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Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
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tony-o valgrindr 00:34
where vals find one another
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.oO( Come and play in our new thread pool! )
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Xliff Hmmm.... 01:23
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Xliff Say I have a grammar where a token is called more than once. How can I get the data from that token to create an array that can be accessed from method TOP of the action class? 01:24
seatek guess, but i think you should be able to create a normal attribute in your action class that is an array, and just push onto it 01:28
Xliff :-O 01:30
OK. It's election night and it's obvious I am too drunk to code but not drunk enough to watch the Election Map.
Time to choose.
seatek++ for the obvious solution. 01:31
seatek hey i excel at the obvious :)
Xliff :D
gfldex m: grammar G { token TOP { <a>+ }; token a { 'a' } }; dd G.parse("aaa")<a>.keys; 01:32
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«(0, 1, 2).Seq␤»
Xliff I should.
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samcv jnthn, let me know if you make progress on that. i'm mostly looking at performance in the main thread to be honest, so even just that would be great 02:14
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ugexe .tell dha can you tell me what OS you are on and send me the output of `ZEF_PLUGIN_DEBUG=1 zef --debug install $problem-module-name`? That should be enough for me to solve your 'no fetching backend available' issue 03:35
yoleaux ugexe: I'll pass your message to dha.
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dataf3l hi guys 05:33
I reported bug #129909 indicating the need for compilation to jvm jar files
synopsebot6 Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=129909
AlexDaniel 🙋 05:34
dataf3l i kinda wanted to do something like this
> perl6 --target=jvm --output=guess.jar guess.p6
the perl6 team indicated they didn’t have it in immediate plans, which sucks for me I guess
ugexe --target=jar
dataf3l the team’s response was:
“There are plans to make that a possibility eventually, but as far as I know that's not a priority of what the developers are focusing on at the moment."
I’m now looking for an alternative, using moarvm t 05:35
to generate moar files, which can then be fed into the vm, but I have zero clue as to how to do that
ugexe --target=moar?
dataf3l I assuming it must be possible, since the Perl6’s distro itself has a bunch of moar files
I don’t know how to run the files after they were generated.
ugexe they still need a perl6 entry point afaik 05:36
dataf3l has anybody stumbled into an step by step article or guid ?
ugexe the source
thats about your only option right now 05:37
AlexDaniel dataf3l: well, you should definitely write one if you find a way to do that :)
dataf3l I’m assuming the source is readable
I’ve taken peeks here and there, but haven’t decided to “read the whole shebang” yet
I suppose it can be a great learning experience
ugexe have you tried --target=jar? 05:39
or --target=moar?
AlexDaniel hehe, America. 「use MONKEY;」
dataf3l in other news, I decided to open source the simple examples and tests i’ve been writing these days, after watching pmichaud’s videos 05:40
ugexe i imagine there is probably some way to make the output files work but it'd have to be done inside a perl6 script
dataf3l this is just a list of personal programs, based on pmichaud’s slides among other sources 05:41
uexe: I tried —target=jar , but to no avail
ugexe you were using jvm rakudo with that command too?
dataf3l yes
AlexDaniel dataf3l: what happens if you do --target=jar? 05:42
ugexe hmm, it worked at one time. i dont have a jvm rakudo installed to see if it still does
dataf3l I can’t run that specific command at this very moment, I re-installed everything and only have moar at the moment
about the examples: I think everybody here knows more about perl6 than I do, but perhaps they can be useful for your modification, or maybe trainig other people?, I don’t know.
I hope you guys find it useful, pull requests welcome :)
ugexe github.com/dataf3l/perl6-examples/...ter/p64.p6 this does not make sense 05:43
gather/take in void context 05:44
dataf3l I think I was researching list comprehensions, and somebody on the internet suggested that syntax 05:45
I’m not sure, but I think it’s a lazy list
ugexe its in void context
you aren't assigning it to anything
dataf3l what do you meany by void context
you are correct 05:46
ok, I fixed it 05:47
ugexe p61.p6 is exactly the same as p62.p6 05:48
dataf3l that must be my mistake
05:49 labster left
dataf3l I’m flattered people are interested in my code, but at the same time, ashamed of my newbie-ness 05:49
ugexe github.com/dataf3l/perl6-examples/...ter/p64.p6 this should use `prompt($msg)` instead of `get`
dataf3l I must live with shame, that is the only way I know...
ugexe my $table-name = prompt("Enter Table name"); 05:50
dataf3l 64?
ugexe oops
dataf3l 58? 05:51
ugexe ah 58, but you used prompt in 57
dataf3l I think 57 is a “not so awesome” example, and 58 is a more refined one
ugexe er prompt in 58, get in 57
dataf3l like I said before, VERY basic examples
ugexe my last suggestion would be to rename the files so it represents what its demonstrating 05:55
so someone searching for "lazy lists" may actually end up on your example 05:56
dataf3l I agree, that’s a a good suggestion
I’ll create a bug
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nadim_ Good Morning. I am having a discussion with Dmitry about Prima github.com/dk/Prima and how to use it from P6, which he thinks won't work via Inline. I like Prima and have used it before, it platform independent (linux gtk, windows). It is a pity that we, as a community, did not make more usage of it. Any thoughts about using it from P6 or thoughts about some independent UI lib to use from P6? 07:54
07:55 dataf3l joined
dataf3l hey guys 07:55
I’m reading the source if DBIsh
I’m curious as to what does line 27 does 07:56
and how would I google that question
07:56 TimToady left
moritz dataf3l: google isn't very good at search for punctuation 07:57
dataf3l I guess that’s my point
07:58 TimToady joined
moritz dataf3l: what you can do is enter some elements of the syntax that interest you into the search box at docs.perl6.org/ 07:58
arnsholt dataf3l: Which part are you wondering about?
moritz dataf3l: for example if you enter ... it suggests ... (forward declaration)
(among other things)
arnsholt ... (yada yada yada) makes the definition a stub declaration
moritz and --> leads to docs.perl6.org/type/Signature#inde...turn_Types 07:59
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dataf3l Thanks! 08:04
maybe we need a “search for this string” that translates each part of the string into a link into perl6 docs
so I search for my $a + $b 08:05
and $a, + and $b are each a link
into each section
so I can click the + link
into the explaination of what is + called anyway
maybe small p6 sample on a html textarea -> AST -> links could be useful for newbies?
moritz dataf3l: your contributions towards such a system would be very welcome 08:10
[ptc] dataf3l++ 08:11
dataf3l I think every language could be benefited from a system like that one, but since perl in particular likes weird syntax and strange operators, it might benefit a bunch 08:12
even perl5
or languages like php
something like “opsearch”
arnsholt Best part is that it's en eminently reachable project for someone new to the language 08:15
(I think)
Extracting the AST from a string is less tricky than you might think
dataf3l I’ll take your word for it 08:17
clearly, you have a better understanding than I do!!!!
arnsholt It helps having hacked on the guts 08:19
But it really is pretty simple
brrt also, for americans, I know of a company in amsterdam that is hiring
just saying
08:21 bjz left
dataf3l Hiring, perl6 people? 08:22
Finally!?!?!?!? :)
arnsholt m: use nqp; my Mu $compiler = nqp::getcomp("perl6"); say $compiler.eval("1 + 2", :target<ast>).^name; # dataf3l 08:25
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«QAST::CompUnit␤»
arnsholt Only niggle is that the AST types are NQP types, not Perl 6 types
dataf3l use nqp; my Mu $compiler = nqp::getcomp("perl6"); say $compiler.eval("1 + 2", :target<ast>).perl 08:26
brrt well, perl jobs, didn't say nothing about perl6
dataf3l Interesting.
arnsholt But that's the root of the object graph that gets dumped when you do "perl6 --target=ast -e '1+2'"
brrt although I know of perl6 being used, actually
dataf3l so would you recommend learning perl5, or is that a waste of time?
m: use nqp; my Mu $compiler = nqp::getcomp("perl6"); say $compiler.eval("1 + 2", :target<ast>).
