HgYNK line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/Swmt1HgYNK line 1␤␤»
timotimo woof woof, dogbert 11:21
grondilu m: role Pi { method gist { "I'm pi!!" } }; sub f { pi but Pi }().say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«I'm pi!!␤»
dogbert17 woof
grondilu m: role Pi { method gist { "I'm pi!!" } }; sub f($x) { $x but Pi }(355/113).say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«I'm pi!!␤»
Juerd grondilu: What are you trying to do?
Your code will happily claim that 5 is pi. 11:22
grondilu it's just an example
Timbus_ 'es figgerin out when gist is called
Juerd Ah
grondilu I want to make a sub that returns an int with a mixin role redefining gist
timotimo well, you can't return an "int" with a mixed in role, but an Int would do 11:23
grondilu yes.
11:24 jameslenz joined
grondilu m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$x } } }(pi).say 11:24
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤»
nine_ m: sub f($x) { my $orig = $x; $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$orig } } }(pi).say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤»
grondilu that looks wrong
wrong as in "bug"
nine_ m: sub f($x) { my $orig = $x; $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$orig } } }(pi).say; say pi.^name
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤Num␤»
nine_ m: sub f($x) { my $orig = $x; $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$orig } } }(pi).say; say pi.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤(Num)␤»
DrForr Useful if you're programming in Indiana :)
nine_ m: sub f($x) { my $orig = $x; $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$orig } } }(pi).say; say pi.roles
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤Method 'roles' not found for invocant of class 'Num'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/SNOY3Ol4zc line 1␤␤»
nine_ m: sub f($x) { my $orig = $x; $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$orig } } }(pi).say; say pi.^roles
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤((Real) (Numeric))␤»
grondilu m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { "$x " } } }(pi).say 11:25
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤»
grondilu m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { note "I'm calling gist!"; return "$x " } } }(pi).say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤»
grondilu not even called
timotimo could very well be that Int defines .gist directly for performance reasons 11:26
er, i mean
grondilu but there are no Int here
timotimo oh, sorry
that's a Rat, right 11:27
Timbus_ he means Real or whatever pi is
grondilu m: sub f($x) { "foo" but role { method gist { note "I'm calling gist!"; return "$x " } } }(pi).say
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«foo␤»
timotimo m: say pi.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«(Num)␤»
Timbus_ ye that 11:28
grondilu m: say pi but role { method gist { "Pi!" } }
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«Pi!␤»
dogbert17 Doesn't the type Pair have a 'key' method. According to the docs it does not, although it does have 'value'. 11:29
Timbus_ huh.. its the flip?
nine_ m: sub f($x) { $x but role { method gist { ~$x } } }(pi).say;
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
nine_ yep
11:29 kaare_ joined
Timbus_ m: say pi.flip but role { method gist { "Pi!" } } 11:29
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«97985356295141.3␤»
Timbus_ wowza
nine_ m: sub f($x) { $x.Str but role { method gist { ~$x } } }(pi).say; 11:30
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
moritz dogbert17: seems to be missing from the docs 11:31
nine_ m: sub f($x) { $x.Str but role { method gist { note "I'm calling gist!"; ~$x } } }(pi).say;
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
timotimo yeah, it's missing
Timbus_ i guess Strs arent gisted
timotimo only missing in the documentation
i'm clearly not awake yet, wow. 11:32
jnthn iirc, there's a multi candidate for say on Str that doesn't bother calling .gist, 'cus a Str gists to itself
nine_ No, there's a multi sub say(Str:D: \x) candidate that doesn't call gist
jnthn ...except it doesn't if you do a mixin, which may be in DIHWIDT or "you broke Liskov" territory
nine_ m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { ~$x } } }(pi).gist.say; 11:33
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
nine_ m: sub f($x) { $x.flip but role { method gist { note "gisted!"; ~$x } } }(pi).gist.say;
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«gisted!␤3.14159265358979␤»
nine_ The workaround seems simple enough.
dogbert17 moritz: and timotimo, ok then I'll fix that later today 11:36
unless someone beats me to it ... 11:37
moritz dogbert17: I guess I'm too pacifistic to beat you to it :-) 11:38
11:39 kid51 left
dogbert17 moritz: :-) was thinking about printf as well, in theory we should be able to take the sprintf docs and change a sentence or two if my reasoning is correct 11:39
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masak today's mini-challenge -- a re-run: write a Perl 6 program that finds all `1/p + 1/q + 1/r == 1` (p, q, r positive integers) 12:58
there are ten solutions. 12:59
I have a working solution. it's 18 lines of code, including some blank lines.
er, sorry - `1/p + 1/q + 1/r == 1/2` 13:00
13:01 cdg joined, sufrostico left
jeek p <= q <= r ? 13:03
masak might as well, yes
the 10 solutions are symmetry-broken in that way
ufobat :D 13:05
my @num = (1..*); my @cross = @num X @num X @num; for @cross -> $x { my ($p, $q, $r) = $x.flat; say "got it" if 1/$p + 1/$q + 1/$r == 1/2}
i am not serious ;) 13:06
13:07 sufrostico joined
ufobat if we randomize the order in @cross and exit after 10, this could terminate 13:07
wamba m: {say "$^a $^b $^c" if 1/$^a+1/$^b+1/$^c == 1/2} for flat(^10 X, ^10 X, ^10)
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«4 8 8␤6 6 6␤8 4 8␤8 8 4␤» 13:08
jeek Going for speed or golf? 13:09
jnthn m: for flat combinations(1..200, 3) -> $p, $q, $r { state $found = 0; if 1/$p + 1/$q + 1/$r == 1/2 { say (:$p, :$q, :$r); last if ++$found == 10; } } 13:10
pmurias jeek: it's O(1) anyway ;)
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«(timeout)(p => 3 q => 7 r => 42)␤(p => 3 q => 8 r => 24)␤(p => 3 q => 9 r => 18)␤(p => 3 q => 10 r => 15)␤(p => 4 q => 5 r => 20)␤(p => 4 q => 6 r => 12)␤» 13:11
13:11 Actualeyes left 13:12 brabo joined
jnthn Damn, that one actually only finds 6 even if it doesn't time out 13:14
masak jnthn: it's doing way too much work :) 13:15
my solution runs in the blink of an eye
jnthn masak: Yeah, but so am I :P
masak m: constant nums = 1, 2, 3 ... Inf; sub replace($divisor, $word) { -> $n { $n ~~ Int && $n %% $divisor ?? $word !! $n } }; constant fizzbuzz = nums.map(replace(3, "Fizz")).map(replace(5, "Buzz")).map(replace(15, "FizzBuzz")); say fizzbuzz[^100]
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«(1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14 Fizz 16 17 Fizz 19 Buzz Fizz 22 23 Fizz Buzz 26 Fizz 28 29 Fizz 31 32 Fizz 34 Buzz Fizz 37 38 Fizz Buzz 41 Fizz 43 44 Fizz 46 47 Fizz 49 Buzz Fizz 52 53 Fizz Buzz 56 Fizz 58 59 Fizz 61 62 Fizz 64 Buzz Fizz …»
jeek m: my $answers = 0; my $r = 1; while $answers < 10 { for 1..$r -> $q { if ($q*($r-2) != 2 * $r) && ((2 * $q * $r) % ($q*($r - 2) - 2 * $r) == 0) { my $p = 2 * $q * $r / ($q * ($r - 2) - 2 * $r); if ($p <= $q) && ($p > 0) { print "$p $q $r\n"; $answers++; } } }; $r++; } 13:16
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«6 6 6␤4 8 8␤5 5 10␤4 6 12␤3 12 12␤3 10 15␤3 9 18␤4 5 20␤3 8 24␤3 7 42␤»
masak that looks right 13:17
jeek Could be sped up by using q as main loop, counting p from 1 to q, and calculating r 13:18
masak here's my solution: gist.github.com/masak/a26d1b2b7417b0db7a28
13:18 sufrostico left
masak I especially like how it contains three nested loops running to Infinity, and yet it's quite fast :P 13:19
by the way, this is very related: math.ucr.edu/home/baez/42.html 13:20
(you notice there's a 42 in one of the solutions)
13:20 ajoe left