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Malformed postfix call␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3y $compiler.eval("1 + 2", :target<ast>).7⏏5<EOL>␤»
dataf3l use nqp; my Mu $compiler = nqp::getcomp("perl6"); say $compiler.eval("1 + 2", :target<ast>).perl
moritz dataf3l: learning is nearly never a waste of time :-) 08:27
brrt learning is very rarely a waste of time
dataf3l m: use nqp; my Mu $compiler = nqp::getcomp("perl6"); say $compiler.eval("1 + 2", :target<ast>).
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Malformed postfix call␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3y $compiler.eval("1 + 2", :target<ast>).7⏏5<EOL>␤»
brrt it's the dot
arnsholt And you can't say the object directly
brrt and, I personally think perl5 is a really nice langauge
arnsholt Since it doesn't have a gist method (being an NQP object)
dataf3l NQP!! 08:28
so, in summary, I should learn perl5.
arnsholt The QAST types are defined in nqp/src/QAST/*.nqp
Perl 5 is useful
dataf3l the thing is, I’m learning perl6, I think if I learn them both at the same time, things may get tangled in my head... 08:29
arnsholt If you already know, say Python, it's not *that* different (except the syntax, of course). The main difference is what's considered idiomatic, not the semantics of the language
08:31 zakharyas joined
brrt per6 is a more perly perl. perl5 is already very perly 08:32
I don't think things will be that confusing, just.... considerably less elegant
08:32 rindolf joined
dataf3l please define perl6 08:34
brrt 'fits into the culture of the perl community', i guess, but I'm not an authority 08:36
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brrt and, yeah, that is vague 08:36
one of the core values of that community is expressivity, which is often confused with brevity 08:37
dataf3l I’m sorry for being a newbie, but I HAVE to ask 08:38
brrt but it is really about being able to say things in a way that makes sense to you
dataf3l what is the difference bttween a LIST and an ARRAY ???
brrt well, everybody is a newbie once
i'm not sure if you're asking specifically for perl6 or for perl
dataf3l never mind
i’ll read this
this is #perl6
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brrt in general, a list is a collection of values in a sequence 08:39
08:39 CIAvash left
dataf3l I’m asking about it since I’m trying yo get some DBIish results into a HTML table 08:39
brrt an array is a data structure that stores a collection of values in a contiguous section of memory
so the idea of list is more abstract and the idea of array is more specific
dataf3l DBI returns a weird object, iterable, but not quite what my array_of_hashes_to_html() function was expecting 08:40
I see...
brrt I haven't used DBIish myself, but I think it returns a (lazy) list
so for instance (correct me if I'm wrong, anyone):
m: my @a := (1,2,3); say @a.WHAT;
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«(List)␤»
brrt m: my @a = (1,2,3); say @a.WHAT; 08:41
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«(Array)␤»
dataf3l WHAT
brrt in the first case, i've bound @a to the object on the right-hand-side, which was the list containing 1,2, and 3
in the second case, i've assigned the right-hand-side to the left-hand-side, which means that the list (1,2,3) has been stored into the array @A 08:42
dataf3l the difference appears to be using := instead of =
brrt yes
but the thing is, a gather { take } construct is also a list (a lazy list), but it is never an array 08:43
dataf3l of course
brrt it can be assigned to an array, which will consume (iirc) all values of the lazy list (up to a point if that is specified)
I think I can also do this: 08:44
m: my @a := [1,2,3]. say @a.WHAT;
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Two terms in a row␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my @a := [1,2,3]. say7⏏5 @a.WHAT;␤ expecting any of:␤ infix␤ infix stopper␤ postfix␤ statement end␤ statemen…»
brrt ;
m: my @a := [1,2,3]; say @a.WHAT;
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«(Array)␤»
brrt now I've bound the @a to the array construct [1,2,3]
and dutifully, it is an array
does that make sense? :-)
dataf3l it does 08:45
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brrt this wouldn't be complete without the fibonacci sequence, of course.. 08:45
dataf3l I have a small function, runsql()
it takes as input a sql statement and (ideally) would return a list of hashes 08:46
I guess I’m not sure if I want a list of hashes or an array of hashes
in any event, hashes, are the records
the function can be used like this:
$ref = runsql("select id, name from table");
for @( $ref ) -> %row {
#say $row.elems;
say %row<id>;
say %row<name>;
# @( $row ).[1].join.say;
and that works perfectly, it even prints stuff coming from the database and everything. 08:47
moritz dataf3l: in future, please use a pastebin when you paste more than one line of code
dataf3l OK, will do.
08:47 pierre_ left
dataf3l before I could go to the DB, I was mocking the db by just returning a harcoded list of hashes 08:47
method get_all_records(){ 08:48
my @data;
@data[0] = {id=>"1", name=>"poll1"};
so, this function returned an array of hashes, which was later consumed by a HTML function, which is supposed to generate an HTML table (I know, I know, kiddie stuff)
this function looks like this: 08:49
and it prints stuff coming from the get_all_records() function just fine
but when I feed it the “list of hashes”, which came from dbi’s my $ref = $sth.fetchall-AoH(); i get an error 08:50
the error says:
Type check failed in binding to %row; expected Associative but got List ($(${:id("1"), :name("...)
I googled this error, and was directed to logs on this very channel.
any ideas?
should I just start over? 08:51
moritz don't start over
where exactly does the error happen?
08:51 pierre_ joined
Woodi hi, just found Swagger (meta-API ?) application: community.eveonline.com/news/dev-b..._campaign= 08:52
dataf3l when tbl() (see the pastebin) to print stuff coming from runsql() 08:53
error happens on line 9 of the pastebin 08:54
line 82 of the actual program
moritz dataf3l: so it seems that iterating over @data doesn't produce a hash, but rather a List 08:55
dataf3l: so the list you pass in might need some flattening
dataf3l how do I do said flatenning?
moritz (or maybe it's constructed incorrectly; the $(...) looks suspicious)
dataf3l: start by doing a "dd @data" to get a better idea of what's actually in @data 08:56
dataf3l: oh, and what Rakudo version are you using?
dataf3l this is the result of dd @data 08:57
(${:id("1"), :name("0 - \$140.000")}, ${:id("2"), :name("\$140.000 - \$280.000")}, ${:id("3"), :name("\$280.000 - \$425.000")}, ${:id("4"), :name("\$425.000 - \$567.000")}, ${:id("5"), :name("\$567.000 - \$850.000")}, ${:id("6"), :name("\$850.000 - \$1.134.000")}, ${:id("7"), :name("Mas de \$1.134.000")})
also This is Rakudo version 2016.10 built on MoarVM version 2016.10
implementing Perl 6.c.
the $( … ) was taken from a website. 08:58
I’m calling this method from DBIish
brrt m: my @a := 1,1, * + *; my @b = @a[^10]; say @b; 08:59
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«[1 1 { ... } (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any) (Any)]␤»
dataf3l but I think perhaps I could call another method, a simpler method, one that simply returns an array of hashes, but I guess that request is too simple, and DBI probably does the right thing…
brrt hmm, that wasn't quite right
moritz brrt: did your forget a ... *
brrt m: my @a := 1, 1, * + * .... *; my @b = @a[^10]; say @b; 09:00
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unsupported use of . to concatenate strings; in Perl 6 please use ~␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my @a := 1, 1, * + * ....7⏏5 *; my @b = @a[^10]; say @b;␤»
moritz dataf3l: I don't understand. Does the $() come from DBIish, or was that code that you copied & pasted?
m: my @a := 1, 1, * + *, .... *; my @b = @a[^10]; say @b
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Unsupported use of . to concatenate strings; in Perl 6 please use ~␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my @a := 1, 1, * + *, ....7⏏5 *; my @b = @a[^10]; say @b␤Other potential difficulties:␤ Comma found before apparent sequence opera…»
brrt one to many dot
dataf3l wait guys
moritz oh
dataf3l I think I found the example I was looking for
brrt m: my @a := 1,1, * + *, ... *; my @b := @a[^10]; say @b;
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Potential difficulties:␤ Comma found before apparent sequence operator; please remove comma (or put parens around the ... call, or use 'fail' instead of ...)␤ at <tmp>:1␤ ------> 3my @a := 1,1, * + *,7⏏5 ... *; my @b := @a[^10]; say @b;…»
dataf3l right here: “次に HashRef の ArrayRef として取得したい場合は fetchall_arrayref(+{}) とします。” 09:01
brrt m: my @a := 1,1, * + * ... *; my @b := @a[^10]; say @b;
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding; expected Positional but got Seq (?)␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
brrt m: my $a := 1,1, * + * ... *; my @b := $a[^10]; say @b;
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)␤»
moritz dataf3l: that doesn't answer my question
dataf3l it comes from code copied and pasted 09:02
not from the link before
that link is the wrong one
OK 09:03
I just read DBIish readme’s and I think I found what I’m looking for
wil report back shortly
moritz so, don't use $()
dataf3l THANK YOU EVERYONE for the kind and patient support, you guys rock :)
brrt wonders if we can do the factorial series
moritz and be carewful with Perl 6 code from 2009 :-)
brrt m: my $a = 1,2, * * * ... *; say $a[^10]; 09:04
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
labster I wonder what that's even doing. 09:05
m: my $a = 1,2, * * * ... *; say $a[^4];
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 09:06
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dataf3l it works! 09:14
thank you guys
for DBI:
call this
my @records = $sth.allrows(:array-of-hash);
and then something like this:
method p2(@a) {
for @a -> $row {
for $row.kv -> $k,$v {
say $k ~$v;
that is all, I’m going to bed :)
masak ahojte, #perl6 09:25
DrForr o/ 09:26
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brrt dataf3l: pastebin please 09:33
but good to know that it owrks 09:34
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samcv using proc::async and the supply seems to be lagging. i know it's getting the programs messages because if i kill the program the messages will then come through 10:58
i mean sometimes it's fine. then will not respond for a while. then sometimes just spurt out a bunch of stuff. sometimes it's delayed
10:59 CIAvash joined 11:04 andrzejku left, andrzejku_ joined
viki is amused to wake up to a sight of Murican meltdown. 11:06
I guess I better buy a couple of cots to harbor refugees :P 11:07
11:09 labster left
samcv yes viki 11:11
there isn't enough alcohol to fix this tonight 11:12
the worst part is they won the house and senate, the presidency. and the president is going to appoint a new supreme court judge. so 11:13
they will control all 3 branches of government now :(
and the supreme court decision will affect things 40+ years from now so. it's pretty bad
viki Yup. It's the worst possible result. I'm guessing all the progress will be reverted now. 11:24
Meanwhile in Canada: tax-paid healthcare and no one cares if you're gay. Bonus for USA immigrants: get 34 extra Canadian cents for every US dollar you exchange! :D 11:25
viki feels a bout of schadenfreude for some strange reason.
11:29 pierre_ joined
u-ou shit 11:32
how did this happen 11:33
viki Easy: corruption.
samcv well. marijuana is legal for recreation in my state now. but it's been medically legal for like. 12 years?
u-ou calif?
samcv yea
it happened because people vote more with their emotion than they do their logic 11:34
viki Here it's been legal to smoke but not to sell for at least 15 years... and I *think* they're making it legal to buy from licensed dispensaries or something
u-ou I'm in NZ where it's just 200% illegal
samcv ah. yeah in california since 12 years it's easy to get a medical card
u-ou I don't use it, but... it should be available to people who need it 11:35
e.g. seizures
samcv that helps but not as much as legalizing recreation. stop putting kids in jail for weed
yeah i don't either
u-ou I used to :p
samcv but it's sad how many people the usa has locked up
u-ou the war on drugs
samcv also. the vice president is even worse than trump 11:36
as bad as trump is. Pence is worse 11:37
so killing him won't fix the problem :P make it worse
Pence co-sponsored Todd Akin’s infamous anti-abortion bill that would have redefined rape as “forcible rape.” 11:38
He pushed Indiana’s new law, stayed by a federal judge, which bans abortion for disabled fetuses and requires women who’ve had abortions or miscarriages, no matter how early, to arrange for either burial or cremation of the remains.
guy is fucked
cut a million in domestic violence prevention programs, even more for helping families with young children 11:39
he's pro birth but anti life. really so bad.
and it's sad that the news hasn't made an issue of Pence. but. i am just depressed. at least there's Perl 6 to make me happy 11:40
u-ou pro life just means anti women
ilmari he also believes in electrocuting gay people until they're straight
yoleaux 6 Nov 2016 12:14Z <tbrowder> ilmari: last chance to object to my module breakup/naming scheme at github.com/tbrowder/Misc-Utils-Perl6
ilmari .tell tbrowder I don't care about the actual naming, I was just snarking at the meaninglessness of the original one 11:42
yoleaux ilmari: I'll pass your message to tbrowder.
samcv yeah that too ilmari 11:43
11:44 bjz left, bjz_ joined
u-ou i feel sad 11:44
samcv i'm sure if you electrocute them enough they will tell you that they're cured
disgusting though 11:45
pmurias shouldn't politics be kept out of #perl6? :/ 11:46
11:47 chris2 left 11:49 cdg joined
samcv yeah sorry 11:51
11:55 pierre__ joined 11:56 pierre_ left 11:58 MARTIMM joined
MARTIMM o/ 11:58
m: enum X (:a0(0x00),:a1(0x4),:a2(0x8),:a3(0x10)) 11:59
camelia ( no output )
MARTIMM m: my X @a = a2, a3
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5===␤Package X is insufficiently type-like to qualify a variable␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3my X @a7⏏5 = a2, a3␤Undeclared routines:␤ a2 used at line 1␤ a3 used at line 1␤␤␤»
MARTIMM camelia does not keep history of course 12:01
ok, by words then...