ufobat thats smart! 13:20
jeek m: my $a = 0; my $q = 1; while $a < 10 { for 1..$q -> $p { if ($q*($p-2) != 2 * $p) && ((2 * $q * $p) % ($q*($p - 2) - 2 * $p) == 0) { my $r = 2 * $q * $p / ($q * ($p - 2) - 2 * $p); if $r >= $q { print "$p $q $r\n"; $a++; } } }; $q++; } 13:22
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«4 5 20␤5 5 10␤4 6 12␤6 6 6␤3 7 42␤3 8 24␤4 8 8␤3 9 18␤3 10 15␤3 12 12␤»
jeek It IS faster. :D
arnsholt masak: "Perl 6, the programming language that counts to infinity *thrice* in less than a second!" =D
masak :P 13:23
13:24 sena_kun joined 13:26 sufrostico joined, Actualeyes joined 13:28 cur8or joined 13:32 Amnez777 left 13:35 cur8or left 13:36 cur8or joined, CIAvash left
dalek osystem: 2fa2e98 | Altai-man++ | META.list:
Add App::Whiff
osystem: e652610 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | META.list:
Merge pull request #198 from Altai-man/master

Add App::Whiff: github.com/Altai-man/perl6-app-whiff/
13:40 cur8or left, cur8or joined
dalek rl6-most-wanted: d003b32 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | most-wanted/modules.md:
App::Whiff is now in the ecosystem
sena_kun ZoffixWin++
13:43 cur8or_ joined
wamba m: my  $c=6; say $c ~~ Int; 13:43
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«True␤»
wamba m: my  $c=1/(1/6); say $c;$c ~~ Int; 13:44
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«6␤»
wamba m: my  $c=1/(1/6); say $c;say $c ~~ Int;
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«6␤False␤»
13:45 cur8or left
moritz m: my  $c=1/(1/6); say $c;say $c.narrow ~~ Int 13:46
13:46 cur8or_ is now known as cur8or
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«6␤True␤» 13:46
13:47 sena_kun left 13:48 cur8or left 13:49 devtom30 joined
wamba m: {next if 1/$^a+1/$^b==1/2; my $c=-1/(1/$^a+1/$^b-1/2); say "$^a $^b $c" if $c.Int.abs == $c <= $^b 13:55
<= $^a} for flat(^100+1 X, ^100+1)
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/LZFB4Gja0Q␤Missing block␤at /tmp/LZFB4Gja0Q:1␤------> 3 "$^a $^b $c" if $c.Int.abs == $c <= $^b7⏏5<EOL>␤»
wamba m: {next if 1/$^a+1/$^b==1/2; my $c=-1/(1/$^a+1/$^b-1/2); say "$^a $^b $c" if $c.Int.abs == $c <= $^b <= $^a} for flat(^100+1 X, ^100+1) 13:56
camelia rakudo-moar bd4400: OUTPUT«6 6 6␤8 8 4␤10 5 5␤12 6 4␤12 12 3␤15 10 3␤18 9 3␤20 5 4␤24 8 3␤42 7 3␤»
grondilu do we have a p6doc-capable pager?
13:57 chris2 joined, CIAvash joined
masak grondilu: whatever do you mean? would it be enough for your needs to pipe something to `less` ? 13:57
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stmuk p6doc uses a pager 14:23
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[Coke] wonders if there is anyone else on this channel who is theoretically eligible to vote today in the US. :) 14:51
s/else// since technically I am not eligible :P
moritz [Coke]: I'd guess TimToady is? 14:52
and diakopte1
tadzik there's a vote today?
14:52 zzz left
[Sno] Is someone interested previewing a talk regarding cross-compile for perl hackers? www.netbsd.org/~sno/talks/nrpm/Cros...andout.pdf 14:53
awwaiid tadzik: State presidential primary elections in some states (New York is the one I keep hearing about) 14:54
[Coke] NYS party-only primaries, don't think there's any CA elections today
[Sno] jnthn, froggs, nine and timotimo are expected to be interested :)
14:54 sufrostico left
DrForr I'm technically allowed, but statistically my vote gets ignored. 14:55
tadzik awwaiid: ah, I see. I thought it's another of those mini-presidental elections 14:56
awwaiid DrForr: I wrote a whole talkin-blues song about that, thelackthereof.org/Talking_DC_Vote_Blues (I should actually record it, this is only lyrics)
tadzik: ah sorry I might have mis-explained. It is another of these mini-presidential elections 14:57
14:57 Amnez777 joined
perlpilot [Sno]: s/Clearity/Clarify/ "Sensibilize" isn't a word either, but I don't know what you're really trying to say there. 14:57
[Sno]: er, s/Clearify/Clarify/ geez, I can't even get the correction right 14:58
14:58 lizmat left
tadzik awwaiid: oh, I blame myself :) I don't really understand how US election system works, and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask 14:58
[Sno] perlpilot: Sensibilize is probably much better - I re-read
[Coke] tadzik: then you're pretty much on par with US citizens. 14:59
tadzik it seems extremely complex, and I don't think scalability is the issue with the "normal" way
DrForr And at least one Presidential candidate.
awwaiid tadzik: this is one of the worst ones for understanding, so you're ok. Each party has to select a final presidential candidate by july or so, and each party in each state has different rules for how this is done. madness.
tadzik :)
[Coke] apologizes for derailing #perl6 today. :)
I imagine it's going to make the EU process when they decide to form a single state look sane. :) 15:00
[Sno] perlpilot: dict.leo.org/ende/index_de.html#/se...ensibilize
tadzik I read quite a bit of reddit, and it's all about Bernie Sanders all the time, to the point when I start exercising those subreddit filters
but when I see how people apparently donate money and their time to do phone calls, I slowly back away :o
awwaiid: well, the fact that there's only two parties makes at least that part easier, I guess 15:01
awwaiid tadzik: everyone is just going through the motions despite, as far as I can tell, it being pretty obvious that without something very severe happening Clinton will be our next president. I guess everyone is hoping for something to happen.
m: say "la la la" 15:02
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«la la la␤»
moritz awwaiid: to me as an outside observer, it looks as though Trump is going to be president, and he's going to be worse than Bush Jr. 15:03
tadzik awwaiid: so that part is just desperation/people really wanting to contribute to someone's success, not a regular part of the campaign?
perlpilot [Sno]: I'm having trouble imagining what you're going to talk about for slides 9/10, but the rest looks excellent.
moritz: There's more drama to be had before that happens. 15:04
15:04 lizmat joined
moritz perlpilot: the mere fact that it seems to be quite possible repells me from the US 15:08
15:08 Relsak joined
perlpilot moritz: yeah, imagine what it's like for those of us who are living in the US :( 15:08
moritz perlpilot: come to the EU. We have cookies! 15:09
tadzik hmm
stmuk cookie warnings you mean :/
moritz perlpilot: and no software patents
awwaiid moritz: Yeah. madness.
moritz stmuk: yes, that too :(
DrForr works for me.. :/
pmurias OTOH finds the Trump campaign highly entertaining (compared to the politics in his own country)
awwaiid If only we were electing chief entertainer! 15:10
tadzik having a shift in government in poland recently, I can say that a constant feeling that you should run the fuck away from your own country because of who leads is something you can get used to
15:10 lizmat left, Relsak left
perlpilot moritz: I've already moved my family across Texas in the last 6 months; I don't think they'll be up for another move and even if they were, "out of state" would be a hard sell and "out of country" near impossible I think 15:10
moritz pmurias: I found it entertaining only as long as it didn't seem to be a real possibility that he'd win
awwaiid tadzik: yeah ... on the good side our gov is pretty specifically designed to deadlock on error
moritz awwaiid: ... not only on error 15:11
perlpilot: yes, understandable
awwaiid moritz++ # truth
DrForr s/ on error//; # ...
awwaiid By design though, that's the key :)
tadzik awwaiid: ah, how do you specify an error though 15:12
perlpilot moritz: It's worse than you state though (about the election). Because Ted Cruz could get the Republican nomination. And because Clinton will get the Democratic nomination.
If ever there was a time for the phrase "least of all evils", it's this election.
DrForr Nyarlathotep for President.
15:13 domidumont left
stmuk john mcafee :) 15:13
RabidGravy goats
huf_ i'd like to see orban as the US president 15:14
it would be even more hilariously awesome than trump.