jnthn m: enum X (:a0(0x00),:a1(0x4),:a2(0x8),:a3(0x10)); my X @a = a2, a3
camelia ( no output )
MARTIMM suppose i've got an enum X and want to use it in a method 12:02
12:02 chris2_ joined
MARTIMM like method Y ( X :@a ) {} 12:03
then calling it without parameters it errors with Type check failed in binding to @a expected Positional[QueryFindFlags] but got Array ($[]) 12:04
how can i change the type or default assignment to get this right? 12:05
jnthn m: class C { method m(Int :@a) { } }; C.m 12:06
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to @a; expected Positional[Int] but got Array ($[])␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MARTIMM QueryFindFlags sould be X
jnthn m: class C { method m(Int :@a = Array[Int].new) { } }; C.m
camelia ( no output )
jnthn You can do it with an explcit default
Though we should really fix it up to do that for you
MARTIMM jnthn: thanks, i've tried it like so in my code like: QueryFindFlags :@flags = Positional[QueryFindFlags].new but got another error: No such method 'value' for invocant of type 'Positional[QueryFindFlags]' 12:10
jnthn Positional is just a role rather than an actual implementation type 12:11
MARTIMM jnhtn: oeps, saw that the error was a bit further in the code now. So the method interface part works now. 12:12
12:12 ccakes joined 12:18 cdg left 12:22 chris2_ is now known as chris2 12:23 nadim joined 12:24 andrzejku_ left
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3> 12:24
camelia ( no output )
12:24 andrzejku joined, andrzejku left 12:25 andrzejku joined
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a) { } }; C.m 12:25
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to @a; expected Positional[X] but got Array ($[])␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) { } }; C.m
camelia ( no output )
12:26 seatek left
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m 12:27
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«No such method 'value' for invocant of type 'Int'␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
12:27 nadim_ left 12:28 CIAvash left
MARTIMM jnhtn: this the problem I have now, on the default value there is no .value method which is understandable because it is not in the role Positional. Its in the enum. somehow the default is not a right default 12:29
m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m((a1,a2) 12:31
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Unable to parse expression in argument list; couldn't find final ')' ␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 030, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m((a1,a2)7⏏5<EOL>␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m((a1,a2))
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m: (a1,a2)
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m: :@a(a1,a2)
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '@a' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m: :7⏏5@a(a1,a2)␤»
12:32 CIAvash joined
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m(:@a(a1,a2)) 12:32
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '@a' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m(:7⏏5@a(a1,a2))␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m(:@a('a1','a2')) 12:33
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Variable '@a' is not declared␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3 ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m(:7⏏5@a('a1','a2'))␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m(:a('a1','a2'))
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to @a; expected Positional[X] but got List ($("a1", "a2"))␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; C.m(:a(['a1','a2'])) 12:34
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to @a; expected Positional[X] but got Array ($["a1", "a2"])␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MARTIMM m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Positional[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; my $x = a1, a3; C.m(:a($x)) 12:35
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to @a; expected Positional[X] but got X (X::a1)␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn Why are you writing Positional[X].new instead of Array[X].new like I showed?
MARTIMM I did not understand it very well, because of the error messages I think 12:36
m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Array[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; my $x = a1, a3; C.m(:a($x)) 12:37
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«Type check failed in binding to @a; expected Positional[X] but got X (X::a1)␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
MARTIMM jnhtn: didn't work 12:38
jnthn ah, there's a problem on the calling side too 12:39
my $x = a1, a3; # this is a precedence problem
But also if you're going to use types on the callee side, you need to send in a typed data structure 12:40
m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Array[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] ( 0x00, |@a)>>.value; say $s } }; my X @x = a1, a3; C.m(:a(@x))
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«No such method 'value' for invocant of type 'Int'␤ in method m at <tmp> line 1␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn Now it calls fine but 0x00 doesn't have a .value method 12:41
MARTIMM jnhtn: that's because the Array doesn't have .value
jnthn m: enum X <a1 a2 a3>; class C { method m(X :@a = Array[X].new) {my Int $s = [+] @a>>.value; say $s } }; my X @x = a1, a3; C.m(:a(@x))
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«2␤»
jnthn Note that [+] on an empty list will produce 0 anyway, so there's no need for the 0x00 in there. 12:42
MARTIMM jnhtn: I that also true for [+|] because i am using that one 12:43
jnthn m: say [+|] ()
camelia rakudo-moar fb5676: OUTPUT«0␤»
MARTIMM jnthn: I understand now, thanks for helping 12:45
jnthn np :) 12:46
13:09 Lucas_One left 13:19 ggoebel left 13:20 ggoebel joined 13:22 nicq20 joined
nicq20 Hello 13:22
viki \o 13:23
Xliff_ Can anyone from Canada sponsor me for emigration?
Is there anyone from Canada here?
viki raises hand
Xliff_ HELP!
viki :)
Xliff_ viki: Srsly?
viki Yes. 13:24
Xliff_ :-O
Name your price.
viki Two unicorns!
Xliff_ My country has abandoned me and I need refuge.
Er. Unicorns are hard.
Can I do dress up?
tadzik because of all this US drama there'll be no room in canada for us poor europeans 13:25
but I guess Netherlands is nice too
Xliff_ tadzik: Europe is fine compared to what will descend on the US come January.
viki No room? Have you *been* here? :)
tadzik Xliff: does your government consider banning contraception yet?
Xliff_ tadzik: February. 13:26
And I'm being generous.
Roe v. Wade sometime around then as well.
tadzik we've had morons for a year now, thank heavens we're too poor and stupid for them to have any international impact
Xliff_ First: the ACA.
tadzik so it's only shitty here
Xliff_ OMG. The media was saying this vote was a repudiation of "Washington not doing anything for the voters" 13:27
I puked in my mouth.
13:27 cosimo left
Xliff_ The only reason these people didn't get what they want was because of Republican gridlock! 13:27
I didn't manage to drink all of my liquor last night. 13:28
I don't give a fsck if it is before noon.
I am drowning my sorrows.
For those of you NOT in the US. 13:29
Imagine: Trump with the Nuclear Football
13:29 nicq20 left
Xliff_ I leave you on that note.... 13:29
(viki -- Srsly! Sponsor meeeee!)
pmurias Xliff_: I can imagine Trump trying to kick it ;) 13:30
Xliff_ pmurias: I wish 13:31
Of course, Trump is not Charlie Brown, and the American Public as Lucy is all too happy to have him try.
brrt XLiff_: as I said earlier today, I know of a company in Amsterdam that is looking for developers
Xliff_ ..... without pulling the ball away, first.
brrt: Ooo! 13:32
viki Amsterdam you say...
brrt seriously, if you want to leave USA, why not consider it
DrForr Booking.
brrt of course :-)
Xliff_ brrt: Actually, all of this is in jest.
I cannot leave the US for various reasons, at this time.
DrForr A few others as well I think but I need to do some more research. 13:33
Xliff_ Family related.
I just need to blow off some steam.
I left the election coverage with Hilary still having an outside chance.
Then I wake up to pre-Armageddon.
viki Xliff_: heh, I've seen magazines in a grocerry store the other day... Like three of them with Hillary on the cover and ominous "WWIII" warnings :) 13:34
... had she won.
Xliff_ Those editors will get their wish, now.
viki Nah, I think for the rest of the world, Hillary would be more dangerous.
Xliff_ No. 13:35
Just wait. Some state functionary will make a joke about the size of Trump's hands and he will launch.
moritz they are both dangerous
Trump because he questions the seriousness of NATO defense pacts
Xliff_ Trump is not capable of functioning as a Statesman.
moritz and Hillary because she seems to be pro war 13:36
Xliff_ Hilary at least has the experience and the gravitas to pull that off.
brrt moritz: can you qualify the 'pro war' statement?
viki Well, that's not unreasonable to question them. If Russia attacks.. Lithuania... Canada will have to fight them, and I wouldn't even be able to find that country ont he map.
brrt I've heard it before, but I'm not sure where it comes from
Xliff_ Hilary may be pro war. I will grant you that. But she is not pro meaningless conflict.
And then there's Russia., 13:37
viki And I'm sure many Canadians would feel that way, making NATO pact rather laughable.
brrt meaning is in the eye of the beholder
especially with conflict
Xliff_ And I really need to stop talking now. The [virtual]? walls have ears.
DrForr o/' It's the end of the 'verse as we know it o/'
moritz brrt: well, she talks about securing economic interests abroad *and* opposes TTP. What else can that mean?
viki returns to writing code 13:38
moritz good idea :-)
Xliff_ returns to wishing he was writing code.
moritz returns to wondering why people or bots are trying to hack is freenode account
Xliff_ Blame Putin. 13:39
Xliff_ flees.
brrt I'm not sure what that means, actually
but then, I'm probably somewhat naive 13:40
Xliff_ Me neither.
But when has saying something without knowing what it means stopped anyone.
brrt for what it is worth, I do think that an organisation like e.g. United Nations has a peacekeeping obligation that they are not living up to right now
Xliff_ (insert Elephant here)
brrt but whether or not to consider such thoughts pro-war, i'm not sure 13:41
Xliff_ brrt: The problem is... the UN doesn't have much teeth without the US.
13:41 pmurias left
Xliff_ *ach* Stop dragging me back into the conversation!!! 13:41
I am in hiding!!!!!
brrt I guess that is true 13:42
Xliff_ hides behind viki.
brrt (about the UN and their teeth)
Xliff_ brrt: And moritz was complaining about someone hacking... and Russia has been accused of hacking. 13:43
Hence my asinine comment.
Just so you are clued in.
brrt :-)
Xliff_ goes back to hiding behind viki.
kurahaupo__ has become trapped in a maze of twisty chat rooms, all alike; in fact all discussing American politics
moritz I just have lots of "There have been 35 failed login attempts since your last successful login." message from freenode
brrt hmm, that is weird
moritz kurahaupo__: please do start with some Perl 6 topics 13:44
Xliff_ kurahaupo__: You want to get away from American Politics? Dig a hole. Find a rock. You can figure out the rest.
lizmat so when should we have a 6.d ?
brrt how does perl6 survive the nuclear holocaust
divali was a few days ago, right....
huf what does a trump presidency mean for perl6?
Xliff_ brrt: Have the perl6 devs move to the Moon.
brrt SpaceX, duh
moritz I'll talk a bit about my schedule, then, and how it relates to Perl 6
Xliff_ huf: That the perl6 devs should move to the Moon.
moritz I'm currently in the last review of leanpub.com/deploy before it goes to layouting 13:45
huf what does a trump presidency mean for the moon?
i mean, it's been mooning all of us forever
tadzik colonization
huf shouldnt we kinda ... do something about that?
moritz when that's done, I have to prepare for a Perl 6 training course I'll give on Dec 01/02
Xliff_ Actually...
moritz and after that, I'll have more time for Perl 6 blogging/book writing. Finally.
13:45 pierre__ left
moritz speaking of which 13:45
Xliff_ If things go badly enough, the Moon might be forever crescent.
DrForr moritz: I'm doing one a day later.
moritz we need perl 6 advent posts! 13:46
tadzik !
brrt yes!
viki lizmat: October 18th
brrt and it is going to be december in less than a month
lizmat moritz: I'm considering doing an advent post about iterator internals
DrForr I can do at least one.
moritz lizmat: please do!
tadzik I think I want to do one with Perl 6 threads and Perl 5 code through Inline::Perl5 and traps related to that
moritz DrForr: please do! Sign up now!
viki lizmat++ I'd read it.
moritz tadzik: please add your name to the schedule!
DrForr Sign up where?
Xliff_ lizmat++
13:47 wamba joined
tadzik okay! :) 13:47
Xliff_ Thank you for changing the subject!!!!!
moritz DrForr: mu repo, file misc/perl6-advent/schedule, or something like
viki DrForr: book a spot: github.com/perl6/mu/blob/master/mi...6/schedule
Xliff_ Consider me a volunteer for all of your experimenting needs.
viki huggable: advent :is: github.com/perl6/mu/blob/master/mi...6/schedule
huggable viki, Added advent as github.com/perl6/mu/blob/master/mi...6/schedule
13:47 Xliff_ is now known as Xliff
moritz we haven't had an advent post about zef. Who wants to write one? 13:47
DrForr Nod. 13:48
dalek : 0625487 | tadzik++ | misc/perl6advent-2016/schedule:
Dibs on 13th
Xliff lizmat: Pls let me be your Igor!!!!
lizmat :-) 13:49
Xliff lizmat: If Igor is taken... I can be your Mini Me
13:50 itaipu joined
brrt i'm not sure if i have something to talk about in december.... 13:51
13:52 nicq20 joined
brrt what I wanted to talk about is how the new jit is designed to be hackable / approachable by regular folks, i.e. people who don't know assembly and too much of compiler internals... but I'm not sure if that is true 13:52
what I'm meaning to say is, I want to help out, but I'm not sure yet how 13:54
.oO( Mini Me likes chocolate ... )
TimToady waves from among 50K people or so at Web Summit
[ptc] o/
viki brrt: How about some tips/tutorial/whatever for how to hack on that stuff?
IMO we could get more core hackers if we had more docs on how to hack on that stuff :/ 13:55
The "just jump in" method I saw people recommending is painful and slow
brrt I can definitely spend time on documenting the JIT, and it could potentially help
however, it would not make for a good advent calendar post 13:56
viki oh :(
brrt compilers ... can be complicated. don't have to be, but to deal with the realities of CPUs and interpreted languages, that usually is 13:57
nicq20 Where does the JIT live on github? 13:59
Which repo really...
viki nicq20: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/ 14:00
14:08 ajr_ joined
brrt yeah :-) 14:08
i'm working on a branch even-moar-jit to develop a better code generator
nine ++tadzik # looking forward to that post 14:09
++tadzik # looking forward to the bug reports :D
nicq20 brrt: lolz, diggin the name
tadzik nine: I think all the bugs I had with that one were on my side :) 14:10
14:10 bjz_ left
nine tadzik: try harder *g* 14:11
tadzik hahahah
14:11 canopus left 14:12 skids joined 14:20 canopus joined
nicq20 viki: Are you planning on continuing the weather module tutorial? 14:21
viki nicq20: nope
14:22 cdg joined 14:24 skids left 14:26 pmurias joined, Cole_ns joined
pmurias brrt: re hackability, one thing that's important for me when approaching a compiler is the ability to easily look at the irs it produces 14:28
14:28 itaipu left
brrt hmmm that is a decent point 14:28
we do have graphviz visualization for expression trees :-)
timotimo and the spesh graph visualizer (which could definitely use more usability improvements, tbh) 14:29
brrt yep, but I don't know as much about that 14:31
14:31 Rawriful joined
timotimo i don't exactly pimp it in blog posts or anything like that 14:31
brrt (and I want a better IR dumper for the JIT, but it is not feasible for me to promise that before december)
and also not the main priority
timotimo the most annoying part is that you have to copy-paste individual parts of the spesh log into the program (or a file)
brrt that seems fixable.... 14:32
Cole_ns Hi, Perl6!
brrt hi Cole_ns
Cole_ns Has anyone run into problems with Rakudo being unable to rename files in .precomp?
timotimo though with the recent speed-ups it may be feasible to go through the whole file, parse the bits, and offer them
viki Cole_ns: that sounds vaguely familiar. Are you on Windows and with 2016.10 version?