15:14 Relsak joined
moritz or be like Beligum, try it without a government for a few years 15:16
huf_ :)
tadzik oh, mongodb sponsors qah 15:18
I can't wait to see mst grind his teeth
nine_ can't think of any country that displays sane politics. Even Iceland seems to have fallen :/ 15:20
huf_ but in an insane context, insanity is the only sane choice 15:21
15:22 sufrostico joined
nine_ [Sno]: oh I wish I hadn't read your slides. This makes things...more complicated. Makes it harder now to continue living in the "if it works on your system it must be good" bubble :) 15:26
[Sno] :) 15:27
15:27 lostinfog joined
psch and *that* is why i mostly stick with the jvm backend :P 15:28
RabidGravy something weird going on with module loading, I changed JSON::Marshal to use JSON::Fast - all good and it works fine
however JSON::Class uses JSON::Marshal and JSON::Unmarshal and it was giving me "global merge errors for Fast" 15:29
which is odd
so I twatted everything reinstalled the modules and it's fine and happy 15:30
tadzik :|
[Coke] moritz: (cookies) you should lead with stroopwafel 15:32
[Coke] bought some wafel on the jersey turnpike on the way home from awwaiid's con this weekend. it was disappointing after the real thing.
(the wafel, not the con!)
RabidGravy there must be something like it thinks there are two JSON::Fasts, one gets loaded from one place and then it has the difficulty when it tries to load the "different" one 15:33
15:33 colomon left
pmurias is it possible to access the debugname from the nqp level? 15:34
jnthn pmurias: No 15:39
pmurias: You can always do .^name if you're at that level 15:40
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stmuk if anyone is in San Francisco (and hasn't seen their mailing list) sue and myself will be at a SF Mongers meeting at the Mikkeller Bar from 5.30 onwards 16:04
16:05 zakharyas joined 16:06 devtom30 left 16:12 ajoe joined 16:13 colomon joined
grondilu m: role :: does Numeric { has $.x handles <Numeric> }.new(1) + 1 16:15
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«WARNINGS for /tmp/xsDQVEpTqV:␤Useless use of "+" in expression ".new(1) + 1" in sink context (line 1)␤Package '<anon|76829520>' already has a method 'Numeric' (did you mean to declare a multi-method?)␤ in any add_method at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp l…»
grondilu m: say role :: does Numeric { has $.x handles <Numeric> }.new(1) + 1 16:16
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«Package '<anon|51200816>' already has a method 'Numeric' (did you mean to declare a multi-method?)␤ in any add_method at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 474␤ in any compose_attributes at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 382␤ in any compose at gen/moar/…»
grondilu m: say class :: does Numeric { has $.x handles <Numeric> }.new(:x(1)) + 1 16:18
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/CEQLEICR1T␤Package '<anon|80245408>' already has a method 'Numeric' (did you mean to declare a multi-method?)␤at /tmp/CEQLEICR1T:1␤»
16:22 wamba left, wamba joined 16:25 tbrowder joined
tbrowder my $a := "t"; 16:26
say $a.VAR.WHAT; 16:27
teatime www.idontplaydarts.com/2016/04/det...rver-side/ <-- I love this, and it also provides further reason (as if needed) to never `curl | bash` 16:28
tbrowder $a:="t";say $a.VAR.WHAT; 16:29
teatime m: my $a := "t"; say $a.VAR.WHAT; 16:30
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«(Str)␤»
tbrowder my $a=42;my $b := $a; $b=100;say$a; 16:34
16:34 xiaomiao left 16:35 zakharyas left
RabidGravy "this REPL is really good it looks just like IRC" 16:35
tbrowder 16:36
grondilu ever considered making Pair a role and not a class?
16:37 _mg_ left
timotimo so that it gets parameterized on its key and value type? 16:38
16:39 Actualeyes left
nine_ The idea smells a bit like bootstrap hell ;) 16:39
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grondilu it's just that I have a class I'd like to behave as Pair and it'd be so much easier if Pair was a role and not a class. Maybe class inheritance would do but it seems merkier to me. 16:46
but maybe that's just me who got too much used to do mixins and not inheritance.
timotimo hehe 16:49
you've been in #perl6 too long ;)
16:49 sufrostico left
timotimo thing is, when you buy into inheritance, you ought to liskov it; is your class acceptable everywhere a Pair would be? 16:49
grondilu I don't know what liskov means.
timotimo liskov substitution principle 16:51
16:53 CIAvash left
dogbert2 timotimo: hello, have time for a question? 16:53
timotimo we can try :) 16:54
16:54 sufrostico joined
timotimo i mean, i have time 16:55
dogbert2 i'm going to dcoument the key method for Pair but I'm not sure how it's defined, should i be 'multi method key(Pair:D:)'
grondilu the key is actually an attribute of the class, isn't it? 16:56
timotimo github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...air.pm#L37 - check it! :D
oh, oops :)
there's "keys" and such in there, but not actually "key" or "value"
but you're right. at the top of the file you find the key and value definitions
dogbert2 value is 'multi method value(Pair:D:) is rw' 16:57
timotimo the signature itself doesn't actually specify :D i don't think. but the fact that it's an accessor to an attribute pretty much means it'll immediately explode if the Pair you supply isn't defined
m: Pair.key.say
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«Cannot look up attributes in a type object␤ in method key at /home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm line 1␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/c6Qug7es5n line 1␤␤»
dogbert2 so, should I go with multi method key(Pair:D:) or is that utter nonsense :-) 16:59
timotimo nope, that's good 17:00
dogbert2 ok, give me a couple of minutes, thx for the help
timotimo thx for your contribution :) 17:01
dogbert2 with help like this there will be more :-)
17:02 Amnez777 left
dalek c: 79be2f6 | (Jan-Olof Hendig)++ | doc/Type/Pair.pod:
Added documentation for the key method
17:08 Amnez777 joined
wamba luku můžeš mi tam dát toho líkaře? 17:08
huf_ is this the joke about the bread? 17:11
wamba bad chat guys sorry 17:12
[Coke] it's not entirely off topic here. :) 17:13
(mainly because it's not english) 17:14
arnsholt Pretty sure it's Czech 17:15
Might be Slovak, but IIRC Slovak doesn't have the r with hacek (or was it vowels with hackek?) 17:17
wamba It is Czech
masak was gonna say 17:18
17:18 colomon left
huf_ okay okay, but is it the joke about the bread? 17:19
arnsholt I haven't the faintest idea. I don't know any Czech =D
(I've only seen enough of it to recognize it =)
huf_ "- doctor, i cant pee. - let me look at it... you have a knot on your dick! - oh my god, the bread!" 17:20
is the skeleton of the joke
tadzik wat :o 17:21
huf_ you know that thing where if you're prone to forget something, tie a knot in your handkerchief or something to remember it by?
grondilu kind of weird: I was watching a TV series episode and in that episode suddenly a character starts to speak Czech as well. Kind of a weird coincidence. 17:23
masak tadzik: apparently in some parts of Europe, people tie knots on things to remember other things.
tadzik: I've known Dutch people to do this, too.
huf_ i've never actually seen this happen 17:24
timotimo i have heard about this, but i've never seen anybody actually do it, or did it myself
masak tadzik: if you tie two knots, you're supposed to remember two things.
no, I've seen people do it.
huf_ but i understood somehow that this is the thing underlying the joke
[Coke] my grandmother used to, for example, move her wedding ring to remind her to turn off the lights in the car when she got out. 17:25
17:25 molaf joined
[Coke] sameish thing. 17:25
huf_ hmm... so this is why people often look at me strange when i tell this joke. 17:26
_especially_ as i tend to tell jokes backwards 17:27
timotimo backwards, eh?
huf_ yes, just like i did here
timotimo like .flip, or like .words.reverse.join?
huf_ punchline, skeleton, underlying cultural thing
[Coke] m: say "Why did the chicken cross the road?".words.reverse; 17:28
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«(road? the cross chicken the did Why)␤»
17:29 kaare_ left, kaare_ joined
masak m: say .uc.map: * ~ "!" for "Why did the chicken cross the road?".words.reverse 17:30
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«(ROAD?!)␤(THE!)␤(CROSS!)␤(CHICKEN!)␤(THE!)␤(DID!)␤(WHY!)␤»
17:30 vendethiel joined
masak :) 17:30
arnsholt masak: I don't tie knots, but I have been known when shopping to make a mental note of the number of things I Was supposed to get. That way I can at least checksum the number of things in my basket before paying
masak arnsholt: I've started doing that too, lately 17:31
arnsholt: I find it soothing
huf_ :)
i picked that one up a few years ago
arnsholt Although these days I generally make a list on my phone
masak I often just snap a photo of the recipe
17:31 domidumont joined
arnsholt Yeah, or that 17:32
timotimo i'm using "OurGroceries" on my phone, which has the nice feature that i can give out access to the grocery list to others who only have to use a browser to push stuff my way 17:35
arnsholt Oh, neat! 17:37
I've actually been wanting something like that, for sharing that kind of thing with the missus 17:38
timotimo our groceries is free to use, but it'll pop up a "wanna go premium?" dialog every now and then 17:39
arnsholt Sounds like something I can live with 17:40
17:40 confundus joined
timotimo me, too 17:41
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unbound_delegate howdy 17:45
17:45 ajoe left
dalek line-Perl5: 6a5f4ae | (Zoffix Znet)++ | README.md:
Update perlbrew instructions to build latest stable perl
17:47 _mg_ joined
grondilu m: use MONKEY-TYPING; augment class Int { multi method gist(UInt $:) { self ~ " (>0)" } }; say 7 17:48
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«7 (>0)␤»
grondilu ^wondering how to a methods to subsets.
17:49 colomon joined
unbound_delegate perl6: my uint8 $x = 255; say $x; $x++; say $x; 17:52
camelia rakudo-jvm 40a953: OUTPUT«cannot connect to eval server: Connection refused␤»
..rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«255␤256␤»
timotimo oh, that's awkward 17:53
we must be missing the codegen for truncation for inc and dec opcodes 17:54
they are the only opcodes that have a parameter that they both read from and write to, afaik
so there's special cases for those two all over our code :|
unbound_delegate Any idea when this will be fixed? I found this similar bug on rt: rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=127144
17:58 firstdayonthejob joined
timotimo sadly, not many of us are familiar with that part of the compiler's internals 17:58
diakopte1 which part is that 17:59
diakopter timotimo: could you try to reproduce in a mostly-nqp:: edition? 18:00
masak the codegen-for-truncation-for-inc-and-dec-opcodes part, duh
timotimo it's probably a change needed inside QASTCompilerMAST inside nqp
m: my uint8 $v = 255; nqp::inc_i($v); say $v 18:01
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/PDJXzjMH97␤Could not find nqp::inc_i, did you forget 'use nqp;' ?␤at /tmp/PDJXzjMH97:1␤------> 3my uint8 $v = 255; nqp::inc_i($v)7⏏5; say $v␤»
diakopter my favorite
timotimo m: use nqp; my uint8 $v = 255; nqp::inc_i($v); say $v
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤No registered operation handler for 'inc_i'␤»
timotimo i think we actually codegen the op when we see ++
and there's some more code about ++ and -- in the optimizer, iirc
huh, it actually codegens an add_i with 1 as the second operator 18:02
18:03 sufrostico left
masak m: my uint8 $x = 255; say $x; $x = $x + 1; say $x; 18:03
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«255␤0␤»
masak ...and yet, that works
timotimo yeah 18:04
masak probably because that one is storing something back into $x
explicitly, I mean
diakopter m: my uint8 $x = 255; say $x; $x = nqp::add_i($x, 1); say $x
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/a7rz1ZgLfZ␤Could not find nqp::add_i, did you forget 'use nqp;' ?␤at /tmp/a7rz1ZgLfZ:1␤------> 3$x = 255; say $x; $x = nqp::add_i($x, 1)7⏏5; say $x␤»
diakopter m: use nqp; my uint8 $x = 255; say $x; $x = nqp::add_i($x, 1); say $x
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«255␤0␤»
timotimo it might be about sink vs no sink
18:05 sufrostico joined
diakopter m: use nqp; my uint8 $x = 255; say $x; say nqp::add_i($x, 1); 18:05
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«255␤256␤»
pmurias grondilu: is your Pair class really just a Pair or an object consisting of two things?
timotimo well, just adding 1 to $x shouldn't truncate it. assigning it back to $x or another uint8 variable should 18:06
timotimo AFK for a bit
grondilu pmurias: I'd like it to behave as a pair because it'd be very usefull to feed it to a MixHash.
diakopter timotimo: you're right, the codegen there needs the truncation
masak m: my uint8 $x = 255; say $x; ++$x; say $x 18:07
camelia rakudo-moar baf8ac: OUTPUT«255␤256␤»
grondilu so yeah, it's really a pair I guess.
I mean I want it to be.
nine_ /win 40
18:08 cdg left, zakharyas left 18:11 dalek joined, ChanServ sets mode: +v dalek 18:12 pmurias left 18:13 jjido_ joined
confundus Hi, is there any built-in takeWhile routine? Old logs suggested something like this: sub take-while(@list, &cond) { @list.grep: { &cond($_) ?? True !! last } }; 18:13
This works fine here: my @list = (^Inf).&take-while(* < 5); .say for @list;
But I can't use it do do further chaining. This doesn't work: .say for (^Inf).&take-while(* < 5);
grondilu maybe with ... 18:16
@list ... &cond
or rather @list ...^ { !cond($_) } 18:17
moritz m: sub take-while(&cond, @list) { gather for @list { take $_ while cond($_) } }
camelia ( no output )
18:19 Relsak left, jjido_ left 18:20 colomon left
masak m: my @a = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 4; .say for @a ...^ * > 4 18:22
camelia rakudo-moar 2d6f5c: OUTPUT«1␤2␤3␤4␤»
masak confundus: ^^
18:26 spider-mario joined
confundus masak, pretty cool, except I don't have the first clue about how to read that... 18:26
grondilu ... is the sequence operator
18:26 rindolf left
grondilu as in 1, 2 ... * 18:26
confundus and what is ...^ if you don't mind me asking. 18:27
grondilu ^ indicates exclusion at the border
18:27 Ven joined
confundus oh yes 18:27
isn't writing * > 4 a bit anti-intuitive? after all it's accumulating values below 4. 18:28
TimToady m: say 1, 2, 4 ... 1024 18:29
camelia rakudo-moar 2d6f5c: OUTPUT«(1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024)␤»
TimToady the thing on the right is a goal, not a filter
diakopter m: say 1, 2, 4 ...^ 1024 18:30
camelia rakudo-moar 2d6f5c: OUTPUT«(1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512)␤»
18:31 unbound_delegate left
masak confundus: it's more intuitive if you think about that construction as takeUntil 18:31
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confundus m: say 2, 4 ... * > 10; 18:35
camelia rakudo-moar 2d6f5c: OUTPUT«(2 4 6 8 10 12)␤»
confundus why is 12 included here?
TimToady because you didn't use ^, and 12 was your "goal"
also, because you used > rather than >= :) 18:36
confundus ah right, thank you all for being so helpful :)
TimToady we're not really helpful, we just pretend to be most of the time :)
18:37 kaare__ joined
confundus apparently that's quite enough ;) 18:37
18:38 kaare_ left
TimToady "The whole world runs on hypocrisy." —my daughter 18:38
confundus This is probably the coolest possible solution of project euler #2 (fibonacci) in any language: say [+] (0, 1, * + * ...^ * > 4_000_000).grep: * %% 2; 18:43
nine_ Is --target=mast supposed to show the optimized version? 18:44
moritz mast comes after optimize, so yes
timotimo since it's later in the chain, yeah
does --target=mast actually output anything usable? 18:45
i thought it'd just say "don't know how to dump this"
moritz but before dynamic optimization :-)
18:47 ab6tract joined
ab6tract o/ #perl6 18:47
working on Git::Version with BooK in a bar in Amsterdam ;)
BooK :-) 18:48
ab6tract how do I go about overriding comparison for a class?
is that by adding coercions to Less/Same/More ?