Cole_ns I'm on Windows, but I'm on 2016.07, there's no .msi for the .10 Rakudo Star yet. 14:34
14:34 ajr_ left
viki aww 14:34
Cole_ns I agree. :D
viki Cole_ns: well, I know recently some sort of issues like that were fixed on Windows.
jnthn I think the fix for it was actually more recent than 2016.10 even
Yeah, I fixed it in 44a4c7549601, which was a few days after 2016.10. 14:35
Cole_ns Well, I'll put on my patient hat and keep working around it then. Thanks! 14:37
brrt thanks for understanding Cole_ns :-)
Cole_ns brrt: Sure! I still get to use Perl 6, I just have to delete my .precomp folder a lot. And if I was still using .NET parser frameworks, my project would still be stuck in Limbo. 14:39
Perl6 grammars are the best. 14:40
mspo bytecode caching-- 14:42
brrt bytecode caching can be awesome, it's just difficult to get right :-) 14:44
DrForr Cole_ns: That's what I've found too. 14:45
14:46 pierre_ joined
timotimo www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/5b...p2_and_c2/ - perhaps someone would like to add a few words to the docs for this? 14:46
Cole_ns DrForr: Thanks for your articles on JavaScript parsing. They provided me with a crucial boost to get the grammar for my language going. Your example was small, simple, and (no offense!) messy enough that I was drawn into playing... 14:47
DrForr None taken, I didn't want something that was just a computer science textbook exercise 14:49
14:50 pierre_ left 14:54 Rawriful left 14:57 Rawriful joined 15:01 maybekoo2 left 15:04 cdg_ joined, cdg left
mspo brrt: it should be off by default 15:10
15:18 wamba left
viki *sigh* everyone at work just won't STFU about US election. 15:26
dalek c: 8ddd8d1 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6:
Add clarification for :pos/:continue

  hobbified++ # www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/5b...2/d9s589q/
synopsebot6 Link: doc.perl6.org/language/regexes
viki timotimo: done
timotimo cool
15:31 pyrimidine joined
dalek c: 2830ab9 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6:
Remove spurious comma
synopsebot6 Link: doc.perl6.org/language/regexes
15:39 Rawriful left 15:41 Rawriful joined, acrussell joined 15:42 skids joined, nicq20 left 15:43 nicq20 joined 15:45 nicq20 left 15:48 Rawriful left 15:51 Rawriful joined 15:59 neuraload left 16:00 CIAvash left 16:01 Rawriful left 16:04 Rawriful joined 16:07 pyrimidine left 16:08 pyrimidine joined, jonas1 left 16:09 g4 left, pyrimidine left 16:10 pyrimidine joined, Rawriful left 16:14 gregf_ left 16:15 Rawriful joined 16:18 dataf3l joined 16:20 MARTIMM left
viki Free dev books: devfreebooks.github.io/ 16:22
viki hopes to see Perl 6 among the squares one day. 16:23
huggable: books :is: Free dev books (any Perl 6?): devfreebooks.github.io/
huggable viki, Added books as Free dev books (any Perl 6?): devfreebooks.github.io/
16:24 dataf3l left 16:31 cpin left 16:33 ggoebel left
viki m: await IO::Socket::Async.connect("2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe91:d028", 80).then: -> $p { if $p.status { given $p.result { .print: "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"; react { whenever .Supply { .say } } } } } 16:38
camelia rakudo-moar b46a62: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤bindexpayload needs a VMException␤»
viki :o 16:39
16:44 harmil_wk joined
timotimo interesting find 16:45
it ought to output the actual REPR and its debug_name, IMO
16:45 kent\n left
viki Interesting, from my Ubuntu box, I get "Failed to resolve host name", from a Debian and Windows boxes on the same network I get "network is unreachable" and if I run it on that box (whose IPv6 that is) then it works. 16:46
viki was reading www.iab.org/documents/corresponden...t-on-ipv6/ and got curious
timotimo pushed 16:48
viki rakudobuggerd rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=130064 16:51
timotimo also going to merge POSTBUILD_method now
viki \o/
[ptc] hopes to see Perl *5* among the squares one day... 16:52
16:53 cog_ left
timotimo viki: with your code i get an http forbidden response 16:53
viki [ptc]: that's actually realizable this instant, considering Modern Perl is free
[ptc] ... as well as Perl 6, naturally
viki timotimo: that's accurate. That means it's working.
timotimo but i wanted to figure out why that explosion happens?
16:54 pyrimidine left
viki timotimo: well, I dunno why it happens. So far, I can only reproduce it on camelia 16:54
timotimo dangit.
[ptc] viki: true. Can any mere mortal add to the list?
timotimo well, there's a "add ebook" button at the top
maybe that'll let you suggest languages/products that aren't already in there?
16:54 pyrimidine joined 16:55 ggoebel joined
[ptc] timotimo: thanks :-) Just saw that and thought, duh: didn't need to make the comment :-/ 16:55
timotimo no worries :)
16:56 pyrimidine left 16:57 pyrimidi_ joined
viki m: use NativeCall; sub system(Str) is native {}; system 'curl [2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe91:d028]' 17:12
camelia rakudo-moar b46a62: OUTPUT«curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server␤»
viki m: use NativeCall; sub system(Str) is native {}; system 'curl -v [2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe91:d028]'
camelia rakudo-moar b46a62: OUTPUT«* Rebuilt URL to: [2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe91:d028]/␤* Trying 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe91:d028...␤* Immediate connect fail for 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe91:d028: Network is unreachable␤* Closing connection 0␤curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server␤»
17:13 pierrot_ left
timotimo oh, nine's server doesn't have ipv6 connectivity? 17:15
that'd be a bit weird
viki committable6, HEAD await IO::Socket::Async.connect("2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe91:d028", 80).then: -> $p { if $p.status { given $p.result { .print: "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"; react { whenever .Supply { .say } } } } } 17:16
committable6 viki, gist.github.com/
viki erm... thanks, committable6 :"}
timotimo m)
viki I don't know any of those things, but maybe libwhatever on that server was built without IPv6 support in it and that's why that exception gets thrown? 17:18
timotimo libuv without ipv6 support? seems unlikely?