timotimo i'm afraid not 18:49
override the cmp operator? :\ 18:50
ab6tract ouchhh
timotimo yeah
18:51 aindilis joined 18:57 patrickz joined, ZoffixW joined
nine_ I just wonder because perl6 --target=optimize -e 'm: my uint8 $x = 255; ++$x;' clearly shows usage of the add_i op while --target=mast looks very much like a call to &prefix:<++> 18:57
ZoffixW Is there a way to import optionally-exported subroutines from Perl 5 modules when using Inline::Perl5? I'm using Perl 5's Text::Markdown but its markdown sub is exported only by request (I know I can use the full name, but I rather not) 18:58
timotimo may have to do with whether or not the void or regular variant of the Want node gets taken 18:59
nine_ I find it very cool that after my debugging EVAL endeavour, the --target=mast output makes complete sense to me :) 19:00
ZoffixW: same as you'd do in Perl 5
use Foo:from<Perl5> <fooicate>
ZoffixW That's too easy! :P 19:01
Thanks, nine_++
19:02 takadonet joined 19:03 colomon joined
takadonet hey everyone 19:03
[Coke] ends up writing a "git for dummies" equivalent for his dayjob. whee.
timotimo hello, adventurer 19:04
masak hello [ad], venturer 19:07
timotimo have ad you, venturer 19:08
19:11 Timbus left, Timbus joined 19:15 ZoffixW left 19:17 jjido_ joined 19:19 colomon left 19:20 sortiz joined 19:25 zakharyas joined
sjn looks at the perl6 command-line options, and sees there are a bunch of them that aren't mentioned in the usage text 19:25
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ab6tract re: the Version type 19:30
was there discussion about adding 'rc' logic? 19:31
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teatime ok, so, someone was telling me about how people complain about Perl6's datetime being evil... I have to share this someone just snapshotted from some (non-perl) production code they're working on: i.imgur.com/XFYUhL5.png 19:43
psch uhh, that doesn't actually turn $date into a unix timestamp, does it..? 19:44
teatime no. not at alllllll 19:45
timotimo i didn't know perl6's datetime is supposedly evil
what's wrong about it?
err, what the flying fuck?
teatime timotimo: nothing afaict, but someone was mentioning that it's frequently whinged about.
timotimo wat? i thought "nobody uses perl6"? :P 19:46
teatime and time is hard enough to get right that I don't claim to be sure there's nothing wrong with it, although I don't see anything.
timotimo but that unix timestamp implementation is ... amazing
teatime the guy says the best part is, mktime() returns a unix timestamp
moritz I'd go so far as to call it "creative" :-) 19:48
teatime best thing I've seen in a while.
19:55 mane left 19:56 kaare__ left
takadonet masak: adventurer.... more returning from the dead 20:04
20:04 darutoko left
huf_ ofcourseit'sphp :D 20:09
takadonet Was looking over jnthn jnthn.net/papers/2015-yapcasia-concurrency.pdf and was curious to know if there is thread safe variable? Saw the ability to have monitor and actor for thread safe method. No indication for variables. 20:13
20:20 TEttinger joined
nine_ takadonet: what would a thread safe variable look like? The concept seems strange to me since only actions have the time component that can make them thread unsafe. 20:22
perlpilot perhaps he means shared and non-volatile?
takadonet perlpilot: yes 20:23
grondilu m: role A {...}; dd class :: does A {}.new; role A {} # failed to pre-declare a role 20:24
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in any try_select at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 2601␤5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/y3r1q3Qofm…»
wamba m: say  [+] (0, 1  ...^ * > 4_000).grep:  * %% 3
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«2667333␤»
wamba m: say  [+] (0, 1  ...^ * > 4_000).race.grep:  * %% 3
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«0␤»
20:24 TungMay joined
perlpilot takadonet: I think the short answer is "yes, you can do that". I don't really have the long answer though. 20:24
takadonet I am looping over an array of files and each iteration does some calculation and deposit its single result into an array.
wamba m: say  [+] (0, 1  ...^ * > 4_000).race.map:  {$_ if $_ %% 3  }
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«2667333␤»
grondilu m: role A {...}; class :: does A {}.new; role A {} # failed to pre-declare a role
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context␤Any of .^name, .perl, .gist, or .say can stringify undefined things, if needed. in any try_select at gen/moar/m-Metamodel.nqp line 2601␤5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/nKkDX1ZX__…»
20:25 TungMay left
grondilu it's weird that there is a string context anywhere here 20:25
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grondilu I just wanted to put the definition of the role at the end of the file to keep things tidy. 20:26
I thought that was allowed.
jnthn The warning hides the real error
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'A'
(when I do it locally)
Feel free to RT the warning. But it's correct that you can't do that. 20:27
grondilu we can't predeclare roles?
jnthn You can but you must define them before you try to consume them.
grondilu ok 20:28
arnsholt I assume the issue is that the composition of the role into the class requires the full role definition to work properly (detect method conflicts, for example)
jnthn `does` is compile-time composition, and class composition time is at the closing curly
arnsholt And since does is a compile-time directive, it's broken
[Coke] m: m: role A {...}; role A {}; class :: does A {}.new;
camelia ( no output )
arnsholt Since the role body isn't available at that point, compile-time
jnthn And composing a role involves copying its stuff into the class at composition time, and conflicts etc.
As arnsholt++ points out :)
So yeah, that one's in the realm of "can't really work" rather than "doesn't work" 20:29
patrickz jnthn / TimToady: I try to solve #123934 and I think I need some guidance on what the expected behavior of Perl6 should be. 20:31
RabidGravy but doing the same at run time works fine
patrickz m: say "asdfEnd" ~~ / :ratchet ^ [ .+? || z ] {say $/} End $ /; 20:32
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«「a」␤「a」␤「a」␤「a」␤「asdfEnd」␤»
patrickz m: say "asdfEnd" ~~ / :ratchet ^ [ .+? | z ] {say $/} End $ /;
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«「a」␤Nil␤»
jnthn RabidGravy: As a mixin? Sure, 'cus you defined the role before runtime :)
patrickz [ || ] allows to be backtracked into in ratchet mode, while [ | ] does not. My gut feeling tells me the two should behave the same.
RabidGravy yeah, it was more about encouraging grondilu :) 20:33
jnthn patrickz: Interesting...I think I'd have to defer to TimToady on that one, though :)
patrickz Ok. 20:34
.seen TimToady
yoleaux I saw TimToady 18:38Z in #perl6: <TimToady> "The whole world runs on hypocrisy." —my daughter
20:38 leont joined 20:39 _mg_ left 20:40 khw joined, _mg_ joined
perlpilot patrickz: why would [||] be backtracked into when ratchet mode is on? That doesn't make any sense to me. 20:41
20:41 domidumont left 20:42 zakharyas left
perlpilot patrickz: why would say "asdfEnd" ~~ /:ratchet [ xyz | .+! ] End /; match? 20:42
ab6tract timotimo: so we were a bit surprised that overriding cmp and exporting it from our module did not cascade to lt/gt/etc 20:44
it's not such a big deal at all, just too used to 'use overload', maybe 20:45
patrickz perlpilot: From what I heard up to now, the opinions differ on what ratchet mode means. I'm still unclear if ratcheting means preventing giving up consumed input or going leftwards in the regex.
m: say "asdfEnd" ~~ /:ratchet [ xyz | .+! ] End /; 20:46
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
timotimo ab6tract: you do realize that lt and gt are strictly for string comparison? 20:49
20:49 confundus left
perlpilot my mental model has ":ratchet means : after every atom", so that makes sense 20:49
ab6tract timotimo: i do realize that, but then... i didn't connect it to a different set of ops :) 20:50
what are the generic forms of lt/gt then?
perlpilot m: say "asdfEnd" ~~ / [ xyz: | .+: ]: End /; # should be the same
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
20:50 unbound_delegate joined
patrickz say "asdfEnd" ~~ /:ratchet [ .+! ] End /; 20:51
m: say "asdfEnd" ~~ /:ratchet [ .+! ] End /;
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«「asdfEnd」␤»
ab6tract or is it that if we override leg we get our expected cascade?
the use case is a class which has a $!literal-version and a $!normalized 20:52
perlpilot patrickz: that last one looks like a bug to me.