17:20 vendethiel joined 17:26 atweiden joined 17:33 wamba joined, vendethiel left, acrussell left 17:35 vendethiel joined 17:46 Rawriful left
harmil_wk Do we have docs for all our bots? 17:48
Or should I be asking a bot that? ;-)
17:48 Rawriful joined 17:49 cognominal joined 17:52 Actualeyes left
viki harmil_wk: what sort of docs? 17:54
harmil_wk Usage?
viki Most of them accept a "help" command" 17:55
NeuralAnomaly: help
NeuralAnomaly viki, stats | blockers
viki NeuralAnomaly: stats
NeuralAnomaly viki, [✘] Next release will be in 1 week and 2 days. Since last release, there are 27 new still-open tickets (1 unreviewed and 1 blockers) and 233 unreviewed commits. See perl6.fail/release/stats for details
viki harmil_wk: also: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/711
17:56 rurban joined
viki buggable: eco 17:57
buggable viki, Out of 741 Ecosystem dists, 152 have warnings and 0 have errors. See modules.perl6.org/update.log for details
viki SourceBaby: help 17:58
SourceBaby viki, Use s: trigger with args to give to sourcery sub. e.g. s: Int, 'base'. See modules.perl6.org/dist/CoreHackers::Sourcery
viki Gee 15 bots :o 17:59
m: say "{15/314*100}% of the population"
camelia rakudo-moar b46a62: OUTPUT«4.777070% of the population␤»
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harmil_wk Do we expect BUILD to be called when the signature matches, regardless of what your base class is... even if it's NQP? 18:14
nine mspo: would you really want to wait a couple of minutes for a moderately sized program to start? That's what you get without the bytecode cache. 18:15
18:16 Rawriful left
nine timotimo: my server does have IPv6. But maybe camelia's VM doesn't. 18:17
timotimo that's possible
nine Yep, the VM doesn't have a v6 address 18:18
18:19 acrussell joined
timotimo hm 18:19
maybe we want to try to figure out how that error comes to be, though
the SORRY one 18:20
18:20 troys joined
viki m: dd [ .foo, .bar ] with class { has $.foo = 42; has $.bar; submethod TWEAK (:$!bar) {} }.new: :72bar 18:22
camelia rakudo-moar cee101: OUTPUT«[42, 72]␤»
viki \o/ timotimo++
m: dd [ .foo, .bar ] with class { has $.foo = 42; has $.bar; submethod TWEAK (:$meow) { $!bar = $meow } }.new: :72meow 18:24
camelia rakudo-moar cee101: OUTPUT«[42, 72]␤»
viki Better example :)
timotimo mhm 18:25
harmil_wk m: sub thing-class(::Type) { class :: is ::Type { submethod BUILD(|c) { die; } } }; use Test; for <Hash Set Int List Routine> -> $name { my $type = ::($name); dies-ok {my $f = thing-class($type).new }, "Expect BUILD to be called for thing-class: $name" 18:26
camelia rakudo-moar cee101: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'Type'␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:print_exception)␤ from gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:27020 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/…»
harmil_wk I apparently did a bad.
viki m: -> ::T { class :: is ::T {} } 18:38
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'T'␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:print_exception)␤ from gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:27045 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/per…»
viki The error looks similar to rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id...et-history
18:40 firstdayonthejob left
jnthn That should probably say T is too late-bound to use in this case. 18:41
viki Ah
jnthn (Classes are formed at BEGIN time, but a ::T type capture is never going to take a value until runtime)
m: -> ::T { class :: is T {} }
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'T'␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:print_exception)␤ from gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:27045 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/per…»
jnthn Hm, note how it fails inside printing the exception though 18:42
m: EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.^name
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'T'␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:print_exception)␤ from gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:27045 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/per…»
jnthn m: EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.WHAT
viki m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.^name
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'T'␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:print_exception)␤ from gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:27045 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/per…»
rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«X::Inheritance::Unsupported␤»
jnthn oh, d'oh :)
Ah 18:43
harmil_wk Wow
jnthn That's not a bad exception type
m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.WHAT
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(Unsupported)␤»
jnthn m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.gist
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'T'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.message
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'T'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn Probably that message method wants a look
18:43 Rawriful joined
jnthn Can detect that it's a typevar and produce a nice message 18:44
m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; dd $!
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«No such method 'perl' for invocant of type 'T'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
harmil_wk So, LTA error handling aside, is there a way to construct a class at run-time that has as its base class a parametric type?
viki OK. I'll take a look
jnthn m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; dd $!.^attributes
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new, Attribute.new)␤»
jnthn m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.^attributes
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(Mu $!child-typename Mu $!parent Mu $!filename Mu $!pos Mu $!line Mu $!column Positional @!modules Mu $!is-compile-time Mu $!pre Mu $!post Positional @!highexpect Mu $!ex Mu $!bt)␤»
jnthn m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.parent.archetypes.generic
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«No such method 'archetypes' for invocant of type 'T'␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
jnthn m: try EVAL '-> ::T { class :: is T {} }'; say $!.parent.HOW.archetypes.generic 18:45
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«1␤»
jnthn Can go on that
18:45 telex left 18:46 telex joined
viki m: -> ::T { class Foo {}.new but ::T }( role { has $.meow = 42 } ).perl.say 18:47
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Foo+{<anon|80665552>}.new(meow => 42)␤»
viki harmil_wk: you can do that with roles. There's also `does` and .^mixin. Not sure about how to do with adding parent classes
18:48 firstdayonthejob joined
harmil_wk roles and does don't change mro, though, do they? 18:50
jnthn A role can bring along a parent 18:51
harmil_wk Oh!
Okay, thanks
viki :o
jnthn m: role R is Exception { }; class C does R { }; say C.^mro
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«((C) (Exception) (Any) (Mu))␤»
viki TIL
18:52 Rawriful left
harmil_wk m: role Foo[::T] is T { } 18:54
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: No such method 'item' for invocant of type 'T'␤ at <unknown>:1 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/perl6/runtime/CORE.setting.moarvm:print_exception)␤ from gen/moar/m-CORE.setting:27045 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-2/share/per…»
18:54 user9 left
harmil_wk So, don't think I can parameterize it that way either. 18:54
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harmil_wk .^mixin might need to be the way... 18:56
There we go! 18:58
m: role Thrower { submethod BUILD(|c) { die; } }; use Test; for <Any Hash Set Int List Routine Mu> -> $name { my $type = ::($name); my $thing = $type.^mixin(Thrower); dies-ok {$thing.new }, "Expect BUILD on (class :: is $name // {$type.perl} // {$thing.perl})" }
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«ok 1 - Expect BUILD on (class :: is Any // Any // Any+{Thrower})␤not ok 2 - Expect BUILD on (class :: is Hash // Hash // Hash+{Thrower})␤␤# Failed test 'Expect BUILD on (class :: is Hash // Hash // Hash+{Thrower})'␤# at <tmp> line 1␤not ok 3 - Ex…»
harmil_wk So, it blows up in useful ways that actually tell me what I wanted to know, now.
Classes derived from Mu, Any, Routine and Int will call their BUILD submethods, but classes derived from Hash, Set and List will not. 19:00
viki Right. It's the same stuff as the defaults on attributes that you ticketed last week
harmil_wk Yep, I was trying to work around that by giving defaults on BUILD arguments. 19:01
So, I wanted to be sure of the shape of it... anyway, back to $work
viki I think I showed a work around last week? Was it not applicable?
harmil_wk Maybe I missed it? Not sure. There was a lot of conversation.
Updated the ticket with that. 19:05
viki m: class Foo is Hash { has $.meows; method new { self.bless: |{:42meows}, |%_ } }.new(:72meows).meows.say 19:06
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«72␤»
viki m: class Foo is Hash { has $.meows; method new { self.bless: |{:42meows}, |%_ } }.new.meows.say 19:07
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«42␤»
viki There's likely a cleaner version too where you'd call Mu's.new or whatever
harmil_wk Ah, I see
That's kind of arcane, I think for my purposes, I'm just going to back off to delegation to a hash. 19:08
viki Declaring your own new with your own bless isn't too archane.