ab6tract the comparisons need to use the $!normalized, but we want Str to return $!literal-version
patrickz m: say "asdfEnd" ~~ / :ratchet ^ [ .+? || z ] {say $/} End $ /; # Do you also think this one is a bug? 20:53
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«「a」␤「a」␤「a」␤「a」␤「asdfEnd」␤»
timotimo ab6tract: also, the operators can only work where they have been exported to ;(
20:53 unbound_delegate left
perlpilot patrickz: I would 20:54
ab6tract timotimo: yeah, that's not an issue in this case. but yeah, this is a bit of a super-sad face
[Coke] can we get yoleaux to switch back to "saw ... time ago" instead of <time>Z ? 20:55
teatime hehe 20:57
patrickz perlpilot: I'd be ok with making the [ || ] cases also fail. It's just that I'm not sure what the intended behavior is. I have heard opinions on both sides and have been sent to the authorities for a definite decision. :-)
teatime It is said, “Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.” 20:58
j/k 20:59
perlpilot patrickz: we'd all have to defer to TimToady :) But also, I think the language in S05 would need to be clearer too since my understanding comes from reading S05. 21:00
[Coke] S05 ain't nothing but some notes. 21:03
perlpilot then whatever the "official documentation" ends up being :)
S05 is a a good first approximation for many concepts, unfortunately, it's the _only_ approximation for some of them. 21:04
ZoffixWin I think those who'll start programming with Perl 6 will have trouble grasping other languages: twitter.com/zoffix/status/722531566413594626 21:08
21:08 leont left
ZoffixWin (from a JS tutorial: "// Some basic arithmetic works as you'd expect: .1 + 0.2; // = 0.30000000000000004" ) 21:08
TEttinger ZoffixWin: how does perl 6 do floating point? 21:10
ZoffixWin m: say 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«True␤»
TEttinger yes
ZoffixWin m: say 0.1.nude
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(1 10)␤»
TEttinger ah ok
ZoffixWin It's stored as a rat
TEttinger m: say pi.nude
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Method 'nude' not found for invocant of class 'Num'␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/WprzVk11CW line 1␤␤»
TEttinger m: say pi 21:11
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
ZoffixWin It's not magical :) You still get the same problems in places, just not with 0.1 + 0.2 :)
timotimo m: say pi.Rat.nude; say pi.Rat(0.0000001e0).nude
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(355 113)␤(103993 33102)␤»
teatime TEttinger: by default, anyway; you have lots of options.
TEttinger well you could represent it as 314159265358979/100000000000000 21:12
m: say 314159265358979/100000000000000
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979␤»
ZoffixWin That's not pi, though
TEttinger it's as much as pi knows here right?
teatime Rat is supposed to have 64-bit denominator... but it seems (usually) arbitrary-precision, currently.
ZoffixWin m: say pi.Rat.nude; say pi.Rat(1/100000000000000).nude
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(355 113)␤(80143857 25510582)␤»
TEttinger ? 21:13
ZoffixWin hm
m: say pi*100000000000000_00
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«3.14159265358979e+16␤»
ZoffixWin Seems so
m: say 80143857/25510582 == 314159265358979/100000000000000 21:14
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«False␤»
21:14 ab6tract left 21:15 rindolf left
ZoffixWin teatime, oh and I've no idea about date stuff and I've no idea what that code you linked is about :) 21:16
timotimo m: say 80143857/25510582 - 314159265358979/100000000000000
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«2.65937562694571e-15␤»
21:18 geekosaur left
timotimo my constant pi = 3.14159_26535_89793_238e0; 21:18
that's how it's defined in rakudo, btw
when we get long double support, we may want to up the precision on that 21:19
teatime ZoffixWin: if you know what "unix timestamp" typically means, it's really really funny. take another look.
ZoffixWin I already closed that PM window. 21:20
teatime well, really funny, anyway.
21:20 geekosaur joined
diakopter TimToady: how would one make a constant pi with arbitary precision (the more digits you request, the more it refines it using the series expansion) 21:20
timotimo diakopter: i suppose you'd mix a role into the pi Num that gives you better rationals in its .Rat 21:21
diakopter *arbitrary
21:21 hankache joined
ZoffixWin teatime, I give it 7/10 :) 21:22
timotimo ZoffixWin: you know what the number a unix timestamp is means? then, how correct does it seem that the function "toUnixTimestamp" returns "YYYYMMDD000000" given a date? 21:23
21:23 unbound_delegate joined
timotimo i wonder if any unix timestamps coincide with their representation in that format when you chop off any initial digits and normalize the last six digits to zeroes 21:25
ZoffixWin Right. I didn't even look at the function name. I thought the joke was all that messing about with mktime instead of tossing the dashes and appending the zeros :P 21:26
skids it could be a holiday :-)
ZoffixWin Oh well... I don't judge. I have worse :) 21:27
ufobat does anyone like, dislike or have a certain opinion on gist.github.com/ufobat/72aceef40b6...336d6be3e0
ZoffixWin Like this: metacpan.org/source/ZOFFIX/Syntax-...SS.pm#L105
patrickz Do RT accounts have to be activated in some way to allow to view bugs or reply to them? I'm basically locked out of all tickets as soon as I log in to bitcard.
ZoffixWin patrickz, not that I know of. 21:28
skids patrickz: do you own any tickets? For several people including myself, you can only view your own tickets when logged in. 21:29
Unless you explicitly provide the number.
patrickz Seems to be the same for me.
[Coke] Yes, you need to be a bugadmin to interact with perl 6 tickets once logged in.
patrickz Is there a way to reply to bugs by email? 21:30
[Coke] Anyone who wants to be a bugadmin, you're welcome to if you follow some simple guidelines.
patrickz: yes. reply to them.
if you don't have the existing ticket, someone can hook you up with the subject/to combination you'll need.
ZoffixWin Huh? So I'm a bugadmin somehow? I can reply to any ticket and view both p6 and p5 queues 21:32
patrickz Coke: Can you close 127935? I accidentally created that ticket while trying to reply to another one..
21:33 skink joined
[Coke] Sure. 21:34
RT #127935 # closed 21:35
patrickz Thank you!
21:35 hankache left
[Coke] ZoffixWin is not a p6 bugadmin. 21:37
you can see the queues. you just can't interact with the tickets, probably.
ZoffixWin [Coke], I was able to view and reply to this ticket this morning: rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127925
[Coke] ZoffixWin: via the UI?
ZoffixWin Yeah, by going to rt.perl.org/
And clicking things 21:38
[Coke] weird.
could you perhaps be a p5 bug admin?
and their permissions are leaking?
you're not on my list, though.
patrickz How long do email replies to tickets usually take to manifest in the webinterface?
[Coke] depends. if they're flagged as spam, someone has to release 'em 21:39
21:40 lizmat joined
TimToady diakopter: The problem with your question is the phrase "the more digits you request". It's easy enough to write a pi spigot, but how would you want to implement a lazy digits API in relation to existing types? 21:40
21:40 _mg_ left
TimToady In fact, RC has a pi spigit in P6 already, but at what point does a calculation know it wants "more precision"? 21:44
(rosettacode.org/wiki/Pi#Perl_6 if you want the link) 21:45
21:45 leont joined
ZoffixWin no, I'm not a p5 bug admin. Thought my bitcard account is probably more than a decade old. Who knows what perms it got :P 21:46
s/Thought/Though/; 21:47
21:47 vendethiel left
diakopter TimToady: I dunno, maybe using sprintf 21:48
21:49 unbound_delegate left
[Coke] ZoffixWin: yah, no clue. use your power responsibly, thank you! ;) 21:52
ZoffixWin Will do! :D
timotimo diakopter: imagine every mathematical operation had to be expressed as a format string 21:53
or every reference to a variable had to have a precision specifier in its mention
patrickz TimToady: Can you have a look at my #123934 question above?
[Coke] tries to find his roll of turing tape.
timotimo damn it, synopsebot.
[Coke] RT #123934
... more damns.
is it smart enough to catch a bare #123 when it's here? 21:54
timotimo it is, yes
you can try it out right now! 21:55
21:55 synopsebot6 joined
MadcapJake How can I get a FILE pointer for stdout in native call? $*OUT and $*OUT.native-descriptor aren't solving it for me 21:55
I tried open($*OUT, :w) which works in Perl 6 but isn't working in NativeCall routines 21:56
timotimo well, you have to use a function that turns the fd into a FILE*
MadcapJake timotimo: what function?
RabidGravy fdopen 21:57
in C
timotimo No manual entry for fdopen in section 2
isn't that where c functions live?
oh, it's section 3
that explains why i didn't find it!
MadcapJake section 2/3? what's that?
RabidGravy unix manpage 21:58
geekosaur fdopen is the stdio library, not a syscall
so section 3
MadcapJake how do i access section 3?
RabidGravy linux.die.net/man/3/fdopen
geekosaur man 3 fdopen
unless your'e on solaris then it's man -s3 fdopen
MadcapJake so you think if I pass it $*OUT.native-descriptor, that will create a FILE handle? 21:59
RabidGravy no, I know it will ;-p
MadcapJake ok good! thanks timotimo RabidGravy! 22:00
timotimo you need the red and blue security access keys to get to section 3 of the MAN complex
be careful, a bugbear with a rocket launcher guards the blue one
skink timotimo, re: last night, there is ClassX::StrictConstructor which throws an exception if you attempt to assign a non-specific attribute 22:01
MadcapJake O_O good thing I've got my Book of Camelian Spells & Native Calls
skink non-specified*
RabidGravy MadcapJake, gist.github.com/jonathanstowe/6561...cf6f9f47fa - is one I prepared earlier 22:03
timotimo yup 22:04
i forgot about that one
RabidGravy anyhow that's me done for the day, toodles
MadcapJake RabidGravy: what's the termios?
RabidGravy don't worry about that
MadcapJake ok! worrying done 22:05
22:05 jjido_ left
MadcapJake very elegant File repr class! thanks RabidGravy++ 22:05
BooK the final discussion with ab5tract was how maybe .Str and .gist could return different things 22:08
ZoffixWin They do: 22:09
m: class Foo { method gist { 'gist' }; method Str { 'Str' } }; put Foo.new; say Foo.new
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Str␤gist␤»
22:10 RabidGravy left
BooK ZoffixWin: yes, exactly 22:12
so stuff like eq, cmp, etc would run throught Str, while "$obj" would go through gist, right?
ZoffixWin No, "$obj" would be .Str 22:13
BooK arg
ZoffixWin AFAIK, only say calls .gist
timotimo oh hey master book 22:14
BooK we figures that the difference with perl5 overload was that in p5 you define the behaviour of + when the object is on either side, while in p6, + just expects numbers and will call .Int
hey timotimo
timotimo hm, not totally
lizmat BooK: prefix:<+> defined +foo 22:15
timotimo you are free to supply variants of + that work on your custom class
lizmat infix:<+> defines foo + bar
timotimo but + is meant to add numbers and numeric things
TimToady patrickz: you do realize that if I get my brane back into regexland I'm likely to rewrite the whole parser? :)
BooK but then it needs to be loaded in the scope that will use those objects
ZoffixWin Right
timotimo so when you start overloading + to do string concatenation, we might get mad at you
BooK it does not simply follow the objects
22:15 colomon joined
timotimo that is correct 22:15
BooK whereas in perl5 it does follow the objects 22:16
ZoffixWin m: class Foo { method Numeric { 40 }; }; say 2 + Foo.new;
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«42␤»
BooK tiny differences, I guess I'm frustrated because I still try to apply my p5 knowledge and expectations to this new p6 thing 22:17
timotimo mhm
BooK new magic, old magic
ZoffixWin gave up doing that long time ago :P
lizmat m: class A { has $.a = "foo" }; sub infix:<+>(A:D $a, A:D $b) { $a.a ~ $b.a }; say A.new + A.new
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«foofoo␤»
timotimo that's actually a gigantic difference
22:17 colomon left
BooK I was still really happy, when I realized afterwards that I had been writing perl 6 (porting a p5 module) without really thinking about it 22:18
after ab5tract showed a few things to me, I just filled the gaps and wrote nice valid perl6 on the first try
timotimo oh
patrickz TimToady: Can I borrow you brane for a bit? I promise to return it unharmed (whatever that means for borrowed brains). 22:19
timotimo that sounds nice
TimToady errands & # unfortunately, brane needs to transport itself elsewhere for a bit
BooK he forced me to rewrite some of my perl5 one-liners in like an actual block and everything 22:20
but to be honest, I had trouble remembering what my stuff did
this is why we have libraries! to hide the ugly away from innocnent eyes
22:20 ugexe left 22:21 bitmap left
BooK ($c) = ( 1, splice @v, -1 ) if $v[-1] eq 'GIT'; # before 1.4 22:21
($c) = splice @v, -2 if substr( $v[-1], 0, 1 ) eq 'g'; # after 1.4
22:21 khagan left
BooK the lines that ab5tract didn't like :-) 22:21
he seemed to take issue with my 1-letter vars too
cramming stuff in 80 columns with comment takes some sacrifice, right? ;-) 22:22
my takeaway from the evening is: xx is pretty cool 22:25
22:25 bitmap joined
BooK I think ab5tract was kinda frustrated by this manual page: docs.perl6.org/language/typesystem :-) 22:26
skink What's that travis-like ci that's just for Windows? 22:27
22:28 khagan joined
timotimo appveyor 22:29
ZoffixWin NOW I get why people say the P6 community is hugtastic 😂😂😂 i.imgur.com/4GwUggA.png
skink That's it, thanks timotimo 22:30
22:34 wamba left 22:36 Herby_ joined
Herby_ Afternoon, everyone! 22:36
timotimo hey Herby_ 22:37
i saw your tweet; was that with a perl6 module for tweeting?
Herby_ Yep! Using the zoffix's Twitter module
22:38 kurahaupo joined
Herby_ Haven't played with it too much just, just copied the github example to send out a test tweet 22:40
just yet... I can't type today.
ZoffixWin Now I feel bad for it being a bare-bone tweet-only thing and not a solid and tested API implementation :P
timotimo oh, now i remember what i wanted to do with my particle system test code
ZoffixWin Should give it more attention on the weekend.
Herby_ I was contemplating creating something similar but I didn't even know where to start. Then I saw your module :) 22:41
grondilu m: say ("foo", "bar" but role {}).MixHash<foo bar>
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(1 0)␤»
grondilu was expecting (1 1) 22:42
m: say ("foo" => 1, ("bar" but role {}) => 1).Hash<foo bar>
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(1 1)␤»
22:43 firstdayonthejob left
patrickz is off to bed 22:43
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skink ZoffixWin, Could add an optional param of a path to a media file and have it be uploaded with the tweet. I could see someone automating certain types of postings with that 22:50
Just a random idea, though. 22:51
ZoffixWin Yeah
I kinda got distracted after the "look, I can Tweet with Perl 6" moment :P
Xliff MadcapJake, you there? 22:54
timotimo holy wow 22:56
the framerate just went up 3x
lizmat timotimo: what did you do ? 22:58
23:01 ocbtec left
MadcapJake Xliff: yeah 23:01
Made some progress on MyHTML wrapper but I am in the midst of a large refactor now. 23:02
23:05 mtj_ joined
MadcapJake all the NativeCall stuff will now be in HTML::MyHTML::Raw so you can choose to just use this part 23:05
then HTML::MyHTML and sub-modules will be high-level 6y interface 23:07
I'll be back on later tonight Xliff
MadcapJake is off to pizza buffet &
23:08 au joined
MadcapJake (the complete-raw-transform branch is where the action is at) 23:08
Herby_ mmm pizza
23:08 agentzh joined, petercommand joined
MadcapJake pizza is the best thing ever 23:08
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MadcapJake is really off now :) 23:08
Herby_ i concur
timotimo lizmat: use nqp::atpos and nqp::bindpos instead of .AT-POS
23:08 BenGoldberg joined
grondilu m: say ("foo", "bar" but role {}).MixHash<foo bar> 23:09
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(1 0)␤»
lizmat timotimo: ah, yes, if you can do that, :-)
grondilu ^every time I write things in Perl 6 I encounter bugs like that. It's very LTA
lizmat timotimo: but that would not be very portable Perl 6 code now would it ?