19:09 cdg_ left
viki Interesting 19:10
m: method { %_ }
camelia ( no output )
viki m: method { @_ }
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Placeholder variables cannot be used in a method␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3method7⏏5 { @_ }␤»
viki But... %_ can be used... and it does work :/
lizmat viki: %_ is just always there when you use it 19:11
19:11 Rawriful left
lizmat it just contains the unaccounted named variables 19:11
m: sub a() { dd %_ }; a foo => 42
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Placeholder variable '%_' cannot override existing signature␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3sub7⏏5 a() { dd %_ }; a foo => 42␤»
avuserow m: say (method {}).signature
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(Mu $: *%_)␤»
lizmat m: sub a { dd %_ }; a foo => 42
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«{:foo(42)}␤»
lizmat viki: just like using $_ autogenerates a -> $_ sig 19:12
m: sub a { dd $_ }; a 42
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Calling a(Int) will never work with declared signature ()␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3sub a { dd $_ }; 7⏏5a 42␤»
lizmat hmmm 19:13
ah, for blocks
viki m: { dd @_ }(42)
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«[42]␤»
lizmat m: my $a := { dd $_ }; $a(42)
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«42␤»
viki m: -> :$moo { dd %_ }(:meow, :moo)
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>␤Placeholder variable '%_' cannot override existing signature␤at <tmp>:1␤------> 3<BOL>7⏏5-> :$moo { dd %_ }(:meow, :moo)␤»
19:13 Rawriful joined
viki lizmat: I don't see the difference between @_ and %_, so I'm still confused why %_ works for methods, but @_ is disallowed. 19:14
dalek c: 7f7977d | moritz++ | doc/Language/objects.pod6:
Some initial documentation for TWEAK
synopsebot6 Link: doc.perl6.org/language/objects
moritz viki: maybe it's related to methods having an implicit *%_ in their signature?
FROGGS viki: methods swallow nameds, but not positionals
19:15 shmibs joined
viki Ah 19:15
moritz m: say (method { }).signature
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(Mu $: *%_)␤»
viki m: say (sub { }).signature
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«()␤»
viki m: class Foo is Hash { has $.meows = 72; method new (|c){ self.Mu::new(|c) } }.new(:72meows).meows.say 19:18
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«72␤»
viki harmil_wk: ^ I think this is the cleaner thing I meantiooned ^
19:18 Rawriful left
viki m: class Foo is Hash { has $.meows = 72; method new (|c){ self.Mu::new(|c) } }.new(:42meows).meows.say 19:18
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«42␤»
viki m: class Foo is Hash { has $.meows = 72; method new (|c){ self.Mu::new(|c) } }.new.meows.say 19:19
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«72␤»
viki m: class Foo is Hash { has $.meows = 72; method new (|c){ self.Mu::new(|c) } }; my $h = Foo.new; $h<a b c> = (3, 4, 5); dd $h;
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Foo $h = ${:a(3), :b(4), :c(5)}␤»
viki \o/
19:21 Rawriful joined, darutoko left 19:22 kent\n left, kent\n joined, andrzejku_ joined
viki Seems the X::Inheritance::Unsupported issue is fixed by just changing $. twigils to $! in method message. 19:23
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RabidGravy boom! 19:28
yoleaux 8 Nov 2016 22:36Z <japhb> RabidGravy: Would Term::Cap allow us to avoid using tput in github.com/ab5tract/Terminal-Print...ds.pm6#L38 (and thus avoid having to do the crazy dance in which we cache a bunch of terminal escape strings at module precompilation time)?
andreoss can i somehow specify the way .. unfold? pass some extra argument to .succ?
yoleaux 16 Sep 2016 19:35Z <TimToady> andreoss: traits are from Smalltalk, but we renamed them roles because we also use them for interfaces and for generics; otoh if by 'traits' you mean 'is foo()' and such, we borrowed those mostly from English
16 Sep 2016 19:37Z <TimToady> andreoss: as for method/submethod, we just made that up ourselves because we wanted to be able to isolate the initialization work for each part of an object, class by class, so we needed methods that aren't inherited
19:29 Rawriful joined
viki andreoss: but it doesn't take any arguments? 19:29
harmil_wk viki: that's great. 19:30
viki But you can use a sequence operator instead of a range to go fancy pants
m: say 1, { say "meows $_"; .succ } ... 3
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«meows 1␤meows 2␤(1 2 3)␤»
RabidGravy japhb, yes - the only reason I've avoided finishing it was because parsing the termcap file was somewhat slow
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viki m: say 2, 4, 6 … 30 19:38
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30)␤»
viki m: say 1, 3, 9 … 30
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(1 3 9 27)␤»
viki m: say 1, 1, *+* … 20000
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465 14930352 24157817 39088169 63245986 102334155 165580141 267914296 433494437 7014087…»
viki andreoss: ^ other ways. So to me it sounds like you want to explore the sequence op, rather than tweak the .. (which just creates a new Range object with two end points) 19:39
19:40 troys is now known as troys_ 19:42 AlexDaniel joined
andreoss m: class Foo { has $.i ; method succ { Foo.new(i => $.i + 1 ) } }; my @x = (Foo.new(0)...*)[0..3]; say @x 19:42
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«Default constructor for 'Foo' only takes named arguments␤ in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1␤␤»
andreoss m: class Foo { has $.i ; method succ { Foo.new(i => $.i + 1 ) } }; my @x = (Foo.new(:i(0))...*)[0..3]; say @x
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«[Foo.new(i => 0) Foo.new(i => 1) Foo.new(i => 2) Foo.new(i => 3)]␤»
andreoss m: class Foo { has $.i ; method succ(:$e = 1) { Foo.new(i => $.i + $e ) } }; my @x = (Foo.new(:i(0))...*)[0..3]; say @x; 19:43
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«[Foo.new(i => 0) Foo.new(i => 1) Foo.new(i => 2) Foo.new(i => 3)]␤»
andreoss can i pass $e thorough ... ?
viki m: class Foo { has $.i ; method succ(:$e = 1) { Foo.new(i => $.i + $e ) } }; my @x = (Foo.new(:i(0)), *.succ(:42e) ...*)[0..3]; say @x; 19:45
camelia rakudo-moar 0cf7b3: OUTPUT«[Foo.new(i => 0) Foo.new(i => 42) Foo.new(i => 84) Foo.new(i => 126)]␤»
19:46 Tonik joined
andreoss i was hoping for something like ` $x ... $y :2e` 19:46
viki heh 19:47
19:47 Rawriful left
viki s: &infix:<...> 19:47
SourceBaby viki, Sauce is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/0cf7...rs.pm#L436
viki Well, you could probably write your own ... op :D 19:48
19:48 andreoss left
viki $x ... $y :2e to me looks to magical 19:48
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samcv working more on getting proc async working here. it was working before. but atm i don't receive anything on the .stdout supply until i do stdin-close on it. but i need the script to be long running 21:35
and i know the process isn't waiting before printing it out.. if i don't tap stdout it prints out fine to terminal. and if it prints out a bunch of stuff eventually i'll get some of the things on the supply... eventually. though often not always 21:38
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samcv i condensed the problem i'm having down as far as i could. vpaste.net/7Bm0L 23:56
if anybody can look and see why the stdout doesn't receive anything until i close stdin? i need process started by proc::async to be running continuously and react to messages it prints out. 23:57
timotimo samcv: may want/need autoflush? 23:59