Herby_ LTA?
grondilu "Less Than Awesome". See S99 23:10
Herby_ ahh
23:11 _notbenh joined
diakopter timotimo: if the framerate went up [to] 3x, that means more than 66% of time was spent in those two routines?? 23:11
grondilu I love perl6 but frankly it's very discouraging to spend so much time trying to figure out what I did wrong only to find out it's actually a bug. :( 23:13
TimToady I don't think that's a bug
grondilu really? 23:14
TimToady "bar" but role {} is a different object from "bar"
grondilu m: say ("foo" => 1, ("bar" but role {}) => 1).Hash<foo bar>
lizmat m: say +{}
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(1 1)␤»
rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«0␤»
grondilu m: say ("foo", "bar" but role {}).MixHash<foo bar>
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(1 0)␤»
grondilu Hash and MixHash should at least be consistent in that regard.
TimToady no, Hash is not an object hash, but MixHash is
Xliff MadcapJake, yeah. I pulled a couple of hours ago. Noticed new branches.
TimToady Hash coerces keys to strings
Xliff MadcapJake, anything I can help with? 23:15
TimToady MixHash doesn't
Xliff MadcapJake, Right now I think origin/master has that dependency loop you were talking about, earlier.
D'oh! Pizza. Missed that in the backlog. Now I'm jealous!! 23:16
lizmat m: say +("bar" but role {}) # perhaps we lose an error somewhere?
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5bar' (indicated by ⏏)␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/_OD42AOviT line 1␤␤Actually thrown at:␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/_OD42AOviT line 1␤␤»
TimToady why would it be coercing to numeric anywhere in the OP? 23:17
is it trying to do even/odd stuff? 23:18
yes, the OP didn't have => 1 23:19
m: say <a a b>.BagHash.perl
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«("a"=>2,"b"=>1).BagHash␤»
TimToady m: say <a a b>.Hash.perl 23:20
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected␤ in block <unit> at /tmp/UHZUr4MppG line 1␤␤»
TimToady m: say <a a b>.Bag.perl
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«("a"=>2,"b"=>1).Bag␤»
timotimo diakopter: fwiw, i'm using a very big amount of AT-POS and BIND-POS. but replacing postcircumfix:<[ ]> with AT-POS and ASSIGN-POS manually already gave a tiny speed boost
TimToady except it's not doing even/odd for mixes or bags
timotimo diakopter: and there's a problem where moar won't optimize spesh-time-inlined things strongly that causes the result of bind pos to be boxed and returned even when we have a native array, so it also had a bunch of GC overhead 23:21
TimToady so I think my original diagnosis is correct, it's just never gonna be able to lookup "bar" but role {} using a bare "bar" key
because sets/bags/mixes use object identity, not value identity
diakopter m: say ("foo", 3, "bar" but role {}, 5).Hash<foo bar> 23:22
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(3 5)␤»
ZoffixWin m: my $h = ("foo", "bar" but role {}).MixHash; say $h{ 'bar' but role {} }
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«0␤»
TimToady it's a different object, still 23:23
ZoffixWin m: my $bar = 'bar' but role {}; my $h = ("foo", $bar).MixHash; say $h{ $bar }
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«1␤»
ZoffixWin TimToady++ # good diagnosis
diakopter m: 1 but role {} but role {}
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/xo2kxA7cd0␤Only identical operators may be list associative; since 'but' and 'but' differ, they are non-associative and you need to clarify with parentheses␤at /tmp/xo2kxA7cd0:1␤------> 031 but role {}7…»
TimToady but, but, but... :) 23:24
diakopter wut wut
tadzik: ^^
lizmat m: dd ("foo","bar" but role {}).MixHash
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«("bar"=>1,"foo"=>1).MixHash␤»
diakopter TimToady: in my example above the lookup succeeded
lizmat m: dd ("foo","bar" but role {}).MixHash.keys
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«("bar", "foo").Seq␤»
diakopter oh, but MixHash 23:25
grondilu m: say ("foo", "bar" but role { method WHICH { ~self } }).MixHash<foo bar> 23:26
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«(1 0)␤»
ZoffixWin m: say 'bar' === ("foo","bar" but role {}).MixHash.keys.sort[0]
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«True␤»
ZoffixWin Does feel a bit buggish in this respect 23:27
TimToady yes, === should require the same type
so that should say False
timotimo diakopter: even with nqp::atpos_n and nqp::bindpos_n everywhere, i'm still getting 12.5% time spent inside the GC :\ 23:28
diakopter timotimo: actually 12.5% isn't bad, unless you think it should be static state 23:29
timotimo it'd be dreamy if it'd be static state 23:30
but all the arithmetic i'm doing ... not all of it is inlined properly, i'd bet. and superfluous boxing *everywhere*
diakopter static statist statistical state stasis
timotimo (is my guess)
do you think you can get SDL2::Raw to work on your machine? because then i can just give you my code :)
diakopter runs away screaming fire 23:31
timotimo i don't *really* understand why i'm getting calls to .Bridge in my arithmetic, for example. i'm trying to make everything i can use Num, and shouldn't we have candidates for + - * / on Num and Num?
lizmat m: use nqp; say nqp::unbox_s("bar" but role {}) # why "bar" === "bar" but role {} is True 23:34
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«bar␤»
lizmat m: use nqp; say nqp::istype("bar" but role {},Str) # related 23:35
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«1␤»
skink timotimo, Appveyor takes like half an hour per test o_o 23:36
Travis Linux 7min, OS X 14min, Appveyor Windows 32min
timotimo skink: windows boots slow :P 23:37
skink No this is just for building
VM creation/boot time isn't included
23:37 cdg left 23:38 cdg joined
lizmat TimToady: are you suggesting all infix:<===> should have a nqp::istype(a.WHAT,b.WHAT) ? 23:38
TimToady it should fall out of correct WHICH-ness 23:39
m: say "foo".WHICH
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Str|foo␤»
TimToady m: say ("foo" but role {}).WHICH
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Str+{<anon|77223360>}|foo␤»
timotimo *sigh*, replaced three / with nqp::div_n and got another sixth of performance extra 23:40
23:41 sue joined
TimToady m: say "foo" === ("foo" but role {}) 23:41
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«True␤»
TimToady obviously === is not correctly comparing WHICH there, somehow 23:42
23:43 cdg left
lizmat TimToady: I just noticed that most infix:<===> *do* have a a.WHAT =:= b.WHAT test in there 23:43
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lizmat just the Any / Str candidates didn't 23:43
spectesting that change now
TimToady it has always been the intent that === and eqv fail if types are not identical
23:43 rjbs joined
timotimo diakopter: the thing ran for 1018 frames, which took 13669 ms, of which 160ms were spent doing the 304 garbage collections; a collection on every third frame ain't even that terrible 23:44
basically all of the collections took around 5.3 ms
m: say 13669 / 1018, " ms per frame"
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«13.427308 ms per frame␤»
lizmat TimToady: will check all of the infix:<eqv> candidates as well
timotimo m: say 13.669 R/ 1018, " FPS on average" 23:45
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«74.475090 FPS on average␤»
timotimo that's with 2000 particles on screen on every frame
*and* running the profiler in the background
lizmat TimToady: if a mixed in role doesn't provide an altered .WHICH, the comparison would succeed 23:46
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grondilu I can't tell exactly why, but I feel there's something deeply wrong in the whole thing. For one, I find it silly that mixing an empty, anonymous role could change a variable in any way. I know it was still a dummy example, but still. 23:49
b2gills say ("a" but role {}).^name 23:50
m: say ("a" but role {}).^name
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«Str+{<anon|75617728>}␤»
lizmat m: say 42 === 42 but role {}
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«False␤»
lizmat grondilu: that was the inconsistent part ^^^ 23:51
grondilu ^ that is just dumb if you ask me
lizmat m: say "foo" === "foo" but role {}
camelia rakudo-moar d6ed4c: OUTPUT«True␤»
lizmat grondilu: well, that may be so, but that was TimToady's intent (at one point, anyway :-)
grondilu oh ok I had followed all the analysis
*hadn't 23:52
23:52 infina_ joined, infina_ left, infina_ joined
grondilu it so happens that in my original code it was an integer I was mixing, so maybe things will change tomorrow. I should get some sleep now anyway. 23:53
lizmat grondilu: same for me
the change breaks quite a few spectests, and makes one TODO pass :-) 23:54
will look at it more in depth tomorrow
23:55 kid51 joined 23:56 cpage_ left
lizmat good night, #perl6! 23:58
23:58 lizmat left